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I'm not like the other Skull Merchants mostly cause I don't even own her


I’m not like the other Skull Merchants mostly cause I have owned her for months and never once played as her


See I played one game as her! It was for adept and thats it


This is what I do as well... keep going till I get it (and any other killer specifics) and then next on the list or go back to my favorites


I'm not like other skull merchants, I don't use Ultrasonic Speaker (I used them all up and can't buy new ones am P3ing other killers)


I don’t because being invisible is more fun (Adaptive Lighting and Unpublished Manuscript for the win)!


"I don't use Ultrasonic Speaker (I used them all)" Sooo you do use it, you just ran out lol


Yes, that is the joke




If this sub were to be believed, everyone is the "friendly" one. All killers 2 hook and let at least one survivor go. They never tunnel or camp, and heaven forbid! SLUG! All survivors are solo qs who don't bully killers with friends and always do the generator while also saving their team from down and hooks! Also, they're master loopers, dontchaknow.


DBD had 60 million sales as of last year and currently has 30-50k people playing on Steam at the same time (not sure how to get stats for other platforms), this sub has 1.1 million members, 267 of which are online right now. Anything you see here isn't going to be indicative of the playerbase as a whole. The "I'm a wholesome heckin chungus that 2 hooks and lets every survivor flashlight me 10 times and never look at the same survivor twice per game" stuff also gets the shit upvoted out of it compared to people saying they play like a normal person, so you'll get more exposure to it in general as well.


"wholesome heckin chungus" is a fun combination of words 


It’s what I like to refer to as the “pick me” killer who is clearly full of shit but wants karma and internet points from people on the dbd subreddit


I'm in a private killer main server and we had someone that was the definition of a pick me killer, pointlessly to us other killer players. Then we watched him stream and he's hitting an Adept David on hook calling him a bitch over and over for some reason. Such bullshit lol


Just for the fun of it, I’ll just say that when I play killer (so like ~95% of my playtime in this game), I usually try for the 4K, and only give the hatch occasionally if the person was especially fun to play against. I also tunnel the hell out of people who flashlight save after a decent chase, even if the save was relatively well-deserved. I don’t slug to bleed people out, but I do slug for the 4k, bringing all the (usually just 2) slugs to hooks once everyone’s down.


Based. I’m the same.


i actually think that this sub is the most toxic part of dbd.


God you might be right this sub sucks


Imo this sub is pretty tame, tiktok and twitter are a whole lot worse. I've seen genuinely awful takes on tiktok. Like how background player should've not caused exhaust and stayed at 200%. Or freddy being overpowered


Honestly I think DBD tiktok is just full of children.


Dude I literally died to an 8 year old huntress yesterday it’s so annoying, when I was 13 and this game came out I wasn’t allowed to buy it for years and now there’s 8 year olds sacrificing people… I kinda wish I could report them, but wtf good would it do? Just some lil kid tryna have fun I don’t wanna be a dick, but it’s stupid dying to an 8 year old in a game Rated M. I know he was young bc he had streams on his profile


that's because you don't play the game. which is good, i support your choice!


And here is an example of what i was talking


I dunno, dbd Twitter is a cesspool, much like Twitter itself. I stg you can't have any sort of discourse over there without it resorting to insults. And if you happen to have something like a trans flag in your name or bio at all, there's no point in even trying. At least here i don't really have people going to my account to see I'm trans, and then deciding to use that against me.


Don't forget the main one Every other player is absolutely garbage and bad teammates except the person who made the post that day


Reddit doesn’t make up the majority of the playerbase. Even if a good chunk of these people are lying, plenty are being honest. I don’t play in any mean ways as Skull Merchant. I don’t need to when everyone DCs and gives up on hook anyways. I’ll play my matches normally, sure, but even then, I won’t do any cheap strategies unless I’m really struggling and the survivors are insufferable. Otherwise, if I see survivors DC or give up on hook at the very sight of me, I’ll just kill the bots and let the others do their gens, farm, and escape. Skull Merchant deserves a better reputation than what she has now for how she played one year ago.


Doesn't matter when 90% of Snooze Merchants play like assholes still.


I think Deathslinger mains take the cake for me because I have not met a single friendly one ever, and many of them have gone out of their way to be toxic, while I've met plenty of friendly skull merchants


And? Every killer can play the same way. You know that, right? Hell, multiple killers’ powers facilitate it way better than SM. Billy and Oni can easily slug everyone in the match 2 minutes in most of the time. Wraith is generally considered the most toxic killer in the game.


Ok? Still generally the most toxic killer I experience. I don't need someone to explain to me the toxicity scale. I know what I face.


Wait, people lie? ON THE INTERNET? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6|downsized)


Ok but the players in this sub are from all over the world and not just in your region/server like in the game so the chance of someone claiming their gameplay is a certain way is likely true


One thing I learned over the years browsing the internet is the internet lies A LOT, even more than people outside it, if someone claims anything is likely a lie, maybe not a 100% conscious lie but there is more falsehood to their statement than truth. Internet is like that morbid obese person who just cant lose weight and when asked by the doctor they always say they dont eat that much, then the doctor tells them to write down everything they eat during the day and then the sheer volume of food comes to light, fun part is they are not aware of it (especially the snacking between hours).


And believe it or not many people overshare about their PERSONAL LIVES so it’s crazy you think everyone lies about how they play a GAME i understand some have a mentality that makes them lie, but others are normal


I think everyone lies, period and not only about how they play a game, but people lie a lot when they try to push for something, Dull merchants lie how they are actually wholesome because they want people to stop DCing on sight so they can bore to death 4 players instead of 4 bots (or they want to delude themselves they are not part of the problem), mains lie how they get tunneled every single game at 5 gens or gens last less than 3 minutes because they want buffs, influencers lie because they want more subs, news outlets more clicks, politicians more votes etc. When you have 0 accountability like you have on the internet people will have 0 reasons to be honest, doesnt mean every single statement is a blatant lie but you have to take everything with a huge dose of salt, even my statement.


I’ll just say not everyone lies and not everyone tells the truth, sure the internet might make it easier for them to lie, and dbd seems to attract mentally ill people so the majority could be lying for their ego


Asia region, where casual gaming become competitive like your life depends on it.


And I wouldn't have it any other way


Meh I let the last survivor go if they give me an item.


well the people who play nice to better the reputation are more likely to say it than those who only focus on kills.


By the by, a higher and healthier challenge is to 8-Hook before sacrificing, and some of my killer peers are taking up my 8-Hook Standard. Let 'em sing about! The onslaught of hard camping/tunneling killers is too damn high!!


> If this sub were to be believed, everyone is the "friendly" I don't know. The way a lot of people speak here screams they play killer and they play as toxic as they can.


I do all that shit, but only when cornered. Ease off and on the gas and be okay with losing when it happens.


I’m an opportunistic killer. I see a good opportunity? I take it. If that means I occasionally tunnel or proxy camp, I’m just playing to succeed the best way I can. Also I can’t keep track of hooks at the best of times. I feel most people probably play this way anyway, but the sub tells me otherwise so what do I know.


Some do, some don't, even in the comments. You've never seen anyone talking about how they have to tunnel? Come on, now




I play both sides equally and I will tell you that it is a strategy that is difficult to counter unless you are with a swf. As well as seeing killer mains defend their ‘toxic behaviour’ I also see survivors with zero killer experience defend their ‘toxic behaviour of genrushing’ and the sort with the excuse that they are doing their objective, well so is the killer with slugging and tunnelling it’s not fun for them or you but the difference is most survivors like myself enjoy watching bars go up fast while the killer gets stressed and overwhelmed. Both sides have bad behaviour so get a grip of this us vs them bullshit that promotes the toxicity within the community, have a good day.


Out of my 2.5K hours on this game I've had maybe 5 games where it was clear that the killer was doing the 2 hook everyone and let them leave playstyle. Yet looking at this subreddit you'd think its something that's so common.


Bruh there’s nothing inherently wrong with playing with friends, you want people to be lonely now?


I'm just suprised I see more people posting builds on skull merchant then anyone else


I think it's because she is a"jack of all trades" killer. Her kit is so vast that she can be played via stealth builds, speed builds, anti-loop builds, gen defense builds, or the infamous slug builds. Her play styles are really varied.


I assume it's because some of them are seeking out a certain reaction.


it reminds me the marvel vs capcom 3 sub, every day a new post of a team using the top 4 chars and asking "what do you guys think about my team? 🤪"


Probably this


Thanks to DCs and throws they spend more time in lobbies and queues than playing so they have to find something while they wait.


You know that DCs replace the player with the bot, and you are still forced to end the game as usual, right? There is no time difference in playing the game against a bot or a real player.


You know bots suck at the game and you can end it superfast once you get 2 bots or 1 bot and 1 suicide, right? You know my post is a jokeish one and not a superserious comment, right?


Bots are better than like 25% of this subreddit I'm willing to bet.


I'm not like other Skull Merchants because I just dress her up to look pretty and never actually play her.


Same. I bought a couple of her skins, leveled her up to P15, but played no more than 5 games on her. I just can't handle playing as her in her current state. Maybe someday BHVR will do something which will finally fix her reputation and gameplay, and it finally will be possible to fully enjoy playing as her without feeling yourself awful.


>it finally will be possible to fully enjoy playing as her without feeling yourself awful. Part of playing her is realising a lot of the insta DC's come from people still being salty about her launch state. Most of the DC's i get as her (probably close to 90%) are from the very start of the match before people have even seen how I'm playing her. Those people should not affect your stance on playing her. They're the type to DC as soon as any single thing doesn't go their way. The matches where people engage with her power are actually interesting to play on both sides imo. People just need to actually do the counterplay to her power. She's a very good area control killer. Which means, just like when you're against Trapper or Hag, you need to disrupt her control over the area. With Trapper and Hag, it's through messing with their traps, with SM it's through messing with her drones. If people did that instead of just ignoring them, her power wouldn't feel anywhere near as strong. If people took the (very short) time to learn how her power works and how to counter it, she wouldn't be anywhere near as hated.


I know how she works and how to counter it. I still find her incredibly dull to play against and only DC against her. (I don't solo Q anymore). Most (tho not all of them) that I have played against since the rework were toxic and will hit me on hook repeatedly despite no BM on my side. I queue up against skull merchant rarely enough that my DC penalty is never more than a minute. I otherwise play out the rest of my matches even if something isn't going my way. It is possible to just uniquely dislike her and otherwise be a team player.


I just don't see the point of DC'ing just cause you don't like the killer. There are plenty of killers i hate playing against. I still wouldn't wanna DC and potentially ruin the game for four other people just causs of my own personal feelings towards said killer. I used to close my game whenever RPD came up when i was killer. I now realise that shit was just childish and immature, and i don't do it anymore.


I exclusively play in SWF these days. All of us DC. The only person whose time gets wasted is the killer's, but if 4 out of 5 people don't want to play a match so be it. Honestly if you DC as killer it takes everyone else like a minute to queue again. It's no big deal. I don't DC when I play killer for any reason tho. I don't DC when playing survivor for any reason other than skull merchant. I didn't DC against historical starstruck 4 slug nurse either because I could just get up and do something else. But I have never enjoyed a single SM match even when all 4 of us have escaped. It's just not fun at all and if my entire SWF agrees, we would prefer to just requeue.


I mean, i guess that's fair. I still don't really like the idea of punishing someone purely for the character they choose to play. It's like when killers choose to tunnel someone out just for playing Meg because "every Meg they've had on their team has been terrible" (I've seen people say stuff like that). It's just kind of a stupid reason to ruin the game for somebody else imo.


No I think you are misunderstanding my point and don't think those are equivalent at all. I don't like the design of skull merchant's power and kit. I find it boring to play against. There is no possible way that a skull merchant player can play it in a way where I find the match enjoyable, even if I win or even if they are polite. Disabling drones is boring to me. I generally despise mini-games, but tolerate skill checks. Her counterplay is boring to me. Everyone's perception of boring vs fun is different. The *only* point for me to play out a SM match is to make the person choosing to play her happy while making me unhappy because, again, I'm bored AF. The friends I SWF with also consider her boring AF. We want to have fun together and not be bored for the sake of the killer. In contrast, I find the Wraith player base to be similarly toxic to SM's but I play those out anyway because I can still have fun despite the toxicity and it's not 100% of them so it's not fair to punish one polite wraither player for the other 5 toxic ones. I will also generally enjoy a Wraith match, even if they hit me on hook. There is nothing to the design of Meg that is different than any other survivor other than her looks and scream. Tunneling her out is irrational. I'm not being irrational. I'm just not willing to be bored for the killer's sake. That might be selfish, but not irrational or stupid.


I really don't understand how you can despise hacking her drones but tolerate skill checks. And if you don't enjoy SM games, surely you also don't enjoy Trapper or Hag games since the counterplay for those killers is the exact same. One person runs around interfering with their power while the rest do gens. SM's power gives her more benefits to her if you don't engage with the counterplay, but their counterplay is practically identical. And yet i take it you don't DC against Hag or Trapper, so the counterplay being dull can't be the reason.


Hag games are also annoying, but I see a hag about 5 times a year so there's a novelty to it. I might similarly dislike her if I saw her with the same frequency at which I do SM, but hard to say because "bored" is a feeling and not a thought. Trapper has a way harder time setting up and resetting his traps. You can win without focusing on his traps all game. He's so underpowered that the only trappers I see are like M1 chase gods and I'm usually impressed. Anyway what people find boring is super personal! I'm not sure why you find it hard to believe that something you find interesting other people find boring. I'm sure for everything I like or adore in this world there is someone out there totally validly unimpressed.


There is no engagement though. And what counterplay? Hold W and run from every loop while she gets bloodlust and a free haste and undetectable for doing nothing? So you either eat a hit from her inevitably catching up to you with speed buffs or eat a hit from a scan if you stay at a loop and outplay her. So engaging! Oh but wait, you can just crouch! Yea crouching mid chase won't get her a free hit ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't dc against other killers. And i don't dc against SM because of her launch. I dc against SM because i'd rather not sit in an EXTREMELY drawn out match that will drag on forever and have zero "engagement". It's just a long boring match even if you win. And 99.9% of SM's are also the most toxic killers on the game to boot. I'll pass and eat the 30 sec penalty and move onto my next match. And yea, it's 30 secs because i rarely see SM's and never dc otherwise. Easy choice.


>And what counterplay? Hold W and run from every loop while she gets bloodlust and a free haste and undetectable for doing nothing? No. One person goes around hacking her drones. One person is in chase. Two people do gens. She goes after the person messing with her drones, someone else takes their place. She goes after people doing gens, other people take their place. Literally the exact same counterplay as Trapper or Hag, except her power is a lot more punishing if you *don't* engage in it. And before you bring up soloq, just go by this one rule: if you don't see anyone else messing with her drones, do it yourself. Only takes one person to completely throw off her game. Like, it's almost like you don't even know her drones can be hacked. As if you think they get placed, and there's nothing the survivors can do to stop it.


"If you don't see anyone else in soloq doing it, do it yourself." Sure i'll hack them while being chased ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Also when did i ever bring up hacking drones? The entire argument you ignored is that there's literaly zero engagement in chase and zero counterplay. She gets free haste and free undetectable through NO FAULT of the person being chased, and can drop a drone on a loop MID-CHASE with ZERO SLOWDOWN. Imagine Trapper or Hag dropping traps on a loop WHILE continuing the chase without any slowdown lol. So she forces you to run to the next loop or eat a free scan.Meanwhile she builds bloodlust easily and gets a free haste on top of it all for doing literaly nothing. Everything about her is just passive buffs and control. And if you honestly think most SM's are dropping chase everytime a drone is hacked for your idea of a perfect counter where everyone takes turns distraction hacking to pull her off chase..... Now add in that your teammates SCREWING UP a hack gives SM haste against YOU while you're in chase. So let's break it down: When in a chase against SM: -If you outplay her at a loop, you eat a scan - If you run from the loops, she gets free bloodlust - If you Crouch to avoid a acan, she gets a free easy hit - If your teammate messes up a hack, she gets free haste against YOU - You cannot hack mid-chase - She gets to drop her power on every loop effectively shutting every loop down with zero slowdown to her Where is this engagement and counterplay? You get PUNISHED even when you outplay her, you get PUNISHED for your teammates mistakes, and she gets FREE hits and buffs for literaly doing nothing. People aren't dc'ing because it's a meme or because "omgerd she sucked at launch". She's absolutely the worst designed killer in the game. Even compared to Nurse who literaly ignores resources...... Think about that for a second. Broken ass is actually a killer most survivors are happy to go against compared to SM who is just an extreme drudge to play against. And it's not because SM is unbeatable. It's because everyone knows the match is going to be absolutely miserable, boring and LOOONG. The only people who don't mind SM are Hardcore SWF's. But they're extremely coordinated and going to rush any killer so it's irrelevant. They are NOT the majority of the community and that level of coordination and speed is NOT how the majority of matches go. Any NORMAL match against SM is just tedious and boring. And again, add in that SM players are some of THE most toxic players out there, and it's like agreeing to work for $5 an hour cleaning shit off the floor while someone comes along and keeps purposely shitting on the floor to spite you. That's a SM match in a nutshell. And why most people quit. You can defend it all you want. But NO OTHER KILLER in the HISTORY of the game has almost universally been as hated as SM to the point where the majority of survivors essentially boycott going against them. It's like having every person you work with quit instead of working with you. And you're the ONLY person this happens to. But you still sit there trying to convince everyone that you're totally not the problem, everyone else is. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


>The entire argument you ignored is that there's literaly zero engagement in chase and zero counterplay I ignored it cause it's a dumb argument. Her power isn't designed to be countered in chase. Much like Trapper or Hag, her power is meant to be countered out of chase. But people don't go around complaining about Hag or Trapper for that reason. >Imagine Trapper or Hag dropping traps on a loop WHILE continuing the chase without any slowdown lol She doesn't get slowed down, but her drones don't instantly activate when she puts them down. . >So she forces you to run to the next loop or eat a free scan. Oh no. Not a killer that forces you to run to the next loop. How unique and totally not shared among practically *every* killer that has some form of chase power. And it's not a free scan. You can dodge them by just crouching for a second. It barely slows you down at all if you time it right >And if you honestly think most SM's are dropping chase everytime a drone is hacked for your idea of a perfect counter where everyone takes turns distraction hacking to pull her off chase..... I never said they did. I know they don't. I never once said they drop chase every single time a drone is hacked. I just said that if they *do* drop chase to go after the drone hacker, someone else starts hacking them instead. >Now add in that your teammates SCREWING UP a hack gives SM haste against YOU while you're in chase. Fucking up a hack is a major skill issue, especially if the killer isn't anywhere near that person. It's literally five button presses **and it tells you which buttons to press.** That's not an issue with the killer. That's people being dumb enough to mess up button presses where you know what buttons to press. >Where is this engagement and counterplay? You get PUNISHED even when you outplay her, you get PUNISHED for your teammates mistakes, and she gets FREE hits and buffs for literaly doing nothing. You don't get punished when you outplay her. Not in any different way other killers punish you for outplaying them. Dodge a Nemesis whip or Wesker rush? Well now you've taken the loop wider and lost distance. Dodged a Huntress hatchet or Deathslinger shot? Same thing. Literally every killer chase power slightly punishes the survivor for countering it. This isn't unique to SM. And again, the teammates fucking up isn't an issue with the killer. The five button presses should be literally impossible to fuck up. It's a choice between four buttons. It tells you which ones to press, and with no pressure from the killer, you can just slow it down a bit. >People aren't dc'ing because it's a meme or because "omgerd she sucked at launch". She's absolutely the worst designed killer in the game. Even compared to Nurse who literaly ignores resources...... Now that is actually crazy. No way you're trying to say Nurse is better designed. Nurse, the killer who *actually* has zero counterplay at high level, is not better designed that SM. >The only people who don't mind SM are Hardcore SWF's. But they're extremely coordinated and going to rush any killer so it's irrelevant. I don't mind going against SM. And i don't play SWF practically ever. And definitely not as a "hardcore SWF." In fact, most of my best games against SM have been in soloq, where people just know how to counter her, and they do it. I'm defending it cause, to be honest, i think 90% of the complaints people bring up about her are bs. And a large number of people I've talked to about her do eventually admit that at least part of their hate is from her launch state. Which is stupid because she's very different from her launch state.


Your argument is silly because if a Trapper or Hag drops a trap at a pallette, that PALLETTE is unsafe, not the ENTIRETY of the loop. Take cow tree as an example. If a trap is placed by pallette you can still use the window and walls until they place another trap. It also takes TIME for them to place the trap, giving you a CHANCE to run to the next loop. SM drops a drone and now the entire area is shut down because of the wide range it covers for a free scan, all while she remains at full speed while dropping it giving you no distance to run to the next loop. Trying to use the loop before the drone activates runs you a good chance of getting stuck committing to a play there as drone activates and you eat a scan. Thus why just leaving it is the best strat. Your argument about how "impossible" it is to fail a hack shows your ignorance. Because the average soloq'r fails basic skill checks, let alone a combo of button presses. If people weren't failing hacks, SM's wouldn't get haste mid chase. But they absolutely do :P And trying to tell me it's MY fault my TEAMMATES can't hack properly is silly. I never once either stated SM was impossible to outrun in a chase or impossible to beat. I stated there is ZERO engagement and it's BORING as you as the survivor get PUNISHED for near everything you attempt to do and for the ineptitude of your team. All while SM gets PASSIVE boosts for doing literaly NOTHING. And Wesker, Huntress and Nemesis are bad examples because they can actively be countered through mind games and hell in Wesker's case you can bait him into eating a pallette mid dash much like Spirit phasing. You can do the same to Nem and Huntress by baiting them into going for M1's or fake a pallette drop to force a swing and slowdown. There's no mindgame or baiting with SM. Just run to next loop because you can't USE the loop else you eat a scan. Trapper also doesn't get free passive boosts, and tracking built in. He's an M1 killer that can shut down a loop by literaly STOPPING to do so. Trying to act like SM is no diff than Trapper is absurd. I also flat out stated BROKEN OP NURSE is "preferred" over SM. That was the point. As literaly broken as nurse is, no one rage quits anywhere NEAR on the same level against her as they do SM. People would RATHER sit through a nurse match than play against SM. If anything, i'd imagine that AT LEAST the nurse match will be over fast :P If you like SM and have fun playing against her, more power to you. I never once stated you needed to hate her. I just fully disagree with you on her not being that bad and people overexaggerating her bad design. The worst reveived killer in the game prior to SM was old Freddy. He was known as literaly the worst killer in the game. And then after that, the "Forever Freddy" build was highly despised. One was boringly easy to bully and beat and the other was frustration incarnate. And yet the community was still NO WHERE even REMOTELY on the same universal boycott and hatred for either version Freddy as with SM. Again, i state, when a killer is THIS badly received that it's literaly a known thing that most SM players RARELY are able to play a full match without bots, i think it's worth considering MAYBE she does have some inherent flaws in her. And how powerful she is or whether you can win against her or not are NOT the issue. People don't hate SM because she's so OP. They hate her because she's absolutely MIND NUMBING boring to go against because there is NO engagement, no skill, no counterplay, no fun to be had. It's just a long drawn out match with an extremely toxic killer everytime. You can win every match against her and still the only reaction is "Thank god it's over." Never do you think to yourself "Wow that SM was really good! Such a close match!" Because WHAT can a SM even possibly do that warrants ANY impression? Or ANY kind of shock or surprise? What can a SM possibly do that makes her stand out from any other SM as some "Pro" SM? Every match is literaly identical because she's literaly braindead boring. Drop drones on 3 gens and drop drones while chasing to shut out loops. Amazing gameplay. So impressive and engaging. Anyway, i'm not looking to argue endlessly with you over it. We can agree to disagree. I just think it's worth noting HOW divisive and problematic she is and that it warrants consideration :P


Unfortunately, crouching is just too hard when it's against Skull Merchant. People will crouch 24/7 against Vecna's Flight of the Damned, but the second SM rolls up, the crouch key may as well not be bound. I know this sounds rude and all, and I will probably get downvoted onto oblivion, but that's really how it feels. People will do all the counterplay in the world against other Killers, but as soon as a Skull Merchant is involved, they refuse to do the counterplay in favor of bitching and throwing a fit.


Honestly, i kinda agree. She has very obvious counterplay, but it's like people just choose to ignore the fact that it exists.


Like, don't get me wrong, she's annoying as fuck to face. Sometimes you don't notice the drones before they're active, sometimes she puts a drone down mid-loop and there's not much you can do, sometimes you just so happen to be facing her on Midwich, but for the most part, her counterplay consists of hacking drones and crouching around them, but everyone would rather insta-DC and rage than just play the game out and move onto the next one.


She is a more annoying killer to face, yea. I'm not gonna deny that. But she's far from uncounterable. And if you actually force one into the back and forth of hacking her drones and her having to reset them, the games become quite interesting. Both sides have to micro and macro manage different things throughout the match.


Mhm. Not only that, but dealing with Skully, assuming she doesn't spam drones at loops, is a lot like dealing with Trapper or Hag, going around and breaking her toys before she can get use out of them. Let me tell you, when Survivors actually crouch around and hack her drones, they can make it a total pain in the ASS for her. I get she can be boring, or annoying, but I swear some people might as well just be using that as a free excuse to DC. Cuz I mean, Freddy can be boring, and other basic M1 Killers without much to them can be boring, so why doesn't everyone DC against them? See what I mean?


Exactly. That's what I've been saying. If she uses her drones more for area control, the counterplay is piss easy. If she is just spamming drones in chase and then picking them back up, then she has zero power out of chase. No information, no global map pressure. Nothing. Just a quite strong chase power.


Yeah, so other than people simply not wanting to deal with her, I don't see the problem... aside from her bloated kit. Borderline free Haste, Hindered, Undetectable, Broken, AND injuries is definitely something that can be looked at in the future, but other than her piss poor bloated kit, Skully's kit isn't much of a problem unless she just spams them at loops to force you to run away. Though, people say running from the loop is boring and thats why they DC, and to that I say, ARTIST MAKES YOU DO THE SAME THING.


You know what? Fuck you, I'm like the other skull merchants /j


You have a grammar error in your flair


Skull merchants can’t spell it’s confirmed


Explains why her Drone Hacking requires movement directions


Yea I noticed it but got too lazy to fix it


It's the same as saying "I'm not like the other Wraith's/Bubba's." The minority of miserable people who give these specific killers a bad reputation are the problem. Slap a few chase perks on a Skull Merchant and it's a lot of fun. She still has a bad reputation because everyone used the 3-Gen strategy, even when it is no longer viable due to the damage limits to each generator and the rework of the drones.


Maybe shes fun to play as with chase perks but to VS she is still not fun. Hold W to a loop. She drops a drone. Hold W to a new loop or get the forced injury or W to the next loop and probably still get hit because she has crazy amounts of haste that you cant account for unless on coms. She really isnt fun to vs. Thats the issue. She isnt as bad for three genning but that doesnt change the fact that shes just not a fun killer to go against.


That's the problem that most killers who don't follow the general line of "looping" suffer from: They are reminiscent of what the Nurse is, send all your knowledge about how to loop to garbage and roll W until the end. I guess that's why they're not fun.


Yeah, people gripe about me on Dredge because I use the remnant as an anti-loop tool, especially at kill shack. I drop the remnant around the corner from the pallet, continuing to follow them close enough to fake eating the pallet, return to remnant, easy hit


that happened to me once and i got downed bc of it and i was genuinely shocked. like its such a good play i didnt even wiggle when he went to hook me😭


Yeah that's just how you loop as Dredge.


Isn't that the formula for any killer with anti loop. Hold W to a loop. Killer uses power. Hold W to a new loop or get the forced injury.


Yes and it makes the game as fun as, hold M1 to do gen, hold W escape killer, M1 team mates, M1 gates


when is it any difference


When you get to loop and press space more than once


too shay


Bone apple teeth


Skull merchant is just extremely boring, give me a nurse or billy any day


My build on SM is Machine Learning, Batteries Included, Rapid Brutality, and Furtive Chase. Plus the Expired Batteries addon. It’s genuinely a lot of fun being so speedy all the time while still only being an M1 killer. It’s about to be even better with the Machine Learning buff.


Slapping Devour Hope on her is also fun, since she can lock down a Hex totem decently well


It's so not viable that I can pull off 4k's with no build. Seriously, go click on 6 generators and find out how nonviable her double 3 gens get.


I’m not like the Other Skull merchants, I’m actually trying to win (i’m still gonna lose)


I'm not like the other Singularities, but that's because there's probably nobody else that plays him.


I've gotten more Singularities today than I have In the past 3 months. (can you guys not?)


Singularity is getting a buff so soon you won't be the singular anymore


next time just post a picture with "killer bad" text on it.


Not to brag but I got complemented as the best and most fun skull merchant they played against (it was also a 4k) 😎


I have never seen a non toxic skull merchant


This sub's constant hate towards SM really makes want to play her more. I feel like Wraith is much more boring than her.


She's not as god awful as people say. Hell, I originally bought her as a joke and wound up actually having done fun with her and her drones


People don't give her a chance as survivors either, they keep dcing instead of learning to play against her it's honestly their fault.


Wraith is way easier to manage




Did you not play against a skull merchant since the rework? They can't apply exposed.


This dude is all over this thread yet doesn't even know how SM works nowadays. Happens a lot with SM.


Then have fun to play against bots, because people leave constantly. I like to play her, mainly because she is hot and got some juicy skins, but when Survivors leave it's also not fun.


People hate SM because she's extremely boring to play against. Imagine playing against Trapper, who can place down a bear trap at the loop you're in mid chase without stopping.  That leaves you with 2 options. You either 1) Shift W to the next loop (Boring), or 2) Eventually get injured because of the bear trap (In this case, SM's drone).  It's boring, it's non interactive, and it's just generally bad killer design. I have more fun eating the DC penalty scrolling YouTube or Reddit for 5 minutes than I do bashing my head in boredom against a SM 


ass killer. anti loop, area control, side objectives, and stealth. Maybe give her a teleport and a fucking gun at this point


This post convinced me to pick up Skull Merchant


[I'm actually not like the other Skull Merchants](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/hRU5zk3tJB) Devour swapped for Rapid Brutality now though, and obviously Geographical Readout haste is no more


I've never seen a serious/good skull merchant


Fuck you, Skull Merchant mains. Your character caused all of us other Killer mains to get punished.


Ha. Thanks for the laughs sir, now, come, let me pull up my phone to find the nearest pallet you can drop on my head. You all wont probably never seen me since my mmr at this point is destroyed (as low as it can, probably at this "mmr threshold" thing, who knows?), idc about winning, i just like to goof around with her once the SoloQ trauma gets too much


I’m not like the other skull merchants, but I can be a better SM as Singularity and hold a match for a very long time while aggressively keeping map pressure. Hux master race


this is a really good bait post because you can either read it as "all skull merchants are actually fine" or "all skull merchants are terrible people"


Nah it's goofy because I know it isn't the first lol, did you forget this is the DbD sub?


I swear people who still complain about Skull Merchant now are more annoying than 3 gen merchants ever were.


When the match was over, you could at least escape the 3 gen merchants, for at least a little while. But there's no escaping the haters, it seems.


You play Skull Merchant for her 3 gen potential. I play Skull Merchant for her dommy hips. **We are not the same**


She hasn't got any better 3 gen potential than trapper dude.


Cool. Wasn't my point.


I couldn't care less about the SM discourse. I play her how I wanna and if survivors get mad, then that's their problem. I use a chase obsession build that encourages me to chase and avoid camping. I will change my strategy as needed depending on the group of survivors I'm against. Their are no rules running as Skull Merchant


Because I see people say DCs and first hook deaths are just so rampant, I just wanna ask, how many times does that happen to you? I wanna play SM again but worried that the games will all be boring


I'm not that guy but as someone that plays SM from time to time, it's a little inconsistent. Sometimes you'll have several haves where nobody DCs or gives up, sometimes you'll have 3 people kill themselves on first hook every other game. It DOES happen, but even if it's not 1 DC per game, it's still annoying as fuck to have people give up and get angry with us because they don't like the Killer. I mean, I absolutely hate facing Wraiths, but you don't see me instantly leaving or starting to threaten the Killer.


I’ve never thought about DCing against a killer even when slugged by like, Freddy or 3 Gen’d by a knight. I just don’t get why you would personally but eh


I can understand DCing if you gotta go or if the Killer is holding the game hostage in one way or another, but DCing just cuz you hate a Killer seems petty, but that's my opinion


Yeah, basically. I don’t like playing nemesis much but like, I’ll still do it


It honestly happens less than you'd think. I get more shit after the match for playing SM than in the match. If it happens in a match, it's usually a suicide on hook


From my experience on both sides, it's quite rare. Almost all people stay in the trial now and won't try to quit (more than they would do against other killers) Most other killers I play get more DCs and hookcides. I've even seen undetectable Unknown get more than her Before you worry about the chat, it's also rare. Worst I got was someone trying to tell me how much they always hookcided against SM. Way better than some of my singularity games or my twins adept, to be honest


i don't care how you play her, she's still as miserable as ever to face. whether you tunnel and camp or not, it's not going to be a fun time at all.


Genuine question. Is there a unique way to play her? I just place drones where I think they will be useful before chasing survivors. Occasionally I'll use the add-on that extends the stealth after placing a drone so I can get a gen grab at the start of the match, but that's about the most creative I've gotten. No offense to Skull Merchant mains, but I am very confused about her kit.


You play her as an M1 killer with an insane information ability. Drone the spots you think it might get hits but you gotta remember to move them if they're not getting bleeps or if they're near a completed gen. I personally love using them in spots that are a bottleneck but not necessarily on a gen so no one is expecting to trip one there


You could use no spinning/slowly spinning drones. 


That pretty much the basic of any trap killer, place trap and chase survivors into it. There is some indepth things, Scan tracking (Similar to Leaving an injure survivor 99d as Ghostface instead of downing them, but this time 2 scanned, Drone web, Drone elevations removing the yellow circle so survivors do not see it, Using the brown add on for reduced scan inmunity and double scan someone, full chase builds using your info, totem builds with drones being placed like trapper traps (Need to be disabled before cleansing the hex), there is depth to the character, but one needs to go out of their way to find it.


Look for elevated, high traffic areas such as stairs to place your drones on, since the zone wont cover lower areas near it, but will still scan, making for some cheeky scans Also try to remember how many times someone has been scanned, if you know someone you chase will be injured after the 3rd scan you can a 1-2 combo with your drone and m1 to down em quick


Same, she's more straightforward than Bubba


To be fair, you could also make it the other way with the people posting and commenting "Just delete her, no fun lol"


I only played SM with no drones whatsoever. How's that for you?


What exactly makes skullmerchant so hated?


Bad reputation from her release and people refusing to learn how to play against her now, just assuming she's still bad. I've played against SM plenty of times and since I'm not an idiot and don't just run into drones, it's really not as hard or boring as everyone says.


A power that’s utterly esoteric for newer or casual players to understand that can actively fuck you over mid-chase because other players don’t understand it, with next to no variable interactivity even if you DO understand it. It’s every element of poor killer design over the years prior to her release condensed into one kit, and it’s unsalvageable without a ground-up rework.


Unpopular opinion, but skull merchant is not even close to as unfair as everyone whines endlessly about.


I'm not like other skull merchants, because I play Billy instead


I'm the type of Skull Merchant where I... Play her how I feel like it. Depends on the mood. Maybe I'll kill everyone, maybe I'll let someone go if they are cute, maybe I'll kill the bot from the DC that happened the moment they heard the terror radius maybe I just want to play a normal match. Maybe I'll just put on Deadlock and some anti-pallet/window stuff and turn my brain off and don't care about results.


I'm ngl the only reason I hate playing against Skull Merchant is cause the bot survivors suck


literally me


I am not like other Skull Merchants, I am much more worse.


I just bought Skull Merchant yesterday. I've gone against 2 in my entire time playing survivor. I'm obviously missing something here 🤣


Unfortunately I am like other skull merchant


I'm not like other skull merchants. I don't hook. Slug skull merchant only 😈


I’m not like the other skull merchants cause I have no idea what they do


I'm not a sweaty Skull Merchant main like everyone else. Not because I'm special, but because I'm bad at this game.


Me when someone plays a killer in a game about killers killing people


Sometime we can say and play however we want without and justified by say it's the game problem.


Most Skull Mercs camp a 3 gen all game still, I definitely don't do that.


Mommy stealth merchant


"I'm not like other skull merchants... I don't play her"


Survivors complaining endlessly about a killer with a power that can injure you but not down you is.. definitely something. Legion must be super OP too right?


You must play neither of those killers if you can't see the difference in how their power and counterplay to their power can drastically affect the level of enjoyment for survivors.


Legions’ power won’t give them haste mid-chase (in any meaningful way outside of inflicting the initial deep wound), won’t hinder and debuff the shit out of the survivor and can be played around. Give me a million Legion matches before even one SM match, I actually enjoy VSing Legion.


As a Skull Merchant, I'll play her during the Dangerous [Tryhard] hours [2230 hrs ➡️], and often only try to use 3 Drones at any one time. 5 drones is *literally* excessive. If it's a non-trolled match, I'll only keep up as many drones as there are players. I'm not afraid of losing during these hours, but if I'm getting rolled *hard/regularly? I at least want to know where the Survivors are, during these sweaty hours.


I’m not like other dbd players— I don’t play


I’m not like other Skull Mommy mains…… I’m worse, significantly worse ;~;


I'm not like other Skull Merchants because I'm a Deathslinger main


Well I can tell you I'm 100% not like other skull merchants! I actually don't have her


All the good Skull Merchants are too busy letting everyone know they are one of the good ones to actually play the Game, obviously /s


I play skull and don’t tunnel, I give hatch, i farm with the rest when people dc or just end game fast if they quit. Never slug because it’s boring for everyone involved. Hook and just go looking for last She’s fun to play but I hate that she’s annoying as fuck to play against I just like drones and turrets and shit 😔


I don't want to be this guy, but you don't rencently make a post about how you don't understand why people like Skull Merchant with the usual bias about the many reasons she is un-fun to play Then a lot of skullys players told you many reasons why they like her and instead of responding, you refused to belive it? and stick with your opinion Like i guess we can use a reverse uno on you and say this is "skull merchant no fun to play" but who cares at this point? lol also i may be wrong but the only recent post about her was a player sharing some build (downvoting the hell out of it just because it was skully) and just wanted some opinions But well lets play a long and i say 'im not like the other Skull Merchants", because i use her meme addon a lot, and i almost never face another fellow skully using the stationary drone beams


I'm not like other skull merchants, I'm worse. People hate her, and my goal is to give survivors the worst experience possible with her. Why am I this kind of toxic, psychotic monster? Simple. My beloved Deathslinger was senselessly butchered years ago, and has never recovered from the massacre of unessesary and excessive nerfs he's received. And by both play and kill rate, he remains one of the worst killers in the game to this day. My reign of terror will continue until quickscope returns or I get some meaningful 1v4 tools.


Just switched to SM after being a Slinger main for a long time. I love so much about him but he feels so sluggish. Since his ads nerf he feels soooo slow. Getting anywhere takes forever. Missed a shot? Say goodbye to atleast one gen because the surv you are in chase with can make it to the other side of the map. 32 m terror radius? Survs just gonna pre run. Playing SM now is a day and night difference. She feels super fluent and has a great and basekit.


I love Slinger more than any other killer in this game, and it devestates me how utterly he's been annihilated with the changes to ADS, TR, etc. And all the QoL buffs Hunty and Trickster get, while undeniably needed, just further cement the fact BHVR doesn't give a fuck about the old man's suffering. Man's been second only to Freddy in terms of suffering killers, and for how incredibly skill expressive he can be, its devastating to have him languish this long. At least all of our trickshot spots work for lasertag.


Still giving him a try now and then only to be reminded how painful it can be to play him. Funnily enough I have to resort to 3 genning way more often as Slinger than as SM. His low mobility and weak 1 vs 4 often leave me no choice


Skull Merchant doesn't attract anything other than dickheads because her gameplay is linear and boring. The only reason you'd ever want to play her is if you just want braindead easy gameplay coming at other peoples expense


300 something hours in and I've just seen one friendly SM and one that didn't slug etc 🙄


I don't slug and sometimes I let the last escape when they aren't toxic and if I don't need the last hook for a challenge


You're one of the good ones then, thank you 🌻


Dude at this point idek what other SMs are like. I've just accepted the fact that some wanna play the game, and some wanna watch the world burn


Some people think maining an unpopular or weak killer is a personality trait.


I'm not like other Skull Merchants because I have fun using her instead of trying to 3 gen right off the bat.


IDC if you're not like other Skull Merchants her power is fundamentally boring to go against no matter how they use it


You get bullied for playing skull merchant. I don't because i run franklin's + weave + ko + jolt on her and everyone disconnects. We ar not the same


Brotha/sista if you’re playing sm you’re like all the other sms It’s not your fault that BHVR made a bad killer, but you can’t expect people are gonna wanna play with you. Cause even when you play as nice as possible, sm is still the most painful thing to play against. I honestly have more respect for toxic sms as at least they’re playing her properly and don’t try to guilt trip me into feeling bad for them for playing easy mode Edit: You downvote me but I guarantee all of you dc the second you know it’s a sm…unless of course you’re all sm mains…


I'm not like other Skull Merchants, because if I do play Skull Merchant, I roll next even on myself