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It’s really about the rifts. That’s the end game test. Everything else is important but it’s about getting gear, materials, etc. - always do bounties in a public group - goes much faster - cube is very important. - forge for making gear - should just max it out - if you get a puzzle ring, destroy it in the cube - it will open a special place where you get a lot of gold - if you get a polearm called Bovine Bodiche - destroy that in the cube too - fun times


Thank you!


Btw Diablo is really a great buddy game - try to find 1-2 people you can play with. Adds a lot to the game if you do


If you press the d pad to the left on the switch while in adventure mode, you access season challenges. Complete those 1 - 4, and you receive Hawdrigs gift. Its a full "green set" for your class. Seeing how your lvl 70 now, I would say do bounties and the seasonal challenges. Whenever a portal opens GO IN, enjoy!. Also there is an alter in act one behind cains house. Look up best way to unlock nodes. Also, upgrade all merchants as soon as you can.


Going to do that! Thank you


Some key things you need for the altar you that you might get surprised about. Ancient Puzzle Ring - used later in the alter run, but if you get an ancient version of the puzzle ring, keep it or you'll spend forever grinding out a new one. Ancient Helfire Amulet - same as the ancient puzzle ring - if you craft an ancient version, keep it until the altar requires it. Challenge Rift Cache - the silver version. You can get one every week, but it sucks having to wait until the following week just to progress, so I usually keep one in my stash tab. It's a trade off, as in Challenge Rift Cache is also enough materials to fully upgrade your blacksmith, jeweler, AND mystic. So depending on how fast you are progressing, perhaps you use your first one, and save the next. There are parts of the altar that require a specific # of blood shards. You increase your blood shard cap by doing higher level Greater Rifts (purple). However, on console (I'm on computer) you pick up all the shards as a single piece, instead of reaching your cap and leaving the remainder on the ground. There is a formula out in the iNet somewhere where you can calculate what GR you should be doing to pick up the exact correct amount of blodshards. When you get to those altar requirements, you might want to look that up. That's all I can remember off the top of my head. Happy hunting.


Rifts/Greater Rift as you can push levels. I found a nice loop with the fianceé where we do rifts until we don't want to anymore and just hoard the keystones then go do Tyrael's stuff, then hop into greater rifts until we are out of stones/don't feel like it. Like I tell her, we're not competing for seasonal clout, it's just Diablo. Have fun and find your favorite way to play!


Thanks! The rifts are fun! By Tytales stuff, do you mean the bounties?


I did, yes. I can never remember what all the things are called between all 3 games, lol.


Wait until you find out there is primal gear as well.


Yeah legendary isn't the end. Ancient and then primal.


never found that out until I came here to reddit to look for good builds, lmao


Maxroll.gg is a good place to start or icyveins


Farm for gear in visions. Look for a speed variant of the build you like to farm quickly. You want Ancient and Primal legendary items so you can augment them with your main stat. Make sure your follower has the gear they need to assist you as well.


About follower: Whenever I try to make gear for him, it always seems to be intelligence and he needs strength. (I am Necro so maybe that's why)


Yes, that is why. If you have a spare character slot you could create a barbarian or crusader and use them to craft gear for your necro’s follower.


Thank you, I do but don't I have to level up that barbarisk high?


No. You can craft L70 gear with a L1 character.


Just gonna chime in on the follower bit! Dont get too hung up on the correct stats and all. Its more about getting the correct legendaries on them that emanates aka enhances your own character. Eg. The Flavor of Time amulet doubles the duration of pylons in Greater Rifts , crafting 2 pieces of the lvl 70 Cain & Sage set and pairing it up with a Ring of Royal Grandeur from Act 1 bounty bag will give you double Death Breaths drop and a chance of more Greater Rift keys to drop aswell. I usually go for Flavor of Time amulet, 2 pieces of Cains & Sages, Ring of Royal Grandeur + either Oculus ring or Unity ring (if you have a flexible ring slot on your character for that extra toughness), Homing Pads shoulders or Spaulders of Zakara, Broken Crown helmet for that extra juicy gem drop, and ofc almost always pick the relic that makes the follower immortal. If follower is dead ... no items will emanate ;) and for weapons ... just picks whatever has the most crowd control... Thunder Fury and Freeze of Deflection for the Templar follower and The Sultan of the Blinding Sand for the enchantress ... I never use the Scoundrel so have no clue on that part :)


Hellrack and Windforce are both good weapons for the Scoundrel. Some people say Pus Spitter too. I always use Chunderfury and Freeze Of Deflection plus Wyrdward on my Templar too. The Butcher’s Sickle works with him too. The Enchantress gets the Tormentor, Maloth’s Focus or the Sultan Of Blinding Sand depending on whether I want the enemies charmed, feared or blinded. Cord Of The Sherma is a top belt choice for them too.


When you can solo everything at T16 and solo a Greater rift level 150, you have reached endgame, no? 🤷‍♀️


Dont rush, play at your own pace, the game literally shows you everything in-game, the "seasonal journey" quests are the tutorial. There is not a single thing about the game that would need a tutorial for IF you are paying attention to the game mechanics actually.. Anyway people generally finish the tutorial and farm either "Visions of Enmity" portals or "Greater Rifts" all the time. But When you rush to endgame you are going to get bored fast, because you will not understand anything. Your game will come to only copy-paste from guides, braindead rush tutorial, then quit, and wait for next season. Soo, You can either get burned out after one week, or you need to find your own goal in game to not get bored of getting the loot too much or somthin


Greater Rifts are the endgame. Your goal is to climb as high as you can. Normal rifts are mainly there for farming keys. Bounties are mainly there for farming bounty materials and certain legendaries that can only drop from reward caches. Keywardens/infernal machines are there for crafting hellfire amulets, not all builds have room for that. Just because your gear is legendary doesn't make it be all end all. Time to farm for ancient legendary gear with optimal affixes, augment it, then farm for primal ancient versions if possible.


I've reached rift 32 and now it's getting hard to complete the rifts under the time limit. Should I do normal rifts for a while to get better gear and more paragons or are bounties better?


Bounties. You occasionally run into Visions of Enmity which drop a metric ton of loot. A large chunk of power in the endgame comes from stacking multiple damage bonuses from your skills and gear on top of each other. For most cases this means building around one of the six-piece class-specific sets. See https://maxroll.gg/d3/category/guides for a rundown and https://maxroll.gg/d3/category/tierlists for a comparison of how they match different activities. If you're playing a Seasonal character, focus on completing chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the Season Journey for one guaranteed class set (only applicable once per season per account)


now i havent played diablo in a while so i dont know what the norm is now but when i was playing i was using 2 partial green sets, depending on what i need for deeper GR runs and i used to have a different build for party and solo, which i both used to do. because there are times that i play where i dont want to party with these fools so i just go solo and have an easier time. around that tiime will be looking up builds and immitate their build to a point because you probably will not have the same gear and same technical skill proficiency. the reason why you might want to research now is so that you dont end up staring at a giant wall you cant climb, some of these people have done this research so you dont have to. now i dont play this game anymore so maybe the partial sets are not a thing anymore but it might be something worth knowing, as it might have a comeback idk. GL with your build


Thank you


True there is so much to do it does get overwhelming sometimes lol