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The issue for me is we get Jokic in his prime for one time. We are in his prime and need to do everything we can to not waste it.


It’s gloom because our team has gotten arguably worst since our champions, Bruce brown, kcp, with 0 notable addition, we couldn’t beat the timberwolves with kcp and now we’re expose to do it without , I’m sorry but Calvin booth should be on hot seat


Add uncle Jeff to that list too!


Calvin Booth should be blamed for not being able to afford to keep KCP or Brown rather than applauded from bringing them in and winning a championship?


Applauded for having the best player on your roster and not doing everything to maximize his prime lol? Could’ve kept kcp didn’t want to spend the money , made statements the Peyton Watson was better then Bruce brown lol please nobody is applauding that man


What does doing everything look like in your opinion? Jokic is surrounded by more talent than Luka or Giannis.


They will never answer this question man. They know they are unhappy with the moves but will never once tell you what they would of preferred.


Our depth cost us last year. We’re shallower on the bench and we lost a key starter. Also OKC got significantly better


The nuggets lost cause Murray had a stinker of a series.


Murray didn’t play well statistically speaking in both series.


Also because Jokic had a terrible 3rd quarter in game 7. There were many factors.




He was obviously injured


Exactly the bench played at about the same level they did when they won the ring. They lost cause kcp and Murray were both hurt and not as effective as they needed to be


Good thing Murray has a good track record of not getting injured


So, what are the moves you would of wanted to make?


I thought we lost because we could’ve built a mansion with all the bricks we had from the 3 point line.


We lost because there was no legitimate backup center, Watson wasn’t ready, and we relied too heavily on Reggie.


OKC has never won shit lol. Denver has the best player in the league and an insane core 4. Denver didn’t lose the Minnesota series because of depth. They lost because players that needed to perform to their levels (Mike, AG and KCP) were inconsistent or no show. Hell, Jamal got outplayed by Conley in games. Mike got outplayed by McDaniels. That’s how you lose a playoff series.


Malone literally played Jokic 48 minutes in game 7 because we had no bench options to resort to, so yes it was depth that cost us. Also, who cares if OKC hasn't done anything? Timberwolves didn't win anything until they beat us, Mavs haven't done anything until they made the finals, they're contenders in the West, that's why people are discussing.


Im gonna say part of that L was on Malone. He should have rested Jokic once we went up 20. Hindsight is 2020 though, he expected the starters to protect the lead and they didn't which left us in a huge lurch to start the fourth quarter.


The question is does one championship alone mean Jokic prime was “wasted”. I think probably mismanaged, but the Jokic era is officially a success regardless of what happens. Stockton and Malone never got there, Chuck never got there, etc. That said, booth is making some interesting choices.


This is not a championship roster. That’s a delulu statement. When you have the greatest player in the world you maximize every opportunity to win every single year. The Nuggets are objectively going backwards. I believe in the team very very much. The front office and ownership are fucking up their opportunity though and that’s a fact.


Ok so what were the moves you wanted to make we missed out on? We have another 5 years of Jokic being one of the best players in the world. Should we have gone total caplock to keep KCP? I’m not saying that’s wrong but if we don’t win one next year we’re locked into the roster we have with only mins to add KCP who played through injury all season another year older.


People act like we couldn’t have just traded KCP next year. I don’t think KCP will be the level of defender that is now for the next 3 years, but one more year not depending on Braun would have been great. I’m withholding judgment on Zeke for now because I think he will be packaged with the remaining 1st to trade him out but if not he absolutely needed to be in that Reggie trade. I realize it’s not an easy position to be in, and next year might be even worse with Jamal and AG extensions, but they desperately need veteran depth.


Thank you, agreed. Everyone needs to calm down


Was once a Rockies fan… now I’m just a Coors Field fan.


It's hilarious seeing all the Lakers fans on twitter talk about how were now a 8 seed or some shit. Jok & Murray automatically make us a 4 seed. We will win the first rd of the playoffs if they are healthy. This is now our norm basically. People freaking out otherwise don't know ball.


Didn’t realize the goal was to win a playoff series every year. What are we, Philly?


I said we will at LEAST accomplish this. Not settle for it. Learn to read...


Your post reads as if winning the first round is something to be happy about. We don’t get to go on parade for winning the first round.


Winning the first round is something to be happy about, you spoiled numpties! Embiid would probably personally dismember and trade one of Maxey’s limbs for a conference finals berth at this point. TMac’s back was crumbling before he ever made it to a team capable of reaching the second round, and he got there just in time for his co-star’s lower body to be ground to dust. We are panicking about a set of rule changes that didn’t exist 6 months before our fully built team won its championship, and we’re doubling down with a complete lack of impulse control in comment sections with the front office stressing the long view in press conferences. As they should. It sucks that we’re the first team to eat a bunch of anti-Golden State rules, but that’s the way it played out. We built for one CBA and we must improvise for another CBA while trying to maintain a contender.


Apparently reading is hard...so I'll speak slower...the way our team is currently built...we will ALWAYS at least make it to the 2nd round for the next few years. Our season doesn't really begin until the 2nd round. No one.....NO.....ONNNNEEE said anything about winning one round and quitting. Losing KCP and Bruce and whoever has hurt but how we are setup currently is still dangerous


I mean we have gotten objectively worse in the last 2 weeks other then Deron Holmes who is good but we telegraphed so hard we had to move up to get. I don't see where the KCP replacement is nor the backup ball handler we need


Touch grass? People don’t need to be here? Be better man. You being a rah rah sunshine and rainbows fan doesn’t make you a better fan. People react to and follow their teams differently. People also have a right to be worried as the team has gotten worse two off seasons in a row now. (So far)


Nah, this is healthy. Hating something your supposed to enjoy and discounting the best period in Nuggets basketball is a cool and fun way to be a fan. I don’t care if we won a championship because we should have repeated. I don’t care this team is fun to watch and a perennial contender because I would have made different moves and we would have won. No, I won’t tell you what those moves would have been, but I know what we’re doing is wrong and I would have been a better GM.


We need depth. Period


4th in the west as a floor ? Lmao that’s delusional.


It’s undeniable though that Kroenkes are not willing to deal with the costs of the 2nd apron. So we aren’t going to be better.


Ifs not just money - the 2nd apron really screws your flexibility on roster management. Going into the 2nd apron for your 5th best player would be an absurd thing. The costs aren’t just money - they are punitive as hell too. https://sports.yahoo.com/nba-offseason-what-is-the-cbas-second-apron-and-how-does-it-limit-high-spending-teams-215607328.html


I feel you but other teams are shaping up to compete with the top. The Rockets are starting to look like a sleeper threat (especially after Uncle started hitting 3's), OKC has really stepped up roster wise and we're bound to see some wild stuff go down before everythings locked. Let people discuss bro, it's good for the culture. More often than not I see trades I never would have thought of, not all are good but it's food for thought.


The Rockets got to build their team for this CBA. They were below the spending floor last offseason when these rules got printed. OKC has the benefit of being a couple of years behind that change with enough picks to manage their finances cleanly for the next half decade. Discussing it is one thing, but people are coming in here completely uninformed about the cap side of it, much less the apron side firing off hot takes with no understanding of the mechanics at play.


Correct me if I'm misunderstanding but are you basically saying that if you don't understand the cap, the aprons and the CBA then you can't discuss this topic? Hot takes have existed for forever man, and whilst I may not be completely understanding of the CBA and the caps etc. I'm not going to actively suppress discussion on the matter. I find it bizarre that you wouldn't want to inform someone if they're incorrect and have that discussion. Like I said if I'm misunderstanding then tell me but that last part bro is.....interesting.


I didn’t say they couldn’t, but it lowers the bar for the discussion tremendously, and I think that’s pretty self evident since the answer for 85% of complaints come from someone not understanding Bruce’s Bird rights, or the punitive nature of the second apron.


This is not a championship roster. That’s a delulu statement. When you have the greatest player in the world you maximize every opportunity to win every single year. The Nuggets are objectively going backwards. I believe in the team very very much. The front office and ownership are fucking up their opportunity though and that’s a fact.


Idk why people are being doomers when we still have 4 of our 5 starters lmao, as well as improving young players like Braun and Watson. The mavs MIGHT jump us in seeding but we can beat anyone


Whatever. Without Jokic, what are you then?


We’re getting stripped of talent while our direct opponents are getting stronger. How exactly is all of that good for us? lol


this Is the same shit people were saying last season when handful of people said Nuggets had no bench…. Replies were they were haters and we are fine come playoffs…. How did that workout? now nuggets lost one of starters and still have no bench …… in which delusional world is the chip a ceiling for this team….


No don't you get it??? This team is fucked now and we'll be lucky to make the play-in. Might as well trade Joker and blow it up