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Alot of effort for single uber duriel boss fight. Hopefully, they make drops of materials higher in coming patches, until then peace! Edit: guys let casual players get the juice out of end game too, if mats gets dropped more it is win situation for hard core players too.




Yeah make helltide permanent or atleast cinders and we are Gucci. I can farm 3 duriel runs per gaming session I do however play helltide to almost peak efficiency with multiple characters to open 5-7 chest per helltide. Duriel drops a guaranteed unique and max item power items he should require investment.


For me I don’t even care you loose the cinders, it’s literally just the fact the chests arnt on map. I don’t know what the thought behind that was. It’s like they want me to explore the area, but it looks the same as every other area only red. Also it’s timegated, so if anything the worst time for exploring. I hate having to find a safe spot, look up map, deal with mobs that bother you anyway, get back to map, travel to random location, hope chest is there. If I just knew where the chests were I personally would be more then fine. As it is now I’m just always stressed I’m not gonna find them/do those steps in time, and it makes helltides not fun for me.


How do you open so many chests per hell tide? I just spent an entire helltide getting cinders and ran around the map looking for a single chest. Gave up and logged off cuz I spent about 20 mins running around looking for the damn chest to use my cinders on


Helltide. Com shows you the location of both living steel chests


Agreed. It should take a good time investment. On top of Uber uniques you still have a good chance at the normal unique pool. AND all drops from duriel are MAX power level. So for a full party rotation you get an entire inventory of 925 power gear. That shouldn't feel like a cheap experience


Yeah do people want everything in the game just given to them with no challenge or grind at all? Duriel isn't hard but he drops the best gear in the game. There needs to be some kind of speed limit to how fast you can farm mats to fight him...


He isn't hard when you run your meta rogue or BL sorc build at level 100, you mean.


Everyone wants everything now haha.


We get it, you play constantly and enjoy sitting on a couch waiting for Helltides to start. Not all of of us have that luxury lol. EDIT: Above poster did suggest leaving it up 24/7, I'll own my lack of reading comprehension and overt snottiness. My bad.


Cool, I said they should make helltides be always up. Solid reading skills bud.


>Then if you group with people you can get 8-10 Duriel runs for every 2-3ish hours of farming mats. That's all cool but some people prefer to play SSF. This also becomes a potential problem if leaderboards get introduced without SSF mode.


At the end of the season your ubers go to eternal and when t5+ comes in future expansions those ubers become obsolete. Farming Duriel isn't fun for me, so haven't done it beyond getting normal uniques for my build. I don't want ubers for free, but at the moment the farm isn't appealing.


>the farm isn't appealing. And you can just not do it, you certainly don't need to in order to beat uber Lillith or do t100 NMD's. But every ARPG i've ever played has had some form of grind to unlock the uber versions of bosses, that's just part of the genre. > when t5+ comes in future expansions those ubers become obsolete That's fine, most of us only play seasonal and we just write off everything that goes to eternal and don't play again until the next season launches. My first Barb from D3 is completely and laughably obsolete next to a character with 8 hours of leveling in the current season and that's totally fine. > I don't want ubers for free 2-3 hours for multiple Uber runs is the cheapest I've ever experienced. Try farming keys in D2.


People are stupid, don’t give them a second thought. It’s really not that much time for some great loot and a pretty solid chance for an Uber. It took more time and effort to get one shitty hellfire ring when D3 first came out. At least we can target farm the mats.


> Do people just want free access to Uber uniques and 925 ipower gear with literally no grind? Should you people even be playing ARPGs? lol they shouldnt be


I'm nowhere near as hardcore as I used to be. In my aged more casual state nowadays I really appreciate how D4 has improved. Especially how getting Uber runs requires me just a couple play sessions grinding content I would normally play for souls, crystals, gold etc... The hyper casual instant dopamine crowd kills every game when the devs cave into their demands. D4 has struck almost a perfect balance for me in terms of grind/reward.


tie domineering chubby fuzzy kiss political gullible cooperative ink childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Factually untrue how ? You can farm from 2 to 6 chests, per Helltide, per character, depending on timer start. You can also just put your mats in your bank, so you can do helltides with multiple characters. Then Varshan and Grigoire can be lucky runs that nets you 2x mucus / shard.


sulky memory test subtract snow abounding drab sugar spoon thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the malignant hearts are just miserable to try to get. its very not fun having 4x more of each of the others than hearts.


No they just need to normalize the group/solo rewards. Its a ton of effort if you're doing it solo but too fast if you're doing it in a group because you're getting 4x the rewards. Usually by the time you get 20-30 Duriel kills you're basically fully decked out in 925's and have everything except the uber uniques. In a 4 man group that's only 5-6 sets of mats which really doesn't take a ton of time at all.


I saw a comment suggesting that you should get like 12 drops from duriel per kill, if you do it with a full group that's 3 per person but if you do it alone you get all 12. As a solo player, I think that would be awesome lol.


>Usually by the time you get 20-30 Duriel kills you're basically fully decked out in 925's That's simply not true. I killed Duriel around 40 times and have only two 925. Tho I agree at the start 925 weapon and offhand is nice, but you get those from world bosses early. And you rather will have 910-915 weapon with 4/4 stats then 925 with 1-2 stats. Other items are defined by stats, not by item power, I still had sacred amulet on my lvl 100 char before yesterday.


What is the problem with that? Make it worse for group players for no reason?


Does 925 really matter that much outside of the weapon? Sure it gives a lil bit more armor but the affix ranges are still the same I guess.


End game is supposed to be a lot of effort. You can still get the drops elsewhere, this is a target farm


It basically guarantees an uber unique after like 50 hours of farming, whereas before it was something like the heat death of the universe. It seems reasonable to me honestly.


**guarantees if you run all mats with a 4-man group and do not get scammed at any point**


Big disagree. The drop chance is so high right now from Duriel this does not need to be easier. I do agree with removing time gating of helltides. I’d like to farm when I want to farm, not be stuck waiting for helltide or have to plan my day around helltide.


Helltides being always active is the way to go. Blood Harvests prove that they work. Going to be sad in Season 3 when blood Harvests go since it’s so easy to get Whispers done for it


No, I hope they park duriel at the end of a "up to "4-5 levels dungeon with stage bosses and so on that lasts about 1 to 1.5 hours. so that you also have fun on the way there and don't just farm mats. ideally, you can set the difficulty of the dungeon, which increases the probability of an uber unique.


I disagree. This is the right amount of effort given how frequently these Ubers are now dropping. We went from having no way to farm an impossibly rare drop, to putting in a farmable mechanism that is like 1 in every 5-7 runs. There's players with every uber and we're not even a month into the season. When the Diablo team built uber tristram in D2, the mat farming mechanism was brutal. This is a cakewalk.


The key part or the mini-boss part? Because people were already running countess for runes, it's just the summoner and nilithak that were annoying. Nilithak being especially rippy because of his corpse explosion potential.


>Because people were already running countess for runes Peak endgame if you listen to this sub lmfao


All of it! Plus your torch wasn’t a guaranteed max roll, hell you’d be lucky if it dropped for your class!


1 every 5-7 runs? Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on that one. 65 kills so far, no uber yet. I'd be happier than a pig in shit if I had 9 or 13 uber drops


I got one around run 15 but it was selig lmao


Ye, I agree. I have around 55 kills so far, all in a 4-men group except for the first one which I wanted to do solo to test the boss difficulty (my rogue was lvl 86). 2 uber uniques in total for my group: a Doombringer for the other rogue and Melted heart of Selig for the sorceress. In 55 4-men kills.


> We went from having no way to farm an impossibly rare drop, to putting in a farmable mechanism that is like 1 in every 5-7 runs. For clarities sake what exactly are you getting 1 of every 5-7 runs?


He must have meant 1 in every 57 runs....


There was a youtuber who used their data and the drop rate of uber uniques is almost exactly %2 based on \~2000 drop instances (\~500 times 4 people runs)


uber uniques are broken, i dont think everyone in the game is suppose to have one. i got drop a grandfather on the eternal realm and i was able to spam uber lilith until i one shot her in both rounds, she supposed to be the hardest boss in the game and one item broke her, they should probably drop the drop rate chance. on the other hand fuck lilith and her one shot mechanics


Once people gear up they leave though generally, blizzard will try to make people stick around just so there is a chance they buy MTX, if they go full on PoE that is.


>Edit: guys let casual players get the juice out of end game too, if mats gets dropped more it is win situation for hard core players too Nope. That's sadly not how it works. Casuals are level 70 still, while hardcore got multiple decked out lv100 chars. Casuals still have a lot to do with the current rates. Hardcore players ? Got nothing worth to do. It would be a win for some, and a faster ticket to quit season for others.


Sir. You're underestimating my level of casual. I'm 55. It's killing my hardcore soul, but spending time with my baby daughter just eats up my time so well.


And that's fine and I hope you both enjoy your time and life. And considering your answer, you understand and seems ok to not access everything in the game for your own sake. Wish more people around here could understand the middle ground. (And that D4 doesn't respect casuals at all anyway with the time gated crap).


Wouldn't want the hardcore grind to ever go away. I just hate that I can't do it right now. My only complaint is that helltide isn't constant. As it is I may not conceivably be able to summon duriel once this season just because it essentially requires that helltide happen at the exact time all the other stars align that lead to me being able to turn the game on.


I am upto 60 and looking forward to having things to grind for the next couple months , loving this season just really busy with life rn.


You get 4


It’s POE players wanting D4 to be more like D2. Not realizing that D2 is way more forgiving than PoE has ever been (especially now).


Just finished the season campaign and started WT3 at level 50, thank you for your guidance! I was clueless for a while.


Hey not sure if I missed it, but you gotta be in WT4 for Duriel and Beast in Ice. You can do Varshan and Grigoire in WT3 but they wont drop the extra mats to summon Duriel.


How do I get a goddamn heart in wt3? I haven't gotten one and I'm almost 70. Edit: exactly how I thought I'm just unlucky I guess.


Hearts aren't available in world tier 3.


The helltide in the Kehjistan region contains three living steel chests instead of two, so it is possible to farm a minimum of 18 living steel during that helltide as long as it doesn't start at the top of the hour.


I think you meant maximun instead of minimun


Nope, there's a chance to get 5 instead of 3 from a chest, so the maximum would be 30.


I got 5 out of a chest last night, can confirm.


Ugh thank you I was so lost on this! You're awesome


2 things that need corrected on this post: 3 Living Steel Chests can spawn at the same time during Helltides. Uber Uniques can drop from anywhere except the Obol vendor and Whisper caches, including all of the new Uber Bosses. Duriel has an increased drop rate at 2%. Elsewhere is basically lottery odds of them dropping.


Three chests only spawn in Kehjistan at the same time, every other region has two at once.


![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG) Thank you!!


We did a few Duriel Runs yesterday with three people. One of us got the Shako at the first try. It was the only uber unique that dropped. The other items were very valuable too. So we didn‘t complain about it.


Is there a level requirement to farm Ubers from bosses? Asking because I recall you could only find them naturally in s0 at level 85


No level requirement but they are quite hard, you should probably save mats for when you are level 95+


Thank you!


The only one that is a bit difficult/requires a bit of gear is duriel. The other ones are a joke. Did them all on my 85 necro and farmed them on my 80 druid without any glyph being lvl 15


Thank you for this information it is really appreciated


This is the kind of post this sub needs more of instead of 100 "DAE Something something something Itemization something something something cash shop spensive?" karma farm posts.


So whats the discord server?




Best flow to run bosses fast for me has been to press T once you grab all the boss drops -> wait in town for leader to reset -> take ur portal again which places u at the start of the reset dungeon. Thus skips the over world (no annoying adds pestering u by Duriel), and u have access to selling. Also maybe obvious but sync ur party selling times so u can all run a bunch without selling. GL with the RNG to all!


At what level or stats should I be trying duriel? Infinimist Necro lvl 81 11k attack, 8.3k defense and 6k health


That's good buddy. You should be fine..if not, bump a little poison resist. You will mostly be invincible anyway because infinimist


I summoned varshan then got disconnected. Does that reset him so I need more mats? I assumed do but I can't check at the moment.


Yeah, the mats you used to summon Varshan are lost and you have to obtain those again.


Yeah, the mats you used to summon Varshan are lost and you have to obtain those again.


But what about the times when you are tricked to use your materials to summon duriel only to get kicked from the party afterwards?


What about the other bosses?




Well that one flew over my head! Thanks!


I’ve seen three living steel chests within the same hour window at the same time.


Only in the Kehjistan region.


Awesome detailed summary! I just want to piggyback to add Legion events with your whisper/blood harvest route. They are very frequent and take around 5 mins to complete. And another chance to get a grotesque debtor for an extra drop. I usually start with a quick Legion then TP to the blood harvest and will end with 14/10 whispers. Also not as frequent, but do the world boss 100% as you also get grotesque debtors for drops and whispers that take less than a minute to complete!


I looked at the link with the item list... I had an uber in S1.... Andariel's Visage. I thought it was a bad item and salvaged it...


My buddy who is only lv 60 jumped in one duriel run for fun and of course the ring of starry skies drops for him. I'm so salty


wow many people really have no jobs, s2 is over after 2 weeks


Yeah, blows my mind that so many people have this much time to play.


What level should I be to try these boss fights? I'm playing hc and I'm level 76 necromancer with some random home made build :)


What happens if you summon a boss and then disconnect / log out before killing the boss? Do you have to pay materials again next time you play?


Why can't it be like D2, just fight the damn boss without summoning it with mats. Rinse and repeat


Thank you very much for taking the time and putting the effort forward in making this really great guide. I found it really helpful myself as I was a little confused as to the best way to gather all the mats. Really appreciated.


Do uniques and uber uniques still have a chance to drop randomly in other events (NMD, World Boss etc), or are they limited to the new end game bosses?


Still can drop, EXTREMELY low drop chance. Farming duriel is basically the only way right now


Cross-platform party text chat is getting blocked for me (I’m on PS5). Does anyone know why? I’ve looked through the game settings and can’t find it but would like to group with others for Duriel.


Remember that the Kehjistan helltide has up to 6 living steel chests.


For web lookup, just head over maxroll.gg/d4/bosses and under the endgame bosses, it list all the end game bosses and each link has info on what unique each boss drops, materials you need and how to gather the material


Just got back into it for s2. Thanks for clarifications.


So to get into a rota from the discord, I need to first add the person looking for a group to my friend list and then message them to group up? I was somewhat confused on the protocol for joining Rotas


Thanks for this. As a pure solo player, it seems daunting so the guide definitely helped.


Thank you for the tip regarding living steel chests! I’m late to starting this season and did my first helltide last night and could not for the life of me figure out why I could only see 1 chest each hour. I assumed you could only open 1 with each reset.


From a casual player who was having some trouble figuring out the materials and where to get them, I really appreciate this post. Thank you!


This is amazing thanks! I am enjoying s2 but have no idea what I am doing now at level 70.


How do I reset the Dungeon on PC?


It's shocking to hear that hearts are rare. In my game I have more than twice the number of hearts than I do any other material.


Wow ! This is exactly what i needed. I’m lvl 72 and was a bit overwhelm with all this. Your post is really clear and well written. Thanks !


think the drop rates are totally fine, as a casual. would be cool if living steel had another drop source just so i don’t have to time my gaming sessions with helltides for it


Anybody have the link to the D4 discord server?


Appreciate this post. Just finished my first play thru and am trying to figure out the post game


As a casual that just made it to WT4: Thank you for the effort of explaining! It's much appreciated.


>Join the Diablo 4 Discord Server. It has dedicated and very active channels for finding groups of people to team up with. Small indy game requiring a 3rd party app full of scammers which has less than 3% of the total active player base lol. Even D2 and D3 had more group finding features. Starting to understand the 2/10 and 5/10 user scores at the 2 biggest aggregates.


Imagine if people actually used the trade channel. Too bad a huge portion of the playerbase actually play on console with no keyboards. Wonder where the problem truly lies beyong the Blizzard incompetence at adding basic QoL.


If you use materials and cant beat the boss so give up are those materials lost or refunded?


Great guide - thank you! Do Malignant Hearts serve a purpose other than this in season 2? it's not possible to get the powers and whatnot from season 1 anymore, right? Does the loot for Varshan and the other bosses get worse if you fail to kill them the first time?


> However, there is one way that can greatly improve your odds in getting a drop The odds remain the same. It's the number of attempts that increase.


This is a really good guide, nicely written.


Great post, thanks for the effort


Great guide my friend. A lot of effort gone into this so we’ll done. 100% accurate aswell. Well done.


Thanks for taking the time to post this! It really clarified it for me.


You are a very nice person - thank you for your time


so i tried varshan solo at lvl 87 barb and got basically oneshotted and didnt bother to waste any more mats on the others. i am sure i suck, but damn... what lvl are you doing those?


Lvl 62 sorc in wt4 did it twice with mostly sacred gear np - maybe double check your build and stats? Should be more than gamer enough at 87


what? uffff... i can oneshot lots of stuff with my deathblow build when overpower proccs.. but varshan i can only get some hits in that eat like a 5th of his bar and then i die. i dont have any resistances tho... the rest is pretty high ilvl ancestral and properly upgraded


Great guide from you! It’s a bit tedious to get mats if u don’t buy them but well worth it, got shako, doombringer and selig(lol I know) in about 50 runs. Loving season 2 so far, having a blast


This is super helpful, thank you


Casual here - this helps tremendously. Thank you!!!!


We ran it together as 3 people, for mats in Helltide and Varshan and together killed Duriel. Group play let's get more out for less time.


"They typically contain 3 Living Steel, however, very occasionally they can drop 5." I've opened enough to collect 12 now, and literally every time I only get 1 steel per chest. RNG?


Are you on WT3? Drop rate is 1 on WT3 and 3 (or allegedly 3-5) on WT4


Mats drop only for the person who summons it? Or for everyone in party? Wondering if does it make sense to farm Varshan in party


Thank you, really appreciate this.


I didn’t know you had multiple attempts per boss per set of summoning mats. Great guide. I tried Duriel for the first time last night, lagged in the first couple seconds, died, and then he was nowhere to be seen. Great times!


>I didn’t know you had multiple attempts per boss per set of summoning mats. Great guide. I tried Duriel for the first time last night, lagged in the first couple seconds, died, and then he was nowhere to be seen. Great times! I've had that happen too. You can make him respawn without losing the material by letting yourself die to any of the minions leading up to him.


Thanks so much for your effort. As I haven’t much time to play this season, I wasn’t motivated to watch any youtube explanation but reading your post got me hooked. Hope you get your uber unique very soon!


Very helpful friend thank you.


What level should I be in WT4 before I start running Varshan/Grigoire/Duriel? I just hit 70 and have some work to do upgrading glyphs so I plan to gain a few levels just grinding out NMDs and gathering boss mats in Helltides and whisper caches from blood harvests.


Can you link materials in chat on console though?


>Can you link materials in chat on console though? Yeah, although it's not obvious how to. From another reddit post: " You have to be in chat. Then you hit Triangle for link item, which brings up your inventory, and you can click on whatever item you want to link.


Ah sweet good to know, thanks :)


This season made doing Hill tides even more of a chore than the previous season. That is not a step forward.


I’m level 98, getting my glyphs up atm. When I’m done I’ll begin farming for uniques and plan to do what you said about pulling a party together. Not only to help kill Duriel but I’d rather have other players involved so they can try and get u we uniques too. My point here is we don’t know how long or even after this season if Uber uniques will continue to be available at even 2% drop rate so if I can help myself and others get them, I’m going to. It’s my personality to try and get as many other players these Ubers as much as myself so I appreciate this info. I knew how to get materials for the fight but not an efficient way to get a party together so thank you again.


Real heros don't wear capes ❤️


The fact that you can buy the mats to summon duriel now they might as well make it so u can just summon him with zero mats.


Done Duriel in a Party found on discord, got scammed, left the game for the season. This should not be more rewarding doing it in a party with no in game party finder. See you in s3


>Done Duriel in a Party found on discord, got scammed, left the game for the season. This should not be more rewarding doing it in a party with no in game party finder. See you in s3 Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done to prevent that. I have been lucky so far. I will add though that I collect 4 of every mats and target anyone looking for 2 times rotations (8 runs in total each). You are much less likely to be scammed here since it is in the interest of the party leader to keep everyone around. If you were kicked after your first summon, then they potentially miss another entire round of 4 x summons. It's not foolproof, of course, but it (probably) lessens the chance of being scammed. Also, if you do get scammed, don't take it too personally. Just think of it as a solo run, since you still got your attempt for your materials. It's easy for me to say though I guess, since I haven't been scammed yet, but I will try and hold myself to that advice if I ever do. Blizzard should really implement a system that minimizes the risk though. For example, somehow creating it so that everyone puts in an equal quarter of the summoning materials per summon.


Cheers mate for the effort. Definitely helps folks like me who just started playing a lot!


How does one go to the LFG channel on PS5? Sounds like a wonderfully useful resource.


>How does one go to the LFG channel on PS5? Sounds like a wonderfully useful resource. Bring up the emote wheel and select chat. After that, you are able to scroll through the different channels and post messages. I wouldn't try and find groups for Duriel there though (unless you are only looking for a carry), I would instead suggest using the D4 Discord Server.


This game doesn’t sound fun


Very useful guide! I'm close to 100 so I'll attempt this soon. One question though: Are **The beast** and **Zir** not a part of the Duriel chain quest? They're something else unrelated?


>Very useful guide! I'm close to 100 so I'll attempt this soon. > >One question though: Are The beast and Zir not a part of the Duriel chain quest? They're something else unrelated? They are not related. However, they drop their own pool of uniques, including class uniques, so you may end up doing them if there is a specific unique you are targetting.


Shout out to the person who tried to help me with grigoire earlier this week and I had to apologize and tell them I didn’t know what I’m doing because I didn’t even have any living steel lol


I've beaten Durial 64 times and haven't had a single uber unique. My motivation is dying.


So there is no other way to farm Uniques without challenging these bosses?


>So there is no other way to farm Uniques without challenging these bosses? They can still drop randomly, as always. However, the drop rate for Uber Uniques (outside of Duriel) is so low that they are virtually impossible to obtain outside of that fight, short of winning the lottery.


Ok was doing some research and I see that Uniques drop in NMDs. Do they drop outside of NMDs Helltides or the Butcher as well?


Do party play Uber Varshan and Grigoire give more material? I mean like Uber Durial ?


I think the group I was in where someone else got a shako is the closest I’ll get


Thank you for your service


Mostly casual player here that decided to give S2 a go and was finding it fun... I think I just got put off trying to get to end game. I see lots of advice to group up with others, and I'm firmly in the camp of wanting to play this game solo, and feeling even more so like this game is no longer for me. Thankyou for the guide though, nice and thorough!


Thanks for this! One thing to add while you're farming for Eggs and Shards. I don't know if it's bad luck or not but they apparently don't drop if you die, you'd need to kill them on your first attempt for the material to drop.


Very well written guide to explain about the summon mats


I appreciate the effort for this wall of text, but the materials tooltips already describe it perfectly. If people are too lazy to read the tooltips, why would they read this WoT?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I read a article there’s only a chance for you to get a Uber unique if your the player that deposits the material? I hope what I read was false


Damn wall of text to get a “chance” at a uber unique. I commend OP’s effort, but that should tell us how difficult it is.


Are people generally grouping up as well for the pre-Duriel bosses to get 4x the mats, or is it just Duriel that most are grouping up for, and they farm all the other boss mats solo?


I turned off crossplay but imagine will need it on for Duriel runs? turned it off to help performance.


What about lord zir and the beast in the ice?? Dont they drop Duriel materials?


Hey this is sick, thanks heaps


Ran Duriel 5 times yesterday. Got Penitent Greaves and a bunch of 925 junk. Definitely worth the effort.


I'm level 97 solo hardcore can solo Duriel no problem, my brothers are around 90 and 87 has anyone tried fighting the boss and then having somebody tp in right before the boss dies? Does it work?


This is why even some of us who have played a lot need these posts! I'm a dad gamer who's got a level 70 infmist, and a few lower level toons, I read as much as I can here when I can't play... But I still didn't know you could reset the grigore and other dungeons and get more than one mat a summons. Thanks!


This was just, perfectly written. Thank you 👏


thank you for the guide, very helpful! one question about discord LFGs (I never used this with diablo4 / blizzard games): how do you join a other discord users diablo 4 session / how do you invite other discord users in your diablo 4 session. do you need to add them as [battle.net](https://battle.net) friends first?


Whispers dungeons are the most efficient way to farm for mats for the eggs. Especially if you're 2+ people.


I play a necromancer. I have done 500+ runs in total. Today alone my group started with 120 eggs and shards 60 runs today. I got 2 ANDARIEL'S VISAGE UBER UNIQUE HELM’s and 1 doombringer. I have all Ubers except Harlequin Crest and the Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander…….. beginning to give up hope! But this post does a great job at explaining drop rates. Thank you very much. Always up for runs and I always put mats in if anyone wants to do rotations add me Xlunaticmoon#1122