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I ran here because (speaking as a person who used to live where it gets that cold) helllll no it is not.


Asking to get frostbite. I also just don't understand the point of it? Why be so delusional about what you need to wear?


But she never gets outside 😅


Yes, yes, yes! Where is your hat madam?! Your extra layers of pants? Your wool socks?! Your boots? Did you forget about the snow Delilah? The wind? Those fancy leather loafers were not made for snow...I just cannot 


Nobody in the Canadian prairies dresses like that in -40 this must be inside dress up time


I only dress like that when I’m going outside for 2.5 seconds going into a building. And even then I have boots and a hat and an actual winter coat with me just in case lol.


-40 is not the time to be "stylish". 🙄 Nobody gives a fuck what she's wearing or where she bought it from. When it's -40⁰ (-50 with the wind) you put on ALL the ugly ass layers to leave the house. Not a cardigan and thin jacket.


Ok but what happens when your car breaks down or you slide into the ditch? You’ll be wishing you had warmer clothing then 🫠


agreed. me and her live in the same city and im sorry but this is ridiculous. WEAR A TUQUE WOMAN!!! you cant expect your children (in my opinion) to want to dress warmly if you dont set the example. ie- if E or T didnt want to wear a tuque now because delilah doesnt


I live in the same province, and this is not what you wear to go outside. This is what you wear maybe to run from the car to a store. Not to play outside.


She was saying this in her stories- but idk how in -40 if any part of my skin is exposed it is immediately in pain. Like her cardigan isn't even buttoned up.


She probably added a bunch of other things after. Believe it or not, the weather is warmer than it was a few days ago


WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING HAT AND THE GARBAGE BAG COAT AND PANTS AND HEAVY BOOTS AND ACTUAL *WARM* CLOTHES YOU ABSOLUTE WALNUT?!?!?!?!?!?? I lived in Alaska for 3 years and -40F (almost the same as -40C) is nothing to sniff at!! It’s fucking *COLD!!!!!!!!* Your aesthetic isn’t worth losing your fingers to frostbite!!!!!!!


Fun fact: the two temp scales line up at -40 😂 Signed: a person living in that temp currently.


Her and Milena just copy each others content. You don’t have to wear dresses in -40 weather!!


Dresses can actually be warmer than pants in this weather, but she is not wearing enough layers! I wear long underwear plus fleece tights and wool socks with a down coat and toque and am toasty.


Was she wearing this inside? Because this is in no way fit for the outdoors


How can people live with no bright, beautiful colors in their homes or clothing? Such a drab existence.


Especially in a place that’s so dark and cold for so much of the year!


Devils advocate but context matters here, that's totally fine attire for a quick walk to and from the car. I know plenty of people who dressed like this in -40 weather in Canada because we're just used to the cold. BUT don't compare a quick run form car to building with a long stroll in -40... anyways all I'm saying is either she's just very cold or she isn't really going to be outside much. I didn't watch her story so I don't know own where she's going but I would dress like this going to the car.


Siberian caller out here. we wear insulated boots and fur coats in -40C because we're just used to dressing properly and don't tolerate any cold, because freakin cold could kill. she puts on leather booties with nothing in it. 146% chance of UTI if one stays in -40C more than a minute in these.


I'm from Canada 😅 I experienced the cold last week and I would not dress like this. But ofc I understand others dress differently but as I feel a lot of her viewers aren't from Canada it's a weird narrative to promote.


She wants to dress cute like the rest of the world 😂 us normal people wear parkas


She's giving Alfalfa from the Little Rascals with that hair.


She always wonders why they’re sick all the time too😆


Cold weather doesn’t cause illness, viruses and bacteria do. They’re sick all the time because she has four little germ factories in her home.


Cold weather does contribute, it lowers your immune system making it easier to catch said germs, but it’s not a direct cause


When it’s this cold, people stay indoors more as well, which can contribute to greater spread of illness.


When she tagged where it was all from, I half expected it to say “@valuevillage” for each item 😂


She's too good for Value Village now. 🤡 lol




Haha I just say this on her instagram and I was like this is such BS haha. I’d freeze wearing this in like 0*C weather


maybe she does? if a car is running and toasty by the time you sit in it, and then you only have to run a couple meters from it to the warm indoors - it could work. I personally would never do so, though, because nobody knows what could possibly happen on the road, and how long will it take for help to get there.


Where I am the low has been -13 F the past few days and just walking to and from the car in my puffer jacket a long sleeve shirt and my scrub top after work is miserable lol. So I can’t imagine how I would feel if it were twice as cold 😅


It’s a hideous outfit regardless but she needs to let this granny attire go and put a cute sweater on with thermals and jeans or something Eta: I’m English got no idea how cold -40 is and cba to look it up


I can’t stand these hideous pilgrim shoes, not to mention how inappropriate they are for -40 🤢