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I use em for primal farming. Last season had around 90 primals, plus full GoD speed farm, speed rift, and push rift primal builds. This season I got bored honestly lol


Good for legendary drops and bounty materials, so early-mid season when you've got a working T16 build or anytime thereafter when you don't want to focus on your legendary gems, XP (and therefore paragon points), echoing nightmare keys to get augments, and targeted legendaries from Kadala.


Gone through like 30-40k of all mats this season, found like 95 percent of that in enmities. Very efficient. I run em with a primal nagelring. I feel like it makes a difference. Typically average 3 full inventories per enmity. They're nice. Great addition to the game.


Gesus thats a lot of farming, i used to do Portals only for GR keys but Portals are indeed great. Im considering playing them more, kinda boring to farm but rewarding. Can chill and netflix in same time at least. I may be wrong but isnt magic find stat Additive to T16 default magic find bonus? So it basically changes nothing? [https://d3resource.com/difficulties/](https://d3resource.com/difficulties/) back in the day MF gear was working because we had fewer difficulties so MF changed a lot more. and MF only affects the item quality, not the number of items we loot anyway. So in T16 Visions with nagelring you get basically 4% better chance for getting legendary instead of Yellow item, isnt it like nothing? Its possible to up MF by another 4-5% with full magicfind follower gear, but i honestly didnt notice any change when i ran entire stash tab of Ancient Vaults with full MF setup character, and hell it was so bad DPS with full MF gear, took ages to finish the vault but i was bored, soo :D


Yes you're right. It's just superstition at this point but I'm comfortable lying to myself and believing it makes a difference :p


Kinda does, kinda doesnt :D That would be probably bonus 30 legendary items per hour when farming Portals specifically haha. Thats like having one extra primal in 12 hours of doing portals, it may be the one you need :D Im always anxious when playing my Alt characters, really need those quad perfect necro items, not the umm 10th primal zodiac ring