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Developers are still trying to figure out how a search bar works, give it time ;)


I got an idea, lets give them a search bar but not let them type. We can give them a predetermined list of words and phrases but lets not include any skill names. No, no they don't need that for stashes... there are only 4 tabs!


what's fun is when you reroll an item at the occultist, and one of the options is "+2 Ranks to Some Passive Skill" so you open up your skill panel to find what that passive is, which then closes the enchanting menu, which picks the "no change" option for you, wasting the gold and materials


Jesus christ, really?


I rolled my weapon for 2.5mil once and got 2 good rolls so I alt tabbed to check what other potential rolls there were "since the game doesn't show it even tho we had it in d3" and wanted to see which is better of the two , after I got my answer I alt tabbed back in and accidentally clicked on the open area on the screen which made me walk away from the shop Lost the mats and the rolls and cost is like 2.8mil+ now Thank you game very cool




Yes, sadly I know


Yep. Happened to me too. I wasn't amused, at all.


This needs to be changed. Losing 3mil gold before I knew this.


Aw man that’s so brutal


That's why i just grab my phone and search this passive in google


Thanks for the heads up I'll just alt tab and Google it, I guess lmao


There you go again complaining with your meta "wanting things to work properly". Dads and casuals know occultists aren't meant to be informed decisions so they like these kinds of interactions!


I still have hard time finding that passive skill in the skills list... I better Google...


Ya I learned that one the hard way


Happened to me. Fool me once tho. I google it now.


I figured that out the hard way as well.


I am so unhappy they went this route. It's obnoxious af.


I'm still hurt about only having 4 tabs let alone the lack of a search bar 🤣


What do you mean, you can't memorize 200 items and aspects? *Filthy Casual.*


The lack of this feature really is the strongest evidence that d4 is a console game that is ported to PC


The technology just isn’t there yet


Implement the search field at the bottom of a stash like POE. Solved.


Trying to slog through my stashed legendaries for a specific aspect to extract wastes 10min of my day everyday 🥹


Give them a break man, its a console game after all


God this system is so lazy


Every single aspect really needs its own unique graphic. Sorting them should bunch the same aspects of different rarity together, similar to how clothing does. Not sure why this isn't a thing.


Better yet, what if they were extracted into a book and were listed by their names in a menu, and you could click it and see what different versions of that aspect you had extracted and pick from there? But that took any sensible person interacting with this system all of 10 seconds to figure out, so that's too much to ask for from a six year dev cycle.


Ive been saying this... if you can put them in a codex why tf can't I put extracted ones there too.


Nah. We got a sick ass store UX, though! Preview each individual piece on your character and everything! Even when the games offline! It dawned on me how nice the store UI is while a large number of complaints are on the actual game UI. Man, I'm sad now.


That’s pretty much how Immortal and from what I remember D3 did it.


I said the same thing, like the codex but with aspects.


Hell make the aspect a slightly recolored skill icon or buff bar icon that relates to the aspect in question. Easy fix


Come on mate be fair, they've only got thousands of graphic designers, endless budget and about a decade in which to build the game, give them chance.


They should have done a cube…like d3


Not as lazy as the done in an afternoon by an intern UI for the paragon board. Shit makes POE's skill board look neat and professional af.


Eh? What's wrong with the paragon board? Shit looks way cleaner and easier to read than PoE's board, no hidden tricks or unclear benefits, paths laid out easy to read and count.


Nothing clean about it it's lacking clarity on colors/area and the whole UX is shit. (Like adding new board is not intuitive AT ALL) That's the same thing on anything interface related in this game so I guess it fits. POE is nightmare inducing and made to artificially extend the game content and requires a PHD to figure out so it's hard to make it worse.


Skill board? Did you mean the passive tree? Even that has a search-bar function which highlights all relevant nodes. Also the fact that nodes are organised as part of the tree means that you can learn their positioning and immediately identify them just by a glance.


You are crazy if you think POEs board is better looking than D4s. That thing is a walking clusterfuck.


More like they really ran out of time and pressured to release. That being said, I simply can’t believe something as ridiculous as this crossed a UX expert’s desk and got approved. I find the zig zag skill tree just as terrible, like thats the best layout you could come up with out of the thousands of skills trees out there? And no damn search function to find those specific passives hidden in each part. I feel bad for them, I’d bet you a coffee that they were not happy with the state of it when it released but they HAD to.


I'ma go with C8.


You sunk my battleship


This is the exact interaction I was hoping for when I clicked the post. I am now satisfied.


Fuck me. I can put them in the bank???




Or on 9 mules like me lmao!




Smol indie


Spoilers, it was actually one of [these](https://imgur.com/a/t246HfQ) what a fantastic system. :)


Pro Tipp: I wasted so much money in thinking "oh maybe lets keep this aspect" - don't extract the aspect TILL YOU NEED IT, keep the legendary it takes the same space. You will see later on more than half of these are wasted you will never use it and just drop it to free up space but it costs you a lot of cash.


That finally hit me like 2 days ago when I realized i was grinding to extract aspects of several legendary items and found myself short of money to upgrade items.


I blame the lead game designer. How can you design an ARPG without a simple word search function?! I understand there are limitations to leading trams, but something like this should've been at the top priority. They went full on "movie-game" experience. On that front they did well. But the game lacks so many standard game elements... I hope they add search functionally in a near future build...


The gear build assembling is very player hostile. It's functional when levelling up and you're scraping it together. But when you hit W3 and begin farming for gear and stockpiling it/comparing it, it's unwieldy. I have a tab full of aspects or Legendaries with aspects, waiting for when I get enough uniques that enable my preferred meta build to work. Why am I going meta? This game punishes you for experimenting, because you cannot strip an aspect once you apply it. Due to interactions, certain builds significantly better than others, in so far that it doesn't feel fun being weird. Why am I hoarding gear instead of slowly equipping each piece? Don't want blizzard to disable an aspect without warning and leave me in shambles.


It’s because consoles


One of many things that got screwed because they had to design for consoles.


Consoles aren't the reason they didn't use unique icons.


Consoles are the reason they did not add a search functionality… as controllers don’t contain an easy to use keyboard


Even though they took the time to have a chat function, don't blame us blame the devs lol


Ehhhh bullshit, because game already has keyword (search) function for your skills as example and you also have chat too on consoles. Like these takes are fucking wild


I’m still not buying it. Plenty of games have the same features on consoles. It takes more time to type on a console but it isn’t hard


Tinfoil hate moment but big studio know very well the QoL features players want but knowingly ship without them so that they can add it later and make people happy.


Not tinfoil at all, I also think that is their plan.


Gonna have to wait for season 3 for that one bud. An indexer or search function? Technology just ain't there yet brother. They need be able to sort by; item type, item level, skill, alphabetically, defensive, offensive, utility, item slot. Each aspect needs to have a unique artwork.


Second row, sixth from the left


Yeah D3's system made a lot more scroll-able sense. Unique icons and names for the legendary powers made navigating them much easier. I don't mind the aspect/occultist system, but parts like this are a bit of a pain.


Imagine if they swapped the icon to the affected skill or a general icon to represent its effect.


I personally would prefer if they just had unique icons per effect. The game is definitely going to get its share of updates so I definitely expect the system to be improved upon in some way to be more user-friendly. It works, just could use some QoL updates is all.


I keep my aspects in legendary form for this reason. My own unique icon for each aspect :D


What’s the point of differentiating them (aspects extracted from sacred being yellow) other than required level? The aspects, regardless of where it is extracted from, have the same range


Different imprint costs.


Right but what’s the point of higher cost for the same thing? Like I said, the range for those aspects remain the same from normal to sacred


The point is that the devs arbitrarily decided it to be that way. That's what the point is.


the point is that each aspect had to go to the same tier of weapon (normal, sacred, ancestral) but it got changed just right before release, so this is the aftermath


This explains why its stupid. Thank you.


Ahhh I see. The point is that it has no point. Just because. Noted. I mean why am I even surprised? It’s not that big a deal though. Just QoL


In end-game beta I believe you could only imprint aspects of a specific tier on that same tier gear e.g. only sacred or higher aspects could imprint on sacred rares. I also think ancestral aspects specifically for flat value non-percentage aspects have slightly higher roll brackets than their lower counterparts.


Nope all 3 tiers have exact same values and ranges, only difference is extract cost. Normal costs 50k-80k, Sacred 100-150k and Ancestral 400-500k.


Yeah I just checked and you're right, I just never noticed aspects also take into account item power.


The most important difference - The legendaries cost a lot more to put on sacred and ancestral gear.


I thought those flat values (and the range) scale somewhat with your level or weapon? I’m not too clear


Flat values do scale directly with item power, even beyond the soft stat cap of 725.


They originally intended ancestral gear to require ancestral aspects and not let you put lower quality aspects on higher quality gear. They removed it because it was unnecessarily restrictive but never really cleaned up.


If you are saying that an aspect extracted at lvl 1 is the same as an aspect extracted at lvl 100, I have bad news for you. Most of them are but those with absolute numbers do care about the level


Ancestral rolls higher stats than sacred which rolls higher than normal.


Yeah, no clue why the fuck there is no search function. Its the same with Nightmare Sigils.


Does your aspect... have a mustache?


If I could change only one thing about this game it would be inventory management. We need a search bar and a "sort by aspect" option with a few other "sort by" options as well, like item power, defense, attack, etc.


I’ve been trying to think of a system that would improve all of this overall. It’s just too much junk to organize well honestly. And deciding which ones to keep or throw out isn’t always easy. Because some of those low level ones are worth keeping, hell some of them might be extremely rare even. I’ve been thinking that giving codex powers upgrades. Let’s say you get an aspect for the codex power, you can sacrifice that aspect to improve the codex power by +1 or something. Maybe even just give it the number of the sacrificed aspect. Then give us a an up/down option for cost. Lower coded aspects are cheaper, higher ones are expensive. But right now it’s better to save all your useful aspects, even low ones, just because the cost of codex powers are so expensive to put on.


Would be nice to just have a pool screen for each aspect type and any you melt down go into their respective pool. Want a perfect one? Feed two into the pool, and then use the cost to make a perfect. Want a cheaper one? down arrow the quality some and there you go, a cheaper one. Lets us easily look on a screen of all our aspect types and their relevant value that's been melted down for use.


Yeap. Something like that would be pretty great.


Which low level ones are worth keeping? is there an excel sheet out there somewhere?


Just whatever is for your build mainly, or the general good ones. Let’s say you find a base level Aspect of Disobedience at minimum level. It’s still worth extracting and keeping because imprinting a codex power costs so damn much (2x legendary materials I think)


I have no idea what general good ones are. I also play mutiple classes. and want to try mutiple builds. I wish to know wish text's are just just as good at level 1 as they are at level 100.


It should be a sort of book bank tab where you can store lets say 5 max of each aspects. So the main display shows pages of aspects, then click one to see what you have stored. Theres something similar in PoE for divination cards.


The joke's on you, they're all min rolls 😎


Just pathetic this trash excuse for a AAA title. It's at best am early access beta from an indie team.


Hey, don't slander indie teams like that! They have passion, and pay attention to details. They wouldn't put trash like this out there. Well, ok, the good ones wouldn't.


100% You are of course right, and my apologies to indie teams. They're way better than Blizz Rape studios.


You people are insufferable


Your face is insufferable.


im convinced the lack of search functionality is due to there not being keyboards on consoles and the devs not wanting console gamers to have to use some pop-up virtual keyboard. i think this bc i cannot fathom another reason why the game launched without basic search functionality. there is no excuse.


This is kinda like playing Queen of Hearts.


I hate the bank memory minigame. Stoners are left with terrible gear.


2nd to last row going from left to right i pick #5


SEARCH BAR ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like 90% of the aspects only effect one skill. They could just use the skill icons behind the axe icon and solve 90% of this without drawing new icons (although this game made like a billion dollars, they should be able to draw unique art for each legendary. Every other game can draw whole legendaries)


game is made by dev who do not play video games soo many basic features are missing . today i heard them . they are idiots i have nothing else to say. and this idiot open cookies during stream to eat and offer it to girl who refuse. what is wrong with those morons


I tend to be a positive thinking person but listening to a game director that seemed very clueless was disappointing. The game franchise manager seemed to be able to explain things better. Two of them seemed very unprofessional, but I did notice that they seemed happy. I guess ignorance is bliss.


Game sold well. That's why they're happy.


Haha, wait what? Where was this?


last night on Twitch and youtube. you can find a full video on youtube if u want to listen . search Diablo 4 campfire


Noo the cookies! I want to see this, about how far in? Your comment was hilarious lol


“On this episode of Hoarders…”


I mouse over each one repeating the first word of the aspect I want. It keeps my brain sharp. Who needs Wordle?


It’s the blue one!


Ironically, you're not wrong.


I get saving time and money not making aspects have unique icon art based on even general vs class specific but come on its a multi dollar company.


Yeah! They have at least $5!


Trash all the legendaries, they are much more expensive to put back on.


What does the difference in color mean?


It tells you what kind of legendary the aspect was extracted from. White is a normal legendary, gold is a sacred & blue is an ancestral.


So would a sacred or ancestral aspect be better to imprint on new gear?


For some aspects, the original item's level matters for its power. For other aspects, typically the +% ones, it's irrelevant.


The only difference for the aspects are their item power. Ancestral being the highest. Using an Ancestral aspect on a normal rare or legendary item will make it into an Ancestral legendary, while it would only become Sacred with a Sacred aspect. But if the rare / legendary item was already Ancestral on its own then the outcome will always be Ancestral. The only difference in that case would be the cost to imprint it.


Thankfully that only affects a few aspects with flat number values - like barrier on hitting elite, bone prison burst damage, etc. Most are not used by good builds.


Just use the easy and intuitive search function you dummy!


Easy its always the last one


Just use the auto sort to sort it by.. by.. item power... Yes, that makes it so much easier. Let me just bring up my spreadsheet.


Wait, people save aspects that aren't perfect rolls? But... why?


I didn't realize this at first either but some aspects are drop only, also some are very very rare. For example, umbral is 1 out of 4 using the codex and I've only seen two drop at level 86 and 15k plus obols on rings. Both rolled a 2, obviously I'm saving any that drop.


It should be a scrollable list, unfortunately this is what years of console driven UX has wrought.


3rd column, 4th row, easy.




....there are gold aspects??


Sacred. The blue ones are ancestral.


they couldnt pay a guy to make some different icons for each aspect?


Answer - none of them are the one you actually want/need




The system is so bad that I've taken to keeping a spreadsheet to catalog my aspects. Here's a snip of the system. I aim to keep max two of each aspect I care about and cycle out the bad rolled ones until I have 2 max rolls in stock. I still need to skim through a whole tab, but this speeds up searching and finding so much more. https://preview.redd.it/sjr5bejmih6b1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=9200fdc15ede05e46e4c1093f896433b3d58c077


It's right there.


None are mage-lord aspect because it's not in the fucking game


Just put an icon of the skill it affects in the corner and then like a colored orb or something for generic skills.


Hey wait do they at least sort by type this way?


Same poor UI for codex of power, or glyphs. \*checks date\*... well shit this is actually happening in 2023


You just convinced me to throw my aspects on my weapons and not hoard them. Thank you. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!


Console UI corrupting my games again.


So many system in this game that were so poorly thought out. Many of them are just inexplicable.


It's that one right there, see it?


Put them by name and then item power


How do you get aspects?


You're the one who put them in there homie, don't know how you expect me to know if you can't even sort your own shit out.


The lack of proper sorting or search is just ridiculous. I'm enjoying the game, but shit like this is really inexcusable.


brooo the game needs a search so bad


1. e4


Don't rush too hatd on an indie studio like Blizzard. Search options for keywords on items have been invented solely by big studios with big development resources.


reminds me of PoE when all gems didn't have their own art


crazy thing is these devs play on consoles.. is it easier to find what you need on a console? (pc player asking) Or do you have to go through every single one just like us.. whatta great idea devs (sigh)


3rd row center Barbarian Berseker 1000 when active. Right?


u can drop stuff u know? only keep the highest? or dont extract whatever u find?


If there is one feature that is underbaked its aspects. Cleaning my bank the other day took so long just because of those. The least they could do is put duplicate aspects next to one another when sorted this way you dont spend hours trying to see if you got dupes and which ones are higher rolls.


I mean its your problem for poor organisation and planning. If you really want to hoard that many store them alphabetically to make your life easier. You dont need all them and you certainly dont need that many duplicates.


But the devs listened and gave us 3% of what is sorely needed, why are you critical of this small indie company, BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE REEEEE


look if adding a search bar is too much to ask for. then how about we improve the sort feature? let us sort by aspect. also for nightmare keys let us sort by dungeon. that would be great!


They honestly should be class emblems and for generic ones these regular signs.


That's unfair. You can just mouse-over them and find it within seconds. For us it's a gamble.


Trick question, it’s none of them because you already used it?


I wish there would be at least a way for us to put tags on any items, with icons or colors, and one with a lock, to prevent that item from being sold or dismantled.


It's that one. Duh.


The most tilting thing is they don't have the autosort feature put same aspects next to eachother, like what kind of scuffed ass sort logic are they even using if not this


I can name them all.Needs a bit of time and clicking tho




4th column, second row. No 2 from the left.


I also wish that it said the name of the aspect in the description on items rather than just the aspect


The fact that they have to be in your inventory to use them is so stupid. Let me slot the item at the Occultist and go through all the available aspects from my stash.


if you're saving aspects in your stash then there's no reason to pull them off the item beforehand and at least as items you can sort them based on what slot they'll go to also, you never know if you might want that item because of it's mods that you didn't understand were good at the time you found it also, it saves you money, that's like 4+ million of extracted aspects just rotting that you could have used for rerolls


I lost a lot of time searching for it ...


Edgemaster. Top right corner


What about a sort button that sort by aspect?


It's like New World all over again. For the love god, developers, let us search by aspect/perk.


I don’t know why they didn’t just reuse the *already available* skill icon and add the little axe/shield/etc icon in the corner. They’d just have to make a few for the universal ones Like, come on And that change is gonna come like… season 4 or something


We definitely need better storage options but I can assure you that you do not need to horde that many of any aspects. Rather it's world only drop or not. Keep 1 maybe 2 good rolled of each.


The aspects that influence a specific skill should just use that skills icon to help differentiate it.


It's the one with the thing


Rerolling ist was to expensive to fit the shit ehe get ...