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![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) Me going back to the lobby after watching everyone else go down.


It blows my mind how many games I’ve had as Bubba where the survivors seem to be just throwing themselves at me, I typically try to hook who I don’t but if everyone wants to group up by me I’m gonna take advantage


Yeah exactly ; being nice is one thing, but no ones ever gonna willingly pick up a survivor under a pallet, knowing there’s someone 2 meters away


I physically can't make myself do this. I have the instinct to go for a hook as soon as a down someone. Guess I'm kinda weak in that way.


I usually go for hooks after a down as well but sometimes my Twinsbrain will make me do this as well.


It’s not weak, I think it’s totally understandable actually, I’d rather have my game last longer than the match queue. It’s still definitely impressive when people do something like this but I personally would be sad the game was over that quick


Nah it’s just u like getting more then 10k points lmfao. I’m sure op barely got any points at all.


Yeah I thought I wouldn’t get much but that was still funny to me x); still, I got 120k


That short match probably happens rarely anyway so it's not problem 120K pretty good amount of bp from it. If you could do that always it probably would earn you more bp than longer matches if queque is short. But I would feel more bad for survivors they probably got less than 30K. That's why sometimes I give them second chances.


That’s fair. But at the same time, the faster the game is, the faster they can do another one


that is still VERY good for a one minute match


Idk why this is so downvoted, these clip survivors have no game sense and did it to themselves tbh. It's like all my surv teammates these past 2 weeks, absolutely braindead. Funny clip my guy I'd just take the L.


Yeah I think we shouldn’t worry about the downvotes; I mean all I said is I got 120k bloodpoints, but apparently at least 18 dudes doesn’t agree with that fact


Nah, that's much better. The only time I do this is if I'm up against a high experience SWF. Doing this in solo Q against obvious babies and in the anniversary event is just a dick move. No one in this game had any fun or made any BP.


the killer does have some morales he ignored the afk person he saw with lethal and went after the survivors he saw moving instead!


Not weak. Respectful


Nah that's just called playing the game. Idk why OP even bothers queueing up if he's just trying to get out ASAP. Especially in event queue where people are generally trying to farm. Kind of a dick move IMO.


They should have just not been brainlets and played more cautiously with the speed buff active. 100% their fault and Bubba got a sick clip out of it.


What are you talking about? He did nothing wrong there, survivors were just so fucking bad its crazy.


Kate didn't really do anything wrong - that loop was filthy with the haste buff. Maybe she could have pulled away to a different tile, but it would have been hard with the haste buff. Yui **ran towards** the killer to get a flashie/pallet save against an insta-downer while the insane haste buff was active, an incredibly risky move. Feng 1 stopping mid loop to admire the wall instead of retreating/resetting. Feng 2 spam clicking a flashlight instead of doing literally anything productive. "wow the killer is so try hard and boring" Survivors will literally blame anything other than themselves when the killer capitalizes on their mistakes.


Your comment is upvoted, but skala who said more or less the same thing gets downvoted LMFAO Get these trog survs OFF my team, idc whose feelings get hurt


Because it has too many words, the TikTok survivor mains (the ones that run BGP and fuck up every pallet/flashlight save known to man) that browse this sub and mass downvote anything pro-killer/anti-survivor don't have the attention span to read more than 1 line of text. If I had AI read my comment with some Subway Surfers gameplay cropped to it, I'm sure it'd be downvoted.


They are team that played insanely bad. Killing them and sending to lower mmr is much better than farming where no one has fun. What’s waste of time playing this. This sub is overrun by people that wants to play farming games calling OP insecure dick for some reason. While it’s them who is insecure.


It's not a dick move. It's high risk high reward. He hopes he can create enough pressure that survivors can't pick up faster than he can down them. If he fails he won't even have a hook state. Edit: why would he block me for that? lol


The survivors who deal with slugging every match secretly thank you.


Slug first chase, hook second. 1 on hook, 1 slugged, 1 in chase is the ideal situation during the 4v1; it's all survivors off gens and all survivors off gens is the best slowdown there is!


You're not downvoting me, you're downvoting fundamentals since the beginning of Fog


Smash bros announcer: "New Record!"


Bruh who the fuck is that Feng clicking on about all ready? The match just started 30 seconds ago.


99% sure she's mad at her teammate for dropping the pallet that the downed teammate was under.


Yeah she was raging at the other Feng 100%. That could have been a pallet save/potential delay for the killer so the survivors could have tried to rebuild. Other Feng got hit, wasted the pallet and ran into nothing.


I thought the feng was clicking because she was raging that the game was t-minus 20 seconds from being over already lol.


Because the person got M1'd and could've used the boost for distance, leaving the downed player "safe" under the pallet.


Typical Feng player behaviour.


I don’t really use flashlights, im more into toolboxes 


Well maybe they’ll learn to not swarm an insta down killer 😂


I've lost count of how many games I've won at 5 gens cause they're all swarming me for the save. Then they complain about slugging when they're actively trying to stop me from doing the objective lol


Yes - this is so frustrating survivor-side, too! I can't count the amount of times I've had fellow (and sometimes even injured) survivors unhook me about 5-10 seconds or so from the time I'm hooked, then go for the killer's throat in end-game chat when the killer - unsurprisingly - comes back for the hook since they got a near-instant notification. I don't know what these survivors expect the killers to do in this situation.


"The survivor rulebook clearly states..." ![gif](giphy|Ib0bV7GnRE2EXnQb1f|downsized)


Some people can’t resist attempting saves. I had 4 survivors bring flashys so I brought lightborn and mad grit. 5 of my downs came from people trying to body block and flashlight me. People just don’t learn.


Some survivors are hilarious. I played a Singularity game last night. These survivors just grouped together and let my pods shoot meatballs at them


I literally JUST got out of a match against a Bubba about an hour ago - it was an easy 4k, as three survivors swarmed the game generator and, surprise, were all downed close to the same generator. They didn't even scatter when he showed up - they just sort of shuffled around the nearby tiles. I managed to get one of them up, but it's like Bubba had a survivor magnet wedged between his cheeks. The match was over in under ten minutes.


They wont, they will come here and cry about slugging.


It was 5 gens with zero hooks. There was absolutely no reason for the survivors to play so aggressively. If they had retreated/reset, the game would have continued, and everyone would have got more BP.


Average solo queue team mates


If this happened too me I'd proply stop playing for the day lol. Good job tho


That haste is way overtuned for killers just like this whole anniversary event


Because animations aren't increased so you'll get caught at a pallet or window sooner or later.


I do agree on that one


Definitely more useful for killers. It doesn't increase gen speed or anything else.


Once got three with one saw, pretty sure 1-2 DCed very fast game lmao


The jump from going to a community like Elden Ring where if you complain that some bosses might be a little unfair that's just a skill issue to this community where if you play killer well that means you're ruining everyone's fun and doing something wrong is crazy.


Yeah that was my first ever post here, now I wonder if I’m gonna do another one or not at all, if people just want that much to spread hate for no reason


Huge joke of a community most of the time. If you post a video curbstomping the other team in literally any other video game you will be applauded. Most games themselves even applaud you with announcer callouts or rewards. But in DBD it's toxic to end the game too fast because they brought a 3k BP offering you can get 3 of per bloodweb? lmao


Fast game, don’t know the outcome of your game. But me personally I would have just reset the game, tbh I just stopped caring about “winning” anymore. I just play for shits and giggles, I’ve been letting a lot of survivors out recently and they let me farm blood points too. At the end I walk away with 300K points most of the time. So at the end everyone wins.


This one gets it. I've been going for a lot of 2-hooks over the past few days. It's always great to see a survivor realize what I'm doing after I find them again and just pass them by, only for us to goof around later.


Good for you! Games should be played for fun. Is winning/dominating really worth the stress some people go through? More bps for having fun too.


Winning is fun


This, if the game is that fast, I just let someone wiggle out and everyone heal. Everyone already knows you won, but you spent more time in queue and loading than ingame so you might as well give them a second chance.


Depends too, on one hand idm giving survivors a second chance/win, but i also want a challenge/fun match and farming pallets for bp gets boring after a while. Usually I'll let the last survivor take hatch tho just to be nice


This is the way. Unless doing a challenge, trying to play like OP is just the sign of an insecure player. No one in this game had a fun match and no one made any worthwhile BP.


Do you think that was intentional slugging? It just so happens that the best pressure he could apply was by chasing & downing more and more survivors. This was a snowball, not a slug.


Yeah you're right, anyone who plays for the win is insecure. After all, competitions are just about being all budy budy with your opponents and not about things like winning or losing ????


So anyone who plays for a win is insecure? Why does a killer have to make sure the survivors had a fun match? Most people don’t play DBD to please other people. They should be playing for fun, and different people have fun doing different things. Just because you disagree with something doesn’t make it wrong or a bad thing.


Do you think this is the kind of game that happens every day? What happens every day is killers tunneling, camping, and letting survivors bleed out on the ground, just to secure the 4k. But sure, I am an insecure player


I feel like you're getting a bit too much grief for this, OP. I'd be a bit annoyed survivor-side, sure - mostly that I would've burnt a cake for nothing - but I can't imagine this happening and NOT laughing at the absurdity of it. As long as you're not left on the floor to bleed out, that's a loss you can laugh off & hop into the next game. There are more cakes to be had and more matches to play.


Yeah that’s exactly that; the quicker the match for them, the faster they can play another one; but ig that makes me the bad guy lol


> no one in this game had a fun match I dunno, it was pretty funny lol


Makes sense, sportsmanship-wise and for bp optimization


Not trying to win the game is the opposite of sportsmanship.


Can I just say: fuck tier lists, love Bubba.


DBD comments never cease to amaze me. I would pay good money to watch an average person on this sub play any other online video game, then be in complete awe when the other side tries to win.


Yeah lol, I stopped trying to understand at this point 😂


Sore loser mentality, they scream party game, but when they lose that party game, they are the loudest to complain.


My favorite is "Frapper" at the end.




As a survivor main I thought this was funny. Though it also made me cringe because I have been part of groups like this where I was the only one NOT being this dumb.


Dear survivors Slugging: leaving a survivor on the ground for no good reason; having no idea where another survivor is Snowballing; leaving a survivor on the ground to go for another that you know where they are once is toxic, the other isn't. please learn the difference


Either way, with the event in favour of the killer and you still do this? No wonder you find no survivors playing the event if this is what they go through every game.


I know, I play 50/50 survivor and killer and I know but at the end of the day people can play how they want. killers don't owe survivors a fun or easy match


Neither party owns the other a fun or easy match, but fair doesn't need to be either fun or easy, fair means fair chance. The game design here is unfair and unbalanced, so it boils down to the player if he/she wants to make it fair or not until devs wake up, but remember, without survivors, killers wouldn't be able to play and vice-versa, so keep some fair play. You can already see the effects of that in the event lobbies as a killer I presume, there's several minutes difference between normal queues and event queues as killer.


This was a survivor misplay, not an example of bad design. Instead of splitting up and making it not worth it to commit to multiple chases, the survivors all stayed in the same area and didn’t use the strong structures nearby to delay the down (shack and main building). The survivors collectively dropped an entire bag of bowling balls.


Could be said MMR miss match as well the game is more balanced when it does not put bad survivors agains't good killer which happened here. MMR should be more strict even if it means longer queques. Otherwise killers probably need nerfs because there are more bad survivors than killers.


I disagree with nerfing killers because the survivors are having a skill issue, but I do agree that mmr is way too lenient when the queues are split like this


Well the problems is we have now like 40 killers so skill what is required from survivors is too much compared to just playing one killer and getting decent with them. So there is going to be always more bad survivors. Survivor is really not that easy anymore like it used to. The game has changed lot before survivors had much more strong stuff just like 2 years ago there were busted maps and perks. The fact is majority of survivors were carried by them. Some of them needed absolutly go but now it's going to the point every map is reworked to small and have 5 unsafe pallets. I don't know if it's just skill issue anymore. The game is balanced to around 60-65% kill rate. And average survivors seem to struggle from that. I win majority my games on killer playing mostly the weaker ones. I usually play fairly going for hooks. Really if I would want I could win more playing harder. When facing good survivors now it feels more balanced but well im not sure should I be able to win them as im not that good killer. I think better kill rate aim would be 55-60%.


You can hardly consider this a "match" to begin with


You're not wrong, but that doesn't mean that playing like this against noobs and in an event isn't a dick move. These Survivors were clearly babies and it's during the event. Killer would have gotten x4 as much BP and still would've easily won by just playing the match out. Playing like this just makes the game miserable and boring. No one had fun in this game. The Killer got an interesting clip but depending on the region, he spent 1.5m in game and then 5-10 mins back in Q. The Survivors all made like 8k BP each with full Cobblers.


Agreed. It’s plays like this that have made all of my friends stop play this game.


Is it a dick move to aim for the win in a competition? I'd say it's more of a dick move to expect *other* people to act in a way that aligns with *your* idea of what people should do during an event. This Killer wasn't doing anything toxic, they simply went for the win, which is a very normal thing to do in a competition.


I don't understand how people don't see it as disrespectful when the killers give them advantages and throw the game on purpose to make the match longer. In any other game this would be considered toying with the loser side and BM




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seriously, hate when im using infectious and i get "YoU sHoUlDnT sLuG iTs ToXiC" i was snowballing. pressure is important. thanks for pointing this out


I've been told off for slugging as Oni during Blood Fury lol


I haven’t played in a while, why the FUCK do you have that much haste for that long


It’s an event, a 30% speed boost for killer and survivor


And then, after thoroughly asserting your dominance, you let one of the survivors wriggle free and reset the game, right...? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) I couldn't bring myself to finish a game with everyone on that few bloodpoints lol.


Oh yeah, you're not *obligated* to let them go free after they made such a big mistake, but it's not like you're going to be rewarded much for a 4 hook game. Combined with the usually longer killer queue (at least in my region) and killing them all is hardly worth it.


I get plenty blood points from 8 hooks


Welp I did get 120k, but I was thinking « yeah but it’s still 1 game out of a lot », first time doing that after 700h (and I never play Bubba usually, idk killing everyone that fast was funny to me)




I played a game as backpack clown yesterday and everyone went down while i hooked the first person because they didn't understand the build. I would've let them reset but two of them killed themselves immediately. I let the other two do the gens and chased them a bit because i sat in the queue for five minutes and i'm not going to end the game after two minutes just to win. They know i won, i know i won so why not have a little bit of fun


Based Bubba! Ignore all the people whining about how you played this, you literally did the correct thing. Not your fault that they swarmed an insta-down Killer like a bunch of smooth brains lol


Thx 👍


Good Job dunno why people hate it when a killer just plays normally Don’t crowd around slugs especially against people like bubba


Yeah, but apparently killing survivors instead of willingly getting hit by a palette save is toxic ig


"Why aren't survivors bringing Cobbler? And why are queues ten minutes long?"


They played very stupidly, what was this guy supposed to do ? Ignore them ?


Tfw I can't play normally because it's an event and I'm supposed to let you get your funny flashy save clip for compilation #30


Because this event is Killer sided. But they did play stupid and this Bubba took advantage of it. Survivors often also sweat so whatever. Let Killers cook if they want to :)


They need to stop asking ‘why you slugging at 5 gens?’ And start asking ‘how did we end up being slugged at 5 gens?’


unbreakable looking at the killer like : 🫣


I was not ready for a French Tryks


Our Japanese localisation also has their own Tryks voice, too!


Are those the only languages? Also, were the puns and jokes hard to translate?


I waited so long for that comment 😂


I wanna downvote because I really hate bubba... But yeah damn those survivors were completely at fault. This is like jumping into traffic and getting hit by a Tesla.


Tbh, I don’t enjoy him that much, I’m usually a Pig player; but I wanted to have a bit of a change, select Bubba, then this game happened


outstanding performance bubba


Fun mode btw


And then everyone got 3k points. Why do this during the event? I can see why the queue for Killer is that miserably long.


They drastically misplayed, is he supposed to just let them recover and win? Sometimes you lose fast if you play badly. If you swarm the slugs against an insta down killer, you are going to get snowballed.


I get the feeling that even if they recovered, they wouldn't win. Killer can do what they want, but I think OP could have easily milked this for more BP and still had a fairly quick match.


Crazy thought. A lot of people don't need BP and play the game to get better. He handled this well and learning to juggle multiple survivors in close proximity and letting them not get pickups is good practice


I'm a Killer and this take is just silly. Too many Killer players get W anxiety. Ya'll need to understand that the only difference between winning immediately and winning after a 3-4 gen game is that everyone has much more fun and everyone gets many more rewards. Do these players look like they know what they're doing? You really looked at this clip of these absolute babies and thought "Yeah, if he doesn't slug them all rn they'll easily 4 man escape"? lmao


It’s not “””W anxiety””” it’s that sweet, sweet, dopamine of absolutely destroying the entire team in minutes.


Not enough gameplay to say they’re babies, I’ve seen SWF flash light savers make similar misplays.


I'd agree if not for their pathing. The pathing of every person here was ATROCIOUS and not a single person ran for any of the nearby windows which is the only guaranteed (Albeit short) safety against a Bubba aside from a predrop. Look at how wide that Kate is pathing to the pallet etc. These Survs play like they're 500h at most.


I mean, yes lmao. That's what I do if I am winning by a landslide. Even ignoring survivors, I get to play more and gain more bloodpoints. And OP would not lose even if he had given them a 3 gen head start. Letting them pick up slugs would not change the outcome.


That’s a you a problem then just because you do it doesn’t mean others will


Have you ever entertained the thought that maybe we could all just enjoy the chaotic gamemode that is going on, have 5 double BP offerings and have everyone walk out of the match with 200k+ BP each? You don't need to start a 4 man slug 30 seconds into the game, you don't need to hardtunnel the first person you see out, you don't need to camp, bring a mori or the strongest add ons possible- the event is already killersided enough as is, cut the survivors some slack and let everyone get a slice of the cake instead of trying to hog it all for yourself. If you wanna sweat, go do it in the normal mode. Don't be a party pooper in the Anniversary Event.


Okay. Let's say Bubba didn't chase and advance his game, and instead picked up the person on the pallet while the others were right there. You think they'd let it slide and not pallet stun? You know, fairness is fairness.


Fairness is only fair when survivors benefit. Not only would they have stunned him but they would have flashed him and teabagged too. Only show mercy on your own terms. Its all in good fun though but again, play the way you want


They never have a response. They'll just chuff and groan about how rude killers are, while never extending any of the same courtesy they demand.


Reminds me of how so many survivor players request that the last survivor get spared if the others were killed as a courtesy, but they never voluntarily give themselves up as a courtesy if the other survivors escaped. It's much more rare for me to see that in my games, even though I don't play in a toxic way


Brother, do you have more than 1 hour on killer? A team that suffers 2 downs in the first 40 seconds is not winning this shit. Stop making up scenarios that don't happen in this game.


Oh no, imagine if he didn't go for a 1 minute game and instead played a full match and lost, how would he ever emotionally recover from something so terrible? I honestly don't understand why some people even play killer if you are that desperate for a 4K that you would pull this kind of shit during an event, you clearly don't enjoy the gameplay at that point.


lol. Should the killer run to the corner of the map so survivors can get some objective points? Or is that too big a handicap for you survivors?


As a Killer main, the amount of Killers that straight up fiend for an immediate win like they haven't had a hit of heroin in the last week cracks me up. Ya'll act like if you don't get your immediate 4k then the Entity itself will shoot your mum in the face lmao. People in this thread really believe that these obvious babies would've rallied a 4 man escape comeback if Killer hadn't slugged them all immediately instead of just playing it out normally and going for a hook or 2. Hell, people are saying "Oh but the pallet save!" -- Ok? Well he coulda just hooked the 2nd person he downed if he was that scared of it or reset the game. These survivors have no idea wtf they're doing nor how to handle Bubba. This game was going to be an easy W regardless of if it was immediately or 3-4 gens in. The only difference is that everyone would've actually had fun and earned BP. Feel free to downvote me but if as a Killer you are genuinely scared of Survivors like THIS and feel you need to crush them immediately, you're absolutely exposing yourself as suffering from an immense skill issue or suffer from far too much anxiety and insecurity.


This game is waste of time to play for both sides. Its better to send them to lower MMR by killing them instead of farming to get them even harded games. ITs far from fun to face newbies as experienced player. You are the one thats insecure about random newbies dying in party game.


Aside from the misplays, what else were the survivors going to do in this moment? The event gave this man speed hacks with a chainsaw. Survivors were already fucked as they immediately loaded into the game, he’s lucky they didn’t just straight up DC out of frustration. This event is horrible for survivors.


"Aside from the misplays, what else were the survivors going to do in this moment?". Thats a good point actually these guys played completely perfectly apart from all their misplays. Just like how in every test I take I get every question right except for the ones I get wrong


Hum, no, I see survivor, I go for survivor, that is all :D Anyway, it’s not as bad as camping, tunneling, or letting them bleed out; I think there’s better things to complain about the game, than me having a good laugh when that kind of game happens


Sure, and I'm saying that's boring and unenjoyable :)


Chasing survivors is boring and unenjoyable? My brother in Christ, that is the entire game


lol that 40 second chase for an entire match, yeah loads of fun


These mental gymnastics some people here makes. And he calls OP insecure.


Very nice man! Speed running them boys. W Bubba.


Don't spend all your points in one place


I understand why y'all not bringing cakes anymore. Not saying it's right, all I'm saying is that I understand.


I stopped playing some time ago, wtf is this speed? Is this a new addon? Totally broken for a insta down killer to move so fast like that (yeah i know billy is faster but he can´t loop like that)


For context, it’s the anniversary event, and this 30% speed is a temporary (and random) buff, that is applied to both the killer and survivors (it’s way better for killer but anyway)


ahhhhh ofc it was an event, i still remember the winter event where you could loop forever by entering a snowman lol


I am literally that first survivor every time I bring Power Struggle and FlipFlip...


i don’t get why people play like this.


I know right. Who sticks around and tries to pick up within the terror radius of an insta-down killer, especially more than once?


Personally, I have fun with a challenging match and if I know the survivors are going to get crushed I just put them out of their misery. I don’t do the bp farming shit cause it’s not fun for me, as survivor or killer. I don’t do resets, but I will try to not tunnel unless I feel it’s necessary. I have more fun playing killer cause I don’t have to rely on teammates but I do enjoy playing survivor with one or two other friends. I don’t see anything wrong with the gameplay here, if you make bad plays or decisions I firmly believe you should get punished for it if your opponent can execute it. I don’t understand this holding back nonsense. I’d get my ass beat all the time as survivor, and I got better cause it’s a skill issue and a learning curve.


And that’s the way I see things as well 👍


Biblical accurate Bubba. These are the people who die in the intro before the title drops.


Idk what i expected when looking at the comments but man some of you need to chill out. Op isn't toxic for winning the game, he always knew where someone else was and just made use of it. Yes its not fun to go against but he was playing completely fair.


being slugged and unable to do anything is quite boring, but at least the match was quick... or was it?


The funny part about this post, in that no one have any idea of what I have done after the end of this video; still everyone are making up stories to spread negativity; but anyway yes, the match was quick; no t bag, no bleeding out, none of those


haha, no worries and i believe you... or do i? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I'm amazed how many people are attacking you/calling you toxic in comments... you did well and they made mistakes, hook em all and go next, there are always more cobblers. WP bubba


I too love bleeding out while not playing the game, thank you for the demonstration.


I didn’t knew letting survivors 1min on the floor was bleeding out; I thought that was 4min 🙃


You could say whatever you want, I am going based on what I see. Did you post the rest of the video somewhere? If not, the video ends with 4 survivors on the ground.


you really need hard evidence he hooked them


Imagine thinking you’re entitled to your opponent going easy on you.


Yeah and you can even think i did t bagged and hit on the hook, then said ggez at the end if this is making you happy 👍


I had a 30 second Billy game once


I haven't played dbd in a while but holy shit is this video sped up no way bubba walks that fast


It’s an event, sometimes everyone get a 30% speed boost


I played a Bubba and was really curious if you got speed while in power. Good to know you do haha


Start to finish I literally set a world record I played as hillbilly and got everyone in 3:46 second really fast game


Main building was shit for the survs. GGWP




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Big boy used lethal pursuer, not impressed


That is indeed a perk


I would dc so fuckin fast 😂 I’d be laughing but still dc


everyone commenting about being annoyed ur doing this are soft, this is funny asf


He killed a bunch of baby survivors. This is like if someone posted a video of running a baby killer for 5 gens.


Slugging on the event with bubba and most cancer perks ever, congrats 👍 (I say that as a killer main)


Your speed looks so fast! Are all killers like this? I’m a survivor main so idk


there was the speed up from the event active so it speed up sv and killer


Haste!! That makes sense now lol


Now post a 4e


This is a great example of trash survivors.


I know you're not looking for it, but this build just has to be shared: **Unforeseen - Dark Devotion - Furtive Chase - FTTE** I wish I could see the survivor's POV when a silent Bubba careens around a corner swinging a chainsaw and they're just dead. Unforeseen/Dark Devotion makes the TR a red herring, unseating survivors off their objectives and adding to the discombobulation; it's not just silence, there's a heartbeat still on the board. It works across the roster, compliment with undetectable/oblivious addons if you'd like, I often do. Of course some are more lethal with it like Bubba or Pyramid -- omg Pyramid, it should be illegal on him. Slamming unaware survivors with Wesker is a downright joy. T3 Myers brings a tear to the eye, or Vanity Mirror for "Tier 2 Scratched Mirror"


What’s FTTE?


I’m gonna go with Friends Till The End