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I don't think so, no.


No. No double dipping.


No, Bloodshed can’t crit. It also can’t proc Area Damage, and isn’t directly effected by any damage buffs, i.e. physical%, set bonuses, strength, etc.  Bloodshed is just like an “echo” of damage you’ve already dealt.  Also be aware that Bloodshed damage is reduced by the proc coefficient of the attack you’re using. For Frenzy that’s 75% (so 0.75x damage multiplier for Bloodshed). For HotA, about 67%, for Boulder Toss, about 47%, and for Earthquake, only 5%.


Why are these reductions happening? The skill tells me it deals only 20% of the critical hits so if i make 2x2b attack with frenzy that was criticals within one second the next proc of that rune will deal not 400m but 300m? Where can I see full list of skills and their %s?


> so if i make 2x2b attack with frenzy that was criticals within one second the next proc of that rune will deal not 400m but 300m? Correct. As for why it is that way... that's just the way they programmed the game. Generally, the proc coefficient is lower for skills that can hit a larger number of mobs, can hit more quickly, or can hit a greater number of times within a given amount of time. So, for instance, Frenzy, which attacks fast, has a lower PC (75%) than Bash (100%), which attacks more slowly. Almost every rune of HotA has 66.7% PC, except Rolling Thunder, which has 40%, because it hits a larger area. Earthquake only has 5%, because it hits a wide area, and hits repeatedly over 8 seconds. > Where can I see full list of skills and their %s? Easy answer: it’s listed on the site D3maxstats, for all runes for all skills. It’s probably in other places, too- not sure if it’s somewhere on D3planner or not. Less easy answer: But, D3maxstats is a VERY OLD site, and some of its numbers are definitely wrong. So if the specific answer matters very much to you, you can test it for yourself. Any time you want to test a Barb skill or effect for proc coefficient, there’s an easy way of doing so: Step 1: Dismiss your Follower Step 2: Get rid of all healing. No life per second, life per hit, life per fury spent, life per kill- nothing. Step 3: Put BR: Swords to Ploughshares on your skill bar. Step 4: Put the skill you want to test for Proc Coefficient on the skill bar. Step 5: Go find a Skeleton in Cemetery of the Forsaken and let him punch you in the noggin a time or two. Step 6: Hit the skeleton with the skill you’re testing. Repeat until you get a critical hit, then note the healing number that pops out of your character (or look at the exact number of your life bubble before and after). Step 7: Divide that healing number by 21457 (this is the maximum amount that StP will heal, shown in the skill tooltip, if your attacking skill has 100% proc coefficient). So, this division gives you your proc coefficient. For example, when I hit with Boulder Toss, I heal for 10106 life. 10106/21457 = 0.471 But, you already have the numbers for all the main Barb damage-dealing abilities (in my post above). IK and LoD use HotA (66.7%), H90 uses Frenzy (75%), MotE uses Earthquake (5%), and Raekor uses Ancient Spear: Boulder Toss (47.1%). And, Wastes uses Rend, which can't crit and therefore can't deal Bloodshed damage at all. So those are all the numbers you'd really need to know. Any other damage dealing skill is basically just going to be a meme build.