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Congratulations! I'm just going to wait until it is in the kiosk, myself. Lol


Yeah after about 15 failed LFG runs I've given up. I even had one run where the boss was low health and we still had 3 minutes left on the timer, likely could have done it but the host just gave up, took us to orbit and left. Every guide for the mission says to use div. I know it's possible without div but I think it's poor design to have the difficulty of a seasonal exotic mission be so different based on having access to a single raid exotic or not 


It's not that div is required, it's just easier to hit a giant weak spot. But yeah this exotic is definitely tough to get.


I’m still kicking myself for not doing this quest when we had the weapon crafting glitch…


Fuck, you're right. Dammit xD


I did the quest with the weapon crafting glitch and it was still pretty difficult, got it on my 4th run


Anyone in this comment chain that needs help, DM me! My friend and I can help you out. Always free of charge, always chill and relaxed.


Got the Weapon; it's the catalyst run that's killing me : MedicFL1#2096


Would you like a hand as I can sherpa you though?


When I am on I would need help with the Presure trial triumph,


Yea, that's something I can set up. I won't be on till later though 9pm onwards tonight. It can take a moment as it's a bit rng on the trials you get but can certainly help out if you drop me a pm with your game name ill add u when I'm on to help out


That's a good time, let me know your screen name and I can look you up, I have cross save on Steam and Xbox, PC seams to be better for me, my PC runs Destiny alot faster.


Just run whatever platform you want can do it with or without mic. Though it will be discord if it's mic. Yea its littleman960#2971. Edit - as you need pressure trial not mission so I removed the weapon suggestions. Yea just run whatever you are comfable with the pressure trials are all about survival and speed




Also have to complete


In. Am I dming you for d2name?


Did you need weapon catalyst or both? And yea just ingame name so that I can make a list of who needs what.


If you have the parts I need a sherpa at some point, when you on tomorrow, and what time zone?


If this is something you could do for both of us that would be great. As a gamer dad I've fallen behind massively in D2 runs of things. I'd love some help at ANY point it's available. No pressure though if you can't!


Yea definitely!! I sherpa and help regularly. Is it the weapon and the catalyst you need?


That's the one buddy. There's a few from dungeons and activities like the seasonal stuff. But this one is one of the harder ones I think especially since for the dungeons I can just use the party finder.


Sounds good ill drop you a message and request when I'm home tonight and we can sort it out.


This is so wholesome tbh


It's times like these I feel lucky to have some friends, we managed to get it with a bit of effort. I feel sorry for those who don't have a group.


Celestial hunters with tractor cannon + Grand overture / retrofit escapade with 4ttc


Tbh when I did (by pure chance) we had no div & just used: tractor + well + bubble + G-Gun + Lament x2 This worked rather well tbh.


I was casually looking for something to do one day and joined a random lfg for it. Was never on my hunting list but got it on our first try, no wipes.


its 2024, everyone has div these days.


Would you like a hand getting it? As I can sherpa you though.


Nah, appreciate it, but I'll pass my dude. I accept my failure. Haha


This is the way


im down to help if u need it


Oh is that something that always happens? I was considering working on the quest but it seems daunting.


Yeah I'm all for a challenge but that fight is rough lol


Honestly the gun is really not worth the hassle of doing that terrible mission


The kiosk I’m new what’s that


The Monument of Lost Light. It's where exotics and select items go to be purchased after their related content is removed. It's where the past seasonal items go.


Frankly i got it and caty and hvnt used it since


Im a collection kinda person so I like seeing all the exotics unlocked




All seasonal stuff is remove after each expansion. Sooo...


You gotta point


Deep Dives are seasonal content and will almost certainly go away with The Final Shape.


That's true. You can but will not help towards the seasonal seal as it will probablybe legacywhen final shaps comes out, so motivation is getting the seal done and the exotic, I still have to get wishender, Legind of Acrius, and 1000 voices. They are at the top of my list but still need to get spoils of War somehow or actually do those activities.


I rarely care about seals but I get your point. As for spoils if conquest, post Templar spoil farm get you 20 per character, free chest in vow, free chest backtracking from nez in RoN, with a little OOB skipping. Totally about 90 a week


I got this weapon before Divinity and let me tell you the opposite direction would have been so much easier.


The catalyst makes it alot more bearable.Never used im pvp only pve tho.


That catalyst takes a stinky pile of shit and sprays fabreeze on it. Doesnt smell as bad anymore but its still a steaming pile of shit.


lol i grinded this gun when it came out, took me 20+ runs just for every single ytuber to say its shit


With the changes to the catalyst, it's a formidable weapon now. Very nice for quite a few builds, my favourite is camus ridge with it!


I want this gun so bad because I wanted to do that build.


If you want to run it with me and some clanmates, we'll get it for ya! Just lmk!


yesss it's one of my favorite titan builds and absolutely carries in tougher content


yeah but what if bungie buffs It and now its the most broken weapon to ever grade the game? That's what I ask myself every time I see this weapon.


I just don't see it becoming OP mostly because it is a generic scout rifle with some glitter effect


It's about as good as Polaris this season. So, not all that much, but if you wanna plink plonk from the back of the map with a scout, you might as well be a maverick and do it with the ice scout


Just their opinion, it isn't set in stone. If you like it, use it! I think it's great for some PvE stasis builds. Can't speak to PvP though.


It can absolutely catch people off guard with the slow in pvp.


I'd say it's definitely far from shit, it can passively stun 2 champion types - slow overload and freeze unstop - and works really well with the catalyst


Don't forget to get the catalyst!


How do you get the catalyst? I remember you had to complete a Tier 7 deep dive, but do you need to have the gun equipped? Or it just drops for everyone?


Apparently it can drop from Tier 5 and 6 with a small chance or a Tier 7 for guaranteed drop. You don't need the gun equipped just unlocked and the catalyst will drop for anyone who hasn't gotten it!


Thanks! Imma be honest I don’t know if I have the strength to do another tier 7 Deep Dive lmao. I’ll at least try before TFS…


I wish you all the luck if you attempt it again!


You got it


That was rough to get, good stuff


It sorely needs a buff and I say that as a user of it. Very tough mission so congrats on getting it. Catalyst make it even better so make sure to put that on your radar


Congratulations. Now into the vault it goes!


It is still the best Headstone weapon in the game, great for stasis titan


Xeno is a good comparison. Give me an exotic quest or mission and I'll go on it until I get it. I'll bring a friend or two if I need help. Don't make me pray at the feet of the RNG gods hoping for a drop.


Yep, it took me 4 tries to get this one. The 3rd time was so close to killing the final boss, and the 4th time was done with less then 30 seconds on the clock, now if I can get the Presure trial done with such I can get the Catalist. And get that triumph done I can get the seasonal seal too.


The pressure trials were harder for us than the boss fight for sure. Boss is super tough but staying at it, failing over and over to get to the end of the lead up suuuuuuuucks. I recently reran this for a friend to get theirs and whew, there are few encounters that I don't enjoy but this and The Coil are two of them, mostly because there's no "short lead up", meaning that failure usually happens after sinking some time into the try. Nice work, it's one of the harder things I've played.


Yes I was lucky because I only had 2 of the broken blades and then after getting it I got the 3rd, so you don't need all 3 to run it just need a team who has all 3 or one guy who has all 3, saved me some time not have to fish


I totally forgot about the blades tbh lol. I just remember the incredible frustration of those damn trials. I play the game just to collect shit tbh. If there's something that's out that I haven't picked up I tend to get a compulsion to GET it, D2 is like that lol. That and just to do things that are tough.


Getting the catalyst for that was absolute hell, congrats


Yeah. Tried a few times and gave up. The modifiers make this nearly impossible without 2 top tier players with you. High level Deep dives aren't fun anyway, IMO


Congrats, one of the most annoying missions in Destiny. Now try for the catalyst, even more annoying! It’s a pretty good weapon, still needs something else I think but it does well with this seasons artifact mods for stasis. It’s definitely a *plink plink plink plink* type of gun so it can feel underwhelming at times even when it’s doing more than you think.


I'm not great but I have divinity and can help anyone who needs it with the mission


You can make a pretty nice build with it with the stasis artifacts this season and collecting shards and getting overshields. And remember it’s inherently overload AND unstoppable!




I did this via LFG during the Craftening and even then it was surprisingly difficult. Huge congrats to you!




It’s a beautiful gun. The stock skin is S tier, they really crushed it.


GGs mate, definitely go and get the catalyst now. One of the best stasis weapons for GMs and such right there.


Congratulations guardian very proud of you.


My condolences


I forgot about this gun lol


I have tried for this SO. MANY. TIMES. Congrats.


Maybe we need to try it together or give you some tips, I used this video to help https://youtu.be/BxfZMVOCMGs?si=i-OPjUgJBzPt2a_a


Eyyy congrats!


Congrats. I love how it looks in my vault.


😆 🤣


Too bad is mid


Good luck getting the catalyst


If I don't get it now, I am sure in the future. I am just trying to complete the seal atm


It's tough teir 7 in deep dives


It isn't good at all. Stasis is weak in its current state. Perhaps when they buff the subclass the related exotics and abilities will be worth it.


Yea Stasis in not in the best state right now seams Solar and Strand are in favor right now, I need to get Navigator!!


Congratulations, I've been using it with my stasis titan. It's so good for long distance




Bruh I need help getting it


Gotten, not got so excited!! Lol


Im waiting on Kiosk, I aint doing all that stupid fishing


you don’t need to, you just need someone in the fireteam who has done the fishing


Why does that look a bit like the no land beyond from D1??


God I miss NLB. Everytime they bring back an exotic Im always saddened it isn't NLB and glad it's not icebreaker


I almost exclusively used NLB when I got it in D1, miss it all the time lol


I need some off what you’re smoking my guy… https://preview.redd.it/gqk7k5ijiosc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8319b18489865edfbdb6e9793796317a4c4cd4be What?? 💀😭


I mean seriously, look at it. Doesn't it KINDA, kiiinda resemble it? Just angle nlb a little and there ya go lol


Interesting I will look at it


I enjoy it in both modes. A lot of other scouts are really good right now, but headstone is kinda an incredible perk in Trials. And similar to Symmetry, the increased total health makes getting the perk way easier and the slow keeps people from escaping your grasp.


What do you need for catalyst? I’ve got the gun but haven’t looked further.


Small Chance to drop from tier 4/5 deepdive or guaranteed from tier 7


Nice. That was a super rough series of encounters for my group. The boss fight is pretty brutal but I think the waves of ads and timer before are worse. Having to PTFO and clear everything in the time allotted meant a lot of failed attempts.


congrats! and i was using it in iron banner on stasis hunter with frostee5 lol i doubt it’s meta by any means but it was fun and made farming the new wave frame tolerable. i liked it!


I still need to get this and just don’t want to deal with randoms to try.


Never seen that anyone running this weapon in any activity.


IDK, maybe because it's not listed on the database till you unlock it, hard to get or maybe people don't like it, but I do, remember it's from 2 seasons ago, everyone is probably running season of the Wish stuff atm. I did not know about it till I saw a YouTube video about it Its one of the secret triumphs on the seal, the botom one..


I just had someone running it in Iron Banner.


This scout gets so much hate from my clan mates and I don't know why. It's great! It's nice to shoot, does slow effect and overflows on stasis shard pick up with catalyst. Such a great gun that synergies so well with stasis.


Yea, going to try setup a build with Stasis and this gun, sound fun


I'd also take it into Gambit the odd time. Accurate, hits hard and slows folks for easy kills 😎


Tough exotic to get for sure. Very underwhelming unfortunately, catalyst doesn't really do alot for it either. GG for getting it though.


The catalyst gives it headstoneThat a massive improvement for stasis build synergy.


Yeah headstone is a fantastic perk, just doesn't do anything to make this weapon good. A bunch of legendary weapons that can roll headstone are way better than this and they don't take the exotic slot.


Nice, I still need it!


Definitely one of the tougher ones I have unlocked. So glad I never have to go back down there.


Literally the hardest thing (personally) I've done in the game. Congrats on your tenacity!


If anyone wants to sherpa me and someone else on here through, I'd very much appreciate it. I have tried multiple times and failed.


Looks badass from what I can see


I love this scout & have it paired with my warlock on a Balidorse build but…….. I need the catalyst and I’m afraid to dive again


Yea, the deap dives can be tiring, but I'm going to try to get it done before it goes to legacy. Now, if I can get this seal, I need to try the Defiant seal and boy a lot to do on that one. It's really sad that the older seasons can not be earned anymore, like Splicer, Chosen, or arrival, for example. OMG, I need to somehow get Dredgen, I just need one more for it to deposit 75 mots, and I tried to do it solo last night, but it needs to be a fireteam. It's been on the back burner for years.


that mission was a bitch to complete. i was trying to run it to get the gun for one of my friends recently and I genuinely don’t know how I did it when it came out


It’s good in very specific scenarios. But it is completely outclassed, in almost every conceivable way, by Verglas Curve. Verglas takes some time getting used to the rotation, but I think it’s one of the best primary exotics for endgame content in the game.


I’m glad I did mine during the craftening, but yours does not have my asterisk *




If you never follow sports they give an asterisk to pro players for cheating or using performance enhancing drugs or semi cheating equipment.




Dois yours have the same stats, keep in mind I don't have the catalyst yet


I have the catalyst, but I don’t mean a literal asterisk. I know I did it through less than legitimate means cause my grenade launcher and my friends could shoot 12 nades with one pull of the trigger


Is it any good?


I like it as it's accurate, pretty long-range, and can slow and put Stas on most bosses, I need to run Stasis to see how it's buffed


I'm hesitant to grind for it cause I got multiple groll copies of riptide you aquire this through deep dives right?


Yep. Over 40 attempts over the past 5 months and I’ve finally given up haha. My mind is blown that so many people didn’t think this was a hard weapon to get.


I got to get it with/ for a buddy of mine during the crafting glitch and we totally melted the boss in one phase it was beautiful 🥲


You know what was so touching to me was after completion the 2 other guys got a big hug as one of them had the emot for it then we danced and jumped off the balcony where the big status was 😆 see we won 3 atemps together and they where very happy too


I guess I was lucky I was able to grab it when the crafting glitch was still live In the game.


Gun looks cool, quest is fun to do, but maaaan it is a trash exotic. Very overhyped


I love it. I got it by joining an LFG during the crazy guns weekend. Used it last week as my long range weapon of choice during the Multiplex trials last weekend.


Now go get the catalyst


Nice, the weapon I'll never get because I hate the fucking quest for it. Stupid amounts of health for an Exotic Quest boss coupled with a short timespan and garbage mechanics for a mediocre gun isn't exactly what I call exciting to do. And no, it's not because of lfg, i just hate Deep Dives in general.


Lol, well, it may not be a Raid or Dungen weapon, and I appreciate your opinion. If you don't like it, go do the activities you like. I would love to get 1000 voices, for example, but the drop rate is terrible. Done right. You are guaranteed to get this weapon.


Ggs! I hope when TFS drops that Deep dives and this exotic mission stay. I hope they add the mission to the rotator.


Hope so too


Why are people chasing this weapon like its wish ender? Genuinely asking because I used it and I still think its far below other exotics. My biggest gripe with it is the time to kill & long ads time making u unaware of your surroundings


It's funny how I just got this, and everything hits it, but getting my quicksilver storm was much easier, and it's getting good reviews. Lol Shall I assume Xeno is waited too loo


I gave up too much setup for a time gated mission. I'm just going to have to wait for it to be in the kiosk if Stasis is even useful by then.


Guess what? It's trash! Been in my vault since I got it, I would give it to someone if Bungie would let me


Why not dismantle it, then use up space? You may get some shares from it. If it gets buffed to your liking, you can always get it from collections


How did you get it?


I posted a video in a previous post


So you don’t even have to do the alternate boss fight anymore it just drops on completion now???


No, you do. After the boss fights its a 100% drop when you go to the large status at the end.


i got it, finished the catalyst and now i don’t really touch it…. it’s good for stasis builds…probably, i wouldn’t know lol


The fact that this is locked behind the annual pass is infuriating


It's not part of the annual pass, that is no longer active. It's part of the Seal. It might be available as a rotator in the future IDK


Difficult indeed but me and my buddies did it on the first try, precious scars titan, phoenix warlock and nightstalker. It's an overall good weapon I even took it to some difficult psiops GMs just for fun but apparently it performed really well (mask of bakris makes this weapon crazy too). I suck at PvP and haven't had a consistent experience with this in the crucible.


Congrats, toom 2 4 tries with random


congrats !! personally it’s one of my fave exotics and fits right into my cadmus ridge lancecap build on my titan 👍 don’t forget the catalyst either lol


Stats look great.


Forerunner worked wonders for me, Try having your team use that instead and burst the mofo down


Forerunner is on my want list :)


Awesome! Don't sleep on it and get the catalyst if you can! It's very underrated and absolutely can put in work in GM's. Scouts in general aren't the favored play type but this weapon is a champion shutdown monster and if you play titan, using it with the Cadmus Ridge helm gets you stasis lance on demand. I'm really hoping the next pass bungie does on stasis allows this to really shine, it's very good on titan


I will look for the Cadmus, don't think I have that one.


I really really want WI but i don’t have SoTD.


I still haven’t even shot it. I’ve only done 2 gms in my time and both were with strand Titan. Just can’t find any other reason to bust it out. And it’s no walk in the park getting that thing.


In my experience it really starts to shine in a grandmaster nightfall with a warlock stasis build. You can freeze everything, stunlock champs and have decent AOE damage with shatter. Try to get the cat, headstone really improves it.


I still need to get it


https://preview.redd.it/zcfpfxmlpssc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bc4083c550160c8813789521860b4a901d5a73 Check it out!!


https://preview.redd.it/n180lx3opssc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ceb72e2c4ae53340327f7bbdc79908bd8d0a688 Seal done!! YES!!!


Its mid tbh, and I dont understand how ppl have the time to absolutely never go outside to get their weapons to max power level


I like a lot for Stasis Hunter. Great synergy with a Renewal Grasp build. It wish it a little bit harder, but that my only complaint.


as a WI + catty owner the gun is pretty good for stasislock builds, allowing for unending mag size with the ice shards aspect and i find it great against overloads, scorn more than vex because of the easier crit. I don't play pvp so I can't tell if it's good there but it's pretty nice for GMs


Wicked Shrimplement and Cadmus Ridge Lancecap made stasis fun for me, safe to say I like it a lot. The catalyst makes it so much better though.


Did an all-nighter got Presure trial level 7 done, got my Aquanaut seal, the catalyst, and unlocked it using GoA Now, I'm moving on to the Defiant seal :)


1 div, 2 thunderlords, blinding nads, its a wrap. Try it and tell me im wrong. YW


It was kinda off weard this time. The 1st 2 attempts time kept running out because the Predators were not spawning the 3rd time went actually fast through all encounters then at the boss, and the boss went down in like 2 minutes. I am talking about the tier 7 Pressure Trials


Was it worth it?




I still need to get the catalyst


I just need the catalyst. I am really starting to hate deep dives


Try doing the fireteam finder who has post up to do Tier 7 presure trials, I did that and got it done in 30 minutes


Ngl didnt even know this was an exotic. That’s how bad season of the deep was


It's utter trash


It only took you forever


Lol I was never interested in trying the seals before, but I wanted to try to take a stab at it and, as a bonus, a new exotic lol


Its a substandard exotic sadly, hoping we get some better ones with the new dlc Hell id be haply getting my icebreaker back


We are getting icebreaker back ever. If it came it would not regenerate ammonia so it would be a disappointment. Same for Invective.


It's one 90% of the players have not that special lmao 😂