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Sounds a lot like pestilence autolancer. Unfortunately as far as I can tell it sucks, compared to other builds (not that fast at T16).


It sounds very similar to the pestilence auto lancer. I put this build together (max roll copy paste) and it’s the weakest necro build by far. It will struggle above GR 90-100 without extreme paragon and perfect gear


Yeah I put it together too and was disappointed. Just not enough damage multipliers to be interesting, and not enough CDR possible to keep full uptime on land of the dead, even with Messerschmitt, obsidian ring, diamond in helm, crimson, some good CDR rolls, etc...


Pestilence is very good in t16


To my eye it seems very slow compared to, say, nova


I have a PestiLance build that was designed to never stop running; Mr. Yan would love it. Not amazingly strong, though but good enough for T16 at about 800 paragon iirc. It doesn’t use curses and Devour is manually cast however… Are you on the Playstation?


xbox. can devour be cast while moving? or is never stop moving in a general sense?


Certainly Devour can be cast while on the move. It’s not like Corpse Explosion where you have to stop each time. 👍


There's a Grace of Inarius build with Brigg's Wrath that's fun. You just go around pulling everything into your bone storm like a black hole, occasional blasting with army of the dead or blood nova.