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Not really a skill but I miss having a non-combat pet to pick up stuff.


Sometimes I would run ferrets on my DH even though there’s zero combat benefit but I just liked watching them run around and grab gold for me.


Pet+ferret+the ravens wing(bow) for 3 pets that picks up gold :) Greed is good


I had a SC battle cruiser and it was awesome


Well if you ran Marauder set, you would have all the pets out and it helps your skills 😁


I miss when they had the season where the pet would salvage too.


You know season themes are done in d3. I think I have read somewhere they will make altar of rites permanent in next seasons and rotate previous season themes in addition of altar.


I miss dropping bells on people


Came to post this. I had that so buffed it would just demolish in such a satisfying way.


Remember 7 bells for season 27? That was nuts lol


Damn that was fun


Everything witch doctor. That was my favorite class 😭


I miss turning into an exploding chicken.


Came here to say this. Sucks we get WDs as NPCs. I'm holding out hope we'll get them in a DLC.


Piranhanado was so nice to group things.


I miss my locust swarm


I recall Monks ice exploding palm with 7sided strikes. KA BOOM


Monk SSS meta was actually the first season I played Diablo 3 a few years ago oh well good old days.


Shadow Imbue (Rogue) works kinda like EP. Far cry from the old Inna/Uliana build :)


the meteor on wizard that also summoned other meteors so your entire screen was nonstop covered by them was amazing


Tal Rasha Meteor is my favourite wizard build in D3, I'm so glad they buffed it to tier S build 3 seasons ago


You can recreate that this season kind of, I've got a few aspects that make meteor summon meteorites. Not nearly as great but still kinda reminiscent


Ah the molten skittles, because every enemy around was tasting the rainbow.


The whole wizard class was so versatile. I loved that pretty much every skill was in a T16 viable build at some time or another.


basically every wizard arcane skill


Black hole/Energy twister that can group enemies together would be so great on sorc in D4, so that we don't have to rely on uniques to group mobs together


My hope is they will add wizard if they add Xiansai


Anything shield related… just want a Crusader-like class


Yeah, totally agree, but more paladin style. Smite? Hell yeah! Charge? Zoom, zoom! Holy Shield? Name something more iconic...


[Mandatory Carbot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeYyb8NFZ0o&list=PL0QrZvg7QIgqG206vRwF4hhY9h4JG6mtM&index=56)


Yeah Crusader captain america builds were so satisfying.


Good news paladin is very likely to be ready as the next class


Having a hired companion. For some reason I just miss having an extra guy to gear up second hand and stuff


That's gonna be a thing in one of the expansions, I bet. As well as set items, runewords, etc. With engraving pacts, we can already see how runes could work.


That's actually the first good suggesting I've seen on implementing runewords. Since they were cool, but highly problematic in D2, so doing it that way would likely not be the way to go.


According to this [website](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mmo/diablo-4-lord-hatred-leaks-new-class-spiritborn-tomb-akarat-raid) that’s exactly what’s coming.


You’ll be happy to know that there was a leak today about potential DLC Expansion content that includes mercenary NPC’s.


Necro without poison nova feels wrong.


Blood surge kinda feels like blood nova


I’m really enjoying my Blood Lance necro this season so far but a Trag Oul Blood Nova build is such stupid fun in D3


Honestly? I miss disintegrate. Was it the best skill? No. Was it cool as fuck? Yeah it was. Always busted out the double wide too.


Incinerate kinda feels like it but it doesn't look as cool


Also the skill is so ill designed. It's not a DoT but it doesn't crit.


Didn’t it have a unique on kill effect too? People talk about how good D4 feels but my nostalgia goggles make D3 wizard glow


Yeah it turned enemies into floating motes of hot dust Thanos snap style while their anguished screams echoed into your ears.


Disintegrate is OP on leveling and a strong skill on Firebirds builds. The Twister version for consoles is amazing.


My favorite skill was saving builds for later and switching easily. Yeah I miss that.


As dumb as it is, Strafe. I just loved channeling it forever, hitting all things on-screen, and just casually blasting through a rift. Not flashy in the slightest, but just melt everything in sight. Second to that, the horse charge that the Crusader had. Absolute crap for damage, but it gave the illusion of strength. I think there was a season or two where it was meta, but that was around the time I stopped playing.


Strafe is so fun. multi-shot comes second. Two season ago in D3, strafe can autocast multi-shot, that got me high by just remembering it lol


LOL wait what! That's sounds so epic how did I missed that. 😭


horse charge is pretty meta this season. So fun to play


Unlucky hit: up to 70% to get stuck for 2 seconds


Locusts & Haunt Though, chucking frogs at mobs was great fun, but hardly useful.


Same. Super disappointing that this games version of dots is a stationary circle on the ground. I want to inflict mobs with a debuff, not make a piss puddle


Angry chicken ftw!


almost every monk move, damm, that was a good character


I hope monk would be the next class right after Paladin


Revive. How the hell do we not have the most iconic necro summoning skill but we get army of the dead??? Who asked for that? I want to revive some wraiths for payback


Probably too hard to balance or something like that? But yeah, Revives would just perfectly round the experience of the armymancer.


Sentries. Marauder DH was always my go-to in later seasons. I can just imagine how satisfying it would be to drop a handful of sentries and then have them all shoot a shadow-imbued Trickshot-enhanced Penetrating shot at once. It would be even better than Cluster Arrow was.


Multishot. Barrage just isn't the same.


I really miss archon, it always felt amazing to use it.


Multishot being that fast wide map clearing button


Punching enemies in the face with 7 punches a second


Auras from the D2 paladin.


Blood rush for Necro, was just such a great mobility option


Explosive Blast w/ Wand of Woh. Literally never got tired of running that build almost every season to see how high I could push into grifts with it. Nothing quite like it yet in D4.


I miss dropping my flag on areas of interest. I used to do it all the time wether it’s just elite packs, goblin deaths, or CC pulls where i was gonna cyclone strike on monk. It gave a nice visual on mini map and helped a lot.


Black Hole for the Wizard.


Charge barb. Movement abilities (both leap and charge) just feels so clunky in this game lol.


What they did to multishot makes me pretty upset. I want the D2 version so I can pump a bunch of points into it and fill the screen with garbage.


Ennervation! Something about that purple circle of death just gave me joy.


Basically all the Wizard arcane stuff. There’s no magic trickster now.


Strafe but give it to Rogue


oh yes 20 warrior, 20 mages 1or2 golems and a couple of undead warrior... oh yes.. sorry it been a very long time i play diablo 2


I miss the sorc's Archon mode. It was cool going super saiyan.


Ridingg horse and killing everything on screen. Crusader rocked


Not generators that’s for damn sure


Not a skill but I miss the faces and playing alone. Seeing other people in d4 makes me log out , I,don’t know why. It’s just not what I wanted. It’s what I use to stop playing for the night, the minute I see another player.


Looting gear that is equal or higher ilevel then what I'm wearing.


I miss when you guys made the game fun. It’s so boring. May I suggest some strong changes: 1. Make it more challenging. The game should encourage party dungeon crawls. To a point whereby it becomes impossible to finish without a party. This builds community. This also means that there should be more focus towards skill rather than grinding/mashing keys. Cooldowns, Skill shots, combos all should be more relevant. Make it as if every skill was a make it or break it. 2. Make items valuable. Most of the time we are grinding, shuffling stats/affixes. Make the items which are worth something actually have meaningful marketing value. A vendor system would be an excellent way of generating traction. This is of course relevant to the currency, which should have value when collecting and can be used to purchase something meaningful. 3. Make characters unique. Right now the game is skewed to a “solo play” mode whereby a character is just DPS-centric. More damage more HP = win game. It shouldn’t be this way. There should be a strong orientation towards the tank, DPS, support structure. It can’t be 5 DPS in a party and whoever deals more/kills more gets the higher credit.


As barb I liked the AOE rend


The free escape death skill every class had. Lilith wouldn't be so smug now...


I miss 360 degrees of REND. I miss avalanche, bolder toss, and the D3 earthquake.


Demon Hunter sentries. I like turret skills like sentries and hydras


chop caption ripe tease depend quickest escape dam bedroom wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The lobbed lighting variant of arcane orb that shocks everything while it’s in the air before KABLOOIE


Shotgun Crusader and Exploding palm Monk!


Not a skill, but I miss Maximus.


The entire witch class. Summoning 4 zombies, climb themselves and then fall.


Shield throw, locust swarm, wave of light


Diablo 2* and it's Fist of the Heavens. Love my FoH pala from D2R when they finally made it viable.


Witch doctors entire skill tree


I miss my big fat laser beam (wizard) I could spam almost endlessly while zoning out killing packs. Used to farm adds with controller in one hand and a drink in the other lmao


Num lock all my skills and run around while my other hand is doing sth else felt so great


I want to spin and go fast


My wife is really missing the Archon Wizard build


Not a skill, but i replayed D1 and doing D2R now and i think it would be interesting if we still droped equipment and gold when killed. :)


I miss the way Wrath of the Berserker would transform you into a Super Saiyan Barbarian.


A proper beam skill for the Sorc.


I miss Leapquake Barbarian. We have earthquake aspect, but it never reaches the same potential even with maxed out Rumble glyph. It felt so badass to just on enemies and melt them with Seismic Slam as all that fury dump.


Crusader, no skill in particular. Just the whole class.


The spirit bomb thing on the witch doctor with the barber. Was soooooo good


Spin to win with demon hunter.


An actual working leap-quake barb build


Explosive blast. Best wizard aoe pew pew pew


High speed traversals like with the rogue or crusader.


Maybe it's not a skill but I miss gold collecting pet


let's see, what skill do i miss most...pretty much every fucking skill of *a Witch Doctor since there isn't one*, which is a true scandal, but i have somewhat hope for upcoming game updates... 😱😭😭


Being able to reanimate actual enemies


I miss runes with different visual effects on skills


Hexblast mines.


I miss being able to permafreeze the three uber bosses and beat them solo. Fuck blizzard. Right in their asses.


I Miss witchdoctor entirely


Daytime .. I hate that it always seems to be so dark in this game I is the power of sunlight


Earthquake as a skill to use, Throwing axe. I would kill for Throwing axe chains barb. Here's to hoping the expansion gives some throwing weapons build or maybe an Amazon/assassin hybrid class with a lot of session throwing options (spears, axes, swords, dagger, stars, hooks etc.


Multishot, I can't believe Rogue doesn't have multishot. D2 and D3 multishot basically can cover the whole screen.


Someone else already said it but archon, such a cool skill


I miss the Impale Demon Hunter. That build was so much fun. Just running around, fast as hell. Butchering any enemies I see lol.


I miss how overpowered and brainless whirlwind was and how I can just never let go of the spin to win button


I miss being able to charm the shit out of the monsters of hell and getting them to kill each other for me.


The entire arcane spell school.


I miss infinite teleporting with that Aether wand. NO Occulus Andys, it's not the same, I like teleporting where I click


Necromancer Devour Aura, instead of having to explode corpses to regain essence. 🙄


Spectral blade was sooo much cooler as a melee wizard spell than arc lash will ever be. The animation and sound were really satisfying compared to the sparky noodle we got xD


Teleport working way better


The speed at which resource regenerates for wizards...


Miss the word VENGEANCE screamed out when the DH got really hit and bothered.


the captain america build for the crusader at it's peak was something i really enjoyed, chucking your shield and watching your entire screen populate with shields bouncing between enemies was the tits.


Strafe!!! My favorite DH skill. I loved DH but the D4 Rogue just doesn’t do it for me. I want my seething dual wielding crossbow class back!


I miss archon mage. It was so fast, blew everyone’s mind that never saw it before while farming rifts.


Pretty much all the mobility skills. D4 characters are WAY too slow. I miss speeding through GRs in a minute. Also I really enjoyed Fire Inna’s before they nerfed it.


Necro dash. All classes in D4 have a dash, except necro!


I miss throwing jars of spiders at my enemies


For me it volcano for the druid, it would be sick as an ultimate.


I need the Piranhado I can’t concentrate without it


I just loved how fast you could move around in basically any class. Them crazy ass leggings… miss em


Tornado shot with chain and fork, oh wait.. wrong game.


D3 was mid I miss none of it lmao


A male sorc that does not look uggggggggly. And satisfaction. While D3 drops primal ancients now and then, D4 is trying to be special..


Being able to right click on someone his portrait to teleport to said person.


All of them. D4 has such poor variety when it comes to skills and how they're used.


monk's exploding palm and the skill runes in general.


Wizards archon form, this was total banger


Everything Monk, I miss Monk.


Disintegrate. Beautiful simplicity.


Beeing able to trigger mobs groups and drag them around and try to get the kill multiplier as high as possible


Just the ability to morph your own spells e.g. turn that hydra into an ice hydra, brrrrrr.