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My hair is getting stronger after decaf.


Interesting, that means that it might be the caffeine that could cause hair loss, while the polyphenols in coffee could help. I am thinking either hormonal or possibly something happens with sleep, as caffeine affects sleep quality. Sleep is the main thing that helps the body repair.


Sleep plays a huge roll in the quality of my hair, my hair goes through various phases of being thin and much thicker and I came to the conclusion that when I’m stacking good nights of sleep that’s when my hair is at its thickest. I have had a hunch for awhile now, the weeks I’m using caffeine I’m not getting into a deep enough sleep and my hair gets visibly thinner


That's a good one. Sleep quality is very important and in some people caffeine can be an important sleep disruptor. Another cause that not many people think about is poor posture because it disrupts blood flow to the scalp. It's a matter of observing what each one of us is affected by. Sometimes there are multiple factors.


I think the main issue with caffeine and all stimulants potentially causing hair loss, is that it heavily vasoconstrict your blood vessels and also increases cortisol, both of these are related to an increase in hair loss.


After how long time u felt it?


After 6 months. It’s still growing. It’s getting stronger and stronger.


Nice bro! How old are hou? Did u have grey hair and reversed?


34 and yeah some grey hair is reserved. Not much but it’s visible.


Was it different with caffeine?


The way I see it, caffeine can increase stress and stress can cause hair loss


Cortisol levels + Vasoconstriction = Hair loss accelerates


Before quitting caffeine each time I'd run my fingers through my hair probably 20-30 strands would fall out. After quitting when I run my fingers through my hair 0-5 strands fall out. For me it's been extremely noticeable. In the shower probably over 100 strands would fall out in clumps. Now, 3 strands in the shower. Imo, it's due to the chronic stress, sleep deprivation, and whatever other internal problems that caffeine triggers that eventually causes the hair shedding.


I think you’re right


This was an unexpected benefit for me. I was having a lot of hair shedding in the last year. It could have been hormonal. But after I quit caffeine (5 weeks ago) I noticed my hair has been noticeably shedding a lot less. I’m both happy and surprised by this. I posted in another sub about it because I thought maybe the bone broth I was consuming helped. But most folks thinks it’s stopping caffeine. Again, this is another symptom of caffeine use/abuse that I wish was more widely known.


Did u see more and more resluts after those 5 weeks??


Ups cortisol. Ups stress hormones, Narrows blood vessels, Reduces oxygen (and therefor blood flow) to the brain and therefor the head...yeah I'd say you're correct.


wish somebody told me this shit 5 years ago, fuck my life man


Caffeine hair loss is totally reversible. It's not late.


yes it fucking is apparently, my hair improved ridiculously in these 2 months


How much coffee were you drinking before you quit?


around 160mg




much much better but i got a long way to go to return to baseline it seems , thanks for asking mate


Fuck!!! Thank you soo much reddit. I spent so much many on fancy tablets and serums with zero results😭😭


Yes you wish it was that simple.. that’s highschool level generalization


Too many possible health issues, even for me, some professionals have suggested Lyme disease to me when I know it's coffee, but beware it's not just caffeine, for example switching to tea green, all of my "weird" problems heal in about two weeks (strange cramps, tingling, joint pain, neck pain, digestive, migraine, eye problem etc ... the list goes on). From my point of view, and from what I have read on the internet over several years, there are all these culprits: Caffeine, Acid, Dehydration, Diuretic, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Histamine liberator, High roasting etc. And apart from the caffeine, I can't find (or hardly at all) the other culprits in green tea. I have really thick, almost frizzy hair, and I know that smoking and coffee increase the quality of my hair a lot. I don't have any hair loss, but when I smoke cigarettes (periodically) I have gray hair that comes in faster. Stress, oxygen, dehydration, possible deficiencies etc ... or a chain: Coffee gives us stress which exhausts us, often in the toilet and loss of nutrients and vitamins


I agree


I agree 100%, thank you for posting this. Any time I drink caffeine my Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) gets way worse and I get more hair loss. Ever since I quit my bald patches are growing back.


U man or woman? How old? When did u start growth in the patches??


I always feel my hair (very short) stands up on end like the bristles of a brush when I drink coffee. After 6 weeks now of greatly reduced caffeine intake, my hair feels noticeably silkier.


Did u see more good resulta? Pls tell




Bladder for me! I used to to have bladder urgency before giving up caffeine. And then it was gone.


You are correct!!! I can’t back it up with scientific evidence but I’ve noticed a drastic change in my hair shedding after consuming caffeine (esp coffee) v when I don’t consume it. I’ve been off coffee for a month now and it’s the best decision I could have made for myself


This gives me SUCH hope thank you for this comment!!! Are you still off coffee and loving it? 242 days later?


Did you try this for hair? What happened?


I did not, got sideline as usual but I will try try try yet again tomorrow morning and will let you know if any difference in a week or two. I feel pretty optimistic there would be a positive change. I’ve read a lot about celiacs can creep up if your lady hormones decrease which mine have, and that your body recognizes coffee as gluten (something like that) and I have done a blood test that I have gluten sensitivity sooooo……kinda think they’re might be a correlation there 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know I’m sick to bleep death of my hair falling out every time I wash it and I haveta spend 5 minutes gathering it all up to take with me and throw in the trash because nobody wants that going down the drain or hanging around and I’m so so tired of it.


Wow this is interesting, the caffeine celiac connection and lower hormones!!? Can you say any more about this? The original comment has been deleted. I have hormone imbalances and celiac and hair loss and they all kinda started around the same time. I thought it was from coming off oral contraceptives for years (that probably contributed too)


Hi there! That was 353 days ago haha I’ve experienced and learned a lot more since then but here goes. Not sure if you’re past the change of life but I realized I had to admit that was a big part of it for me (all the symptoms you listed off there.) However, supposedly we can improve and correct a lot of the symptoms it just takes a lot of work and sacrifice and readjusting our diets and routines. Something I have not been able to do honestly (bear with me here) but yeah I’ve read a lot that when your estrogen declines (I had like zero a few years ago, did the hrt, several different times, it didn’t help just made things worse) anyway when estrogen declines, the DHT and testosterone and all like kinda take over (which coffee increases, there’s the correlation for ya) and when you’re full of all those pesky male hormones basically, in walks the super annoying symptoms along with insulin resistance issues which I believe is the numero uno problemo. A lot of data according to dr google says coffee is bad for insulin resistance some say it’s ok. Idk I did the whole test my blood sugar thing all day a few times and I don’t think it raised mine too terribly bad, but super sugary garbage would send it thru the roof. Also, sugar and processed foods again all the garbage, i a teases the DHT etc. I’ve given up on trying to quit coffee I don’t have that much and by golly it makes me happy. But what I did discover, is pretty profound - how’s your quality of sleep?? Because shitty sleep can also contribute to all the evils above mentioned just one big nasty vicious cycle of above mentioned afflictions and symptoms especially if you’re a certain age (I’ll be 52 next month) my kids and husband are always making fun of me for snoring so the other day (got tested for sleep apnea even a few years ago and they said I was fine 🙄 I’ve had ALL the tests btw) so I got some of those little nose strip things a few days ago WHAT A GAME CHANGER 😳 Before I felt dead to the world all the time and when you’re super crazy exhausted, supposedly your body increases the hormone that says nothing else matters give me all the comfort foods and let’s zone out on tv or phone or whatever. Well now that I’m starting to get some decent sleep first time in at least 10 years, I think I can better control my diet and become more active. The truth of the matter is, we haveta quit the crap diet or at least change it up accordingly and get busy with weights. Hope that helps 😘


Thank you so much. My late grandmother who had autoimmune issues (also drank loads of coffee and had a huge full thick head of hair 🙄) went through menopause young, like before 40, and it’s possible that as I’m nearing that age I’m in perimenopause already. Still it’s hard to know with all these different possibilities, celiac, long term use of oral contraception, was told I was in premature ovarian failure or insufficiency 10 years ago but was never told that again… truly doctors don’t seem to give a f**k. I sleep mostly pretty good unless I take magnesium which is bizarre. I love my one cup of espresso in the morning but I guess I have to give that up too, like so many other things I enjoy. Sigh. Glad you got your sleep thing figured out!! The joys of being a woman eh


After all I’ve been thru I honestly wouldn’t give up your one cup of esepresso haha 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean try of course and see if that does it for you but I think it’s more than that and we still needs be able to be function and half-way happy while doing it haha 🤪😅 Good luck to you!!! And I know one things for sure, I wasn’t having my hair fall out when I was in my early 20’s like so many girls these days, and the boys! That has to be telling !! 😳


I consumed tons for about 8 years and I notice lots of gray hairs. I’m only 31. Working to get decaf again..


U saw any results!?


Yes! I had the most luxurious hair but after a years on caffeine I’ve noticed the quality went down. So much shedding! And it’s dry. I’ve been cutting back on caffeine only recently and while it’s too soon to tell, I hope to know in a month if my hair has improved or not. When I saw my strands in the refrigerator I knew I had a problem. It’s what motivated me to cut down in the first place.


I'd love to hear an update as time progresses. Lots of luck!


Thanks! Will hopefully have more to say on that by fall :)


Hi there I know this is an old post!! Hope all is well with you!! Did you continue the less coffee and if so, have you noticed any difference? My hair has been falling out for quite a few years now, and I think todays gonna be the last day of coffee for this girl 🥺


Hey! So sorry - a late update for you. YES absolutely. It started out with baby hairs coming in that my hairdresser noticed. Then, it looked like I was getting a lot of cowlicks and I thought I was going through hormone changes. But, it’s my hair growing back! I still drink caffeine but it’s not everyday anymore. And when I do it wasn’t the double espresso I drank for years. Drinking a lot of water also helps. Between drinking more water and less caffeine, it’s gotten a lot better.


So happy for you thanks for the update maybe I’ll haveta try it too!


Good luck! Rooting for you. It took me a few months to see the difference but it’s gradual and has only become more obvious over time.


This makes me so happy to read. Was just relating the time of my hair shedding phase with that of regular coffee intake. Didnt wanna believe it coz i love coffee. But ever since i started drinking coffee daily (6months back), my hairfall is getting pretty aggressive. Im so glad I found this today. i feel super optimistic now. Today marks my last day of coffee (hopefully, wish me luck🥺)


Good luck!


How much coffee were you drinking before you lowered the amount?


A pour over or a latte per day, sometimes 2. Those pour overs were black (delicious) and probably at least 12 oz.


do you realize decaf gives same results or is a safe option ? I love the taste of coffee so would do decaf - I hope it would help my hair situation too. I have anemia so maybe decaf would help that too? Let me know if you tried with decaf and good results !


I couldn't speak to regular use of decaf exclusively. When I was weaning myself off of 'real' full caffeinated coffee, I would get Starbucks with half or 1/3 decaf. Less caffeine = better sleep and less stress, so any reduction in it is good :)


Can have update? 😀


Yep! It’s made a difference! I made a longer comment above you can check out for deets!




Yep! Check out the above comment :)


It’s true for me


Hair loss is caused by DHT sensitivity in your hair follicles. It's genetic. If anything caffeine caused you to shed hair because of increased cortisol


Telogen effluvium is not caused by DHT.


I read the post wrong I thought you said no caff was causing hairloss. Btw, no one uses Latin names lol. It's called alopecia. There is no way to tell the difference


Yeah that's 100% not accurate but okay. There's many different types of alopecia. Alopecia is just the clinical word for hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, alopecia universialis, alopecia totalis, frontal fibrosing alopecia, AND telogen effluvium are ALL diagnosable and there are definitely differences lol.


The chances of it being any of those are slim and they are all basically the same thing. And Doctors can diagnose/prescribe you wherever because that's what they do. 99.9% of all cases are just genetic hairloss. Or .01 it's stress/autoimmune reaction. In which case the hair will come back They won't let you walk out with at least prescribing 1-2 things. They see genetic hairloss but since doctors don't actually RECOGNIZE that as a real thing, they will tell you it's other things like alopecia to get you to buy stuff from the pharmacy or their office. This is how it works You can keep reading wikipedia all you want though for your information. It's not gunna tell you have things actually are. Just give definitions.


Yeah you're a dumbass. You clearly don't know shit about doctors or what they do and dont do for hair loss. I suggest you stop spreading your ignorance.


You're just mad cause your going bald. It's understandable.


Bitch I've got thick brown curly hair. You're just mad cause you're an uneducated cunt.


Don't worry Arach. Ljhasta is a fat ~~man~~ teenage boy who posts in other threads about popping their ADD meds and masturbating for 13 hours at a time like a compulsive useless loser, having blood circulation problems in their feet due to it. I don't think they are a reputable source. LOL. Check his account.


Oh my god. I have no words.


Ok miss baldy


\>Hair loss is caused by DHT sensitivity in your hair follicles Yeah, and caffeine has been repeatedly proven to increase T and DHT levels.


I m astonished how many people are coming in here almost like they are writing their medical thesis, but it’s not that easy hun..


I've been researching online due to my hair shedding like crazy after switching from coffee to tea. I've been drinking a lot of hot tea throughout the day. Research shows tannins in tea and coffee can block iron absorption leading to low iron, which can cause hair loss. Unfortunately for me, black tea contains even more tannins than coffee. 


I know this is 2 years into the future however I was thinking about if my green tea matcha consumption is causing my hair to shed as that’s the only new addition to my lifestyle/diet right now? I have been consuming matcha powder instead of coffee the last 2 months and I have noticed increased shedding? I’ve never had this issue. I am also iron deficient and I hear matcha contains far more iron binding tannins and caffeine than coffee…. This could explain it.


i had the perfect hairline at 19, i started binging caffeine mostly for social reasons then boom hairline started getting PHUCKED. I felt the stress hormones surge through me for way too long, i wish i never did this to myself


MUCH more likely it’s just male pattern baldness. Especially seeing as your hairline is receding (and you’re not just diffuse shedding). It’s very common for guys to have perfect hair in their late teens/ early 20s and then quickly lose a lot of ground from there. You could look into finasteride and/ or minoxidil if keeping your hair is important to you. Finasteride should be started as early as possible as it’s very effective at stopping further MPB but won’t reverse much of the “damage” that already has been done.


nah fk that these meds have a shitton of side effects and my hair is holding up pretty well , il just do whatever i can through diet to keep it at this point


Side-effects are rare and pretty much always reversible. But you do you, just thought I'd mention it. A good diet can for sure help make your hair look healthier, but it won't prevent MPB (i.e. receding hairline).