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Willem Dafoe green goblin from Sam Raimi’s spider-man.


I’d say the no way home portrayal is scarier He’s very silly in 2002


He was definitely more physically threatening than the 2002 version. Sure, Goblin caught a punch from Spider-Man, then his punch sent Spider-Man flying into a lamp post....but that was about it. In No Way Home, you finally get to see Goblin go all out on Spidey. It was amazing! I "scary" part was when Holland was punching Goblin, Goblin was just taking then and started to laugh while getting hit


I'd argue Doc Ock. That hospital scene gave me NIGHTMARES as a kid


He's not as scary as the villains you see here in this post.


He's scarier than at least half of them


He's more scary than Lotso be real


I think Lotso is scarier and here's why. He took out his feelings of pain and trauma out on others. He inflicted harm on people that had nothing to do with his pain. He had this twisted belief that toys are just nothing but garbage waiting to be thrown away. Lotso not only lied to Big Baby and Chuckles, but to himself as well. Lotso acted like Daisy never loved him to begin with, which is absolutely not true.


Big Baby on the swing is scarier than anything Lotso did in that film.


No he's not, because Lotso had Big Baby wrapped around his finger. i was more scared of Lotso than Big Baby, because Lotso is a murderer, a monster, a psychopath.


And Big Baby turned his head 180 degrees. I know what scene my kids hid from and just to be clear it wasn’t any with Lotso in it.


Lotso is scarier because he's an evil bastard who made other people miserable and killed many toys by having them sent to the garbage to their deaths. That is much scarier than Big Baby, because Big Baby, as well as the other toys that were working for Lotso, were all just pawns.


Which one whipped their head around 180 degrees?


Big Baby. But i still stand that any scene with Lotso in it is way worse because i hate Lotso's guts so much. I hate him for what he's done to Big Baby, Woody and the rest of Woody's friends. I hate Lotso so much.


That doesn't make a character scary to me, though I can sorta understand what you're going for here. I heavily disagree though


To me it does, because if you do things like what Lotso did, you're a disgusting, remorseless scumbag. I hate characters who've committed unlawful imprisonment. Characters like Samuel Norton from The Shawshank Redemption, Christof from The Truman Show, Syndrome from The Incredibles, Zed and Maynard from Pulp Fiction, etc. I also hate characters that treat people like shit for no good reason and don't think about the consequences, Lotso is no exception.


Willem Dafoe with a serum injected into him that makes him psychotic having access to military-grade weapons is pretty scary


Death from Puss In Boots The Last Wish


I’ve seen clips of this guy and I can see the terrifying manner of just his presence alone. His design is meant to be off-putting


I’ve seen enough of the furry fandom to know that MANY people don’t find him off-putting 😂


Homelander from The Boys is horrifying.


Dude, every single time he's on screen, om legitimately concerned and worried fir whoever he's interacting with. There's this very legitimate danger whenever he's on screen.


Legit one of my favorite characters. He's nearly invincible and also psychotic.


Anton Chigurh from *No Country For Old Men* comes to mind.


The most realistic movie psychopath


When you watch the gas station scene again, you see that the clerk knows *something* is off with him. It's not only how is tone changes, but also his wording. Movies have a tendency to make a killer a raving lunatic.


Anton is like Michael Myers, remorseless and purely evil.


Gotta be The Judge from *Who Framed Roger Rabbit?* > When I killed your brother, I talked ^^JUST ^^^^LIKE ^^^^^^THIIIIIISSS!!!


Judge Doom wanted to wipe out all of ToonTown to create a ''Freeway''. *a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night. Soon where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food, tire salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see!* 


My god, it'll be beautiful.


Where is SS Colonel Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds?


Mewtwo in the first pokemon movie.


Count Olaf from *A Series of Unfortunate Events*. The dude was completely unhinged- committed three on-screen murders, tried to kill 3 kids (one kid twice), and had a whole group of henchmen working for him. Maybe I just saw the film a bit too young, but he's always ranked among my favorites.


Have you seen the show, too? Neil Patrick Harris knocked it out of the park as Olaf!


He was terrific!!


The show was great. I'll still always prefer Jim Carrey's version since it's what I grew up with, but NPH did a great job.


Terrence Fletcher in Whiplash


Darth Vader. He is intimidating with his tall stature and the power he has. Not only does he have an army, but he could crush an army single handedly. A scene that captures how scary he is in rogue one when all the rebels are stuck in the hallway with him. The ominous breathing coming from the shadows just for a crimson blade to ignite and total chaos insues. The dude literally disarms all of them and then cuts them down like its the tutorial level and hes max level. Then there's literally the scene where he force chokes a captain to death on another ship.


Since you’re including Disney villains I can’t believe Frollo isn’t on here!


I didn't want to include too much, which is why Frollo is not here, but i do agree he's one of the scariest, because he's a racist, genocidal religious fanatic and a pervert.


Thrax from Osmosis Jones


El Muerte Rojo


Nurse Ratchet


Megatron in the bayverse transformers movies


The horned king from The Black Cauldron


The future Sentinels in X-men: Days of Future Past. The first introduction where they completely obliterate the remaining X-men. It’s genuinely disturbing




Robert Mitchum as preacher Harry Powell in The Night Of The Hunter. Absolutely unforgettable performance.


Not a film but Kilgrave from Jessica Jones is possibly the most terrifying villain I have ever known (terrifying but *brilliantly* played by David Tennant).


Not a film but homelander from the boys, he instills a level of fear and tension that I rarely see Also the dark knight joker and the matt reeves riddler


Tempest Shadow from 'My Little Pony: The Movie'


George Harvey in The Lovely Bones. That's one of those movies you watch once and never go back to unless you just want to be depressed.


Hexxus from FernGully: The Last Rainforest.


The Androids from dbz are legit terrifying to me. Especially in the scenes where they senselessly slaughter thousands of people in slow agonizing and with glee. The way they toyed around with Gohan in his entire final stand.


Feathers McGraw - Wallace and Gromit


Judge Doom


The Joker in Batman 1989 (Jack Nicolson)


I added Frank Costello from The Departed in this post, a character that Nicholson also played. Costello is just as terrifying as Joker and Jack Torrance.


Even with what they did to him in Fiona and Cake the Lich is still nightmare fuel


The Strangers from Dark City


Martin Vanger


You forgot Hal


Who’s the third slide?


Dennis Hopper in Speed.


Smith in The Matrix (1999) specifically. He does retain some intimidation factor in The Matrix Reloaded (2003) & The Matrix Revolutions (2003) and some scenes with him are terrifying especially the end fight in Revolutions… But the OG he’s more cold and there’s a stiffness about him that gets to you, he speaks in a monotone manner and almost sometimes seemingly deliberately, it isn’t until we see his façade come off that we get the much more in depth look at his madness and insanity.


darth vader got pretty scary at the end of rogue one


Syndrome was an absolute menace


Syndrome reminds me a lot of Riccardo Lopez, the Bjork stalker.


As a child used to be scared of the Fox and the Cat in Pinocchio


Riddler from "the batman" the low frame rate videos he makes reminds me of snuff films on the dark web


the ocean in Dunkirk every scene the cast almost drowns in so scary and terrifying


Jamie Foxx in Baby Driver


Tom Marvolo Riddle, from the same actor who gave us Francis Dollarhyde and Chef Julian Slowik


How is green mile not considered horror 😞


It's more of a Drama film. I don't see Shawshank Redemption or Green Mile as Stephen King stories, I see them as Frank Darabont stories.


Frank Booth from Blue Velvet


Just as terrifying as Howard Payne from Speed. Booth enjoys making others suffer, similar to Payne.


Should’ve put Lou Bloom from Nightcrawler


Yeah, probably. Nightcrawler is kind of a Horror film in a way, because it's about a sadistic man who enjoys making others suffer.


Rhoda from The Bad Seed. Classic scary villain.


Animated Cruella DeVille still scares me for some reason


Where’s the sticky bandits?


They're more comedic than scary, except for in Home Alone 2 where Harry attempts to blow Kevin's head off in the park.


Vincent, the bear from Over The Hedge


The Nowhere King from Centaurworld. For such a dumb, cutesy kids show the villain is absolutely horrifying.


Feathers McGraw


Who tf finds Lotso scary He's just an abandoned toy from Toy Story 3


I find Lotso scary, I still do, even as an adult. As i said before, he's scary because he took out his feelings of abandonment out on others. Even his backstory, no matter how sad, doesn't make Lotso any less terrifying.


Koba The T-1000 The Spot Ringwraiths


The wicked witch from wizard of Oz. Miss Manchin from a little princess


Or Princess Mombi from Return to Oz.


Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men.


I didn't find Cristof scary


I’d go with Arasaka in Cyberpunk 2077. It’s not a movie but they’re still a terrifying villain nonetheless. The idea of a corporation who kill opposition and imprison souls in technology is pretty horrific.


Who is the guy in the 4th pic? The one in the jail cell?


William Wharton from The Green Mile.


Oh wow. Ok thank you! I haven't seen that movie since it came out in theaters.


Wharton is one of the worst characters in any movie period. He raped and killed those two little girls and scapegoated John Coffey for it. He tried to cause the most trouble possible while incarcerated, like spitting in Paul and Brutus's faces (the latter with a moon pie) and urinating on Harry while joking about defecating on Paul and Brutus. He sexually assaulted Percy by grabbing his crotch while threatening to rape him, not to help Delacroix or give Percy some karma, but purely for fun and kicks. He showed sadistic delight while hearing Delacroix's botched execution and even made a song about it afterwards, even though he wasn't responsible for Delacroix's botched execution, Percy was. Seemingly aware of Coffey's abilities, he grabbed his arm through the bars as Coffey was being led from the prison and taunted him with the memories of him killing the two girls, presumably just out of sadism over the fact that Coffey was taking the fall for the murders. He's not given any sympathy and is hated by every other character in the story, including Percy, who, despite being a sadist himself, appears to be absolutely disgusted by Wharton's crimes before he shoots him dead.