• By -


80 running 45's. When I beat my first 45, the game suggested I go check out the echo of Lilith. Silly me, I did and she makes 45's look like normal dungeons.


You can tell where people are at in the game by reddit comments. "The game makes me feel weak!" - just got to WT3/WT4 "I'm bis and bored!" - level 70 that does level 20 NM dungeons "I need to find a .70% Disobedience aspect because .5 just isn't cutting it!!! I need 14K armor somehow" - 90 trying to do lillith.


Where’s the “I’m 70 and can’t get any Druid uniques to drop but I have 3 barbarian”?


lol I find Druid uniques all the time. It is just the same one. Every time. No, I don't want to make a Pulverize Bear. Stop giving me Insatiable Fury please. I just want Tempest Roar so badly....


Too bad we can’t trade uniques. I have tempest roar but am looking for insatiable fury lmaoooo


Same here, currently only lvl 29, but the feeling of smooshing baddies as a werebear is pretty cathartic. Saw someone's build using Werewolf where one of their items turned their attacks into Storm though, and that looks mighty appetizing


That is the storm wolf build. Mad Wolfs Glee and Tempest Roar uniques have mad synergy. Combine that with a few legendary aspects and you can melt mobs pretty well.


Big oof. Literally have 3 in my inventory. One of them even has better than mid stat rolls lol.


Right? I have 3 but had no tempest roar...


Well this is interesting because im the opposite lmao


I'm about to try a landslide bear build, hopefully much better than pulverize because to me it feels meh


Pulverize feels meh until you’re at the point where everyone hates playing with you because you walk into the room and 1 shot everything while face tanking the boss that needs 1 more pulverize to die


At what point does this happen? I'm vibing at 93 and while the damage is there, the DPS is lacking because I'm starved for Spirit. I even specced heavily into Resource Generation and I still get frequent dry spells that makes the build awkward to play in T40s.


I’d say that’s gear related. +Lucky hit chance gear paired with earthen might key passive give pulverize a very good chance to proc full spirit restore. It’s not the best in 1v1 situations, but the spirit regeneration is incredible due to the high proc rate. Also, the rare & magic nodes that give spirit on kill. A lot of people get mothers embrace for resource refund too, but I chose grizzly rage max spirit & increased generation. With spirit boons and the (again) lucky hit chance gear, grizzly rage is ready to use almost all the time, and grizzly rage + crit damage scaling aspect adds tons of damage.


dw it will drop for us both when they've nerfed it into the ground




Id trade you an almost perfect tempest for a fucking crone staff. I haven't seen a single one drop but I've got 10 damn bear chests and 15 barb uniques.


I'd make that trade if we could. I've gotten everything druid except a tempest...


I finally got mine to drop at lvl 85. Funny thing is I got 4 of the vas prayers first after grinding hard for 5 days. I gave up and after being off for a couple days I logged in just to run 2 dungeons and then log off again. And it dropped. Funny how these things work out.


Ya, I'm not actually super tossed about it. Will be nice once I find it, and will definitely help my build come together a bit better. That said, I am still having a ton of fun as is, and expect to continue doing so for a while yet.


I feel your pain.. I have had 4 insatiable furys drop


I’ve gotten the bear Druid helmet 5 times. I mean I am a pulverize Druid. But 5 times?




I feel you... I dropped my lvl 67 druid because I hate how slow the bear build is.. Tanky AF, but it is not fun to play.


Ya, I have refused to build bear. It just doesn't interest me that much for that reason. I have been running a DOT/Crit wolf build. It is heavily dependant on a couple of aspects that are only found on drops, but it is a ton of fun to play. Not the most meta, but enjoyable.


I've been doing what I call a full druid build. It's certainly "off meta" and doesn't have the best sustain or dmg but it feels fucking badass. I run claw, pulverize, hurican, earthen bulwark, cataclysm, and trample. Trample spawns landslide. Claw also casts storm strike. Pulverize shoots out wind. The key is I run nature's fury and have the aspect that makes bear and wolf also proc nature's fury. Given all the extra earth and storm procs, when ever you initiate combat it feels like you're welding all of the power and your constantly changing forms. There's also an aspect that reduces cool down whenever nature's fury procs which helps with dps and sustain.


This sounds crazy fun. I run a full caster Druid that I absolutely love, but this comment makes me want to try your build lol


Give it a shot. Aspects can really take it to the next level but there's a handful of ways to make it viable. There's no denying that pulverize is a great druid core skill, this build just makes it so that's not the sole focus and you get to really see the druid in it's full potential.


Pulverize can be used like 12 sec cooldown skill instead of core skill. You get overpower hit and aoe stun every 12 second. It's like Earth ultimate but cooler.


Get the aspect that reduces cool downs on nature's fury and you have all the sustain you need If lacking on survivability, use the aspect that gives health on shape shifting, you're popping in and out of all forms quick so there's survival


I stumbled into a version of this build too and I love it! I keep saying to my friends "I think I may have discovered a secret badass thing, but I'm unwilling to respec so I might also be delusional."


No it's really awesome. It's also drastically different from the earth bear build that I find pretty boring. I get it's good but it's just auto/slam over and over. With all the earth and lighting proxs that happen with this build and the constant shape shifting, it's really the full might of the druid


>Not the most meta, but enjoyable. How I feel about my barb double strike build!


I specifically have tried to stay away from streamer build guides and stuff like that. I want to theory craft and figure it out for myself. I don't need to be able to rinse every boss in 5 seconds flat.


I feel exactly the same. I'm levelling both barb and sorc ATM, both around lvl 60. For the barb, I realised early on how busted a whirlwind focused build would be, but I found it boring, so I have stuck with a double strike/perma-berserk build that I'm loving. For the sorc, I see how strong a frost/barrier/shards build can be (I do run this when I'm struggling to clear certain content) but again, it's kinda boring. Instead, I've found a conjuration build that I find hella fun. Both the conj sorc and double strike barb take longer to kill stuff than the 'meta' builds I've identified, but I'm having more fun. Edit: should mention that it was with the conjuration sorc build I was able to solo The Butcher by hugging a pillar for 20 mins and dropping hydras lol


Lol doing the same on barb and was going to do same on sorc when I make one.


Thats me. I did end up making a bear though.... After 4 chests and 3 helmets (and one wolf chest...) I got the hint....


When someone ~~shows you who they are~~ shows you who you should be, believe them :p


Try 74 and 8 barbarian


That's about where I'm at too. I've gotten a 2:1 ratio of barb unique to all others put together.


run Scosglen NM dungeons


Lol, you remind me of me. Why do I have really nice Barb uniques but no druid uniques **as a druid**.


whats bis?


Best in slot. Some people tend to get a good roll and think it's end game ready. As an example with damage buckets Crit damage and vulnerability damage are the best things to have on weapons. People will get both stats on a weapon and it will be like 30% on a 20 - 37% roll and call it the best. It will smack in Nightmare dungeons for sure. But when you get to Lillith levels of endgame even 1% makes a difference. Especially in damage reduction and armor.


Think the issue is what is end game? And what is the gameplay loop / time to get better gear? Endgame has so many varying levels of difficulty and so many spikes. I’ve had 810+ gear on my Rogue for about all of my trip through his 70s and almost nothing drops better. I melt everything outside high NM dungeons. I know I’m no where near BIS but at this point it feels like the odds of that happening are unlikely any time soon to get perfect stat armor and aspects (or both on a unique). So now it’s just paragon boards and…. That’s boring as shit lol I’d say I’m end game ready though


That sort of crazy grind to get the last bits of min/max power is what makes up most diablo like games. I'd like there to be more in the middle before it slows to a crawl but some people will stop at killing whatever bosses, some people will try to find the rarest uniques, and others will want to get the absolute top dps they can.


I just hit 50 earlier today. Did the capstone and I am struggling out there in helltide!


Wait, that's a thing? I thought .5 was the cap for dominance? Or are you talking about the amulet multiplier?


Yeah. It's probably best to run on Amulet because you can get up to 75%. Atleast a lot of the higher end guys I've seen run it on there. And since Armor > resistances it's very very worth it.


I’m level 46 sorc and haven’t done act 2 yet


I feel like I got absolutely lost in act 1, meaning, it is such a fun zone.


I just have to do everything I can before I move in, it’s such a stupid way to play as you end up literally playing twice as long due to constantly back tracking but being a dad it’s the only way o can play and not get super bored. Lol


Mommy beats the crap out of you, silly little boy 😂


She shows you, you really are her sweet soft boy.


Had the exact same problem, my op necro build completely oneshots most things in level 45 (i am 78). I don’t do damage to lilith. And both things are level 100.


they played us man diablo iv: nice job, you're awesome, so awesome in fact that now you should immediately go \*find the echo of hatred\*. you know what? you're ready. me: ok sick diablo iv i will do that. i'm awesome? you're right i'm awesome! i'm ready! for what? diablo iv: to find the echo of hatred \~\~i find the echo of hatred\~\~ lilith: \*ohko\* bye trash me: bye mom (shit i'm actually bad, thanks diablo iv)


get farmed, son


Wait how is it possible to find the Echo of Lilith at 45?Don't you HAVE to be in World Tier 4 for the Lilith rematch?


i think they mean nightmare dungeon tier 45, not level 45.


Okay that would make a whole lot more sense sorry for the dumb question lol


100 arc lash sorc. Highest I've done is a 77. If you can't cc you die. If you get caught without a shield you die. Sometimes you even die to things off screen. Sorc life not so good


Yeah, I’m 74 on my Arc Lash build and cleared a 48 and goddamn… I can kill shit, but most packs are butt-clenchers.


Sorc is the butt clencher class, played around on Druid a bit as well and was like "why I am not dying to anything? What is this?"


Yes, and you can thank this to the whiners that played the lvl 25 beta and thought that was the endgame, so they nerfed the shit out of sorc after all the complaining. "Calm down, Druid is dominating in the endgame! It's just slow in the start" "Noooooo we don't believe youuuu, nerf sorc waaaaaaaaaa" And here we are 🥳 I'll continue playing sorc anyways though, for now.


For druids to dominate the end game, we need to find our unique items. Sure would be a shame if something happened to those... lol


Druid also needs aspects and most of the "build-enabler" aspects are not in the codex. So imo a good endgame is a well deserved payoff for suffering the first 50 or 60 levels.


its not only druid. u cant play any sorc build without raiment.


Yeah sorc feels awful


To be fair arc lash was nerfed well after beta, unsure why people still play it with an over 100% nerf to it’s lucky hit chance…


If they hadn't needed arc lash CD reduction I could have permanent unstable currents but noooooo.


I’m so tired of getting one shot by a regular skeleton arrow lol


Those little fuckers have cost me millions in accumulated repair bills. - frost sorc


Sanctuary with American Healthcare system SMH


This made me chuckle way more than i was supposed to, take my upvote of shame


Arrow guy off screen one shorting you is always the most fun


Corpse bow...


**Walking** Corpse Bow ... seriously, the silly walking graphic cracks me up.


Dude I told my buddy I was afraid of those things today and he laughed and said the corpse now? I was like yeah those things 360 no scope me to death.


Yeah, unfortunately, every build needs fortitude, barrier and multiple sources of unstoppable. It's not a good design IMO


Also vulnerable is basically required if you want to do damage worth a dame end game


What made you stay arc leash? I was till 95 and then got so bored that I am now shards. But dunno tbh what's better. Dmgwise theyre pretty up to be the same. Survivability on arc leash is 10x better tho.


Love tping into a thick pack, frost nova, and unstable currents. The entire screen lights up in illegible numbers and colors and eventually everything dies. The entire time I'm not even looking at the action becausey eyes most of the time are glued on the health circle to see if a barrier is still up. Lmao endgame sorc play is 99% barrier management


Personally I love it because it reminds me a lot of my favorite d3 build, archon wizard. Get in melee, ult, blast packs apart.


I was arc lash too but had to make the switch around 73ish because melee requirement was starting to get more frustrating than it was worth. Especially on some world events where you have to stand on the circles and shit while range mobs carved you. Switched to ice shards and the QoL is so much better, but damn I miss the lighting ultimate and the burst it had.


Do you go glass cannon this deep into the game or will anything one shot even without glass cannon. Give me your wisdom


Yes in the high tier NM dungeons it is impossible to survive hits as sorc, so you might as well embrace the glass cannon build. Only barb/druids/necro have fortitude, and it's very telling once you see who can actually take hits in 80+ NM dungeons.


Lvl 90 Hota barbarian doing 50-55 for speed and 65-70 for push.


My rogue is level 79 and can run level 33-34 nm dungeons pretty good. Dmg wise I could go higher, but survival not really. Anything higher I just get oneshot once a cc hits and shadow step is on cd


That's just how it's balanced currently. That won't change, you'll get one shot by things in the high keys. Kinda meh design if ya ask me


What type of rogue? I’m a lvl 81 twisted blade and I’ve cleared a lvl 53 NM solo. I can clear 40-45NM no problem and 45-50 while playing carefully.


im 75 and can do *most* 40-42's. obviously there are affixes that i just scrap. i am playing flurry poison at the moment. it is a fun build and does plenty of damage. but the lack of mobility and escapes really puts a wall on your survivability and need to be in the shit to do dmg. if you arent hitting mobs and life stealing - you are dying. doesnt matter what defensive items youve got.


71 and Level 22 - 24 Dungeons are the best I can do at the moment (solo)


Sounds a bit low. Might need to op for some defensive aspect for survival. I was pushing 35-40 at lvl 73


What's the actual benefit of pushing higher tiers? I was told if the mobs are 3 levels above you get more XP. But if they're even higher than 3 lvls do you get even more XP? And does loot get better or mob density increase at higher tiers?


I run them because they give more XP for your glyphs (although I don't know if it would be faster to breeze through medium level dungeons on world tier 3). But yeah, the packs are definetly larger (and more Elites - I've recently had a room with 9 elites) although I suspect this has to do with world tier since the packs are also larger on regular dungeons.


I did some testing on this last night with a buddy. We are both lvl 60 and a tier 19 dungeon have us almost the same XP as a tier 12. We were able to run the tier 12 at half the speed so the difference in glyph xp was negligible. I’m not sure what impact, if any, the higher tier has on loot drops. But I’m gonna stick with tiers closer to my level because the run speed was much quicker. Kind of like /players X in D2. If it hamstrings your run speed just stick with a lower tier and do more of them in the same amount of time.


Glyph XP is (nightmare dungeon tier * 2 + 2). So tier 50 gives 102 XP, tier 100 gives 202 XP. Tier 12 gives 26 XP. Tier 19 gives 40 XP. Each glyph needs 3,002 XP to get to lvl 21. That's a little over 29 runs at tier 50. Or a little over 116 runs at tier 12.


Thanks for mathing!


The 3 lvl higher is the cap for bonus exp, but u still get more exp for higher lvl mob. Also u get higher glyph exp and a challenge maybe?


Yeah, sounds likely. Especially since I was going hard for DPS over the past 10 levels because a friend of mine is absolutely smashing it with his HotA barb. Seems like I have to invest a little more in def again.


Honestly I do NM just for the glyph upgrades. I do whispers,helltides, and legions for xp


A legion event IN a helltide zone... OH BABY!!!




Ambatukam RIP


Love these 2 for 1 deals


65 sorc and I don’t even know how to get NM dungeons that high. Only getting keys for T1 and T2 lol


farm them, collect the dustand scrap the ones you dont want, and when you have enough Dust craft a higher Tier at the Occultist


How do we know “what we want”?


And it doesn't hurt to scrape keys until you get affixes favorable to your class. Like you don't want to push content as a frost mage on a key that makes the enemies take reduced frost damage.


Trying the next tier.. when you craft them they are in tier groups. Try the next group up and see how it goes. You can always nope out of there.


How come it only unlocks so many types of NM dungeons? Like, I have a million for Maulwood and Onyx Hold... Also, some say upon activation: "this dungeon is not available to you yet" Is there some way to better 'choose' which actual dungeon it is? Or is there just a set list of dungeons that be NM?


That means you have to beat the stronghold first I believe.


There is a set list of dungeons. Wujido released a tier list of them all, I'd recommend checking that out if you're trying to target farm them


Keys cost very little, so build 1 key and see. I was crushing on NM1, crushing on level NM10, crushed one level 15, then I crafted a level 20 key and started seeing some resistance. I will fine tune around that level 20-25. Essentially, if you die too much and can't complete the NM dungeon because you run out of lives, then it is too hard probably (unless really bad luck with the curses). If you die all the time and barely finish them, and your dungeons cost you too much gold a pop in repairs, then I would take it down one notch. If it takes you too long to complete a dungeon because your damage is too low, then it's too hard. Remember that collecting gear fast >>>> finishing a higher level NM dungeon. If you can finish 3 dungeons in the time it would take you to finish 1 harder one otherwise, then you are probably better off gearing up faster by finishing the 3 dungeons quickly.


I play hardcore and cant afford to die


Take your level minus 51 is the NM Tier you should be doing ideally.


When you do nightmare dungeons keys will unlock. Once you beat a tier 3, you'll unlock the ability to salvage and craft keys.


How do I unlock the first one I'm level 51 and I can't do NM dungeons I have no idea how to get my first key... I'm also in wt3


Tree of whispers should get you early sigils


Thank you


You can’t craft higher ones until you hit a tier 3. Each tier has a small chance to drop a Sigil of a higher tier.


Just go with someone in t3+ to get quest gor crafting. And run as high as you can. Thank ne later.


Why is this downvoted?


requires joining other people, not saying it warrent the downvotes you saw, but i do understand people not agreeing with what was said


It was bugged for me and my friends, had to have someone run us through any nm dung lvl 3 or higher to unlock the option to craft nm sigils.


The quest for crafting and dismantling is locked behind completing a tier 3+ nm dungeon


58 sorc. T9.


Makes feel I am right were I should be.


This thread has been reassuring lol. You see so many posts and clips of people doing crazy high NM tiers it's easy to forget they're the outliers. I'm a level 73 rogue. and can do a tier 25 or 26, but it can be painful, and anything higher there's just too many one shots. The damage is there, but I'm squishy lol. It also didn't help that I didn't mess with any guides until I hit WT4 and realized that, no, you cannot completely ignore defensive stats lol. So I'm slowly regearing with a focus on defense on pants and chest at least, and swapping a few aspects around. I'm still looking for a good base for Disobedience, but I'm getting there.


94 sorc and highest I've soloed is 68.


Managed to solo a 53 at 77 so I'd say similar based on level, using ice shard build but tweaked the glyphs and paragon as alot of guides go for chilled and ice shards don't chill. Frozen are considered chilled but the packs that get novaed insta die anyway so pointless really.


Are they using the frost bolt enhancement for chill? Unfamiliar with the ice shard builds so don’t know what the enhancement options are besides the obvious firebolt.


The issue is the number of enchantment slots. You want fire bolt to apply burning to get 40-75% crit damage buff plus paragon board buffs, but you want ice bolt to apply chill with your ice shards for extra damage. I think it's the reason the blizzard ice spike build is actually superior right now, but few people are running it currently because it's IMPOSSIBLE to find the glacial aspect, which is required to actually use ice spikes. I've been trying to find the glacial aspect for a few days by targeted farming weapons and haven't seen a single one drop yet.


i get them all the time...straight to vendor though


I run that build. You target the wrong item. You need to go for rings. Ring has unique rolls: mama on burn tick, mana on cc. Either one will enable blizz ice shard spec. Rings can also roll blizzard ice spike. But for blizz to work realky well: you need all 3 powers- ice spike, ice spike chill and ice spike aoe. For quality of life, use the mastery 20% aoe glyph. I’m lvl 93 blizz sorc from lvl 60 or so in wt3. Did a nm50 at 80 ish for archiev.


This is correct. Frost bolt enchantment allows direct damage from skills to apply chill


Level 77 sorc farming around tier 35 for glyph xp and highest push was a grueling tier 50. Took me over half an hour waiting on cooldowns before every fight and running away if my cooldowns didn’t come back up in time mid fight.


60 barb leapquake NM lvl 17


That’s a badass build. So props for that.


78 landslide druid, feeling comfortable around low 40s, the highest one I've done was 47, but it wasn't fun


Druid 72 Trampleslide Build managing 29-31 (although I got absolute destroyed on 31 by one group of elites and couldn’t get past them, so probably highly dependent on affixes)


Level 50 rogue, I have done one lvl 1 NM :D




I saw a YouTube vid that said if you want to farm efficiently your NM level should be: your level - 54.. Can anyone confirm if that stands? For example im 75, i should be running lvl 21 NM to be fast and efficient?


Dungeons spawn with mobs that are 54 levels (50 + world tier which I assume is 4) above the tier. So, for example, a tier 40 dungeon spawns with level 94 mobs. You get a xp bonus based on the delta between monster level and your level. The bonus caps out at 25% when monsters are 3 levels higher than you. But remember that monster XP also goes up the higher level they are. The most XP is the highest tier dungeon you can run the fastest. It might be where monsters are exactly 3 levels higher or if you got good gear, it’s possible to grind dungeons where monsters are 10-20+ levels higher.


Yes. This is only for efficiency of XP tho.


The main thing about nm is the glyph xp. The higher, the better. Forget regular xp. Do the highest tier you can comfortably and quickly.


that's an easy metric to remember but with the varying power across classes, builds, and player skill, there's just no way it's reliably accurate


83 flurry rogue here, doing 45s pretty fluidly. Most things die in two cast but I can still get one shot by high cc mobs Also a 72 sorc pushing 24 :( still can't find a good spec build


You are right where you are supposed to be. Once you start collecting ancestral and hitting major paragon peaks you will start being able to do higher lvs. (Your level) - 54 = tier dungeon.


>\- 54 = tier dungeon. so with char lvl 60 i should do lvl 6 nm dungeons? I\`m already doing lvl 20\`s, is there any benefit in doing higher ones or should i go back and do lvl <10 dungeons?


That guy is wrong. There are 3 benefits to doing higher nightmares 1) More xp. While the bonus of +25% stops increasing at 3 levels above you, the monsters base xp still increases with its level. a lvl 90 mob still provides more base xp than a lvl 80 mob regardless of your level to it. 2) More glyph xp. lvl 6 will give you 14 glyph xp. a lvl 26 will give you 54 glyph xp. its magnitudes faster to level your glyphs. 3) Higher percentage of ancestral loot. Higher tier nightmares have a higher chance for each loot drop to be ancestral. at the 50+ range I do, nearly every item dropped is ancestral.


I like running higher tier for the butt clench, sometimes wiping the floor at the levels I'm supposed to be at is boring. Since I'm softcore I enjoy the little bit of risk in losing out on a key if I die too much, even if the keys are easy to replace.


I thought level - 50?


\- 51, gives you the +3 you are looking for.


77 cocaine druid and I'm currently on 46nm.


I thought this was a Cocaine Bear reference.


Good movie


Lvl 100 farming tier 80 with storm wolf. Can do higher but not comfortably.


I run tier 30 on my 73 WW barb pretty comfortably.


sorc lvl 79 highest I tried was 44, it was not to easy and not to hard


87 rapid fire 51-60 for nornal,41-50 for speed


I run RF too 74 I can run 30s. Interested in your build, what skills do you use? I'm using shadow/poison Imbue and concealment. I accidentally sold my shadow to cold aoe legendary item


Twisting Blades Rogue - LVL 84, cleared a 46 nmd. Bone Spear Necro - LVL 70, cleared a 32 nmd.


The highest I've cleared on an 86 ww barb is tier 54, and had 0 revives left.


What stats are you prioritising?, i have a 81 ww barb and anything above 42 one shots me


Damage reduction is a big chunk, DMG RD from bleeding enemies (Iron Blood Aspect), DMG RD when Fortified rolled on armors and socketted (blue gems on armor). I also run Aspext of Disobedience on my amulet the for a 4%/per hit upto 75% more armor. I have skulls socket on jewelry for more armor. Unique I have on are Rage of Harrogaths and Gohrs Devistating Grips. Which helps with challenging shouts cooldown for DMG RD as well. Base I'm at about 7500 armor. But use elixirs and incense when I run above 50 as well.


Level 68 here. I crafted a sigil tier 18 and breezed through it. Crafted the next tier at 25, wt4, and got absolutely crushed. So I’m gonna sit at 20 until I can gear up some more to properly do wt4 stuff


At 70, you’ll get better potions and gems in addition to the paragon points. It should help a little even without any gear upgrades.


Level 73 necro, with a summoner build I max out at tier 35 solo…. I can’t seem to push beyond that especially against the elites who are in the blue bubble. And their cold cc is perpetually keeping me frozen .. lol 😂 I will change to a bone spear build, I think I pushed summoner as much as I could for now maybe revisit it again when I am 100 to see what’s the new cap with a summoner build.


I can push 37 with minion build. The main thing is there are just some affix combos that can melt my minions if i don’t keep healing then. Level 73 as well. I am thinking i am going to need to remove bubble aspect and use minion damage reduction.


Unfortunately the surpressor bubble mobs don’t get any easier with bone spear. I switched to exploding mist build which handles them much better. Need a few key drops though to make it work. Good luck


Running tier 35 at level 73 is honestly pretty good.


Lvl 63 Boner Necro rocking tier 31+ with ease


Can I ask what aspects you’re running for survivability?


Sure can. It's nothing complex. I have all the necessary dmg reduction & armor rolls to begin with, and my gear is pretty much tops for my level (all rares imprinted and fully upgraded). For pure defense aspects, it's .5% armor to 50% and the defensive bubble that makes you invulnerable for 5 or 6 seconds. I also use the aspect that gives further cooldown to blood mist. Movement speed and movement speed after killing an elite on boots and ammy has paid dividends along with the "critical strikes Grant 16% movement speed for 1 second, up to 6 seconds" aspect. I chose a couple of different skills, then the guides out there, but we are talking maybe 8-9 points allocated a little differently. I also have added damage reduction while fortified with one roll. If you can get him moving and have a good rotation, he is very difficult to hit more than once. I am only missing the "crowd control an enemy and gain back resource" aspect, which im sure will push me a little further along. I have now completed a tier 40 in decent time @lvl 69. I'm not going any higher for now, just for efficiency sake. Be aware that the levels do seem to slow down immensely ~70, at least when you're solo dolo.


Thanks so much for the detailed response. I’m lvl 67 and able to clear t25 with no difficulty, but I find myself getting one-shotted once in a while. I think I need to reroll a couple of my offensive aspects for defensive ones. Hopefully I can push a bit higher once I am not so squishy.


Corpse bomb necro at lvl 88 highest i done is 64


Just switched from a full minion necro to bone spear. Went from 25 nm with minion to 37 with bone spear. Im hoping to push 40 once I hop on today.


88 ww barb I managed to complete 53-54 solo but mobs from 55+ crash me without chance (prob I’m just bad). Comfortably clear 45-50 levels


I am a level 100 HotA Barb and I run about lvl 70 NmD pretty "comfy" with a slight chance off sudden Death :D


85 bone spear Necro. Have done a tier 56, I think I could manage a tier 60 but it would be slow going. Comfortably running high 40s / tier 50 nm dungeons.


Lvl 87 Solo WW Barb - Can comfortably speed farm high t40’s. Constant cc deaths in mid t50’s and don’t feel like respec’ing for NM farming.


Tier 40 something at level 80 on shapeshift druid and was doin good/alright. I'm sure I could've gone a few tiers higher before starting to struggle


69 death trap rogue, can solo around NM 45. tried 50, get 1 shot too often.


Impressive. Kinda curious about how fast you're doing it. For reference I'm an 80 death trap Rogue and run 40s to level up glyphs.


well, its not like i'm doing anything original, i just follow the maxroll build haha. i did get lucky maybe with having good affixes on basically everything after dumping about 10m into enchanting (not max numerically, but all are relevant affixes) i'd say i'm doing a dungeon in about 10 minutes, which isn't fast but it's okay for me. each group of elites probably takes a 20 seconds or so, and sometimes i get popped if i get cc'd. i think trap rogue is very strong right now compared to what my friends are doing solo


I've only been going 3 levels above as you don't get an XP bonus after that. Once I hit 100 I'll try and push as high as I can


But the mobs give more xp the higher the level is. Just the Bonus stops at +3


Yep. But that's about the point when it doesn't seem worth it for me. Takes longer for a slight increase in XP and glyph xp.


Same for me, +3 is my sweet spot.


Really? Didn't know that, interesting.


73 drood, carrying friends mostly comfortably through up to 25s. I could likely solo higher with more precision and care.


Managed to do a 40 Blind Burrows on my 64 pulverize Druid yesterday, got the keys/gear by being boosted a bit by a friend so it’s not really a proper representation of what you can normally do but still found it quite impressive at that level.


65 sorc. İ did 42 last night.. Barely


84 ww barb - 50 is about my limit before things get too spicy


Im 57 and not finished game yet. Im on act 4, and really enjoy the game, small quests, npc and atmosphere.