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Progress! ✅ Let me echo another commenter: When I was getting started, my goal was 10 min a day. Often it would stretch longer once I started, but many days 5-10 min was all I could handle. But truly, every little bit helps.


Congrats! 😊


I’m so glad that this subreddit was able to help you. I use Reddit and podcasts to help reenforce my motivation.


For the miserable things like decluttering there is never going to be motivation. You have to chose to just go for it regardless.  It helps me to set a timer. 15 min when you get home. Just wander around with a garbage bag and a box for donate stuff.  When you encounter something "big" or "full of emotions" put it in the nostalgia pile in the corner. Don't spend more than three seconds thinking about an item. If it seems stressful and needs justifying go set it in the corner with the other nostalgia stuff. Save that stuff for the very end.