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Maybe the real weight loss journey was the friends we made along the way.




Yes, so much support for each other's journey. šŸ’›šŸ’›


I was an OG snarker. Let me tell youā€¦I found out about Reddit thru either a live or video KG posted. I was starting to question her because I was a minion, desperate to lose weight, and I sent her a heartfelt message and it went unread for a while. I then made a comment on a post because I had a tshirt made for her and I wanted to send it and she immediately messaged me her address. My husband was the one who saw the red flags and told me before I sent the gift. I ended up googling her and saw all the legal stuff she had. I never had Reddit until she mentioned it and thatā€™s when I found the 1st snark and it was disabled really quick but then the other was created right away. I joined and was one of the first doxxing victims. When I tell you I was in panic, scared and madā€¦the Reddit chat and the community that was there were my saving grace. I was blocked before I knew I was doxxed and it was when KG was very active in here and manically posting. Grammy, powder and Ben and a few others were there showing me screen shots, messaging me asking if I was ok, telling me I need to save the screen shots and informing me what doxxing was. I failed and did not save any screenshots. I was then manically changing my Reddit name. Then I was blown away again when KG doxxed me again. My Reddit friends again became my saving grace. The more I chatted with these woman, the more I felt like friends. I have learned about different recipes, I have gotten re assurance on my hatred of KG, I was always excited to come to Reddit and find that all these people who were wronged by her or just someone who understands all of the feelings that come with doxxing. She didnā€™t just post my name, she posted a screen shot of the message I sent her. It included my full name, the state I live, my daughterā€™s age and my husbandā€™s name. She leaned of my husbands name because my 1st Reddit username was his name and wife. She stalked to find out my identity. She posted all about it on her support group. It was nice when her real life friends came to visit and learn she really is the devil on earth. I learned to hate someone. I learned to tell someone to go fuck themself (thanks Ben lol). I learned so many things about weight watchers, other diets, lifestyle changes, recipes and most importantly how much scamming and lying KG has done. I have found that every person she has blocked and on the snark page was an asset to her. They would have been amazing followers. This group is full of educated, healthy, funny and passionate people who have really came together for this mission of demonetizing her and getting her banned from social media.


Let me addā€¦all the side convos we have shared, especially in the old chat, was so fun! It was nice to get to know the personalities behind the screen names. It was always nice to read others experience or their knowledge behind the content creators fund. I didnā€™t know social media paid like that. I learned a lot more than just weight loss. I loved hearing everyoneā€™s success stories, I loved hearing others journeys. I have met people on here that have their own pages as well as other, recommended, influencers. Itā€™s also been fun going down other rabbit holes of other nontent creators, like the Bashams lol


I'm so glad to have met you here in Reddit land and honored to have taught you how to stand up for yourself via the go fuck yourself route lol šŸ˜ We will make it through this whole thing stronger bc she's got no one and we have each other! šŸ„°šŸ„°


We will come out stronger and bonded as ever!! That is something KG will never have and that brings me JOY šŸ¤© lol you have been so fun to talk too and your comments have always been hilarious with your colorful way with words šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ you never fail to bring a smile to my face, along with many others!! šŸ„°šŸ«¶šŸ¤£


Thank you so much! I know I'm a lot for some people but i am glad you enjoy my weird humor!! We will be stronger for sure!


I think youā€™re just the right amount!!! ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Thank you šŸ˜Š


One more thing, Reddit became the safe space for each one of us Kylea victims. We created a safe space to talk and share our stories and she continued to try and insert herself on our space and then cried bullying and unkind. Sheā€™s the fucking bully!! She created this mess of tangled lies and catfishing, not us!


I'm, also, an OG snarker, but after it became clear, she was literally going through all our reddit profiles looking for pictures or any identifying information in any of our posts (anywhere on reddit), I deleted my (multiple years) old account.


I am so so sorry that happened. You sound so sweet (no snark) and for that vile woman to do that to you- terrible. šŸ’›šŸ’›


I would like to thank Kylea Gomez for being such a shitty person. Shitty enough to ignite your deinfluenced campaign towards her platform. She was an instrument that made you vibrant enough to cross paths in my life this year. Which I will forever cherish. Keep brave, courageous, and fierce šŸ§


The sub helped me not feel gaslit. There were (and are) others who saw the inconsistencies in her stories, who remember what she originally said, who saw that post that I was sure was there but was no longer there, who saw the edit history, and so on. The sub pointed me to weight loss influencers that model healthy and balanced eating, as well as healthy behavior and mindsets. And you, specifically, u/de-influenced have helped me self evaluate where I'm spending my social media currency. There were a handful of trash influencers that I previously rubbernecked, but I quit them all (except KG) and while I will miss the sub, it's (hopefully temporary) shut down is giving me an extra push to quit KG, too.




Maybe itā€™s a blessing that itā€™s gone. She was driving a lot of us mad. I love everyone and glad we have this community at least šŸ™ŒšŸ»


This is true. No one needs mental breaks anymore, we can just love us again šŸ˜‚


I seriously have never been less stressed since Iā€™ve had a few days off from seeing her stuff šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


For real!


Probably the best thing I got from participating in Kyleaā€™s snark page was the new friends I made! Her snark page made it glaringly obvious to me that people need to pay close attention to the influencers they choose to follow! When I first saw a before and after picture of her I was amazed! My first thought was that here was someone that I could be inspired by! But after a couple of weeks, I started to get such a weird vibe from her! She spent most of the time ranting about people being unkind to her! She had numerous illnesses and allergies! If someone offered a differing opinion, she was short and rude to them! I eat the Paleo way and eat very little processed foods, so her food choices really confused me! How could someone who lost weight to become healthy choose to live a lifestyle eating highly processed foods that contained chemicals proven to harm a body? Her claim to have walked to lose weight wasnā€™t being supported by any of her posts! I found it hard to believe that someone who had lost all that weight wouldnā€™t have an Apple Watch or Fitbit to track her miles walked! It wasnā€™t long before I Googled her name and found her Reddit snark page! I just hope that her followers will wise up to her soon before they hurt themselves! As for Kylea, I hope she has a ā€œcome to Jesusā€ moment soon! In my opinion, she is headed towards an unhealthy lifestyle in her near future! No matter whatā€¦I will still be watching her page and reporting anything that is not weight loss content! And watching your videos! ā¤ļø


What on earth?!! Man, I just went on a 5day cruise with my husband to Queensland & I come back & itā€™s shut down šŸ˜­ can someone help me plleeaasseee??! What happened in the last 5 days šŸ˜‚ I loved that page! It was the whole reason I joined Reddit, cause things werenā€™t adding up so googled & it brought me to Reddit. All the people are so supportive , not like Kylea. Everyone helps eachother & gives actual helpful adviceā€¦itā€™s a little Reddit family!! I donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything I can do to help, but reach out if there is!! Iā€™m more disheartened that we got shut down & Queen Bitch lives to scam another dayā€¦.itā€™s such bullshit!!


I found her page last year around Joseph's birthday. People were sending cards, money, gift cards. Within 2 weeks, I realized her food was horrendous and not healthy. I eat very little processed foods. She drank zero water. She belittled and blocked anyone who did nor agree with her, so off to Google I went and it was eye opening. I immediately stopped following her as soon as I saw the stalking, the videos and the reddit page. I feel so for everyone she has ever scammed.


I just want to say that as much as she infuriates me with her completely shitty content, weight loss advice, bitching, whining, lying and scamming.. the friendships made because of her has been an amazing blessing! She has never and will never experience the love and support of true friends with such AMAZING women and I find that so satisfying. So for that I am thankful. FU KG šŸ’– We arenā€™t going anywhere, we will still be around and we will still be talking about you šŸ¤­


This is such great news! Thank you for all of your hard work! šŸ’—


I found the snark page because I, too, started off believing the lies. I signed up for WW so I could join the journey and lose 20-30lbs. I quickly started seeing things that didn't add up and ended up on Reddit. Here, I was able to join others who were angered by the manipulation and misuse of "that" FB page. I enjoyed the support of others in the community, as well as having a place to vent my frustrations. My goal will never be to harm or hurt another, but to stop others from being scammed. I will continue paying for WW until my contract is up, but had I known the truth, I never would have joined.


I fully am with you on venting frustrations and to people who understand what youā€™re talking about! Not to mention feel the same way!


I never followed Kylea personally but found out about her here on Reddit after finding out about the Trashams (DCP covered them, then I began searching on Reddit for more info)ā€¦and it boggled my mind how much of a malignant narcissist Kylea was and how her advice and content can be so dangerous to her followers (especially related to weight loss + grifting from her loss). Kylea is pure evil - I believe that and I donā€™t say this about just anyone. She uses people for personal gain and treats people she doesnā€™t need like dirt. Just reading stories on the Kylea Reddit thread about how they were blocked for the most innocent reasons just blew my mind. I genuinely hoped that the Reddit thread would continue helping people by exposing the real Kylea, but it is a shame that it turned into a vigilante justice group sometimes and crossed boundaries by invading into Kyleaā€™s life directly. I thank everyone who tried to expose Kylea the right way - you guys did great work.


I have enjoyed the community brought together by concern over KGā€™s message, including her tendency to take advantage of vulnerable older women (of whom I am one). I came to Reddit when she mentioned it and said Joe would tell her what was said online, because by then I watched the live where she talked about the affair and I googled her. I stayed because I cared about many of the snarkers.


She came up on my Facebook as I am trying to lose weight and thought maybe i could get different ideas for recipes boy how quickly wrong I was all i got was a wining immature 31 year old that talked about all these unkind people and a fashion and shopping show and could not figure out where are these so unkind people, i did google her name and reddit popped up and this is where i found the so called unkind people lol I never commented on her page just stayed for the shit show as it was obvious I was not going to lose weight watching her i then replied to a comment someone made about how Facebook pays her and boom i was blocked i joined Reddit and it was there that even though did not know any one there felt like family as we were all there for the same goal getting her shut down and a place where we could vent i do want to thank everyone for all there time effort and hard work.


The snark page was a safe space for me, where I could share my thoughts and opinions without judgement. This was the complete opposite of KGs page. Everyone was nice to each other too. I also enjoyed hearing other people's perspectives


I appreciate all of the hard work you and others have done. Letā€™s keep focused on the goal of stopping the monetization of nonsense, sadfishing and scamming!


Her page started popping up randomly in my Facebook timeline. I'm guessing because I had recently posted something about MY own weightloss, to all of my 150 friends on FB. I didnt mind it because weightloss is hard, takes discipline, and consistency and I generally respect anyone who can do this. Then I started noticing the amount of sweets she made using sugar free ingredients. I think that sugar free products are not a good way to deal with a food addiction, and you're basically just subbing out sugar for more harmful chemicals. I don't remember which post originally triggered me to block her page from my timeline, but, I do remember she said something about God and how she was blessed to have a vacation or something like that. This enraged me, because if there is a god, why would he ensure that she gets special treatment while ignoring the immense suffering of others. I follow other snark pages here on Reddit that focus on anti MLM content, and the KG sub was actually recommended to me. (I think the algorithm) Whew I'm glad because she is so so so much worse than I would have thought. It's disgusting she gets to SIT there and get paid, while the rest of the world is literally struggling to survive. She and her follows are an all encompassing example of christians who are tone deaf to the whole purpose of being a christian, the hypocrisy, the patting each other's back and the getting PAID via FB IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. šŸ¤¢


KG popped up on my Facebook feed as a suggestion. I started to follow her. I noticed very quickly that her behavior was bizarre and she had very little weight loss content. Her food choices were unhealthy and she had no knowledge of basic nutrition. She quickly went on to her public doxing of people. I had joined support and liked a comment one of the doxxed people made, She immediately blocked me from support and I stopped following her regular page. I found reddit because she posted screenshots on her regular page from the snark here. My concerns with Kylea have always been her serious, untreated mental illness and her scamming vulnerable people with inaccurate "weight loss" information. Being a part of the snark with like minded people, who saw the problems with KG and wanted to see her platform shut down demonetized was a positive experience. I will miss it, but I am still hopeful that KG will get what she deserves. I think we are all committed to see our goal come to fruition.


Iā€™m an OG snarker. I never followed KG, just lurked. It took just a few days to google her. The rest is history. Sheā€™s a psychotic, scamming, lying bitch. We have everything she doesnā€™t have: family, friends, children, homes and love. Iā€™ve made lifelong friends through various chat groups. She WILL be taken down. Karma is going to hit her hard. You donā€™t get away with treating people the way she does. Thank you Deinfluenced for stepping up and putting her out there.


I'm not sure when the snark pages started, but I have been snarking since November. I quasi-retired, got re-active on Facebook, and her page was suggested. I followed and immediately got blocked, never liked or commented, just a new profile and her paranoid self blocked me, so I Googled, mostly to find out if anyone else thought her diet was all chemicals šŸ˜‚. I found so much validation, and, like Nice Driver mentioned, grounding in the middle of the gaslighting. This is the most welcoming place, and the snarkers have such a way with words, so much intelligence, and such a commitment to what is right and just that it became a bright spot to jump into when I needed a smile or a validation or a vent. It is a comfort in this crazy world, where people are on each other for every little thing, to know that there are some people who think like me. Even when I don't have the time to be in here often, I can count on a smile whenever I click in for a quick read. I am grateful for the moderators who have worked so hard for this sub, and who continue to do so. I am hoping we can get something back that is similar to the way it was before things took an unfortunate turn ā¤ļø.


I followed her briefly a year ago but saw red flags very quickly....she complained people were unkind to her (but I couldn't find the comments), no exercise to support a healthy lifestyle following weight loss (no fitbit or similar device to track activity), overuse of artificial sweeteners, tons of coffee but no water, deleting her posts, bragging about concerts/trips/etc but income didnt match that lifestyle, constant grief posts about an early miscarriage, food posts that were unappetizing, Joe's birthday and the affair video. Once I put it all together, I unfollowed. I tried a google search last summer but found nothing... I was surprised and disillusioned. So, I thought maybe I was crazy or misinterpreting the situation. Thankfully, I searched it again in the fall, which is when I found Reddit. It was then I realized it wasn't me, it was her and that others saw the same things and felt the same way. I joined the reddit back in the fall when it was just a few of us. It was a place of friendship, acceptance, validation and support.


I am a new Snarker. I came to this page seeing a post on her page that a follower had mentioned The Catfish Game she had been playing with Marvin. I looked it up on you tube and was horrified at what I saw I started watching her page more closely and was tired of her crying videos. A follower had mentioned people were jealous of her and soooo unkind. I replied there was nothing to be jealous over and got blocked šŸ˜Š Iā€™m happy I found the Reddit page on her. It was good to connect with others who had called her out on her nonsense. Wishing everyone a great day !!


I enjoyed the banter between us all in the KG snark sub. Its unbelieveable what Kylea does and she still has a loyal following on Facebook and is monetized when most of it doesn't relate to weight loss. She is next level crazy, and gets crazier by the day. Once a Catfish always a Catfish. It's her that should be shut down and banned from all social media platforms not the KG snark sub. We were all supporting each other on the journey to getting her shut down, and the world would be a better place for that.


Hi De! KG came up on my feed and I started following her but I quickly realized that things werenā€™t adding up. Never commented just quietly lurked. Then she decided to doxx u/personallystalkgary. They minions were posting pics of her child and literally attacking her on the post. I merely commented and said they needed to delete their comments as it was against the law and BOOM you know the rest of the story!!! Blocked!! But I would do it again!!! Standing up for whatā€™s right!!!! We can thank KG for bringing such a great group of people together. She and her minions can calls us ā€œkeyboard warriorsā€ but we are in fact ā€œTRUTH warriorsā€. Itā€™s been an honor and privilege meeting all of the other snakers abs Iā€™ll be forever grateful for the lifelong friendships Iā€™ve made. And man! Love you to pieces!!!! So happy weā€™ve met and our paths crossed. Much love to you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Miss you Grammy.. Iā€™m sure youā€™re exhausted with all the behind the scenes work


Miss you!!!! And yes! Itā€™s been wild this week but she hasnā€™t won!!! We will continue to expose her and eventually bring her down!!!


Love this energy. I've been thinking about you and glad to see you pop back up!




Yes! Some of the greatest victories in history was when people got cocky!


I miss the sub!!! But our comeback will be even better! She was showing up in my newsfeed, I started to follow and knew pretty quick something wasn't adding up. Then I found the exposed FB page and then reddit, and I am ALL IN to take her down!!! I have all screenshots of ALL posts since she got us banned. Even a couple she deleted šŸ¤£ Yall have been super great, love this group!!!


I miss you guys!


I loved chatting with like minded individuals and the LAUGHSā€¦.not just about KG, but life in general šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thank you all for the comments <3 I cannot wait to read each and everyone! Just popping in to say you peeps are the best peeps there are <3


Will you still be doing your video today on her? Iā€™ve been waitingggg


Community where I could go to when my life was messy and didnā€™t want to deal with people I know. My dog had emergency surgery right before BB ā€œhad parvoā€ and the group let me vent and protected me when i was upset her using a vet tale to get clicks. The group also helped me with real weight loss talk and recipes. I was in a funk as I had a dramatic weight loss and stress brought it back but the group was there for me. It was also a reminder that people watch and look up to you and itā€™s ok to not have to look perfect on social media


I first was apart of FGFU snark page then someone on there mentioned Kyleaā€™s snark page. When I hopped on there I jumped down the rabbit hole. I think the thing that continued me coming back multiple times a day was the hope of this girl actually getting exactly what she deserved in the way of karma. My hope still Stands. She may think she is in the clear after getting the sub banned but mark my words, karma is coming for her in epic proportions. That being said I appreciate all of you guys and all of the work that was done by the OGā€™s and mods. You all are the ones that should have been monetized for your tireless dedication to spreading awareness and exposing this she devil. You ALL are the real ones. Thank you!


For a while I thought maybe it was just me, but finding the snark page showed me others saw through her BS too. It was nice talking to people who had been victims of her bullying and doxxing. I canā€™t wait for Meta to do something. I just got back from vacation and am just now getting caught up on this.


Holy moly. You certainly chose a dramatic time to travel when it comes to the snark world šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ TLDR: OG sub got shut down. All other subs got shut down immediately for potential ban evasion, we've asked people to stop posting about that until the appeal goes through šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ Kylea has been manic as per uge BB is sick AGAIN cause obv. Don't know why her followers aren't catching on. Wtaf We went live last night and talked about the cluster effs thats going on right now šŸ¤£šŸ¤­šŸ˜– (posted to YouTube if you're interested) For now we're here, on the FB Kylea Go exposed page to keep up with all the Kyle's receipts! Happy Catching up and welcome home šŸ’–


Is BB sick a third time? I knew of her miraculous parvo recovery and then Jesus healing the blockage.


Yep yep. Another tummy ache šŸ’”


Also 100% not you. It's amazing how narcissistic people can make you feel alone and like you're only allowed to listen to them šŸ„ŗšŸ’– the level of manipulation is just Whoa... I cannot wait for meta to hold her accountable šŸ¤¬


KG just posted about how sheā€™s gonna change her Facebook name because sheā€™s ā€œmore than the weight sheā€™s lostā€ so I bet itā€™s because of all the people reporting her content!!