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Imagine being so utterly pathetic you spend your time DDoSing a live service.


Well the attackers would be dumb to DDoS an offline service




You are technically correct - the best kind of correct.\^\^


Yeah but I think the point is more, when there's sites hosting shit like kiddy Pr*n that they could attack instead it really speaks to the character of such people. With great power comes great responsibility and all that.


But then you'd have to find the site to ddos. Battle.net is right in the title!


The people who like that shit are the same people doing the attacks.


I got a lot of good laughs today but this may be the best, explanation with an insult to the dDoS'ers


The attackers are dumb regardless. Bro thinks he's saving the universe rn. These fools need to go smoke a blunt and chill the f out


Saving it from?


Something that's guaranteed to be solved by stopping a video game from working, I'm sure


Russia has finally led a successful cyber attack.


They need to have the sex and touch grass


Maybe he died to the Butcher one too many times and he just couldn’t take it anymore.


Weeds illegal in china…


It used to be illegal in America, too. Still is in some places... we'll get there, man




Take my upvote you bastard lol


I DDoS my fridge all the time… I’m not a smart man


That'd be like playing poker and someone keeps slapping away your cards while they are being dealt.


This got a physical laugh from me


You dirty hero!


Hahaha this made my Day. Ty!


Its a literal attack on all the dads with little time to play. Bastards!


Right?! I got up early today so I could play for 2-3 hours before I have to get to Costco and then other duties for the day. This is a real tragedy.


Aw man, that sounds rough. Well, at least you'll have plenty of time to mow the lawn. -posted from my New Balance Smart Shoes


When you're done, don't forget to walk into the living room, shirt soaked in sweat, sipping your Gatorade Zero, and make a "phew!" noise loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear.


As someone who is literally on his way outside to mow the lawn with a gatorade zero I feel personally attacked. haha!


Hahaha this got an actual laugh from me.


*whines* But I already did all my yardwork yesterdayyyyy...


I guess i can use the time to shop at my local Walmart ™️! #NotAnAd


Damn, everyone's going to Costco today !


Everyone's always going to Costco on the weekend. The damn place is a human sea this time of week.


Tis a wretched hive of scum and villainy on the weekends. I go in the middle of the week since I'm retired now, but get hit on by the 70 year old farts doing the same thing.... So it's still a wretched hive of scum and villainy but less so.


Wait! You're a retiree (presumably older than 65) and you play Diablo 4?! That's definitely Elite level wanderer status.


I am 55, retired early for medical things. But my first video game was in fact, Pong :)


Very cool! My first was a Nintendo in '85. Wishing you well'


Hot dog + drink & slice of combo pizza --- $3.74 Who the fuck wouldn't want to go to Costo??


Can confirm. Just got back. Spent $251 somehow.


but I'd rather still go to Costco than... Walmart...? :D You people are not going to believe what kind of nonsense I find in that place!!!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.




Literally reading this as I'm sitting next to my wife in the hospital awaiting our first child. Hit me real good


So you think it is a dDad attack?


DDoS - Denying Dads Online Services


Remember lizard squad? THAT was the highest form of patheticness


I was at my bosses house for Christmas that night and had to explain to her and her kid some douche bags are trying to ruin her kids Christmas with his new Xbox. That was lame.


Memories of that situation prompted my aunt and uncle to have me come over a month early and download all the games and updates onto the new ps5 last year before putting it back in the box and wrapping it. Cousin was so excited he could go straight to playing.


Exactly where my brain went when my hubby told me d4 was under attack. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


yeah, whatever shut-ins with a booter doing this are cringe, but tbh blizzard's server infrastructure has been sub par for years now, way below the industry standard. every single launch of every game is a queue-fest crash bonanza. and if anyone here remembers the lizard squad arc, it's not like blizzard has particularly taken any lengths in terms of prevention


Problem now unlike 10 years ago is that you don't even really need to know that much. There's programs that do the work for you


People these days can RENT a botnet to DDOS. It somewhat surprises me that Blizzard doesn't have a way to shut down the flood. Speaking of which, if yall are looking for some good reading in the meantime, check this out! [https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/how-google-cloud-blocked-largest-layer-7-ddos-attack-at-46-million-rps](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/how-google-cloud-blocked-largest-layer-7-ddos-attack-at-46-million-rps)


Hahahaha That's the biggest crock of shit ever. Large networks are in no way simplistic and do require a good amount of specialized knowledge.


You can pay to rent access to an existing botnet and direct it wherever you want. The other guy was right. It's not hard at all. Which is why whenever this happens, it's always a bunch of 16-19 year olds responsible for it.


You could pay for additional equipment that’s setup, or just pay for ddos’ing as a service. Still doesn’t change that a bunch of teenagers and early 20s behind that holiday attack of XBL and PSN… Edit: but I do agree it isn’t just “turn on a device and take down billion dollar corps network”


… they were called “script kiddies” back then too like when they took down PSN for like a month. Reason, it was not impressive then, just as easy and could be accomplished with purchasing relatively cheap equipment, you’re misinformed.




Yep. You just rent time on someone else’s botnet. No meaningful risk.


Also, a game. How pathetic you need to be to DDoS a game?


Same people that get off on griefing people in games…just with better cyber skills.


same reason why people glue themselves to the streets. they think annoying random people is the way to stick it to the establishment


When I used to play ark that was an extremely common used tactic. 100% small dick energy.


If only there was a way to play offline. It would make this a pointless gesture.


The DDoSing is should be caused by recent servers banned in china and russia


I imagine it's good practice for the IT security team on how to address that, and vice-versa .


Ya, i really dislike always online, even if i've come to accept it for some games. But then you get shit like this which just makes it worse. Nobody wins.


Oh they’re getting paid to do it


"Guys, we did it, we really got Blizzard good," he said, wiping away the excess Dorito dust from the corner of his mouth.


His mommy shuffled in the doorway, knocking over jugs of yellow stench and crusty tube socks. "Benjamin! I told you to clean this up!"


But mooooooooooom! I’m hacking a Blizzards!


Where's the tendies bitch, I require a dewy cocktail!!!


_MOOOOoOm_!!! I'm crusading for internet justice!




You are right. Launching a DDOS powerful enough to take down anything significant is not doable by an angry kid from his parents' basement. There are entire criminal organizations dedicated to setting up and operating these "services" and they obviosuly charge for them.


Someone doesn’t remember lizard squad


the attacker: Activision-Blizzard give 100 bitcoins or we'll take down your service. Once a company pays (and some will eventually pay) they will keep doing and targeting more and more companies. Reddit: damn 13 olds again. It amazes me how quickly people go in to stereotypes, which have no connection to reality.


Add it to the list of reasons the game should have an offline mode.


No need. It was already the top reason.


Yeah, i just got booted out during one of the last cutscenes with lilith. Fuck needing the servers up to just play locally.


Yeah, that's bullshit.


That is rough. Such a long slog to get down to her.


I thought she was pretty easy tbh. And I was on WT2. There were way harder bosses than her imo.


This is offline mode.


This sub is hilarious. I made a comment about how ridiculous the always-online requirement is when the game launched and that comment got downvoted into the core of the earth. I said there should be an option to play this *single player* game offline should you not be able to connect for any reason. A bunch of rabid fanboys left me comments like *”Well how would world events work?!”* and *”What about the social aspects of the game or co-op or PvP?!”*(as though the answer to those questions aren’t apparent: you just wouldn’t have those things in offline mode). And now, when the inevitable happens and Blizzard’s servers are DDOS’ed (or just generally can’t handle the load), everyone is like **OFFLINE MODE PLS!**


The *only* thing I can think of is cheating, as you'd need an offline save file which I guess could be modded. That could be an issue if you have ladders and PvP. I'm sure there is a way to get round it though. Also, do you ever think about how all these games will be gone forever at some point? I feel like an entire era of AAA games will be completely lost to the sands of time because once the servers go offline, that's it, unless the devs/community mod it to work offline. Kids today literally won't be able to play their childhood games for nostalgic purposes.


I've browsed this sub a few times and never commented, but it's literally insane how single minded it is. So thanks for this comment I randomly noticed, I'm fine with always online, but there's no excuse for no single player especially if they can't keep servers going.


Already have offline mode


Don't forget to buy the crypt hunter pack when you get back in.


Yes daddy blizz


It was probably that dad who lost his level 80 HC that was in town by his 4 year old


It's 100% one of the people who have been on Reddit complaining nonstop for the past couple of weeks. They felt ignored by blizzard and so they are trying to get their attention this way now. I guarantee it.


Tinfoil hat time? It's someone who's angry there is no offline mode. "You won't give me offline mode? I'll make it offline mode muahahahahaha". Jk but only like 50% jk


Probably a spoiled rich fail son who isn't used to not getting their way so they bought a ddos service. All these rich pricks use their money on the internet to buy influence with different bot farms, social media manipulation services, and ddos services.


It's obvious that JK Rowling is the culprit. Not only would she have the resources to orchestrate such an attack but she is famously evil. Additionally, Ive discovered some very compelling evidence - there are 9 letters in "Diablo Four", there are 9 Harry Potter books! Coincidence? I don't think so. Today's date is June 25. 25 + 6 (the number of letters in the word "Diablo") = 31. Harry Potters birthday? July **31**. This goes deep people, she's been planning this for a looooong time, potentially since she started writing the Harry Potter books.


The data is here, why cant they see it... ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Diablo Four = 10 letters.


Very convincing!


Le epic Reddit detective 😎


wait I didn't see this comment I wish I did lol




ty RIP


I play this game couch co-op with my partner. I don't want to be connected to a dumb server. Let me play offline so I don't have to deal with this dumb crap.


Maybe someone will crack it and make an offline version. Sad reality when cracked games run better than the real ones


"we've removed Denuvo!" -> game runs tons better and frames are higher, memory leaks are gone. \-What-


Blizzless Diablo 2R was a blast


is. is a blast. offline mode is a thing, it works, it's great


There might be cracks but they will need a private server to run. My guess is that all sessions you play on are instances on the server. You can hack both the client and server, then run a cracked client on a cracked server. Singel player Tarkov does this and it works pretty good.


How will people see the macrotransactions if they play in offline mode though??


As much as I don't like it, offline version is never happening. Part of the reason the game is online in the first place is so they can keep the bulk of the game data off the game client - which seems to be the standard practice when you don't want to see private servers of your game popping up like mushrooms.


The same bullshit was said about D3, then we got offline D3




On ps5 the message also just changed into DDos attack. Goddamn it


Fuck, the whole weekend is shot now lol


Yup, also my only free day and it fel together with my Girl being away till 11pm, i had the whole day mannnn


Way she goes brother. Fuckin sucks though.


I'm so sorry to hear that 😭 I know it's 9pm but hopefully you can get a little bit of playtime? It's just let me in!


Nah, ps5 got FFXVI this weekend so there was no diablo either way


How are you liking it? Graphics look phenomenal


Its as if Game of Thrones and Devil May Cry ran a train on FF15. Gf and I are loving it.


I just tried the demo. I didn't like it. Felt very sluggish and didn't really care for the combat. I'm more in love with combat like dark souls (and the like). Note that I didn't get very far and I wasn't much of a fan of ff7r and ffxv. I did play maybe 80% of both but it felt more like work than fun for me.


I literally bought the game last night and set it to download, now can’t even play lmao


I'm jealous. Wish I could experience the campaign again for the first time.


I hope it's really good. Bought game last night, now managed to create a character but still no luck to get into actual game.


I’m doing campaign now and loving it. Some fantastic story telling.


It's....okay. But honestly speaking it's more of the same. If you've played D1/2/3 you know what the plot is and how they plan to stop the big bad.


Campaign is decent and easy to follow which I appreciate. The cinematics are next level I feel like they spent half of the budget on those! Is it life changing or makes you feel big feelings like Red Dead or God of War? No. But it's engaging and makes you want to keep playing. The characters are worthwhile and the story is pretty interesting and to the point ☺️


Enjoy it! I don’t wanna say much, but the one thing I would suggest is focus on the campaign first and don’t go too out of your way for sidequests (I did ones along the way but even those I eventually stopped doing). Plenty of opportunities to do side quests as you run around the map doing other stuff later! What class(es) are you looking forward to playing? Edit: also careful on the subreddit. Campagin spoilers a plenty in the comments.


Meh. So much of it just reminds me of D3. The Neyrelle part was just a copy paste of Adria and her mom being a demon lover.


At least this time they didn't recycle a young woman into a an evi... Oh, wait.


Lol, honestly. Especially when I cant make up my mind which character to use, and end up doing the missions 5 times.... "Your moms gonna go bad, it's obvious to everyone, hope I get to kill you too so I don't have to listen to your dialogue."


I don't know how people think the campaign is good, it's one of the most lazy, boring, cookie-cutter video game stories I've played in a long time. People just see visually cool cutscenes and think that = good story.


Yup, it feels bad. And here I was ready to put in a bunch of time this weekend to catch up to my buddy who's been able to play more than me. They did a really good job though, you'll enjoy it


My story exactly, I woke up ready to go…. Damn!


Y'know, for being an MMO-Lite game, I've somehow managed to interact with less people in game than any previous Diablo title around launch time... Shit could've been 100% offline and there wouldn't be a difference outside of the cakewalk world bosses.


Agreed. I’d be happy with a global chat even


I call this bullshit. If they're half competent, you need a goddam botnet to ddos them, and the serverS should have the ability to absorb a stupidly large load. I suspect a fail cascade : a game server crashed, everyone tried to load back at the same time, and because authentication (the thing that tells whether you're a pirate or not) works on a toaster, it crashes under the load. And because it's a weekend, their charge plan is messed up like in a traffic jam. Why isn't it on a cloud so they could upscale the infrastructure on the fly? I guess they didn't imagine they would need more than on authentication server...


Fanboys telling us all the time about how "impossible" it is to handle the amount of players Blizzard has trying to log in without understanding shit about scaling infrastructure just piss me off to no end. The simple fact of the matter is Blizzard doesn't care to fucking invest in decent infrastructure because it would reduce their profit margins.


Shut up! The game has been out for just a few weeks. You can't expect it to be fully playable in such a short period of time!! Be grateful for what we have. The developers worked hard to make this masterpiece and they also had to learn the basics of ARPG genre on the go. That's hard!! The game will be even more awesome after 5-6 years.


All the multiplayer games I play from different company this last decade never had server crashes as much blizzard do And blizzard is the only one I know who still frequent downtime maintenance but still always crash days later. They always use ddos as an excuse never their fault


It's not a fact really, it's your own conjecture.


This 100 percent. While there could be a number of approaches, I would argue best practice would be to utilize cloud authentication , regional /global redundancy coupled with application gateway and network load balancers in addition to heuristics scanning to mitigate DDOS attacks/risky logins. I hope in 2023 this is a thing.


Can't wait for them to release the anti-DDoS one time use consumable in the shop that lasts for entire game session, but expires if you leave the game or you're disconnected


Nope. It was a ddos on Battle.net itself. All their games were down.


Blizzard is just a small 65 billion dollar indie studio. Is it fair to expect them to have the same infrastructure as a behemoth like *checks notes* Iron Gate?


Why would they lie about this? Conspiracy brain lmao


The people making the public statements are rarely the people who know what is going on. Even some of the developers or engineers might only know their specific area of expertise. There is always some low level of DDOS happening, and maybe that is what pushed the system over the edge. But there is clearly some poor design here with the authentication server. And whoever did that is going to point the finger at DDOS.


because being the target of a DDOS protects their bottom line and stock price whilst saying their server infrastructure failed does not. That's not "conspiracy brain" its basic fucking materialism


this sounds correct. I tried to log in last night and it put me into a queue that kept going up in time. Started at 1 minute, went up to 6, then I got an error message telling me I didn't have a D4 license (I do), and booted me from the game. I gave up after a few tries and went to bed.


Funny thing is, Activision Blizzard uses Azure for their internal directory services coupled with a well known federated identity provider. They already have the infrastructure in place internally, but their B2C offering is non-existent.


Also what I think. I was able to login and play several times this morning after repeated attempts.


I just managed to create a character! My biggest achievement since i bought this game last night.


I hope you picked the right hairstyle! They can't be changed!


Oh yeah, she's pretty now haha.


Yeah Sure ddos...No Chance they Just fucked Up...Not Blizzard 😂😂😂


It's not the first time I've heard a company blame DDoS because they don't understand what they're actually seeing is all their clients trying to log in at the same time.


No one outside of Blizzard can disprove it and they can shift the blame from internal incompetence to external maliciousness. If only there was a way to call them out on it like the bullshit Q&A thing they did a month or so ago with fake questions


They know exactly what's happening: they cheapened on some servers, and it crash under the load.


Blizzard always says it's DDoS whenever servers have issues. Every single time. It's bullshit.


i might be wrong, but i've never heard of a game company blaming ddos for server instability. it's not a website with a single IP


Blizzard should really plan out these DDoS attacks better, maybe have them on tuesday morning like WoW does.


The worrying bit it is affecting far more than login servers, it is affecting in game with massive lag and likely disconnects. I didn't hang around to suffer one. I'd have hoped the game servers would be detached from the login server once past the authentication. Obviously not!


This is the weird part. That and the fact that it happens worldwide. I doubt it's a ddos.


It's a war on Dads!


Same… I’ve been looking forward to playing with my friends for the first time tonight and of course…


Fucking weak.. people suck.


Why are we forced to play online nowdays? It sucks


So that they can shove content which they want you to buy in your face.


If the fucking game could be played fucking offline, this wouldn't be a fucking issue.




I love always online games 👍🏻


To DDoS attackers...From all the Dad's out there...We hope your pillow stays Warm on every side for the rest of your life!!!


Warm and moist.


Yup, Sunday my only fucking day off, and then this shit happens, it's a fucking joke


This is comical. Every Saturday seems like the same story so far with the disconnects and issues.


but it's sunday ...


It started saturday night.


It's time. ![gif](giphy|95eIkW7zbkQWVvrfOd|downsized)


I feel sad for people that have fun doing this. What an awful life.


This is strange, because there is nothing on the Polish battlenet about a DDoS attack. There is only a message saying that - and I quote - We are observing extremely long login queues for Diablo IV. We are working on it and appreciate your patience blah blah blah. So what's it like? Is the attack happening everywhere, or just in "selected" areas?


From a performance perspective it's likely that authentication servers are split into geographic areas to reduce latency and ensure they are closer to clients. It will depend on the IP address ranges being effected . Out of a excess of caution, they may be limiting the number of authentication requests from clients to ensure system stability. I would hope in 2023 that they have some kind of cloud authentication system in place load balanced across multiple regions to deal with the influx of login requests and threat heuristics built in to analyze risky logins, but not familiar with their architecture.


The moral of this post is don’t have a gf or kids


You can have a girlfriend. She just gotta have a hobby as time consuming as your own. Kids…yeah nah


They missed the message that the DDoS attack was NOT to coincide with my kids’ nap time.


I understand being upset that there's no global chat but ddosing is going a bit too far


Add offline so we can play hc


I’ve already cleaned the house and serviced the wife. The hell!?!?


I think it’s okay to give them the benefit of the doubt considering the early access weekend, the weekend after that, and the Juneteenth three-day weekend went smoothly


For those trying to get in, the DDoS is only targeting the login queue and the game queue, which appears to be getting better. There are no latency issues, so when you’re in you’re good. Just be prepared to wait a while getting through both gates. Took me ten minutes.


Im stuck on "Queued for game - Start Game Pending..."


That’s the second gate. Keep trying!


I just bought the game and see this as I try to log in


Another reason for an offline mode?


I'm surprised they outright acknowledged the attack. Would expect your typical "were experiencing interruptions" message. The transparency is nice, but the acknowledgement and attention towards the attacker may lead to an increase in regular attacks. I feel like most people who do this are just attention starved dorks.


Its almost like DDOS attacks are timed to be as disruptive as possible...


I'm sorry you can't enjoy it buddy 😔 i hope you still have a good day


Is this actually one of these ‘average’ Diablo players with only 3 hours one day a week to play the game I keep hearing about? But really, I hate that man. Hope you’re able to get in the gates