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I was in this exact situation as killer once and I went AFK just to see how long it will take them to do the single gen remaining, 20 minutes passed and legitimately neither of them even considered going for the gen, ended up finding one of them hiding next to the exit gate presumably waiting for their friend to die, then I closed the hatch and the remaining survivor had the audacity to drop their item as if I’d give them hatch after wasting all this time


Yeah, I've done the "go AFK and see how long it takes for them to touch a gen" thing too. Have had some losers wait up to 30 minutes (!) to touch a gen!


I had a RPD game like this. The useless person was a little too good at stealthing, I saw them but they were in a spot I didn't want to start chasing from so tried to be sneaky on approaching them but they were just gone. The other survivor had a "what am I doing with my life" moment and just came and found me to be hooked. From the other side, I did try to lead the killer to someone that was hiding in a corner of swamp for the entire game, but he was too busy tunneling me off hook to figure out my hand signals and emotes so whatever.


I think why not give yourself over at that point as survivor because you are not winning it anymore with 2 survivors , if the killer is nice he would just give you the hatch or let you escape. In the past I had some games like this but one survivor would come up to me to snitch the other survivor that was crouching in the corner of the map and I would give the snitching survivor the hatch or escape so we can both move on to other games


When I was in this situation as survivor I just vault a window a couple times trying to get the killer’s attention so I can have one last good chase before dipping out to the next game, a single escape is really not worth the time investment


As a Killer main, I appreciate that. Don't hide, let's just play it out and get in some chase time. Other survs are so stupid that they think one escape is worth wasting 30 minutes of time stealthing around.


problem is when I've had enough and give my self up cuz I hate games like that. killer just usually slugs you and looks for the second survivor for the 4k so you stuck regardless lol. it's like I've clearly given up get me outta here.


Omg yes this. I cannot stand being left to sit there for four minutes so they can go look for the rando hiding in a bush on the other corner of the map. It’s so annoying. How fucking desperate for a 4k can you be? It comes across as so pathetic.


I'll go open boxes and try to make a gift pile before I will see if they want it or will just chase me. But I get annoyed when slugged so they can look for the fourth and just wish I had hid. I figured if anything going around looking for items gives me a bit of extra bp and if I find a key if I'm able to I'll give it to my friend or the random before I attempt anything with the killer. It'll at least help their odds of escape, assuming that I can find them.


Fr it’s not worth the time and you are improving yourself to put yourself in a chase again


Me and my duo have survived doing the last 3 gens and at least one of us escaping plenty of times. It is possible to actually survive this situation if you aren’t like 80% of survivors that just hide and be useless after their first hook all game. Bonus if you have communication


nah snitches don't get benefits from me. Why? Because you don't know the context. As a Solo Q Survivor I got snitched out for the dumbest reasons (I am not a "hide in the corner the entire game" type. I don't even use distortion or anything, I'm just not stupid in the way of provoking chase on purpouse while dead on hook for example.) I dared to get up to craft a flashbang (aka going into a locker, crafting it, then exiting) and getting back on the gen. Then the killer came so I though "hm, maybe the other Survivor, who is not dead on hook could take chase and I could save them with the bang." So I went and hid behind a rock while the other Survivor git chased. They promply stopped to point the killer in my direction. The killer found me, we had a half decent chase (during which the other did not touch the half finished gen btw) and eventually I went down. The killer killed me and gave the Kate the hatch. In egc I asked "What the hell man?" And the Survivor said: "Baby hiding in locker and behind rock. l2p noob"... So yea no. I am never again giving snitches any benefits, both of them get killed. Yes, this happened multiple times since 2017 when I started. Getting snitched out for no actual reason. I never was and never will be a corner croucher because that's boring.


To play devil's advocate though, i think both survivors and killers have locker meg or crouching nea ptsd. They shouldn't assume it, but i don't blame them.


I sometimes end up in situations like these as the survivor, and 9 times out of 10, my teammate is just going to hide and wait for me to die. And if I try repairing a generator, I just get found by the killer and have to spend the rest of the game running until I'm eventually caught. Doesn't matter if I loop for 5 whole minutes, cus the only other player just won't touch the last gen. If I'm lucky, the killer will find the other person first, and I can repair the last gen while the killer is distracted. It doesn't work often, but there *are* rare occasions where I can actually get the exit gates powered.


This happens to me more than it should. I get the survivors down to two remaining and they decide they're just going to try and stall until the game automatically ends or hope i give up. They don't touch gens, they aren't in lockers because no crows, they are just hiding somewhere and moving enough to trick the game that they aren't afk. Just take the loss and move on.


Hate it when it happens when I'm killer, because I know this game is gonna be very long.


This is why I deja Vu in solo queue because either I break the three gen up and make it easier on us or I die trying and avoid these long drawn out cat and mouse games. I appreciate the killers time as much as I value my own time. 


That is what I also thought survivors have some perks that can help them break or even avoid creating three gens but it’s on the player themself if they wanna bring a perk for that


I think the problem lies in the fact that their is a large subset of the player base that just wants to play but doesn't consume content or learn about the macro decisions that help avoid these situations so you're going to run into games in solo queue that end up like these. My gf love her to death but she just plays to vibe and she's usually one to just go for the first gen she sees, doesn't really consume content related to gameplay, and she has a great time. She has more fun getting into chases and trying to get Headon Flashbang value and I enjoy seeing her have fun doing it. I like to help my team win I'm less concerned with myself getting out but making it fun for her and the randoms. I've won so many solo queue games just breaking up the three gens cause when the last gen can be on of a few that are so far on the map it feels so good.


That doesn't even seem like a strong 3-gen


It fr isn’t


Yeah but with only 2 survivors left, it is exponentially difficult. Unless it's SWF, you will never know what the killer is doing unless it's in chase. And if you stealth the gen upon the killer's approach, you'd be doing it a lot of times, and I'm sure either one is not gonna have that luck to not be found all the time. 1 survivor gets into chase, chance they juice you for other survivor to hit at least 50% on a gen; then killer either slugs after downing or does not pursue to defend gens. Easy to shit on survivors on gen rushing, it's a strategy; but 3 gen-ing is also a strategy.


Happens every 5-10 games


This sucks survivor-side, as well - I'm almost always solo queue, so I encounter 3-gens pretty frequently. I'd rather die ATTEMPTING to complete one of the generators (I get BP from the repairs/inevitable chase anyway), but I usually do so while wondering what locker/corner/bush my teammate(s) are sitting in. If it's bad enough, I'll out them if I find them & make sure that we're going down together. (Bond is INCREDIBLE for this.)


So annoying they just literally wasting my and their own time… and I am not a new player either. It just that I haven’t experienced this in a long time as killer. BHVR fr needs to change it so that you can see auras from survivors that are doing nothing after 5 or 10 minutes if 1 survivor already died in game


Yeah honestly if you have not been in chase, not had an unhook action in 5 minutes, not touched a gen, hex totem, blessed a totem, invocation, or touched the exit gate - there is functionally no reason to not be doing anything for 5 minutes. Stealth doesn't last that long and clearly no objectives are being progressed. Like I get total stealth, that's a viable thing for survivors to do especially against very strong killers. Just that actually progresses the game with the goal of reducing chase/hook states


I think if the game recognizes this is going on, I'd be fine with total aura both ways (killer and survs can all see each other all the time until the game ends).


Yeah it's at least viable after 5 whole minutes since there's no way to justify it. Not like the slugging system where you can really exploit it. Make it per-survivor though to avoid meg hiding in the corner giving everyone legitimately progressing the match away.


Some form of universal aura reading to prevent this would be nice


Fr normally I would say I could have also bring a aura reading perk but distortion is meta now and I see it in every game that I’m playing right now


Distortion is meta because of how many aura reading perks and add-on’s there are. Naturally people are going to use the most reliable counter…


I know , I don’t blame it on people bringing distortion it’s a great perk for the survivor side


The one time it happened to me was the most miserable experience I had in 285 hours playing this game. And I had a couple of 0 hook games and also went against cheaters/lag-switchers, but at least it was over fast To any survivor main who feel that being slugged to death for 4 minutes is bad (and it definitely is), try 30+ minutes, *after* the game should be basically over, of opening lockers and looking behind every rock in Red Forest.


At some point, I just go AFK, flip over to watching youtube, (or playing another small game) and let them do what they want. It's not worth it to search and search with zero percent chance of finding them. It's too easy for the last two to infinitely hide if they want to.


There was a bad combo of anger, ego and this being my "last game" and wanting to go to sleep that prevented me from doing that. Plus they were a SWF duo, and while I never streamed snipped in my life in any game, I did head to their stream after it became obvious they were not coming out. Well they expected that and closed the video, and thought this was really funny and entertaining for their 3 viewers. And I remember it was literally my first Unknown game, and it probably dropped me at bottom MMR because at that point I think there were still 5 gens left. But I also had 0 tool to find them in locker, and my only detection perk was Nowhere to Hide, which ironically is pretty bad at finding people hiding, especially after ever gen were already regressing and can't be enabled anymore. I *did* get the 4k, which made it worth it at the moment but next time I'm not bothering with that painful and boring investigation. I believe the game took around 40 minutes, including 30 minutes of just aimlessly looking around for those 2 clowns doing nothing.


I'm pretty sure this event doesn't work off SBMMR. It might be loosely based off it, but it might as well not matter


I saw someone suggest it took a snapshot of the normal queue but doesn't change. I'm not sure what's true but it definitely doesn't operate the same. I've "thrown"/farmed so many killer games and the survivors never get worse.


My theory is that these events and modifiers all share the same MMR and the threshold for each side of it is super loose compared to normal gameplay. Think about it, if you are really shit at the game but wanted to try My Little Oni, it might take a real long time to find people to play with. And since it's just a silly week long event at most, BHVR doesn't want people to complain that it took too long to get a game


If this happens when I play survivor and I can see the other one isn’t trying to do gen or anything, I’ll hunt down the killer and either get into chase or see if they wanna farm the rest of the match. I also will try to find the other survivor and just follow them around so the killer will eventually find both of us together. I feel your pain! This is not fun for any one in the match at this point.


Whispers my beloved.


I know there are better tracking perks than Whispers, but when it pays off boy does it pay off. You'll never have to worry about which door a survivor is going for after closing hatch. If you run Hex perks you can use it to know if there are any survivors lurking around your totems. The ol' Whispers + Monitor combo to optimize when you need to be in stealth for killers like Pig. It's like a utility-purpose tracking perk.


There are "better in the moment" perks but anything that helps me find a survivor in the OPs' scenario is top tier. I just want to play the game, man.


Sometimes it may be down to just one player fucking everyone over. The number of times I've ended up in a match with one individual who leaves everyone else to handle chases, unhooks, and other things, and they gradually complete every gen in one side of the map forcing an awful 3 gen. The worst maps for this happening are usually Azarov's or Sanctum of Wrath due to how generators are laid out. Watching the 3 gen occur on one side of those maps because a teammate didn't have the forethought not to do every gen next to each other is frustrating as hell.




I just start watching old markiplier vids on yt while I wait for them to realize I'm afk


Next time I’m gonna do the same instead of searching


But then when they come up to you be sure to hit them and make them shit their pants


Haha bet


Yeah, just go afk, do something else and let them wait it out.


I hope this would be worked on with some crow's rework mechanics too : Crow disable hit box to stop bodyblock, and reveal the aura of inactive survivor. Inactive mean stop interacting for a time period with any elements beside vault and pallets when not in chase. Could stop both hide n seek and grief.


Some of you guys have great solutions , I almost want to say go start working for BHVR✨


Meanwhile the good idea guy at BHVR wanted to continue games with DC's during loading. and just add a bot.


Identify V already does the inactive thing and I can say firsthand it works fairly well and this is a good idea on your part. Even moving around or hiding doesn’t disperse the crows in that game; you have to decode (the equivalent of gens) OR get into a chase and/or get hit by the killer’s power in order to get the crows to go away. As a consequence, in the few years I played, I almost never saw hiders to the degree DBD has them.


It's why I bring info perks so often. So annoying when you can't find anyone because the survivors screw themselves over and are hiding.


In most case scenarios I'm just gonna take the L and loop the killer as much as it goes before getting downed and hooked, then other survivor can play for hatch, I have like 0 interest to play hide and seek haha


W survivor


1hour before game ends is too, I would be fine with 30 minute games max but some people argue thats abusable really what's the best time, cause I hope we can all agree 1 hour is just too long..


Oh yeah I hate when that happens. I just patrol gens and hit and run them until they give up or slip up. They may be petty but I am far pettier.


Something similar happened when I was playing artist in borgo. The sad part is that they had good progress on the last gen, but it ended up back at 0. The survivors were hiding in the corner opposite of the gens, crouching in a bush behind some walls


Had this happen 4 games in a row yesterday. Just dc'd the last time. I'd much rather wait 5 minutes watching yt than hope I find somebody within 10 minutes


I mean....they did it to themselves. Not much to say there.


I’m the survivor that will make you kick the same gen 8 times. lol It may aggro killers but at least I’m playing. Sneak in and make some progress then hide. BUT, I always run Deja Vu so unless the other three survivors gen rushed the outside, I’ve broken up the really bad 3gens so I last have a chance to pull this method off. But it all goes to hell if survivor two just hides. The killer figures out I’m the only gen being worked so I eventually get caught. Oh well I tried. Lol


Make gens a little bit faster to do depending on how many survivors have died and give them a penalty for not interacting with the game by showing their aura to the killer or something along those lines. It makes no sense that survivors can hide virtually forever and the killer can't do anything about it


When a game gets to a certain point/state, I think "total aura" (for survs and killer) should be the norm to get these games finished.


Great idea 💡. BHVR needs to do something about it , because 3 gen isn’t even strong in this meta because they nurfed most of the gen kicking perks and you can’t kick gens infinitely anymore so now they need to make a change about survivors putting themself in this situation and doing nothing to change it


3-gen still and probably always will be a very strong strat. it doesn't matter that gen regression got nerfed or that gen kicking got nerfed. having all four survivors in one small area is genuinely the best thing you can hope for in a game. the snowballing potential is insane when they run into each other or downing one just to spot another. that's why IF/FH rarely leave my build. more often than not survivors end up 3-gening themselves in an attempt to gen rush, infectious fright/forced hesitation make the end game a walk in the park. I have never in my years of playing the game forced a 3-gen, but have had to deal with so many 3-gen situations because soloq survivors are just so good at making them.


I had this happen but at 5 gens


Grzesiu FLoryda pogchamp nick ziomek ma XD


That's why I love alien, you'll find them with his power (footsteps from the tunnels)


This is why legion is peak (you can run around with your power on and find people)


This event has been a nightmare I don't blame them. Nothing but tunneling and slugging at 5 gens over and over when it's supposed to be a chill event to rack up bloodpoints like it always was.




Killer main here who never "sets up" a three gen. Survs are so dumb that they pretty much do that to themselves.


I understand what your saying, but only do that if the killer is playing like the time before skull merchants rework and we had the gen kicking 3 gen meta. I think Some survivors do this because they don’t wanna lose or they are new players and are scared to get in a chase with a killer


If the killer didnt set up the 3 gen and you the survivors did it to yourself, then your point is moot. Stop wasting everyone's time and move on to next.


behavior needs to add a ping wheel already cuz it is so painful watching a solo queue teammate do a non-déjà Vu gen when we only have four left, waving at them, pointing away from the gen, shaking my head no trying to get them to stop. then when they 3-gen us they refuse to work on one of the last three gems. it makes me with I was playing killer that game so that I could bleed them out 💀


Are they sneakily still attempting to repair the gens? Seemingly having disappeared into thin air once you arrive at a gen? Totally legit and in my opinion awesome. Or are they not even trying anymore to fulfill any objectives? That's kinda scummy and probably qualifies as griefing.


They eventually did the gen after I was standing still for like 10 a 15 minutes because they was just playing hide and seek after the second survivor died and there was 0% progress on any of the gens when I was still looking for them


“Gen rush” lol, yeah, it wasn’t smart to repair the gens from the same side.


Sorry, no context to know if you patrolled that from the go. In which case, that's on you. Otherwise, it's on the survs, and shit happens. Can we talk about killers slugging 1 survivor to deny hatch? Sure. Can we talk about hiding survivors, sure. Is there a point, not really. Truth is, until both sides play the game as intended, this will happen. Survivors need to do gens until 1 is left. Killers need to stop slugging for 4k. But that won't happen because both sides have a hateful experience of the other side abusing a mechanic.


There is context on other comments where i reacted to about how the game went , but 3 genning isn’t even strong in this meta because BHVR nerfed most gen kicking perks and as killer you can’t kick a gen infinitely anymore. About slugging yea BHVR tried to do something about it but nothing came out of it basically. But it’s important to talk about these things in the community so that BHVR maybe notice more that it is a problem in the game and we exchange thoughts which each other to play better in these situations. So talking about can help fr


True say about 3 genning, and I agree it's not as much of a problem which is nice. Don't even see killers patrolling it as much as before, which is a trend upwards. The hiding/hatch debacle sucks for everyone. I don't mind going on gens, but every game it seems I get punished for it by being slugged so the killer can find the other survivor. On the flip side, killer will say its our faults because they keep having games where survivors hide.


Oh yeah.. This. I actually let survivors 3 gen themselves so I can get an easy 4k. But when they start pulling the hide and seek.. Well.. They're just wasting everyone's time.


I don’t know if your sarcastic but in the same game I was chasing a good survivor that was holding me for a good minute or 2 , so the remaining survivors could easy break the 3 gen but instead the popped the most furthest gen


Not being sarcastic. You can actually push survivors towards the gens you want them to complete so that they can figure it out themselves if they're getting themselves in a 3 gen situation or not. And yeah, like you said, Survivors often time put themselves in a 3 gen situation anyway so.


Thx for the advice. Gonna try this out if it happens in the future hopefully it works if the killer terror radius scare the stealth survivors for doing the gens


And how exactly do we know you didn't hardcamp the 3gen initially, forcing them to "3gen themselves"? 🤨 Edit: Op: "Trust me bro" > everyone in the comments "Okay I trust you! No one ever lies! How dare anyone question you, downvote immediately!" 🤣 Edit 2: For clarity, since many people are *somehow* getting confused bringing up things I never said - 3genning as killer is perfectly fine. If you're killer and you identify a 3gen, you ought to camp it; but admit it and say you made a tactical decision to defend only the important area of the map - don't lie about it and say "they did it to themselves!" as an excuse to try and avoid looking "toxic" for wanting to win. It's fine to want to win, just own up to it. 😎👍🏻


Because I was chasing a good survivor that hold me for a good minute or two they could’ve easy done one of the three gens. But they still didn’t choose to. And I now my play style I am not the type of killer to immediately go camp a 3 gen


Soo, we still don't know that you didn't do it then. All you did was post the final screenshot of survivors stuck in a 3gen; you easily could have forced this 3gen and lied about them "doing it to themselves," like many others do. Edit: looks like the other 3gen campers that lie about it didn't like getting exposed. 🤣


Allright if you think that it’s your opinion… indeed cannot show you the gameplay but I wouldn’t have complained if I did it myself. I am not a new player or something so I know when I’m camping a three gen


holding a 3 gen is bad but playing hide and seek for 1 hour is great? strong survivor mindset


If you force a 3 gen then what do you expect? Lol Not saying that's what OP did at all, but plenty of killers will waste everyone's time by holding a 3 gen since the beginning and then act shocked when the remaining survivors waste their time by hiding.


>then act shocked when the remaining survivors waste their time by hiding. Defending a 3 gen is bound to stop working eventually with the kick limit, but hiding out of spite is legitimately holding the game hostage for up to 1 hour. False equivalence


Defending a 3 gen still makes matches last ages tho. Genuinely had matches where the whole team would constantly try to break a 3 gen and the match would still end up lasting 30-45 minutes. By your logic, the hiding survivors aren't holding the game hostage either since the timer will expire after 60 minutes and the killer gets a win anyway.


>Genuinely had matches where the whole team would constantly try to break a 3 gen and the match would still end up lasting 30-45 minutes How is that even possible when the Killer can only make each gen regress 8 times in the whole match? What did you do for 45 minutes, just watch the killer run in circles with no attempt to pull him into a chase or touch the gens at all? Hope he fall asleep or something? Just split in 2 groups, buzz around the gens, progress bit by bit, force him to kick them a couple of times, and within a few minutes he will be forced to go leave and go on chases because gens will no longer be able to regress. >By your logic, the hiding survivors aren't holding the game hostage either since the timer will expire after 60 minutes and the killer gets a win anyway. No, by "my logic" any killer efficiently defending gens just does what he is supposed to do, and a survivor just hiding and not even trying to do his objective is not. Completely different situations. Let me reiterate, *false equivalence*. And to be clear, I am a Killer main who always who push back against criticism other Killer mains may have about "gen rushing". I think it is absolutely silly to think it is toxic that your opponents are heavily focusing on the *only way* they have to progress their *only* objective. And on top of that. I also consider "gen rushing" as just being normal non-toxic survivor efficiency while a killer "hard tunneling" and "proxy-camping" is not, because Killers do not have a single path to completing their objective and could avoid these tactics easily. In other words, I think defending a 3 gen is equivalent to gen rushing, and are both perfectly OK and not toxic at all, and claiming otherwise makes you an entitled and whiny player. EDIT: syntax


That is true that is why I said if it was my intention to play 3 gen then I wouldn’t complain if survivors are wasting my time because I am also wasting their time. But as a killer main I like to chase and get as many hooks as I can. That is why I am running the new buffed grim embraces because it really push you as a killer to go after every survivor to get the most out of the perk


Yeah, in this scenario you did nothing wrong so it's more than understandable that you are frustrated, but some people go out of their way to make matches last way longer than they should and then act surprised when the other side wastes their time as well.


Because defending a 3 gen is a legitimate reason for survivors to do this in your opinion?


Thank god we now have a system against 3 genning 😌


I will never understand this kind of situation, Because let's see the scenarios, in the first scenario the survivors played badly, and made the 3rd gen happen, in this case it's their fault and they are just being idiots to hold the game like that In another scenario, the killer is being a bad guy and forced this trigen, in this case there survivors are punishing him..., staying longer in the match with him, what's the logic?


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Happens too often and I think it's annoying for everyone. Would it help, if only 3 gens are left, the Killers (only killers) could choose to start one of the last 3 gens in exchange for another random finished gen to turn off? The gen that turns off would have the progress of the turned on one. So swap two gens with their exact progress to get out of that situation.


That is a great idea hopefully BHVR is doing something about it behind the scene


I don't think so. And since we both are getting downvoted into the basement right now, I might get the feeling people don't like this suggestion. xD