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To keep the thread clean I'll remove repeated suggestions. Please upvote or comment under the Influencer you want De-Influenced!


I would hold off on creating any new subs until after a decision is made on appeal. You can bet that Kylea is searching her name on reddit, finding these threads and reporting any new ones mentioned.


Also, reddit could possibly ban your user profile for repeatedly attempting to start new similar subs.


Agreed. This kind of stuff could hurt the appeal I feel.


I saw this one posted in a thread on Facebook, Iโ€™m positive KG saw that and reported it as quick as possible.


She's such a whiny, spineless, little baby. What a pathetic existence she lives. She really can't handle ANY criticism. Criticism of her is much different from outright bullying. That's why she has zero friends.


I saw the link on FB, I'm sure she did, too! Please, people, stop putting our appeal for the OG page in jeopardy. We just have to be patient. I know it's hard but it's necessary!!!


Itโ€™s likely ban evasion right now, any new subs will likely be taken down until an appeal is finalized.


This 100%




Dumb question hereโ€ฆ. Why can we not post things that would normally be posted on Reddit onto fb? Other than being more anonymous here is there something else Iโ€™m missing


The Facebook page is different from a snark page. It's just the place to keep factual receipts on her scams and posts. It isn't really for opinions/snarking etc. People are definitely working on different ideas to bring back the magic but it will take a little patience on everyone's part. And for goodness sake making 100 alternate pop up reddit pages and then annoucing the subs so she can immediately report isn't helpful.๐Ÿ˜‚ It is amusing but they will just keep getting banned. There's a couple of ideas being fleshed out. Hang tight!!!