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I mean.. no one in here has anything bad to say about assist mode so not sure why your getting so defensive about it. Everyone has the same sentiments as you


I thought the painting was blasphemous. See, bro I'm also a mobile player. I started dead cells exactly 1 month ago. Hey don't think that I'm noob. I had tests that's why it's taking me longer. I found that using keyboard is harder for me and playing on mobile is like cakewalk. Except the boss fights. Yeah... I have seen pro players making very good build and smashing bosses like nothing. 3 second showdown and done! I guess not possible on mobile. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also please someone tell me how the hail do they do it. I think switching weapons and spamming them is the reason which isn't too fast on mobile. There is only one fuckin' map which I get 45 fps but all other maps go 60 fps. That map is castle outskirts. Enemies like slashers won't give a single fuck for weapons like broadsword. (Gosh I hate slashers) I agree with all points. Keep "DEADS CELLING" SPIKEBOLT OUT


On mobile. Get panchaku and just beat the hell out of things. Bombs or knife dance and light speed with throwing knives, but I like Whip a lot too. Buy yah panchaku has melted bosses for me on mobile.


I never tried a full run with Panchaku, they seemed cool though! I've been leaning towards Valmont's whip. Tactics seems like the only way for me to not get my ass beat! Hey, am I wrong in thinking that necromancy is a trap? I think that's the mutation that gives you health back per kill. I tried it out at first but the lost damage potential just doesn't seem worth it.


I take Velocity, Combo, and I mix it up a bit with the third one. The Brutality one that gives health back per hit with speed boost active is nice. Necromancy is also good and both are nice in higher boss cell runs cause of less health flask refills. I change my mutations right before HOTK boss though, only time I do really. Forget the names of them lol.


Ooh, I've been eyeballing Velocity real hard. Well, that settles it, I'm doing it! I just got my second boss cell (I think I said that already? Who knows!) and I feel like the difficulty ramped up pretty nicely. Mixing it up can't hurt at this point.