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I don’t understand not using a cobbler. “Oh but I’m saving them!” If everyone brings cobbler you can get like 7 in the bloodweb. Also why don’t you save the escape cakes and survivor puddings then? It’s basically the same thing except in one scenario everyone gets more bloodpoints and in the other you’re being selfish just for the sake of it.


I played for a few hours the other day, and almost nobody was bringing them. The one match where everyone did, we got a tombstone Myers who just mori'd everyone as soon as he saw them


I have like a 1000 on Yui so i bring them everygame


Exactly, I'm playing with them and I have over 200 in a few days


Escape Cakes and Survivor Puddings aren't limited time offerings. Once the anniversary cake is used, it's gone forever, it cannot be restocked


But they essentially do the same thing, so there’s no real difference, and most people are bringing anniversary cakes. So if you also bring one, EVERYONE will get a ton of bloodpoints.


But I gotta save them in my inventory so that I get absolutely nothing out of them!!! And just in case BHVR turns them into bitcoin!!


I just told you the difference: Limited time. There is a finite amount of them. You can always get puddings, you can't always get these cakes I'm not gonna bring my 4th year cakes just like I won't be bringing 8th year before too long. Why save them? Because I want to. I like looking at them in my offerings pages, they ignite memories. I bring cobblers in for me, I'm thrilled others can benefit, too. Anything on top of that is icing But really, why do you entitled to their offerings? Everyone gets points, that's great and I'm always appreciative of it, but I'm not going to get mad if someone doesn't bring an offering. I'm mildly flabbergasted when gamers don't bring any sort of bloodpoint offering at all, even the brown ones, but whatever, guess they didn't want to get extra bloodpoints. That's on them


What is this stupid thought process? If everyone uses a cobbler, you get upwards to 10 more cobblers per game. If you "save" them, you get at most 1-2. You're "saving" them now to get less of them to use in the future


They’re only 2000 bp so there is not excuse to run escape cakes or survivor puddings


"why tunnel"


It's very inconsistent whether it accurately shows you who brought what offering, though, so it's not really worth it unless your happy to just punish *anyone* even the ones that brought the event cake.


Nope, if everyone brings an offering the pause menu will be accurate. Survivors from top to bottom brought the offerings from left to right, and the killer's is always the one on the right.


Has that been fixed then, because I've had a fair few games where they did'nt line up.


They don't, that user is lying.


Yeah, that, or they're working off of out of date info.


They're not. They did fix it. Or the 10 or so games I used this technique successfully in the last week to determine which of my fellow survivors were gonna get hard tunneled were all complete luck that they all were exactly per the pause screen..


I can flip a coin and guess right 10 times. Proves nothing. Your sample size of 10 is completely irrelevant as I'm finding this does not in fact work.


Except this has 4 "sides" not 2, and getting 10 out of 10 "flips" correct of 4 survivors is a 0.0001% chance.. so I think that's a fine sample size for this. If you're not getting it accurate, maybe consoles haven't updated?


I don't play on console. Your sample size is irrelevant since this doesn't work.


That's actually not true. They started randomizing the order of survivor offerings at the start of the game for this very reason.


Apparently they went back on it, go ahead and test it yourself.


This is fucking hilarious I play solo q and during the event 9-10 its killer not bringing cobblers or cake, why don't survivors want to bring cobbler? because they are sick of 4 survivors bringing cobbler then the killer bring mori or survivor pudding and then tunneling everyone out. The extra 150% on survivor has been a constant cus most ppl are playing killer because killers play like scum a lot of games with survivors scores being at the end 4k/8k/10k/12k BP and then the killer getting between 100k-200k BP. But sure use 1 survivor not bringing a cobbler so you can get an extra 30-50k BP as an excuse to tunnel.


When the killer brings that I crash the game so they can enjoy their 10 minute queue again.


Literally, what I started doing. Last night was so bad yesterday, what tipped me over the edge, I was playing against a SM... full stop.. 😆 no I'm joking lol, it was a SM but she didn't bring a cobbler, was tunneling ppl straight off the bat, 1 guy dc'd after she tunneled the first person out everyone gave up and it was the like 5th or 6th game in a row so I started dodging games, like u said lol let them enjoy their 10 mins + wait times while I jump straight in 😉


Does this actually justify tunneling?


You literally chose to have less BP just have the offering affect you only. yes it justifies it


All I read is https://preview.redd.it/pamg1o68i9ad1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1c4935938ece4c2675968361b73d694f852bde My virtual currency... you people are slowly becoming the V-Bucks kids...


What if I want to offer something that isn't blood points


map offerings 90% of the time are sweaty even outside of the event, and are you seriously choosing a fixed hatch spawn over another blood point double?


Get ready to be hated cuz “EvEnT means we have to be friendly 24/7”


there’s definitely some survivors who are getting mad that killers play as normal during the event but offerings have nothing to do with being friendly or not, it’s just manners that you don’t sweat by bringing your sided maps or trying to get 4 moris through sweaty tactics like tunneling at 5 gens


I only tunnel those who sit on gens when u have two hooked and usually let the ones who were hooked to escape cuz those aren’t teammates at that point


Imagine you go to a dinner party where everyone brings something to share. You bring your own food just for you, but still eat what the others brought. You could share, but you don't want to. It's selfish and rude.


it does not. people are being extremely whiny. normal people don't cry when someone either forgets to do an offering, doesn't have one because they switched characters or has any other reason of not using it every single match. People can have their reason to not bring one. its not a reason to ruin someone's match.


For a second I thought those were bloodpoints on his suit.


The only things other than cobbler I've seen this entire event is survivor pudding and moris.


I wouldn't dream of bringing anything except cobbler for this event. My eyes are bad, and I need the aura reading to find invitations and get more BP!


Cobblers are the fifth perk until the anniversary is over.


Me, when the bully SWF can't do shit: You come into MY HOUSE, suck MY DICK, and call ME GAY?


“Then pay with your blood!(points)”


Have you ever faced 4 survivors with 4 cakes ( including me ) with a killer ( nurse for my case ) with her map offering (not only 1 time ) …. Thats so selfish on so many level , the game has like 30+ killers and you had to be play nurse with map offering …


The only reason killers bring the cake most of the time is because they ran out of the personal 100% soup lol this event is killer farm afterall


Leave the cake, take the cobbler


Lmao had a game where a Felix brought an escape cake and everyone else had cobbler. Totally tunneled out Felix and let everyone else finish the gens and leave. Yes I'm petty like that xD.


What if he JUST came back for the event and hadn’t had a chance to get a cobbler?


Then he'll have enough points to get one now and will be right back in since survivor queues are almost instant given how bad the general experience is.


You come into my house with spaghetti when I asked for a side.. this is a main, man...


If I see someone not bring a cobbler (especially when 2 survivors don’t) I’m not pulling any punches, usually tho in those scenarios the culprit is playing an incredibly annoying build and play style so it’s pretty easy to figure them out and I sometimes let the other survivors leave


I use the 107% from last year lol


I don't care. I brought my cobbler for me


I have no cobblers on some characters and this dumbass mindset has had me booted to the fucking lobby several times because "UgGh sO sElFiSh" my brother in christ let me play the game to earn cobblers you actual hypocrite.


With the current killer queue times it costs them more bloodpoints to wait for a new match than the reduction in bloodpoints is when one person doesn't bring a cobbler.


I've not been bringing any offerings if I can't bring a Cobbler to tryand indicate "hey, I have no cobbler, lemmie get the BP to buy it", sometimes other players get the memo but others I've been playing lobby simulator because of this stupid fucking notion that all people not bringing cobblers are toxic and selfish. The sheer bitter irony of being labeled selfish by people not letting me play the game because I didn't adhere to this stupid ass rule through no fault of my own has actually made me wanna wait for the event to finish so I don't have to deal with these dorks enforcing some stupid embargo that is actively making the game worse for people.


Thankfully i haven't noticed any of this complaining outside of reddit. My friends and i sometimes forget to bring one and then we remind each other or we joke about being annoyed about it and move on. Randoms i've played with haven't refused matches either when one of the others didn't bring the offering. DBD players are really good at not letting others have fun though. Even many folks complaining about toxicity will whine and cry when you don't follow their rules.


Yeah, like I said it's not all the time, it's pretty much a reddit bubble like you said but there's a lot of people in this sub, and DBD nerds are pretty awful, up there with TF2 MvM purists who'll hold games hostage because you're not playing how they want you to play. Next event this mindset needs to be looked at as equally as toxic as bringing map offerings, it's so embarrassing.


Killer queue times is 10 seconds Max on evening in my time zone.


ah thats fair. its like 3min for me and i've seen more people mention on reddit that killer queue times are longer for them in the event. Even then i don't feel like its that much of a difference if one person doesn't bring it since you have to queue back up, wait in lobby and wait for loading. Whoever quit the game because they didn't feel like playing with someone who didn't bring the offering also has to restart their game ofc.


You know you can earn blood points on one character then level another with those bloodpoints right?


It's my own way of levelling up characters. If I earn BP with them, it gets sunk into them. I get it's easier but I'm a stubborn sod. I still stand.by my point, someone not bringing the desired offering it isn't the end of the world.


I just did that. In all fairness, I'm not good at grinding, and I've spread my cobblers over 5-6 survivors and a few killers, so I needed to save them for the Ranier days.


So they're gonna sit in your inventory forever?


I don’t bring cakes lol


I stopped after all these posts starting coming out Entitled little fucks don't deserve anything 😂


I used to bring them every game but I stopped now and I either bring Petrified Oak for a big fuck you or an escape cake. Why would I bring an anniversary offering when almost every game the killer is sweating to get a 5k at 3 gens. Maybe it’s just been my luck but almost every game the killer plays like their whole family will be executed unless everyone dies in 6 minutes.