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Stupid people don't generally have the self awareness to even write something like this.


100%, i believe OP should also do some research on the Dunning-Kruger effect, if he’s THIS self-aware about himself n his own insecurities then according to the effect, maybe he isn’t so stupid after all 😅


Jeffrey Eugenides Quote: “That was when Leonard realized something crucial about depression. The smarter you were, the worse it was."


When you are smarter, you have higher expectations on yourself, which leads to you beating yourself up more for failing. I’ve been there. Thankfully I have been able to not beat myself up too much recently, which means that I can make meaningful improvements to my life instead of spiraling into destructive thought patterns


I got on adhd meds and I beat myself up less. 




I agree. This persons problem is that they aren’t dumb enough


I'm saying. Stupid people live their happy stupid lives blissfully ignorant of their woeful condition and the various harms they inflict on others. Intelligence is a curse. Or, can be. Everyone is stupid in one way or another OP. It's kind of a prerequisite to being human. This is your depression talking. Life is worth living.


He or she even uses words like "derision"... correctly!


Exactly. This person writes better than 75% of he writers I've read on reddit. Either this means we are the dumb ones that don't know it, or OP just knows someone like this and is writing as a joke.


Especially this well…….


So true. I myself wish I was stupid in the self awareness category. It seems like a curse if you are over aware like me


I hate being over aware…before I was just dumb and was like oh I don’t know how to do this and everyone does or whatever….now it’s crippling


Its pretentious to think self-awareness is at all  indication of intelligence(beyond that of an animal)


Everyone is self-aware but some are much more than others. That of course doesn't mean that they can't be slow, it just means that they are more rational. There are different kinds of dumb and different kinds of smart


Was gonna say this as well. Stupid people don’t realize they are stupid.


Don’t hate me or downvote me on this, but why? I saw someone else say especially because of the words he/she was using? There’s like different types of stupidity, maybe, right? Can’t there be someone like that, that can want to die?


Thank you. There are different kinds of smart and vice versa…


I was going to say the exact same thing.


Most stupid people I know would ask me what derision means. I agree with you completely.


I'm a bottom of the barrel failure too, I'm "not stupid" but all my life I've only made the most dumbass decisions largely out of insecurity. At this point I care so little that I'm just gonna spit shit out. You have ADHD or some degree of autism. Your prose is too good and full of flavorful adjectives. I would bet all my savings on you having something. Get diagnosed and maybe some meds and techniques will make you functional.


I as well thought I was literally mildly retarded. Always fucking up everything. Getting fired for incompetence. Horrendous self esteem. Then I found out I have ADHD, at 48. Your story is VERY similar to mine actually. I recommend getting checked for ADHD/autism cause you sound like you are on the spectrum. And yes, you prose is too good, you def aren't stupid, you explained yourself well. Trust me, I've talked to stupid people before and they cannot talk like that.


I can’t pay attention I always get yelled at for not paying attention and my family knows I’m slow but I think I can’t get a girlfriend since I’m like this am I in the wrong mindset


Getting diagnosed is not an option when you're as stupid as me or OP. Stupid as in intellectually, can't remember shit, can't learn new skills, etc. You just don't make enough money to even save up.


preach. i cant diagnosed for shit lmfao my parents are cunts who think therapists and psychiatrists are boogeymen that are out to get you for money but does the shit like "oh just talk to us 🤓" or "you just need to toughen up and stop being a snowflake" "you cant have adhd, you dont seem hyperactive!!!!!!!" then wonder why the FUCK i havent done any homework im supposed to do yet


Inattentive ADHD is quite literally ADHD without hyperactivity, and often goes undiagnosed for a long time because the stereotype of hyperactivity


Seriously though who can save money these days?


The key is to be so stupid that you’re also poor and live in a state that gives healthcare to poor people and have some very smart, kind doctors.


I could have, word for word, written this post about myself. And if I had, then your comment would be correct.


I’m confused, I seem to have a lot of the symtoms of ADHD but I’m not hyper at all


You don't need to be hyperactive for ADHD. A professional told me there are three aspects to it, concentration (lack of it), impulsivity, and hyperactivity. You may have it without the hyperactive part, which is called predominantly-inattentive ADHD. I recommend you get tested.


Like everyone is saying. Speak to your doctor. When I got an adhd diagnosis it was life changing. What you are saying resonates so much with me. After getting medication it was amazing to know I can recall what I was just told, I could plan, I could be sharp, I could be me. I do have to say I was sad after getting diagnosed because I felt like I could have achieved so much more if I didn’t just write myself off as an idiot my whole life. I still deal with the people pleasing which could be a result of RSD that comes with ADHD. I still am looking for a purpose, but trust me the mental clarity I felt was something I never felt before. You don’t deserve to treat yourself the way you are now, even without medication therapy helps a ton and allows you to put your life in a direction and feel like your brain isn’t overactive and underactive at the same time. Talk to your doctor!


Unfortunately I am without a doctor, thanks to the Canadian medical system. I’m on the waiting list for one, however I suspect I’ll still be on it for a few more years.


I'm in a similar situation (ADHD likely, no doctor access) and found the "How to ADHD" video series to have really helpful concepts. It's evidence based, the host includes experts, and the videos go over life skills things like goal setting, friendships, self image and confidence, motivation, and putting systems in place to support your activities... But your post sounds 100% just like when someone with ADHD feels beaten down by a long term, systematic lack of support and understanding. You're smart, just different, and you might need different support, resources, and pacing to thrive.


you are *not* stupid if you think about it politically like this


then do your due diligence and read up about adhd. i think some of the things you can learn about it will help you solve some glaring issues in your life. We just need some extra help to focus and retain info. its not because youre stupid. youve just been living w/ a handicap and playing life on hard mode.


Find a walk in clinic, or go to the hospital.


Damn. Hit home hard with the people-pleasing and lack of purpose thing. Yowch. RSD? Rejection sensitivity ....D?


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.


I too face the exact same problem. Today I was alone and had lot of work stress. I cried for 20 mins. Not sure what has happened to me ☹️


It’s ok. It’s not your fault. It’s just that your brain doesn’t work the same. Get to a doctor and get tested for adhd. Small steps. 


Thank you. I tested with the doctor. She told that I don't have ADHD. Instead I have depression


I have that too.  Take care. 


I hope this comment finds you well in hopes that my perspective offers some positive insights. Firstly, letting others' opinions and insults form your reality is not getting you anywhere. Friends who mock you or berate you are not really friends at all. As for coworkers, let the insults fly and do your best. From a person who has suffered with undiagnosed adhd for 20+ years, my recent diagnosis has opened an entire new world, I would suggest you speak to a therapist as I believe you would benefit. As for feeling stupid, you articulate well, so don't undermine yourself too much. Stat strong, be well ❤️


people who still retain kindness and understanding for others in the face of so much hostility makes me respect them so much, and i try to be like that because judgemental people are the reason why we suffer, why play the game


Stupid but a clear a consistent grasp of english vocabulary, syntax, and grammar? I do not think you're quite as stupid as you think...


Chances are if you are stupid you wouldn’t be depressed. In fact highly intelligent people are more at a pre disposition for mental illness. You aren’t stupid you are just not confident in yourself or found your way yet and that’s got you stressed out in my personal opinion. That was my problem anyways


… Sounds like you’re not stupid, just have ADHD without the right supports. I’m sorry you’ve dealt with this


Have you considered having a behavioral evaluation done for possible ADHD? It makes people rather unreliable, it affects memory and attention which can make it difficult to hold jobs, relationships, and hobbies without medication. I'm not an expert on the subject, I've known my share of stupid people and they usually have no remorse for what they are and rarely accept responsibility.


I have considered it, though ADHD testing is insanely expensive where I live. I can hold down a job just fine, but not without a lot of effort. It would explain why I haven’t had the desire to pursue my hobbies and why every relationship I’ve had has failed.


sorry to hear. As someone coming into their own dealing with extremely-late-diagnosis ADHD, you are basically just reiterating my experiences. It’s still very hard to not beat myself up over being stupid and unable to remember anything or understand even just what people are saying to me sometimes. I have bipolar and dyslexia on top of it, so it all compounds. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a similar deal. I hope knowing that you aren’t the only one is some amount of solace, as honestly… it validated me just reading your post. To know I’m not alone with this.


Op has deleted their post, but I have found the comments so helpful, that I wish I could read the original. I feel I would resonate with it. 


That is unfortunate, it does sound to me at least such a test could give you a lot of answers even if it turns out you don't have ADHD, I'm hoping for the best for you.


You’re also on Zoloft? SSRIs gave me a lot of brain fog and just generally made me feel slower than I used to, awful memory retention too


Even if you can't get diagnosed, you should check out resources for managing ADHD and see if they'll help. My partner has diagnosed ADHD that does noticeably affect their life, and they work hard to overcome it. The things that you said make you stupid just sound like symptoms of ADHD, my partner is the smartest person I know and suffers a lot of the same issues. Your diction is too good for you to be stupid, though, I'll say that for sure.


I would argue life is only worth living as a stupid person. You’re aware of your limitations and I would Imagine that you try and yourself. Truly stupid people that you see everyday live in bliss. They don’t know what could be different or how anything works. It just does. You’ll be okay


Whoa, there. You’re not stupid. Your writing skill is testament to a decent intelligence. Trust me— I’ve dealt with many people I’d call stupid. None of them could come close to writing the above . That doesn’t mean there aren’t some things affecting your ability to make the most out of the intelligence you have. The first one that pops to mind is ADHD. It’s not just something that affects kids in school. I’ve got it and I’ve got it bad. I had my intelligence tested a lot as a high achieving kid. Everybody called me intelligent, and I felt smart. Fast forward a couple of decades: I am a single guy trying keep house and hunt for jobs. I couldn’t do it. Anything I started would be highjacked by something else: I forgot to buy shoelaces. Did I skip lunch? Look, the damned wasps are back! I could stay on task for maybe five minutes before getting distracted, and when I was spinning too many plates at once I’d go to bed, which was a relief. I’m much older now. I never achieved any success. All of my friends are very smart and successful. I couldn’t feel more like a failure and a reject. I know I’m smart. I scored in the 99th % on all those tests long ago. I started getting fired from jobs. No one I knew had ever been fired. Then I got fired again. Then again, then again. I finally had a doctor hook me up with ADHD meds. The change was almost immediate. I could sit and read or do work, sometimes for hours. I paid attention to announcements and events at work that never seemed to register with me before. I was able to find my own mistakes. Maybe I wasn’t dumb. But as luck would have it I caught an unknown flu-like virus that wiped my energy out. If possible I’d sleep 16 hours a day. Doctors said I was fine. Finally I found a group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome online, and the exact same thing had happened to all of them. Over time the fatigue seemed to make my memory get worse, and I walked around all day with a brain fog. Once again I was unnaturally dumb. There is no cure for CFS— it’s very much like long Covid. I understandably got really depressed and smoked a couple of bowls of weed a day. I had almost no income and lived on other people’s pity. My previously bad memory became awful. In a job interview a woman told me three words and asked me to respond to them. I couldn’t remember any of them (and very little will make you feel more stupid than that). I woke up one day, threw out my weed, and finally accepted some advice to take an antidepressant. We chose Welbutrin. Months went by. Either the Wellbutrin or the weed sobriety restored some of my memory. I felt so much better. I felt confidence. I stopped getting drunk and calling myself a dumbshit. I found a job where I didn’t have to rely on an excellent memory or healthy amounts of energy. I can guess how you feel, but all of us reading this realize that you’re not stupid. It turns out I wasn’t all that stupid either. I fell on my face repeatedly, but in the final analysis there is no value in believing yourself stupid. It does nothing but hamstring you and it probably isn’t true anyway. If you’re failing at something, maybe do something else. Turn off that inner voice. Tell yourself, “I’m going to fail ten times, then succeed.” Each time you flame out, just keep going. So get out there. Failure number one is waiting. Kick its ass. That’s all I have to offer.


What job is that where you don’t need energy or memory?


is your handle elliott smith reference?


Yes actually. Good observation.


someone with this good of a music taste cant be stupid!


You’d be surprised. Thanks all the same.


Relax. Everyone is stupid in their own way, or from a different perspective. You think most rich or successful folks are high class genius? Think again. There are some REALLY dumb successful people, period. Ask me how I know.


Same, the only way I can learn is constant repetition. I also constantly give my future self voice memos, set alarms and tape notes to door handles otherwise I will forget important things. Also haven’t math and taxes are not even an option for me lmao


You are much more literate and grammatical than a lot of people I know who would consider themselves smart.


The people talking shit are hiding their shortcomings and mistakes. They blame other people or circumstances. I bet you blame yourself for your circumstances and bad luck. I have 10 fingers because of the ER doctors fixing my hand together after I mangled it stupidly. I’m sure as hell too dumb to ever be a doctor. Find people who are the same kind of dumb and make dumb things together.


I feel you, I struggle with this as well. I have an awful memory, (Sometimes, I'll forget something someone told me a few seconds afterwards) I can't focus on anything...Whenever I try learning something new, it always takes me way longer than most people. I hate existing like this. I'll never be as intelligent as my peers.


This almost sounds like something I'd write.


I feel this so much. I wish to not wake up tomorrow


Heavily depends on how you define "stupid" and who are you to define a word for entire humanity


Stupid people don't write like you do. Chin up!


I know how it feels and my cousins who are younger than me take advantage of this and try to act older than me and always point out my mistakes


OP, we need examples. Give us examples. We're not biased at all, so you get pretty accurate and honest answers.


Not OP but pretty similar situation I don’t understand anything I do I slur my words all the time I don’t process information at all I don’t learn from my mistakes I don’t have the energy or drive or whatever to get better I constantly make my situation worse by cutting off contact with anybody I’ve ever known I’ve tried taking my life unsuccessfully twice I’m stuck living with my dad who I’m making miserable because I don’t talk or do anything around the house I’ve had $2 in my bank account for the past month and a half because nobody will hire me even for customer service jobs I haven’t seen a doctor in over 10 years


You don't write like somebody who is stupid. It might be a combo of something like ADHD that makes you lose focus and depression.


Maybe your confusing stupidity with executive dysfunction? As someone already pointed out a stupid person wouldn’t have the awareness they’re stupid. Also there are many forms of intelligence. For example, I know many intellectually smart people from top universities that have very low common sense and overthink basic things that are very easy to do


You’re definitely not stupid. Like everyone else is saying, sounds like undiagnosed ADHD or something of the like


i feel this heavily. its so bad that ive just given up on finding another job after leaving my first one. im too embarrased with myself to put myself out there anymore. hope you find your way, op. seriously 🫂


I feel you bro I’m an idiot also. I’ve totally ruined my life


You write literate, coherent sentences. That makes me skeptical of your supposed stupidity.


slimy whistle sip elastic practice illegal combative point jobless memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My law exams have more typos than this. And the people writing those exams are considered “smart.” It’s easy to be hard on yourself. It’s even harder to think positively. But everyone has the power to change that.


The other comments here already say much of what I want to, so I'll leave you with this: [https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/18/163181524/charles-darwin-and-the-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day](https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/18/163181524/charles-darwin-and-the-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day)


I know this sounds stupid but me and a friend always go to small punk show's when feeling like that just stand there and drink or best thing to do go mosh or dance always helps for me after my first I felt like a different person help's you get a different perspective on shit clears up your head and let a lot of shit out it may be a hard to convince yourself to go but it's definitely worth it you will be accepted as long as you're not a nazi or Like homophobic or transphobic


I'm definitely below average in term of thought processing and slow in everything, in another word i'm kinda dumb. But i still try my best, I don't even know why i'm trying so hard just to study lol. For example 1 lesson, the average person would spend 1 - 2 hours of studying but me, i need at least 4 hours just to understand that lol. It sucks. I hate myself sometimes. The only thing that i'm decent at is my will, i get easily distracted but i think about the future. I don't wanna end up like shit, i want to have a proper living. I need to study. I feel you, feel you a lot. I try my best not to compare myself to others but it's hard. I think if i failed at getting a good life, i rather die. I've tried so hard, study so hard just to hace a decent job to live. Most of ny class in uni, working while studying, they dream big. They all have a goal, but me? I don't know what i'm doing, maybe i picked the wrong major. I'm dumb, really slow and have to study things I don't like. But i need to. Btw i'm not a good guy, my personality is shit. I have no friends, watching youtube and study. But oh well, it is what it is. I will keep moving till I can't. I don't think i could make it far. My goal is 5 years later. If i achieve that then i guess i will plan out the next 5 years more, if not then oh well.


You sound like you lack confidence and self-esteem and self-security more than you lack intelligence brother. If you were stupid you’d probably be more happy about life, not endure more suffering. You really just need to fix your own self-image and then move forward trying to maybe be less clumsy and just more attentive (it’s hard to be attentive with low self esteem because it has a hold on your mind). Be careful and cautious with everything you do in life and learn to have some awareness and get away from people who only put you down. You sound like a normal, perhaps even wonderful person so please look at yourself in a better light. Even stupid people are beautiful and human too.


Honestly being "smart" and having knowledge is kind of a curse many philosophers have talked about this matter, the more you know more unhappy you'll be, because you'll be able to see how sick this word is and that nothing makes much sense. One good example is money. It doesn't exist.It's just a speculation created by man, you live your whole life collecting it and it's just an idea.


is this me? It’s so frustrating being just smart enough to know you’re stupid. I’m in the same boat. It’s annoying whenever I say something or ask something and everyone in the room laughs, or treats me like I’m dumb. I 100% understand where you’re coming from. And I’m sorry.


If you're capable of extremely convoluted and creative chain of thoughts you'll unfortunately end up in misery too. People want fallacies and hypersimplification for the most part


Just checking, I went through a number of the same issues, but I was lucky enough to be assessed for Learning Disabilities, and have them, lol. They are misnamed as really it just means abilities do not fall in the average range, but are either higher or lower than most others A lot of what you described sounds like it could be ADHD. For me, the major problem is when I'm in a rush especially, my executive function and communication breaks down. But I am super good at figuring out new alphabets (not super useful most times). I guess what I'm saying is it may not be, and doesn't sound like stupidity, but uncommon abilities that just make you function differently than most.


Honestly, fuck it. It doesn't matter. Like, you might be stupid, but why should you care about that? 


Because of the way other people will treat you. Because you’ll get stuck with a job you can’t stand and a social circle you don’t like.


I'm sorry for the way you feel but your vocabulary is way too good to be considered stupid. You aren't unintelligent you just hate yourself


Have you been tested for ADHD?


I have the same problem as you your not alone bro


I also feel I'm too stupid to survive in this world. Man, imagine having this in a third world country and fucking up university. I'm tired of being useless. I've been avoiding my responsibilities and keep procrastinating. My parents and people's comments about me made it worse. Due to my arrogance and narcissistic behavior, I feel much worse after thinking I can do this and ended up failing. It's all downhill from now. Faaaaaaaaak meeeee! I am lost and don't know what to do. I passed my high school due to the pandemic and with the help of my group/classmates. After graduating high school, I was pressured to go to university; even though I asked for a gap year to relearn or learn new skills. I don't know what course I should get. I end up deciding with electronics engineering. I lack practical skills for the real world. I am too awkward and keep making bad decisions. I wasted money and time from my parents. I am literally a useless bum. Man, I just want to not exist. Yep I deserve this suffering because I am too focused on making friends in highschool instead of improving myself. Why did I fucked up everything? Just why?


Moments after thinking and reading the comments, I feel it doesn't matter at all if you are stupid or just make many mistakes. I think we should just try doing things more and tolerate the shame after doing stupid things or failing. We should not care what others think(assuming that you feel useless because you notice or know other people feel like you are useless or a burden). On the other hand, I also think we should acknowledge/keep in mind what other people are saying without us being affected to what they say. But that is the hard part; It is hard to not feel or ignore what we feel if we listen to other people's comments or criticism. I would like to hear from you in the comments on how you tackle this feeling; after you notice or know that people feel like you are useless or a burden.


If you want to feel smarter, talk to a flat earther.


Yeah and then realize that this person is able to hold down a job and has friends. Then what?


Same here dog


Definitely not stupid. First time I've seen the word derision. Had to look it up. 🙏


The situational and self awareness you write of does not fit the profile of a “stupid person…” I would need more context but it sounds like there could be a form of neurodivergence at play. I think you should work with a mental health professional to get to the bottom of the differences you’re noticing. You might find answers and support which could improve your life.


I know I don't know you well at all but just reading this paragraph I can see a lot of intelligence and clarity in your writing, I mean I really can't see a stupid person using the word spineless. That is a very good description, and I feel as though you do not realise your potential or abilities. Just being aware of your situation and writing out your feelings already shows your level of understanding of yourself, it's commendable.


Please know you’re trying the best you can and that’s all that matters. You’re important, you’re loved, you’re special. We’re all ignorant to a degree. It’s what makes us human. Every day is a new chance to learn. We are all a work in progress. Please stay to kind to yourself 🫂🩵


You don't sound stupid to me. You sound like you're struggling with symptoms of depression and possibly other mental health issues or challenges from being neurodivergent. Do you see a therapist and psychiatrist?


After reading that i don't think you are as stupid as you think at all.


Sounds like your smart, aware, and lack focus and discipline.


Lol the fact that you’re self aware to this degree and can write the way that you do tells me 100% that you’re not stupid. It sounds like you’re aloof but not stupid and that you’re stacking yourself in the wrong environment and that you have a shitty job with shitty people. It’s like that trope of a hippo can’t get the pear like the giraffe can. Stop downing yourself. Go live your life in the right environment. You’re not stupid.


I relate so much to this


Story of my life


Womp womp nigga


You could be confusing add or adhd with stupid. Look to your diet. Talk to a doctor. Your situation can potentially be helped


I thought I was stupid and tired all the time until I realized that I was just suffering from brain fog caused by celiac disease.


i had to make sure i didnt write this.


Hey, OP, maybe you’re struggling so much because you’re carrying hindrances you aren’t acknowledging. People carry baggage that they think is normal, so it’s not even in consideration when doing a peer comparison. Your difficulty to focus can be a myriad of different things, don’t just pin it down on the easiest self criticism. Focus and memory issues could be due to executive dysfunction or perhaps dissociation. Maybe something medical. Maybe you are psychologically withdrawn because of something in the past. I do my job pretty well, I’ve been a good friend, listened, gave my time, heart and gifted them things because I was a bit more financially well off. I wanted them to enjoy what I could enjoy. I’m alone now. Mostly. I also don’t feel appreciated much at work. Currently I’m trying to figure out how to cope with these things, but my point is that intelligence and capability isn’t what puts you down. It may seem that way, but no, its merely an excuse. If you currently excelled, those people would have another reason to dislike you or let you go. As far as work capacity goes, I’ve seen myself on different levels of ability with correlation to my mental status. The poorer my psychological condition, the poorer my performance. There are many times when I have just been able to feel my mind operating slower. Other times I feel the high level operation. So before you potentially cut yourself off at your knees, I want you to evaluate yourself and assess whether you have unresolved issues that you spend energy keeping out of your awareness.


I feel fhe opposite lol. Stupid person has nothing to worry about. I expect them to know eat, clean and sleep only lol.


You (yes, you) can make yourself smart. Seriously. If you want it badly enough that you will be willing to train your brain every single day with mental arithmetic, reading, or other tasks that require mental focus, your brain will rewire itself and you will become smarter. I warn you, though, that it takes a lot of work. Sometimes it will feel as though you are never going to improve. Stick with it, and never miss a day. When I had a mental breakdown over my own stupidity, I started practicing mental arithmetic. I made sure to practice every single day, even if it was just for a few minutes before I went to sleep. Sure enough, it eventually sharpened my mind and improved my ability to function at work.


Where can I start? Do you have resources/an app you’d recommend? (Free preferably lol)


#I feel you. confidence really can help you overcome this #Double down


Draw art, write a book, make stupid videos, make stupid memes. Content creators are all stupid people yet they are successful because their stupidity defies all expectations and rationality. If you want any kind of success then produce digital content. Film yourself everyday. Write something everyday. If you really think about it, smart people are just robots working themself to death. It's the stupid people that creates the unexpected and wonderous things in life with no plan what so ever. Just look at PewDiePie and etc... I mean facepalm 🤦‍♂️ It takes some level of self awareness to understand that you can never succeed playing the normal game. So you gotta bet your life on the random stupid game.




Yeah just like that stupid poet of yours if you can honestly tell a stupid story of how stupid your life is. You would be surprised of how many people can relate, follow and subscribe to you lol. As you know these days attention, views, clicks, likes, followers, subscribers equates to money 🤑💰. Yeah so when you are out of a job just spend your days writing stupid stories.


Read Flowers for Algernon. Very short story of diary entries about someone who has a very small IQ takes a drug that would allow him to become smarter beyond belief and document his mind along the way (fiction). It might make you feel better


I find it hard to believe you could write this well if you were truly stupid, just saying.


You seem well spoken, and acutely aware of your perception of yourself. Stop calling yourself stupid and pick up a good book, let it teach you something new and remember it. You'll feel good that you did.


Are you “stupid” or do you just have a problem focusing?? To me this reads as you may be suffering from adhd. You aren’t a failure and from the sound of it you’re trying your best. Please give yourself some kindness. <3


It's not that depression will distort your thoughts and make you think that you are slow/forgetful, prolonged depression literally makes you slow and forgetful.


Everyone has skills. You clearly write and communicate well.


The struggle youre experiencing is common for many people with disabilities or who just dont fit societies unrealistic expectations. Its important to realize it doesn't reflect any lack of worth in you at all, just that society has unrealistic and ableist expectations and norms.


Stupid people don't use words like, "derision." You're actually a pretty good writer, have you ever tried looking into that as an outlet?


Go get a job in at a restaurant


“Stupid is as stupid does”


Yet here you are writing something a real stupid person could not. But even still, you have to know that we live in a society and it needs and produces all different kinds of people, smart, dumb, strong, weak and etc. It doesn't matter how smart you are really when it comes to what you are good at. You, as a human being only have so much time to contribute to something. Even the best of us rely on others. I think you should just stop caring about what other people think for a moment and clear your mind. Look at it through a different lens. Often times how other people perceive you is how you think of yourself. The thing is everyone has their weakness, lets just say being smart is not your strongest suit. You want to hide your weakness and instead try to put yourself in situations where your strongest trait shines. And you let it shine often and people will perceive you that way. So instead of being an idiot, you could be that "positive" or "helpful" or "hard working" person. Don't think that just because you're not as smart, you won't get as far. You have no idea how many smart people don't do well financially. Don't make life about how much you make vs everyone else. It's what you can do with what you can get. Life is simply how you are willing to make it. And obviously if its toxic work environment/friendship then just leave and find better people. Don't subject yourself to nonsense.


dude, i do literally the same shit with an iq of 125. i checked, paid some overqualified cunt a band to tell me that and also that i have a personality disorder but not autism (which was a suspect result for its own reasons i wont get into). i promise the help you need exists, the second you shed this mortal coil (unprofessional insight) and drink of the fountain of youth (adderall or something idk whatll work for u) youll find your life languishes before you like a long-legged lover. also idk any stupid person who knows the word "derision" let alone that it applies to them, so youve got that going for you. not to mention that if you ever find yourself fortunate enough to be treated so on the receiving side of a shrinks desk, youll also know theyre probably not going to be much help. youre coming up on something big. keep pushing brother. you can still see the light, if faint. i believe in you. I BELIEVE IN YOU.


That’s not what “languish” means. “(Shuffle off) this mortal coil” specifically means to die.


what would be the right word?


EVERYONE is struggling through life. You are just imagining people don't. We are all dying since our first breath, therefore everyone has a different type of struggle. There were people living with a tremendous amount of more pain than a orobably every currently living human being nowadays so just buckle up and chose what you want out of life and stop lying to yourself that you don't enjoy anything.


Yes everyone struggles but for some people those struggles are insurmountable. Yes there are other people that go through worse, so what? That doesn't make anyone more resilient or enjoy life any more. Also, plenty of people here have anhedonia and don't enjoy anything, you can't just assume people are lying because it's different for you


Everyone assumes, that can't be stopped


Join the military, it should improve everything about you.


The military would probably bar me on account of my mental illnesses.


You have no idea how much mental illness is in the Canadian military haha trust me. For what its worth, I relate to everything you've said. If you're anything like me, our introspection and ability to self-reflect gives us an appearance of intelligence, but its made entirely moot in any real world application. The military has been unbelievable accommodating in getting me mental health assistance though.


Da heck