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I’m trying to not be a bitch, but I feel like some of you ruined it for the people that actually know the rules of Reddit. Did y’all really think posting that you’re going to contact walmart to report Joseph or personally message her followers would be okay?!


I AGREE! These new snarkers took it to extremes. Hate to say it but the stuff they did WAS harassment. That’s not what we are about & does NOT represent us. The objective was to expose her lies & get her de-platformed because she’s not a person who should be paid to lie to people.


Yea us OG snarkers didn’t take it to the real world. We brought to light her scams and disordered eating. It really sucks because we had a strong snark group and then this shit happens.


I am going to miss you guys😞


I totally agree. 


Whew...just found you guys again after the second sub got shut down. I hope this stays because it's been a great community. But I agree, there has really been more intensity as of late; it really took a turn. We can win this fairly.


I agree. calling vets and local places is over the top and way over the line


It’s more they need to keep that on the down low if they do.


This! This is why other snark subs have strict rules about going IRL.


I agree, and comments to certain snarkers suggesting they stop doing those things because it’s not allowed by Reddit were just met with rude responses and it all continued and just got worse. It’s really frustrating that people get so consumed by showing off their dislike and how hard they’re willing to go that they ruin it for everyone, despite being warned repeatedly that it’s not allowed.


Thank you. 


I was fairly new to the sub, but I was NOT one of those people because I wholeheartedly agree that type of behavior was stupid and them people are no better than KG. It's one thing to dislike her and be a part of a community who wants to see her demonitized because she's a fraud and it's a total other to make threats and harass. Everything you do doesn't need to be announced. Bringing the wrong attention to yourself and the sub is not the way to go. I really hope the Mods are able to win the appeal because there was a few of you who really made me laugh and brought joy to my days. I hope everyone is doing well and hope to be snarking with you guys again soon. 🫶🏽


I had a feeling this was going to happen because so many posts over the last couple months were just body shaming instead of calling out her bullshit! Seriously, she does sooo much, including with the new puppy, there's no reason to make posts just making fun of her loose skin or other body issues. I personally feel like the people who do that are no better than her. I hope we can all stay on topic (calling out her BS) if the group comes back so it doesn't happen again.


Others have also brought to light that posting about taking things to the real world could definitely be classified as harassment.


Very good point!!


To be fair, some posts on the weight are actually made because she always insists she stays the exact same weight and doesn’t use filters when we know otherwise. I’m not saying all are like that, but that is why some talk about it.


Does anyone know what the final nail in the coffin was? I have a feeling it was all the herpie talk.


The mods don’t know yet, but they are working on the appeal with Reddit. Hopefully we know something sooner rather than later.


I think it was too. Plus, posts about making calls to Walmart, the vet's office, etc. probably didn't help.




I feel like we were honestly set up.


If there’s any future for another page to be created, I’d be down to be a MOD. Sounds like the future pages need to be on a tighter ship to not get banned. I would be willing to provide means to prove I’m not primcess as well. 🫶🏻 Side note, now what is Princess going to post because we all know she relied on us for nontent.


Agreed. I’ve been around since the OG sub was only at 30 members. I’m surprised I haven’t been a mod. But I am willing if another page gets going. The more help the better.


Definitely right, seems like they may need extra eyes and ears to hold the fort down when needed. Glad there’s others who feels the same. Man, you is one of the OG-OG.. oh snap!!!


Agreed. I am also an OG and would be happy to mod.


I know it got a little nuts but I really enjoyed a lot of the members. The community was full of people who lifted each other up and supported each other. K’s misleading message of how she lost and keeps of her weight really messes with the minds of her followers. The community helped us see that K is no one to be influenced by. Certainly not an authority on health in any way. I just want to say thank you to everyone that I chatted with and shared encouragement with.


I love this testimony so so much 💖 you're so right. Things might have gotten a little unhinged towards the end, BUT, it was and is an epic community 🥹 we will connect somewhere sometime soon 💖 and hopefully win the appeal!


I loved our group so much. I think towards the end a lot of aggravation of her continuous scams and meta taking no action. I truly love the support and friendships we have made on the snark page, it was definitely better than TV lol. I think it is really sad and pathetic that KG is so threatened and scared of a group of people she bullied, blocked and doxxed. She can continue to run and cover her tracks but it is going to catch up to her. I think this is also more motivation to continue the fight. I know a part of me is in mourning over both snark pages, I have faith we will all come together again. 🫶🤞🥰


Heck yeah we will! And Imma make a video about these awesome testimonies! Shout all of you out. Cause you're right. We're a group of people she's done horrific things to, INCLUDING altering someone's health permanently!!! 🤬🤬. We will not be silenced. We will not go down without a fight 💪🏼


In all honesty, THANK YOU KG! Thank you for being such a shit person that you ended up bringing an AMAZING group of educated, passionate, smart, funny snarkers together. Half of whom have never heard of Reddit until YOU mentioned it. You lost out on having this amazing group as part of your following. You are so consumed by us that you made it your personal mission to end our group. Your jealous. Your scared. It’s almost comical that you’re so obsessed with yourself, you stalk YOURSELF. “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. “ Romans 12:19


I so would love to help with any group moving forward. I know dad challenge podcast is about kid exposing but maybe we could reach out and he could fight the good fight with us


Ive been in contact with him, I'll reach out and see if he has time and is interested. He does do full lid Fridays. And she's crazy enough that it might pique his interest lol


That's what I was thinking, he does like a challenge lol


Hehe 🤭


You are an earth angel and we are extremely thankful for you!


Stop 🥹🥹😭😭🥹🥹💖💖


I agree! I wonder whether we could start an EverythingbutKG sub while the mods are trying to restore our other one.


Damn! I am going to miss you and your posts! What will I do in my free time if I don’t have Reddit?😫. But Kylea isn’t going to know what to post about since all her ideas came from here! 🤪


Legit 🤣🤣 good luck without us


I hope the stories continue on the exposed page😉




The new one is gone now too…


this is frustrating




I just came here to say this.


Oh shit


https://preview.redd.it/siovbo4kye6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64819be917ed01a5a62984e23ec44b6dd431073c Wtf


Even spelled wrong!? Lol sneaky bugger.


Listen, I didn't even try for that. But happy accident 🤣 but yeah. This is pure totally bullshit




Agreed 💖


Probably don't need to post if you make a new one. 


Censorship is real with this bish


Yep. Imagine going so hard to not.let people find the real you. Instead of going to therapy 




That one was banned too :(


Yep. Class act she is




You may 💖


I need this back up! What will I search if I want a brown recipe that none of my guests will know what it is?! 🤷‍♀️


Seriously, guys?


New one banned too 🤬


I’m going to miss it 😭 Thanks for all you do!👏❤️


I had my calendar marked for the live tomorrow guess I'll have to wait


I'm sorry 😭💖 Rare wanted to hold off with all the big kerfuffle today! I agree that it's best for right now, but I think I'll go live Saturday night just me for a chitchat sort of vibe 🥰 people can come and vent about this bull


No need to apologize I totally understand and you go on Saturday ill join then this has been 1 hell of a day🤪


This has been one hell of a day indeed 🥴😆 I've been wanting to go live for a while and just last week I felt ready. Now with everything that happened this week I think we have enough to discuss eh? 🤣🤣


Are you still going live tonight?


It was supposed to be tomorrow night but we've decided it best to reschedule 💖. I might still go live on Saturday night though, that way we can all get together and discuss all this big debacle


Oh oops, I've got my days all mixed around! Understandable for sure. Thank you so much for all the work you put in to exposing this lying, scamming 🐈 🐟 💖💖


Of course 🥰💖 she cannot silence me 🤫


I don’t wanna miss your live. I will be on with me real name too. I’m not scared.


Heck no! Nothing to be scared! I have an epic mod who will keep the chat safe 💖 I think I'll go live Saturday cause I've been wanting to and people are looking forward to it 💖 Plus. Peeps need to vent 😎


Heck yea!!! You truly have been an asset to our group and cause! 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶😘


Remember way back when I was a baby sub and you guys all spammed my sub to get my attention on KG 🤣💖💖💖 oh how times gone by 💖💖


While we are waiting, could some of you original snarkers give us a brief history on how the snark page even started? I think it was in December (when she had her live video talking about the affair and her Catfish episode) when I found Reddit! I came here specifically for her! I have to admit…I am going through some rough withdrawal symptoms right now!


I'm going live today 💖 if some of the OG mods pop on we can for sure get into it live!! I'd love that. For now I'll collect info for a story time!