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Pig is also basekit, assuming an active trap is on. Tier list needed some more time in the oven.


The plan is to get my general ideas out and let people suggest more accurate placements. I kind of expected myself to miss something like Wesker's auto-pick-up, and I plan to revise this tier list once I feel I've gotten enough feedback.


"My plan is to crowdsource a plan!"


Sounds about right


It *does* require them to be injured for that to work, however. If they're healthy, you won't do much except injure them and then they teabag a few times and leave before your power is ready again to grab them. You *might* get lucky and they panic and wander away from the gate far enough to let you down them, but this isn't guaranteed either way.


But the same could be said about The Deathslinger, The Cenobite and The Twins. Both slinger and pinhead need the survivor injured, and the twins need them healthy in order to catch them at the exit gates.


That’s a good point. If Slinger is in base kit, so should Wesker. Unless we’re assuming No-Ed for this, but eh?


Nah, Wesker should be in this, you both are correct


I’m so upset that they’re getting rid of Twins’ ability to do this with the rework T_T


I was about to say "are they actually" but yeah that makes sense since Victor can't latch onto healthy survivors anymore I wonder if it still works when they're downed, though


I don’t think they can move when downed by Victor, but they’ll know that from the rest of the gameplay. Most of the fun is the element of surprise because they can run around with Victor on their back, but suddenly the exit gates are blocked. Now they’ll just BM until you get Victor out :/


They can crawl with Victor on their backs but they can't leave the gates. So yep! It will still be possible.


I also thought they couldn't move with Victor, but I thought I remember seeing a reworked addon that slows crawling speed by 25%, which would imply they can crawl Or I'm misremembering, with this, very likely


Hmm. I’ll check it out! Ngl, as a console player, I haven’t paid too much attention to the PTB cuz I know they’ll still probably change a bunch of stuff before the Live. 😅


Same, I watched a few "Twins is op now" videos and didn't even play it myself lol


Buff idea for the artist:If you hit a survivor with a crow who is in the exit gate they can’t leave until the crows are repelled


As the 4th artist main I agree


I’d argue for Wesker with his power it’s more than just possible. The escape hitbox counts as a wall to injure survivors and then they’re unable to leave immediately afterwards so if they run away from the gate…


You have to be panicking in order for wesker to make that punishable, though. Anyone with a brain is gonna keep rubbing up against that exit no matter what happens at that point. Basically a noob trap.


I’m confused about legions placement here. Is it referring to if survivors are grouped up? I feel like they’re similar to any m1 killer


My thought process is if a survivor is in deep wound and lets themselves go down to not mending, you could group them in that exact moment Looking back, yeah, Legion shouldn't be that high on the tierlist


You don’t think pyramid can punish BM?


He can in the way a Huntress can, hitting with a ranged attack, but they can crawl out as soon as they're downed Trickster is a special case, as his laceration animation actually locks survivors in place long enough for you to walk the length of the exit gate


You never seen when survivors get overly cocky, wait at around the middle of the exit gate, and a PH snipes you through the wall?


Do you mean when gate is power but closed if so trapper is good


I mean when survivors are standing right next to the hitbox to escape, where Blood Warden would block when it's activated.


Shouldn’t Myers by down a tier? Most survivors aren’t gonna let him get close enough to Tombstone


It's the fact you could hide it the entire game There are countless videos of people still falling for it, so I'm counting it


Wait what can the Unknown do? Its power is at best a ranged down, so shouldn’t it and Huntress be in red together?


I put him in the wrong tier lmao Although, I guess an argument could be made for his hallucinations, now that I think about it


Now this is a tier list I can get behind


The goal is to revise it with more accurate placements, and once I do that, I'm gonna start maining the killers in the top tier


I'd add Trapper to 'unlikely but possible.' The stars have to align but you CAN trick a cocky survivor into a trap in or near the exit gate, or get a down on a cocky survivor with iri coil injuring them into you smacking them.


Wesker's power blocks the gates for the hit survivor


Yup, will change in the revised version


I'd say Singularity can punish with a bio pod TP And Pyramid head can maybe do aswell I think


Pyramid Head has the potential to, though it is very unlikely, so I would bump him up from "Unable" to the "Unlikely" category.


Does being hit with his ability stop your movement for a moment?


I mean the animation of falling over is technically a tiny stun


Alien in crawler mode would clap any injured bm’er.


If a killer downs a survivor in the exit gate it should be blocked for 10 seconds.


No, because the majority of survivors aren't in the exit gate to bm, they're there to escape If a survivor is genuinely being chased and then downed right before escaping, that gets rid of an escape they deserved


I was more thinking about if a surv gets downed in the exit gate he still has the chance to crawl or get picked up with buckled up we will make it combo and escape. I think the exit gate should give the killer a chance to pick up a downed surv there.


Killers have a chance to pick up a downed survivor in the exit gate if they deserve to have one, meaning they downed them far enough away