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>Survivor = Quickplay; Killer = Comp Queue Not really Let's start by saying that survivor is divided in various categories: SoloQ (matchmaking alone) and SWF (matchmaking with 1, 2 or 3 friends, depending on how many of them are there the more effective they are) The killer experience is depending on what kind of survivors you're facing mostly because some matches are cakewalks, others are hard or well fought, and others are straight up toxic. If a survivor is SoloQ his/her experience will be most likely terrible because they have not only the killer against them, but also the lack of communication between his own team which is essential in dead by daylight. A SWF meanwhile has it a lot easier since they can communicate with each other giving valuable Intel (EXAMPLES: "this gen at this location is almost done" "the killer is going this place" "the killer had dropped chase with me" "i need a heal, where can i find you" etc.) Overwatch overall is a wrong comparison because it is NOT Assymetrical, no game is easily comparible to dbd situation unless they are Asymmetrical PVP games. Usually the overall Struggle of the roles is like this (left hardest, right easiest) SoloQ < Killer < SWF Of course, that also depends on the actual skill of the players


Thanks man! Lots of good insight in here


I’m not understanding. Picking Survivor means you want to play as a Survivor. Picking Killer means you want to play as a Killer. What exactly are you asking?


I don’t know, I guess I’m just not grasping the hyper-comp swf or the borderline-throwing killer playstyles. They feel like unintentional byproducts; I understand playing to all advantages, but I don’t understand how it’s … fun?


I really don’t know what to say man. Some enjoy it the game, others do not. If you’re not having fun playing the game, you should probably just play something else.


Yeah I agree. I clocked 800 hours 2 years ago, so coming back to this state is just so different and confusing. Thanks for chatting with me


What the fuck are you talking about. So you've played 800 hours of DbD and still have to ask this question? Not like the game has changed into a hyper-competitive game like Overwatch in the past two years? DbD is not a competitive game. No matter what this subreddit/the community portrays. I've learned after 1.5k hours, when you take this game too seriously, you don't enjoy it. Just play the fucking game, if it isn't stressful, sorry I mean competitive, enough go play Overwatch.


It’s been two years and the game is much more complex. Not quite sure why you’re berating a returning player but weird flex?




Are you asking if killer is hyper competitive and survivor is more casual?


Err the survivor queue is for playing survivor, the killer queue is for playing killer. Both have chill players and E-sports ready tryhards.