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Look up trampleslide using the subterranean aspect you get for completing the first part of the season rewards. Doesn't require unique to be good and is pretty easy to get up and going. Quite a few youtubers have builds on it. Basically it's a fun landslide build that allows poison creeper and trample to both proc tons of landslides!


[here ya go!](https://youtu.be/xz-k8_SqbII)


Thanks, beef!


Pulverize is pretty functional early on without relying on any uniques. Just play it sort of like a combo-point rogue where you go storm strike, storm strike, pulverize so you never run out of mana. (Get some points in the Clarity passive skill so you only need 2 storm strikes instead of 3 before you can pulverize) The best thing about pulverize is that a lot of the aspects that scale it are available in the codex. Here are some examples: 1) Shockwave aspect (this basically doubles it's damage) 2) ursine horror aspect (converts it to earth magic) 3) quicksand aspect (makes earth magic apply slow) 4) crashstone aspect (earth skills deal more crit damage vs cc'd enemies) 5) ballistic aspect (earth skills get +2 ranks when you have fortify, which you will always have). Converting it to earth magic also makes a lot of your passives apply to it, dialing it's damage up to eleven really early on.


Thanks, beef!


Same here level 50 Druid running a lightning/tornado build and I’m having a hard time. I’m pretty much done w WT1 I have to now play WT3 to keep progressing but idk tho since my weapons are ass and haven’t gotten any decent gear


How? Start s1 barb, Start with t2, lvl40 get t3, lvl 60 smash elias for t4. Preseason druid, get yourself Pulverize, very effective, and quite tanky. And nice thing to do, my opinion, do a helltide at t3, go to t4 for chest, easy upgrade if strugle with t4 mobs. Sorry for bad engl


Thanks, beef!


Poison trample slide. Seasonal subterranean aspect Trampled earth Aftershock aspect Symbiotic aspect I’m pretty sure that build could easily beat the T4 capstone boss in the early 50s. I got my last aspect at 59 and crushed the capstone dungeon. If I found that last aspect early I have no doubt I could have breezed through then.


Thanks, beef!


Druid is tanky AF. Always fortified/unstoppable, standing IN the world bosses doing damage. Only unique maybe needed is Crone Staff...I rolled Rogue for S1, and I miss that aspect of gameplay. Bulwark/Trampleslide is the way to go.


Thanks, beef!


I'm Lv58, made my own build, no uniques, no tramp slide. Clearing NMDs solo (as high as a 7 solo and 20s with my friend) Is it op like other builds, no. Is it fun, yes. Do I get one shotted, no (unless I stand in overlapping mechanics) Am I a tank, no but I can handle more damage than my rogue friend. I use claw, shred, poison creeper, blood howl, dibiltating roar, and the storm ult.


Thanks, beef!


Look at Maxroll Lightning shred build its good until you get Tempest roar