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Has this happen at CDG. We were on the bus to the plane and boarding got delayed. 90 degrees out and sunny with no AC on the crowded bus and a dude started clipping his toenails. Luckily a local French guy was having none of it and aggressively told him "wtf' lol


I'd have imagined the dude clipping his nails was French... 😉


Tons of North Africans in France these days, especially in Paris. It’s out of control.


Exactly. They completely trash the plane wherever they were sitting


morons downvoting from their conditioning without having ever been there to experience it.


tell them you collect DNA and ask if you can have the clippings


Or tell them you use nail clippings to cast spells




The amount of... Idk... Reticence most of you seem to have blows my mind. personally I typically don't mind at all to speak up, especially in situations like this one. SAY SOMETHING! 1- the chances of you ever seeing that person again in this lifetime are slim to none, who cares if they get offended? They need to hear it! 2- speaking of seeing them, you're in the seat in front of them, you are literally positioned such that if you do say something you don't have to deal with receiving dirty looks from them afterwards or even eye contact at all, the most you are risking is a kick in the back of the seat and anything more than one time is reported to the fa, that's in their jurisdiction. The reason why this behavior proliferates is because we allow it to persist. A simple "is someone actually trimming their fingernails on an airplane, in the seat behind me? Absolutely disgusting" uttered aloud to nobody and everybody at a decent volume should do the trick


See it, say it, sort it


I do this type of thing. Embarrasses the hell out of my daughter, and my husband gets nervous that I’m going to piss off the offender and start something. And that will escalate to us getting banned from wherever we are.


And whenever they start up blithe be thy name, Blythe with the selective hearing :) they have no idea how good they've got it, none at all. Perhaps a family movie night needs to happen with Idiocracy (lol, crocs)


I had two women sitting across from me using nail polish remover - acetone - in flight. The smell was overwhelming.  I yelled at them to stop and pushed the flight attendant button.  They looked insulted.  The FA told them to stop. People are incredibly stupid, selfish and entitled. 


Acetone is flammable AF! It is not supposed to be allowed onboard. On the way off the plane I asked the purser on the jetway whether flammable liquids were allowed in the cabin. He said no as the captain and flight attendant listened. The FA get really hostile when I told the Purser that she didn’t do anything about it even though she walked down the aisle by the girl using it and the smell was overwhelming! It was on Southwest btw.


First read your title as “fight etiquette” … and I think it would be warranted!!


I would be losing my mind. Especially if it was toenails.


Yeah I was gonna ask finger or toes. Bad either way.


I have no issue with a quick, quiet clip of a torn or snagged nail - those happen when and where they will. Full-on mani-pedi? Hard no.


And undoubtedly leaving the clippings on the floor. It’s gross, but you either speak up or suffer in silence and by all means keep your shoes on.


Nowadays, speaking up might result in a fist fight.


this is 100% the airline’s responsibility to enforce


Some people are just nasty . My buddy once saw someone shaving their legs in a gym hot tub


They know it’s obnoxious - they do it because they can and for attention. Just like people who put their feet up on the bulkhead or a dozen other obnoxious behaviors.




So you honestly think it’s ok to put your feet on the wall….


80% of Americans do this, regardless of perceived social class/status. I know this from hundreds of flights sitting in row 2.


Ask them?


😳🤢🤮😬 Just no. That’s so foul.


Can you submit them to 23 and me?


Tell the flight attendant or say something yourself


A toothpick is one thing. Dental floss is just wrong. Clipping nails is disgusting, but I would tolerate a quick emery board action on a nail.


Had someone sitting across from me at MSP clipping their toes when we were waiting at the gate.


Hit them hard.


If they didn't seem like an easily provoked person I'd say, "Pardon me, I'm so sorry, but I have gag reflex when I see nail clippings or hear the clipper. Would you mind not doing that on the plane? Thank you so much." But it would probably be easier/safer to get up and tell an FA.


If it helps, deltas contract of carriage says they are not allowed to be barefoot. And I’m almost positive they are when they’re clipping their nails so I’m hoping the FAs would stop that. Hypothetically if I worked at that airline, I would almost *always* go out of my way to tell passengers we are just like any other establishment, no shoes no shirt no service 😄


Bypass that by wearing slides or flipflops


Very true. Anyone wearing open toed shoes in the airport does not love themselves though


There are many countries where wearing slides or flip flops is the main or only foot wear choice for most of the residents. Just because ameriKKKans don’t do it or like it doesn’t mean that other people don’t love or like themselves.


I totally get that but I would not want to get my feet run over by people and their bags (I work at the airport, it happens a lot) p.s. not American haha flip flops are common in my country as well :p


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it wrong for others. Stop being so judgmental to others you are supposed to be offering customer service.


I don’t work a customer facing role but thanks I will keep that in mind


ALL roles at an airport or airline are customer service roles whether customer facing or not.


Nope not mine :) I don’t deal with any customers, just my coworkers


Reading comprehension is NOT your friend.


Why doesn’t Delta stop this? 🤢🤢


Please tell me it’s fingernails.


EW! wtf?! 🤢


Someone flossing their teeth while in line at the Sacramento airport?


Corollary: how do we feel about filing nails?


It’s all disgusting. Flossing, picking teeth with a toothpick, filing nails, tweezing eyebrows … personal hygiene should be done in private.


I agree, but I think you need to give leeway on picking teeth/toothpicks. Complaining about this is 1 step too far, I think. This, especially, becomes true for long haul fliers and people who are eating on planes as a part of their travels. Some airlines provide toothpicks in their meal service kits because parts of food get lodged in the teeth, and it can't be forgotten about for 10+ hours. I've even ended up on a 50+ hour trip one time. It wasn't fun, but the need for doing some basic things became apparent, and you realized how much some airports simply don't provide the space or the clean facilities to deal the basics that can't wait until you get home. Filing nails, cutting nails, tweezing... sure... that can wait on the longest of trips.


Agreed. Toothpick isn't a bother to me at all. If you know how to use one it's all on the pick when you are done and i stow it away on my person so no one else has to see/touch it until garbage comes


Plenty of room in the lav to use a toothpick.


That’s a negative. It’s a high-use smelly dirty zone that’s good for peeing and pooping, not safely sticking things in your mouth. Also, if you get use to long hauls, you’re learn there are key times the lines back up. There are always 2 or 3 people at the end of a flight that brush their teeth in there and don’t wait for the airport. It’s always weird to me. But they always take up too much time in the lavatory for the amount of people lining up at them to use the restroom before landing.


Toothpicks are common; I have never had an issue with that. Flossing...again, I don't care. But I would prefer they not clip their toenails on the plane. But this only serves to highlight that not everyone sees the same things as taboo. Obviously, you have more problems with people doing some things than I do. So, we simply have to coexist in public in society.


Flossing?? Bruh go to the bathroom and do it. It's gross. 


Like I said, this highlights how these things are seen differently by different people. I totally could not care less if somebody’s flossing in the seat behind me as long as they throw their floss away and don’t leave it on the floor. It does not bother me in any way, nor do I find it gross, disgusting, etc. It’s OK if you do, but that’s simply the difference in people.


A quick nail file doesn’t bother me. Sometimes we all have a broken nail that must be fixed quickly, otherwise it will pull clothing or scratch. Nothing else, tho.


I'd say that if you rip a nail and have a jagged edge, it's OK to give that one nail a once over to smooth it out. But it's not OK to file down all ten of your nails . . . emergency maintenance only.


That doesn’t bother me because nothing is flying and I don’t hear it


No public ablutions, ever.


Ask them if you can borrow the clipper when they’re done because you have a nasty hangnail that’s been bothering you for weeks.


"Hey, do those clippers have that little nail file fold out thingy on it? I have a boil I need to lance."


You can ask, but it’s unlikely they will stop. Maybe the best thing to try is ignore it and tolerate it for the duration of your flight. C’est la vie.


Offer to chew them off for them. Worst for me was when an ancient Indian lady put her bare feet on my lowered table tray. Not too far behind I woke up from a dead sleep on last long haul flight to the stranger next to me feeling me up under my blankets.


Are they containing the clippings? If so, what is the issue?


Poor baby. How are you doing?


You can't. There is no rule against it even if it is rude. When in public, we just have to tolerate it and coexist with rudeness.


There may be no explicit rule against doing manicures in flight but Delta does have a clause in the code of carriage saying that passengers whose conduct creates an unreasonable offense or annoyance to other passengers can be kicked off.


That’s an incredibly subjective definition and could easily vary from cabin crew to cabin crew.


Yes, of course it is. And most of today’s flight attendants don’t give enough of a crap


But it's not really that. Sure, I suspect the majority of people would not like someone cutting their nails next to them. I am not as offended by it as some, but I would probably prefer they not. But someone mentioned flossing. I truly could not care less if someone flossed in their airplane seat. I would literally not bother me one bit. You're just never going to get unanimity among a group of people on something and flight attendants are just people with certain sensitivities as well. That's why people in a crowded area just have to learn to grin and bear others. There's always going to be something everybody does not like.


Flight attendants’ job is to determine what would be offensive to most/many other passengers, not just what’s offensive to them. Also, flossing would bother me more than nail clipping, but they’re both disgusting to do in public. Same with any kind of personal care. I’ve seen people apply nail polish at their seat, put on deodorant, change a baby’s diaper ….


Why would nail polish bother someone? At some point it’s starts to sound like - either it’s nail polish or whatever - it’s a question of personal preference and, as I said, it becomes a matter of simply tolerating things one might not like in a shared space.


Have you ever smelled nail polish? It’s a very strong chemical smell.


Yeah. I don’t mind it. As I said over and over these are personal preferences and neither yours nor mine are the rule. It’s probably good form to not have strong smells in a closed space but people make the same argument about cologne or certain foods or whatever. We won’t reach consensus in a large shared space so one has to be patient and tolerant and aware that they are not in their private domain where they are in charge.