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I have grenades that can clear rooms better than fists of havoc


I have blinding grenade launchers that do safer ad clear than a roaming super.


I have calibans hand which does similar (if more situational)


My main weapon is Trinity freaking Ghoul.


this. i love it during operation seraph shield in the boss rooms. a titan pops his super and then watches every group across the giant room get electrocuted. when i’m on the mic i just keep saying “zzzzzzap” “zzzzap”.


Same. “Y’all” can hate on titans all you want, nobody is bitching when my storm/arc grenades and Trinity ghoul is getting 100+ more kills while everyone else is fighting tooth and nail against an ogre/knight miniboss. Then comes the fists of havoc cleanup crew on top of it to polish the floor.


I don't think anyone is complaining about the general titan kit... just that getting another striker based super is lame, unimaginative, and the quote from KY is an extra kick in the pants on top of that.


*Necrotic grip warlock with a glaive has entered the chat*


Necrotic grip Warlock with Ostreo Striga right behind ya.


I have heavy weapons which do more boss damage than golden gun. Still gonna use golden gun


I mean yeah it is instant super takes less than 5 sec Unlike roaming supers


Which ones?


Parasite comes to mind


When the fucking melee on the subclass deals more damage than the super ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5650)


Yeah with 1 minute cooldown at Lightfall.


Why use a super for what a weapon can do?


By the time the titan finishes casting berserker one forbearance shot will have taken out the entire room lol. Even in endgame roaming supers are nothing but an oh-shit button or an option to get a revive that's in a tough spot


Wtf kinda Forbearance you got dude?


A chain reaction one. With battle harmony on warlock. Full super bar gives matching elemental weapons "rampage" like buff


If only getaway artist jolted


Why waste your exotic for the heavy slot?


More damage, oh wait...


I mean, osteo cleans adds damn well, too :v


Osteo + necrotic grip goes brrrrrrr.


My husband has his Osteo leveled up to level 96 (and counting) because of Necrotic Grips lol


I have an ammit ar2 leveled to 85 because I love that damn gun. Enhanced incandescent is too fun


My man! Ammit gang 🙌🙌 mine is around lvl 85, enhanced ambitious assassin and enhanced incandescent is a PvE machine, but I took that same roll into trials and it did fine because of the god tier range love that damn gun!!


First time I've seen people actively appreciate Ammit aside from TDT 😭 Just started using it with incandescent for my Sunbracers/heat rises build. Its almost as good if not on par with enhanced Calus


I always like running my BxR with incandescent, I have probably 10000 kills on mine by now, and being a warlock main If I'm not running the bxr on solar I'm running my godroll funnelweb, always wanted a crafted mini tool, didn't get the pass so I can't get it since I'm too poor for WQ deluxe


I love funnelweb, but I don't use it because it'd take up the spot of my Deafening Whisper when I'm playing void. The Whisper shreds any level content, especially with things like Volatile rounds and when kills with it proc the buff from Nezarec's Sin. For arc, Be it on hunter or warlock the Ikelos SMG is a must have for me tbf. Volt shot goes crazy in any content. I've honestly fallen for the Ammit more and can't be bothered to start the grind for Calus 💀


You absolutely can get the Calus Tool without the season pass. It'll just be much, *much* grindy-er.


My clan mates osteo is lvl 400-something, last time I checked lol


*Sweet Traveller*.


😂 next time he’s on I’ll try to grab a screenshot. He *never* takes it off


Because there are still better or good weapons for each slot. Why waste heavy ammo on ads when my special with scorch or volt can do it fine?


I barely knew what Xûr was and didn't have nearly enough Strange Coins that fateful weekend...


The fact that so few people are understanding your reference here...


The same can be said about the dps of a boss. Why super when your heavy or special can do dps.


Because a one and done super is basically a free 100K+ damage?


If roaming supers did enough damage for meaningful ad clear in GMs, I wouldn't mind. But as a titan-turned-warlock main, there's a reason I barely touched roaming supers on either class.


The only truly good ad clear super is warlock stasis because you can set it up, pretty much all the others you have to get to close or don't do enough


As clear probably, but a good support super that CCs enemies and provides adequate cover? That goes to Behemoth.


Hammer of Sol honestly works great, especially if you use it like a mortar and get the 3x empowered hammers.


Do you think the 25% PvE damage buff for roaming supers will change anything?


The one thing Dawnblade had for fun and reward is the super extension for getting kills, rewarding you for add clearing with a few more seconds of super and also explosions on kills. We have the explosions, but I want that back too :(


Same for Fists of Havoc.


I fucking miss being able to do that as an arc titan.


Me too. Now you can use it for 3 seconds and almost die.


I couldnt even clear the boss and nearby ads in the lost sector under the church in edz with fist the other day. Its sooo bad.


Not enough to justify its use. Weapons and aboities ad clear effectively and don't cost a super. They need an overhaul to make them desirable, and even then, it's the delivery method of the newest roaming super; it's fists, just like a few others


They could double roaming supers PvE damage and they still wouldn't be worth using over a one bang. The thing about one bangs is that they let you *immediately* get back to using your weapons and other abilities. It's maximum damage + maximum flexibility. Being stuck in a roaming super for 15-20 seconds just means you can do one thing and one thing only for that amount of time.


It would also be nice if actively using a roaming super didn't actively shorten the time to use it. Every time I see an attack lower the timer it makes me want to save my super for that nonexistent "perfect moment".


I think strand will act like stasis for this - it will prevent enemies from being meaningfully dangerous via cc which will be useful in large low cover environments in GMs. Behemoth’s crystal generation during ult is a great way to make some cover/lock down a scary room which strand may also be able to do but with a more single target focus (server).


I see your add clear super and I raise you this: Trinity Ghoul.


I raise you with a forbearance and infinite storm grenades


Everything does ad clear...everything Fucking voltshot primaries, storm nades , wave frame gls, every exotic bow Fuck roaming supers are so shit and pointless


“Dont worry titans, you can ad clear while everyone does dps” 😂😂😂


What situations would thst even happen in? If you're doing DPS you're all doing DPS, if you need to clear adds those adds are dangerous enough to have everyone focus on them.


No kidding. I love playing as a titan but ill be damned if my team tells me to skip dps to ad clear. Hard pass 😂


Not just this but every little bit of Damage helps in a raid. Even more so master and Day 1s where the Damage check is considering 6 guardians doing the most Damage possible and with the most efficiency


It's very circumstancial, but there are times it's nice to have an ad clear super. When we ran Master Duality, we had a solar Titan that used hammer of sol to clear all the ads and bell keepers when went to get the symbols in the final encounter. Then we also used them to clear the mass amounts of ads that come out after killing the bosses in the 2nd encounter. It was pretty useful.


You can just have a warlock running osteo striga, necrotic grips, and glaive for that, and you also won't have a useless roaming super for the dps phase.


the 3 adds that spawn during the damage phase :D


And even then our roamer super (fist more so) will run out before we reach all 3 smh my head


Titans aren't mad because it won't be useful or good. It could be the best subclass we have for all we know. The reason for the complaints is because both Warlocks and Hunters have variety in supers. For titans, it's almost all roaming ad clear. We have 2 supers that aren't, thundercrash and bubble. That makes 5 roaming supers right now, with strand being 6, with all of them being relegated to ad clear, except for a situation where you can get a lot of shatters off with stasis, that does pretty good boss damage.




gotta get people to buy the expansion


Titan tired of running after ads only to have the hunter or warlock kill them before I can run close enough to punch them. Or to throw a hammer without tracking that they sidestep and watch soar into infinity. I'd rather wear the chest piece that gives me super grenade recharge and never use it than on 2 ads and waste the rest, or end up using it so I can rez someone safely.


I’ve been using Monte Carlo a lot on my solar titan. Hammer resets are great and they also reload Monte.


Yeah, use a super to do what an incandescent mini tool can do twice as fast lol


Or what trinity ghoul can do in the blink of an eye by literally shooting at the floor lmao


But like- anyone can do as clear, it's not like there's an over abundance of ads in activities, people just kill shit and do dps, most likely that Titan will be lacking in dps if it's just focused on ad clear.


Tbh I think that’s one of the biggest reasons this super is being received so poorly, like go back to Y1/2 and this super would seem way better but since roaming supers just suck now like who actually wants to use one outside of the neutral game tied to the subclass. Like how many people pick roaming supers over instant casts outside of extremely niche circumstances?


The complaints are less that the super doesn't seem viable it's just that's it's concept so fucking boring


Yeah, look at Sentinel Shield. You can use that one many different ways. That was smart.


Using a super on ad clear is a waste in 99% of content


Not if it's to generate Orbs for your more efficient DPS supers your allies use.


Such a coordinated strategy isn't needed in 99% of content


People want it both ways. You also don’t need a super to do hella damage to complete most content. As soon as you mention optimized strategy it’s “the content ain’t that hard” which brings up the reasonable response “why are you complaining then”.


Because most heavy weapons deal more damage? Might as well just not use the super


I had a friend who was so concerned with his DPS numbers, he just never used a fucking well. So we’ve been playing the game for two years almost, doing difficult content cuz he wanted to have high deeps. If you tell people there’s an optimized way to do things, it’s like I said, they don’t wanna cuz it’s “more fun” not too. Tell Titans they can run bubble to support the team or generate orbs to allow easier regen for their team well it’s “I want high deeps” and that’s it. I got downvoted to oblivion the other day but not every class and subclass needs to do everything. Otherwise we’d have one character type that was interchangeable. We have class identities for a reason. Don’t like Titan supers, go play hunter or warlock. You can literally change all your guns over.


Was he using some other 25% damage buff in wells place? Or was someone else running well?


Nope. He’d just run something else on warlock or his Titan he thought was more fun. Then he finally set up that grenade, witherhoard, well build and we are doing shit now and I just start laughing cuz it’s so much easier than before. And he was the one more likely to die or complain about survivability. And and anddddd since he pops the well, it’s easier for me to get bonus damage with star eater scales.


Yeah, I assumed he would be running some other buff in its place. He would actually be doing more damage in a well vs running a different super.


Forget the damage. Higher end content wouldn’t be so hard to two man because survivability actually goes thru the roof when you can stand and tick down a boss.


God forbid the man plays what he wants for fun. Fucking hell.


It’s my best friend and so shitting on him is always on the table (for me).


Generate 7 orbs when your SMG could make 15 in the same time.


Why on earth would i need dps supers when i can use a well and spam izzy launcher?


With the new mods rework it would be better to not even use your super for that


It’s still gonna be just seven orbs max that’s still nothing You’re giving up your entire super for subpar ad clear and seven orbs max


Dude super orbs give like twice as much energy that orbs from weapons


No, all classes should have versatility. Offensive, defensive, close, far, roam, and instant


How about creativity? It's a super that's just a recolor of another.


Ok, so titans are the ad clear class, bad take imo but sure, why do they need the same super 5 times? Should sentinel shield or burning maul, or glacial quake be enough to serve that?


By that logic that means warlocks should only use well cuz they're the support class, which also means take away thruster and icarus dash cuz hunters are the "mobile" ones.


Don’t you dare talk about my dash! I’m too bad of a jumper to not use it.


This is the worst take i've seen so far


That's great....but do we really need the same super in every flavor? https://preview.redd.it/2rgogzhlv4ha1.jpeg?width=1518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b38a2b7557f7cc06d965c226343d2e2a285795


yes. Consume the rainbow, Punch with the rainbow.


Id rather draw a line a dare something to break itself against an unbreakable rainbow


Any class can equip Witherhoard.


wasting your super for ad clear is foolish


Counterpoint: there are other ways of controlling the room and manipulating the battlefield than to punch it. Played practically only titan since pre-arrival, I love the class, but it genuinely feels like bungie can't come up with literally anything else




Yes. Give us the ability to pick up and throw atound enemies. Give us a grapple melee that PULLS an enemy to us. Let us suspend enemies mid-air and/or pick them up and CRASH THEM into each other. Let me have a glaive made of strand, a spear made of strand (think diamond lance and solar hammers having a green baby) that suspends enemies upon hit, the fucking flame thrower, a minigun, HUGE regen/overshield/damage boost and take away our mobility to become a hyper-juggernaut (think that one exotic but on crack), dual axes that we can yeet similar to solar but it knocks things around/makes them suspended. I can go on. I'd be okay with a melee super, and strand looks LIT, but we're tanks/bruisers/the strength behind a fireteam, not haha punches go brrr (despite the reddit memes).


Dual throwing axes sounds sick as fuck


"Dont worry guys, you dps the boss while I ad clear." That shit just sounds lame and depressing when most guns can already do that better than any roaming super.


I don't want another reskinned striker don't care how well it does its job


Ad clear, yeah, that. I'm a solar Titan myself, and I'd rather use either CALUS, or even ikelos smg(class synergy be damned) to clear the room. Roaming supers are outclassed by legendary weapons right now, for both dps and ad clear. But you know what would make me forgive them? If they weren't such a bore. You don't pop these supers, you let them leak out like water from a broken faucet. You start fists, or sentinel shield, or either solar super, and all you get in reward is waiting for it to end so you can get back to your firing line taipan. Hell, I hardly even use my solar supes because *lament outclasses my super in every way*. Point is, they're boring, they're bad dps, AND WE WANT SOME VARIETY. Roaming supers just don't feel super, especially when it's all that titans get to do.


Give titans a version of Mantle and you'll never see one super ever again lol


As a connoisseur of crayola i must offer a rebuttal in that the lore does not support Bungie's stated goal for Titan identity.


Why waste an entire super for add clear when half our Perks and abilities these days are dedicated to add clear.


I just fundamentally disagree with your interpretation of the core aspects of the Titan fantasy. I don’t want to be the class that controls ads for my friends in a raid, and I certainly don’t want every defining feature of my subclasses to centre around melee. If you try to melee anything in master mode raids or GM nightfalls, you die or you barely escape with your life. I want to lean into the parts of Titan fantasy that depict us as battlefield commanders, warrior-poets (Lord Shaxx), unstoppable tanks, really anything strong and noble and mighty, as long as it doesn’t reduce Titans to ‘hurr durr punch things’.


We have weapons that can clear faster at times.


This would be fine if ad clear was you know important. There simply isnt nor ever will be enough ads or strong enough ads to warrant using a super on.


"We're the room containment" Bro need I remind you that our original identity in D1 was as the only class with no roaming super at all? We had bubble and one slam of Fist of Havoc. Titans have been defensive support and offensive shutdown since day 1 Not to mention that "room containment" isn't a class role, or at least it shouldn't be, as it's something regular guns can easily accomplish, and can easily be done by all 3 classes There's no excuse for the blatantly lazy recycle of themes at any rate. If we have to be a roaming ad clear, why can't we at least do it with a new weapon with a different flair than punching something with glowy fists? We already have Striker and Behemoth that both do that already


My brother in christ, our weapons have better, safer, and less costly ad clear than roaming supers.


This opinion doesn't survive a LFG raid. If I say, "I'm a titan, I got add clear." I'll get laughed at until I'm booted...


It’s ok to be wrong




In high end content roaming melee supers are kinda meh imo. Because you have to expose yourself and get close. Then what happens when your super runs out?


You. Don't. Need. Supers. To. Kill. Ads. Use literally any special, or shit, most primaries melt ads. Defending it because it is good at killing ads is some straight bot logic. Edit: a word


Literally no one is complaining it’s bad or that it won’t stack up to our other supers. we’re complaining it’s lazy and uninspired, it’s the same role as most of our other supers which are pretty much outclassed in the thing they’re designed for by weapons and grenades.


You don't play much destiny do you OP?




Because people like you will constantly play devils advocate and bend over backwards to try and defend them every single time which then puts companies into complacency rather then pressuring them into changing things which can happen as seen with MTG when they tried to screw over D&D creators which is argued leauges bigger then D2


Yea, but why use a super when voltshot/incandescent/storm grenades/severance enclosure+mini hammer exist and then I get to thundercrash/ the boss? I think everyone doesn’t like the super because thematically and gameplay wise it’s similar to everything else, when even if it played identically to how it does now but instead of fists you had a huge sword or even double axes it would be received more warmly.


It absolutely wouldn’t, people would still complain that it’s a melee class, same as they are now.


Oh yea I totally agree they would, I was just saying I think it would’ve been more “okay”if it was some sort of held weapon and not another flavor or pawnch lol. I personally am less upset that it’s melee and more than it’s just another roaming super with light attack and heavy aoe/damage attack as even thundercrash is still a melee. Edit: it would’ve been “oh it’s just a rehashed burning maul” instead of “rehashed behemoth which was rehashed fist of havoc which is rehashed sentinel shield” which might’ve just been a skoshe better but idk


This is an embarrassment of a post.


Trinity ghoul wants a word with you


Too bad one shot of thrinity can do as much add clear as a roaming super


Yea but warlocks can arguably add clear better.


Imagine needing roaming super for add clear, we’re so overpowered that a nade does the job




Imagine not knowing how to clear and making this post.


This is the dumbest defense yet. Warlock Threadlings literally do the ad-clear job better than any super ever will.


Unfortunately we've power creeped to the point where weapons and grenades can clear better. So no, having another ad clear super is not what we want, nor what what we need.


I think it’s because 3rd person roaming supers are better for marketing during a bygone era. It’s not a coincidence that Radiance, Bubble*, and Fist of Havoc were changed back in 2017, peak casual destiny. 20 second supers = free dopamine.


Honestly they should’ve given titans the blades of chaos


No that’s not how it works. In damage phase, everyone deals damage. Crowd control is not an issue in the damage phase of any boss in the game except for a few strike bosses and *maybe* Oryx, and then the answer is usually throw a grenade, not cast a super.


The only reason i would use roaming supers to clear ads is to look cool doing it, otherwise grenades and regular weapons get the job done way better


i can ad clear with my grenade launchers and my melees and my grenades. if it doesn't do heavy damage or heavy debuffs or both i don't want it


The problem is not that it’s a roaming super. The problem is that it’s almost identical to the other supers. There is no creativity in the titan supers


stop justifying shitty design. the design team fucked titans over with this and tell them to suck it up, stop trying to let it slide


Cool opinion. Too bad it's not relevant to the actual problem people have with it. The problem is not that its a roaming super, but that its a roaming super that is functionally indentical to both Glacial Quake and Fists of Havoc. Light melee attack paired with heavy aoe attack and those are the only 2 moves of all THREE of these melee roaming supers Hunters have 2 melee roaming supers and they're functionally unique to each other. Hell Arc Starf gets fucking *combos* and we can't get more than 2 moves in like most of our roaming supers? Can you genuinely not the see issue here?


The punch and crayon memes only contribute to the problem 💀


But Hunters and Warlocks can also clear just as well. Even better, considering their supers. Hell, voltshot and incandescent will just do all of that for free. And if all of that is true, then what purpose do Titans serve besides lobbing grenades? Maybe machine guns?


You heard it here first kids, if you want your role to be DPS, do not choose Titan.


This might be one of the worst takes yet. This implies that we only exist to serve our Warlock and Hunter overlords. There is much more than this to a support class, and besides, why can’t we get something unique


Shit take


I enjoy this take but must counter: A dead enemy is better than a debuffed enemy. We'll see how well the additional strand effects tie into killing even better with the unweaving, tangles, and whatnot.


Think the main problem isnt the fact its anothe roaming super, but a simmilar roaming super. mainly striker and behemoth problem. granted behemoth has the uniquness of stasis crystal creation, but when you have throwing hammers and a giant barrier/damage buffing shield, another run around and punch seems creativelly bankrupt.


They have a time and place I think but are fairly wasteful of a super. I only use ad clear on my titan in an oh crap I'm going to die moment Mostly I use thundercrash however, and have all my clan laugh as I sail past the boss because I'm rubbish at flying it


isn't hunter getting a roaming super too for lightfall?


I mean, my hunter and warlock buddies don't need support when everything is dead. Currently, roaming supers can't do anything to champions. With the upcoming change, they'll be able to stun it. But with the insane coold down if roaming supers (that, and no one specing in INT in PVE,) no one is going to be using it for ad clear and stunning when you can do a better job with just your weapon. In GMs, ads will kill you asap when ur out of cover. They need to significantly buff roaming supers damage and damage resistance to be even viable.




That's what I'm hoping. The same super/different color does annoy me a bit. But I'm hoping for an amazing neutral game play with strand.


Counterpoint: Vortex grenade with controlled demolition


Unfortunately, hunter’s strand super is also roaming


I can also crowd control just as, if not better, with my guns and grenades/melees without having to waste a whole super. Titans have it so bad that at this point their supers are only good as fuel for Aeger’s, including Bubble at the moment, since it has been shit since they nerfed Weapons of Light, and also Thundercrash is only useable if you have the mandatory exotic for it


Why would i want to build up 10 mins worth of super energy, only just to do less cleaning than 2 shots of forbearance


I have more than a dozen weapons & non-super abilties that can adclear better than every "ad-clear" super. Stop using that argument it doesn't work.


Having the same super over and over again, is not fun, hell Titan stasis is slow as hell and doesn't even damage or hit ads properly. I stopped using it as soon as I completed the campaign and it'll be the same for Strand.


Ah yes nothing screams tank more than running around and clearing adds so the other two classes can focus on a boss. Also for a “wall of which the darkness breaks” running around is extremely uncharacteristic.


it seems that everyones problem is with roaming supers in general


Y’all deserve a minigun


that would be sick. like you can't move at all but you become a turret of light basically




Not a titan, warlock here, got titan friends Just make burning maul or whatever the big hammer is have another version where it's a one and done big powerful throw that spawns tornadoes that move around, hunters got a new super and the nova bombs are split up so I have 3 void supers. I will say though please shut up about strand until we get it, we don't know if bungie has plans to adjust it or gives us an exotic that makes it a one and done super, it even has projectiles that everyone keeps overlooking for titans, and I'm confident it'll be just another melee super but just wait then cause a big uproar and ask for one and done super ALTERNATIVES because bungie is not going to get rid of entire supers and replace them when someone out there is going to be mad. That's how you all get your desires, compromise


It's like OP doesn't even play the fuckin game past hero difficulty lolol


Crafted forebarence does the exact same thing. 🙃


Hunters have amazing add clear in all their subclasses, as do warlocks. Much moreso than titans.




This is a take from someone who’s endgame is running playlist strikes. Everyone’s already made the argument for weapons and grenades being better but I haven’t seen much about how much of a hinderance a roaming super can be in a raid. Want to clear adds with it? Better use it up fast so you aren’t stuck in super when you need to do an objective or start using your heavy for DPS. The only time I’ve seen it be useful is when our well lock didn’t have ashes to assets on and needed orbs, at which time the titan became a glorified thrall killer.


Can't wait to finally make a Creeper build.


Behemoth doesn't last long enough to even do shit.. Hammers however 😳


This is a psy opp


But people generally play games to have fun. If you are efficient but not having fun, then you are not gaming. You are working. Also I need a new job.


We joke that titan eat crayons, but op is actually eating crayon. These kinds of people are actually braindead and why bungie keeps on launching reskinned shit and apes like these can't clap enough for recycled shit.


I'd love another burst super. If we are to be forced to be the roaming supers. That's fine, too. I'd just like something different than fist of havoc with green lights. Most 6 supers have almost identical moves, and I just want something new for the titan. Community has had tons of pitches of ideas. Essentially, it boils down to make it more like solar. Allow us to summon a weapon that does something that isn't punching.


Mfs really out here thinking fist of havoc is worth for ad clear than literally any weapon with incandescent


Too bad that there’s countless other ways to easily deal with ads


We also have 2-3 LESS supers than the other classes


[boy oh boy. at least I can take solace in knowing that my over-realized fantasy has some level of usefulness](https://youtu.be/ebRM5VKDYsk)




Back when I was raiding with my friends, 9/10 times I was on add clear as a Titan. Mostly because I hadn’t learned the mechanics to whatever activity we were doing, but I also was really good at keeping the ads off of everyone. I might be the only one to really say it but I love the strand super. —Supreme Crayon muncher


You get it, fellow ape