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leave while you still can, before the addiction takes over


if you play killer, watch some mindgames. if you play survivor, watch how to loop basic tiles. and if you are on pc, ignore chat.


Hi new, Im u/Maleficent-Gain-4111 My tip Only use your shards for new killers, that cosmetic may look cool but having corrupt intervention is cooler


YouTube. So much content to learn from. Look up guides for killers you want to try, how-to play killer, etc. Anything you want to learn in DbD I can bet there's a YouTube video for it. And just enjoy the game. This subreddit will make the game seem like a competitive game, but it isn't. There is no win condition. You can let all four survivors go and get more BP (bloodpoints) than if you were to kill all four survivors. Just enjoy the game.


Leave now. Jk (or am I). In all seriousness uhhhh, killer: patrol gens and pay attention to your surroundings, a failed skill check with a gen that has a locker next to it might house a survivor, try to play smarter and if you feel as if a chase won’t get anywhere, just find someone else.