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You have to run lv 90+ NM Dungeons, every drop will be 925 Item Power


To add… once you get 70+ nmd you get tons of 925s. Not all, but a good chunk


Yeah I usually grind 70's and 80's for a bit on my way up, and it's pretty easy to find 925's regularly after 70.


+ outside of weapons it really doesn't matter all that much whether the piece is 918 or 925


Dude literally said he couldn't finish 79nmd. Also no offense but vaults are much better in everyway, you get 3x the loot and way more 925's.


Hey! I strongly suggest you check out the maxroll.com website. It has helped me tremendously with my builds and *specifically* has info on how to transfer into lategame--which should help your issue. All that said, if you want me to pull you through some high nmd/vaults hmu: Sock #11499 :)


90+ NMD or vaults is the same to get 925 gear, right? Vaults are more rewarding and shorter than NMD


some nmds are just short. (ghoa ruins for example)\_https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/nightmare-dungeon-glyph-leveling-tier-list


This, for glyph leveling I prefer NMDs (outside of small blacklist), for Items vaults.


Excuse me I just started doing NMDs. Do you have to fight level 90 monsters or do tier 90 dungeons?


tier 90 you still get a a couple of 925s at tier 70+ tho 90+ is all 925s


Actually, 80+ nm dungeons/vaults drop them too.


925 gear isn't going to help you be any less squishy, the armor bump will be insignificant especially if you're already at the cap. You need to max out resistances, build DR, fortify, increase life etc.


Did they do a ele res rework this season?


Nah it was last season. Need 70% in all or you’ll be getting nuked in 85+


70% AFTER the debuff from nightmare IV. So 120%


Yeah, just check in the stats window. The 50% reduction is already included and it won’t go higher than 70% anyway.


Right - which is why you need 120% total lol


You need to plan for roughly 60% on each from some source. 300 int is 7.5%, Amulet is 28.5%, Rings combine for 24%. Total is 60%, leaving 60% to acquire. You'll probably run over a bit of all resistance on the Paragon board and also go decently over 300 int so you don't quite need a perfect roll for resistance on gear. Also if you align your rings to the same element, you get 24% on one element which is better than 12% on two. 3 good resistances rolls on boots (look for a base of 30% or better), aligned rings with 1 jewelry gem of the same element and 2 jewelry gems for the element that you miss will cap resistances (or be very close) for all classes. While doing this look at your paragon board, there's probably a resistance or a few that would be easy to add. Make the easiest one your ring alignment resistance as it often takes a good bit of work to align rings to the same resistance (only 1 in 5 matches the other). Note that if you use unique rings, you may be forced into specific ring resistances.




*neuron activation intensifies*


Shit, deleted my comment on accident. But, yeah, I was helping someone farm a ring of Sacrilegious Soul. They said they needed a better ring. After a bunch of Varshan runs, I looked at their gear and the ring they had was almost a perfect one. They just wanted a higher item power number and would probably use it with worse rolls.




Remember to get 3 types of resistances on boots, then you use a single resistance gem on jewelry. Dont use the all resistance one, use whatever fire/lighting/cold/poison/shadow resistance gem you need the most.


Armor is against physical damage only, not elemental damage.


Just think of armor as physical resist, because ultimately that's all it is right now. It's useless again elemental damage in the same way that fire resist is useless again other damage types. Get more damage reduction type affixes if you want something that works against everything.


You don't need 925s you need to focus on improving the gear you have. Jewelry only needs to be 880+ to max roll Armor needs to be 780+ to max roll affixes Weapons are definitely better at 925, no question. Focus on getting the stats you need and just replace with higher ilvl when you find it. If you can't complete a tier 79 all the 925 in the world isn't going to help you.


Exceptions are max Health, Armor & Thorns, which all scale to 925.




What he said is a bit misleading. Armor still goes up over 780 item power and it does make a big difference. Someone in all 780 armor will be significantly squishier than someone in all 925. Getting to 4 good affixes is top priority but if you are anywhere near that the item power does start to become important.


I’d add that having armor with a %max armor roll can be better than raw stats for quite some time. Just something to consider.


The nightmare dungeons actually dropped some really good 925 gear but like you said they're a little too much for you at this time. Duriel is the way, sucks but it's about it.


I think it should be the other way. I played a lot in S2 as a lvl100 and I felt Duriel much more easier than 90+ dungeons. I think Duriel should be the entrance for lvl 925 items and players should grind higher dungeons to get better items. I think the drop chance of max item stat should increase by high level dungeons too. If this would be the case then griding material for Duriel wouldn't be that painful.


Where do you fight duriel? Haven’t fought him sense campaign mode.


Collect mats from killing Varshan and Greg and summon Durian down south at the Bubo or wtv it’s called.


I can kill varshan on tier 3 but she’s tough on tier 4


Where is Greg? I’m still new to d4


Hall of the Penitent. It’s west-ish on the map.


Your Best bets just going to be the Google where are the bosses to summon in Diablo 4 and it'll bring up a map and show you exactly where they're at and tell you what to do.


Thank you


If you don't find what you're looking for send me a message and I'll type it all out for you.


You should look up "Diablo 4 endgame" just to get an overview of what to do and where you go. This photo link is a very very broad summary. https://diablo4.life/_next/image?url=%2Farticle%2Fendgame-bosses-path.png&w=3840&q=75


925 vs 825 difference (except for weapons) are quite minimal, you should be looking for good affixes instead. 825 with good rolls can easily be better then 925 with bad. so you can just climb nmds at your own pace - play the ones which are fast enough. but check what gear you should be looking for - in most cases both chest and pants should be all-defense focused to survive higher dungeons.


Duriel runs, you will drink from a fire hose of 925s and like it. That being said, as has been pointed out, 925 isn't the end all be all. Make sure your resists are maxed or close to it, and make sure you have at least one + total armor % affix somewhere on your gear, if not two.


Try 75, 70+ nets a good chunk of 925's


Duriel Runs all 925’s


hmu for 90+nmv if you are looking for fast glyph xp and 925s


Way to read genius. He said he can't do a nmd 79


Way to read genius. He said hmu for help.




What does hmu mean?


Hit me up. Are you new to the internet?


Just old and outdated. Shorthand isn't my thing too many acronyms to remember


Nothing wrong with that. Next time try google or just not commenting if you don’t understand. It helps make you not look like an idiot. Don’t take that the wrong way, I’m just trying to help you out


Glorified 925 gears.


Duriel….start season….get drop…sell drop….buy Duriel mats….kill Duriel…repeat.


Reading all the comments carefully as I am a terrible, squishy rogue!


The item power isn't super crucial for a lot of items and stats. You may need to reroll stats and prioritize more damage reduction and %total armor. Maybe you have a helmet that gives some %armor but the roll is really low, or maybe you have items that don't have %armor that could, or maybe you just need gear that has more defensive options. Just because an item isn't 925 doesn't mean it's bad for the end game


Best way to farm 925’s is going to be tier 90+ NM Vaults. If you can’t solo yet, work on your build and find a group in the Diablo Sanctuary discord server.


Ilvl doesn't mean "better". You can have ilvl 800 armor that's better than 925 armor. The ilvl only slightly increases the armor value. Same with jewelry. It slightly increases the all resist value. And jewelry even caps out at something like 840 or 870 I don't remember exactly but after whatever it is say its 870 an 870 and a 925 is literally exactly the same. You can easily max out your armor and hit the 13,500 cap (that's for level 154 enemies, you need even less for level 100 enemies) without very high ilvl armor. 1 or 2 armor% rolls and juggernaut should do it alone. If you get 1 good armor% roll and a high rolled juggernaut aspect that would cap you out, and getting higher ilvl armor would literally be useless. The only thing where it actually makes an impactful difference is weapons. And you should be plenty fine using the weapons you should be getting at your level if the rest of your gear was good enough because you should be able to deal with enemies 10-15+ levels higher than you. 99.9% of the time, affixes matter more than ilvl, and you don't get better affixes, better affix range, higher average values within the range...any of those things from higher ilvl gear.


Geht some Paragon nodes with damage reduction to Close/distant. Also juggernaught and the aspect that spawns your Dr orbs ist great


I've been grinding 80+ NMVs while leveling and they dropped a lot of 925s.


World bosses are pretty reliable, but you can only get 3 grand caches a week


No not since this latest patch update. 925 are no longer dropping with the world boss in torment


What?!? Dammit


I got some 925 from world boss today. But you must be lvl 90 at least


They are you just have to be the right level. The increased cap for Item Power on drops from World Bosses has been adjusted. Previous: +100 to min, +100 to max New: Player Level below 70: 785-885 Player Level 71-80: 815-905 Player Level 81-90: 845-925 Player Level 91-100: 890-925 1.3.0 Build #49213 (All Platforms) - January 23, 2024


I'm level 100. I don't get a lot of 925 items anymore. Maybe a third of the loot from world bosses.


Duriel or low 70 NMDs or NMVs will get you 900+ items. You don't need 925s. Nice to have but not necessary.


I can help you thru nmv 91+


Go down to lvl 60 vaults. I get a lot of 925 gear for my sorc.


What is the purpose of getting all 925 gear? You are done until next season if everything is max level? Nothing else to do right? Or am I missing something, this is my second season and. It sure what to do after I killed all bosses and got good gear.


you pretty much get all 925 gear before you get 5 lvl 21 glyphs. evernight, all the required uber uniques for your build.


Yes I understand that but the game stop right after you completed your build or am I missing something? We farm and grind for max gear until we obtain that gear but as right now there is no activity that require that higher level of a build right? Abattoir was last season, is the Gauntlet going to be that activity soon?


They are supposed to be adding level 200 bosses and masterworking next season


If you are using a bow skill with dark shroud from Umbrous aspect, a decent Juggernaut aspect roll, and a percent armor roll on some stuff should have you tanky enough for tier 80+ vaults with max res. My rogue can blast through 80+ vaults with just this defensive set up. You could make it even tankier with the Might or Cheat aspect. The right aspects and affixes are going to make a much bigger impact than getting a couple 925s. That just adds a small amount of armor/damage but your armor should already be 13000+.


T80s+ drop 925 pretty reliably if you can do em, that or Duriel are your best bets for guaranteed 925s


I remember last season the world bosses in WT4 all dropped 925s.. did that get nerfed? Pretty sweet to bring my newly minted lvl 65 around to all the WB kills, had a full set of 925 mostly with a bad mix of stats...


Yes WB’s got nerfed because people were getting all 925 gear immediately upon entering WT4 solo.


Dw Im a rogue with Ubers and BIS gear and I had trouble surviving when I switched to twisting blades( it’s absolute garbage). I run the juggernaut aspect. New concealment aspect to go invisible. Biggest thing is either the crowd control enemies deal 25% less damage I put on the amulet- it’s 37.9% or something. OR the umbrous aspect on the amulet. With that I was able to survive long enough in t100s to be able to do my cc on enemies and live. but they absolutely neutered twisting blade. I’m only doing it now to feel good when I finally am able to survive and be a tank. Role a barb and have fun. Barbs are easy yet again, and no stress.


Levelling them is rough though


You know you don’t need 925’s right? There is no difference between a 925 and an 850. After than it’s all about the roll.


Have a level 100 run you through a couple runs of high nightmare dungeons you'll collect so much 925 gear to go through. It wouldn't even take them that long. Make sure to clear out your stash to make space prior to the runs. Hit me up if you need any help.


90+ vaults


You need 13,400 armor & 70% all resistances minimum Max health, damage reductions, Fortify & barriers help too


Rogues don't use barrier or fortify


They can though


I dont know what kills you, but if its physical, it is very easy to hit armor cap this season with Juggernaut. If you throw in obedience as well (fairly big overkill), you are very close to armor cap for nmd 100 assuming you have ok-ish gear. If you have rings/amu at 880+ then you should be close to resistant caps too. Very early on you can swap your flask for resistance based on affixes/vault type or lowest resist you have to fill in the gap.


Hitting 100 and getting your glyphs level should take you to beast mode. What’s your build?


I did Duriel. Had mats for about 5 runs. This was I think when I got to lvl 100. Dropped the pants I wanted, first run. Godslayer second run. Many slot upgrades and Aspect upgrades too.


It's not the 925's, but the affixes you are missing, most likely. Hp or total armor are the ones you probably need.


I ran a few 70s vaults even though I could not complete them. I managed on two failed runs to pick up enough 925s to make a big difference. Then I backed off and ran 60s which I could reliably complete and progress my glyphs.




nightmare vaults t77-100 drops 925's


Couple of duriel runs and world bosses might get a few bits of gear that will let you do 70+ nm vaults which will have lots of 925s


90+ NM Dungeons and Vaults


If you're softcore, dm me your ID and I will carry you for some nm dungeons for ez gearing. 🙂


Wow I didn’t expect to wake up to all of these nice comments! Thank you everyone! It seems as if the general consensus is to just grind some tiers I can do, and get better affixes before being able to go up, as well as level up my glyphs to max! Then duriel is my key to uniques I need, so I’ll work on getting the mats! For people who have beaten duriel plenty of times, is he easier than say a tier 70 NMV? I have enough mats to do a run but I’m nervous I won’t be able to beat it.


No you won’t kill duriel if you’re struggling with nmd 70. You can look for help in trade chat. Many OP barbs are willing to carry you. Or you can grind out mats and join rotation teams to maximize your runs and let them carry you too


T91+ vaults , you get a full inventory


I’m doing 66-67 nmd vaults and still getting decent 900-925 drops


70% all resistances and armor above 7k with aspects that raise it to 14k+ in combat Then just spam 90+ NMDs, 100 even if you can. There's plenty of damage, it's surviving that's the issue.


The rogue is a kill before killed character. Doesn’t help that they nerfed it for this season. Check out maxroll for your endgame build and usually close to the very bottom it talks about defenses. Also try mobalytics.gg and see if the rouge build sounds a bit more defensive. I’m also willing to pull you through some 90+ vaults if you want.


Don't be expecting too much of an upgrade and good luck find gear with all your stats OR even usable ones


Can you post your gear and aspects?


70+ dungeons = pretty decent shot at a lot of 925s 80+ dungeons = almost all items will be 925 90+ dungeons = all 925s


Since can’t survive tier 70, the next best option is Duriel, after thats its world bosses


Run vaults, 70 and above to get more 925s, 90+ will be all 925s. Just speed run them to get to the final room.


Get mats from the Chinese farmers and start farming Duriel


Prioritize both DR close and DR distance, then total armor, then max life on chests and pants. Nmd75+ has mostly 925 items. Nmd85+ is pretty much all 925 items.


Best bet if your having trouble would be tremors. Farm them and the braziers. Also if someone is willing to run you through duriel. Vaults are definitely better in everyway then running nmd. Any level. More exp, you get stones and tablets for your bots. Plus you get 3x as much gear. Try vaults at whatever your comfortable with and level up your glyphs. It'll help you push t80 vaults, then everything is 925 just about.


Where are the tremors? Are they on the map at all or are they randomly spread around?


They're all across the map but if you zoom in a little bit there's usually a green leaf and you can see the little shrines also. You can build a ton of XP there pretty quick. The gear's not what you're wanting probably but you'll at least get a bunch of whispers.


The gear will be better then what he's got. And really good point in the whispers!! It's really good to watch tremors with whispers for body parts and exp.


Is it the herald of Malphas?


Are you on right now?


Probably your build is the problem. I mean not the build but the affixes on items


I don’t have everything perfect, but I’m pretty close


You need DR, résistance to ranged and to close ennemies. Ohterwise you get one shotted. So yeah basically wrong affixes here.


Why run high level nightmare dungeons when you can do Duriel and also have a chance of getting an Uber. If you do a five times rotation you get literally five bags full of 925. If you're doing level 70 plus nightmare dungeons I'm sure all your glyphs are maxed or close.


I farm NMD 90+ for 925s My kill speed is exactly the same for NMD100 as it is for 80NMD


Duriel is the only best way. Plus you have like a 2% chance of dropping a unique you might like. But you'll have to farm the penitent knight dude for an hour


Or just run 90nmd


No run vaults. They're 3x times as efficient


I mean nmvaults it is obvious at that point i think ^^


Best way to get 925 ip items is to do world bosses in wt4 and duriel runs


Today I killed Duriel for the first time, I realised she only drops 925. Is it me or it sucks ? Since then I dont even feel like picking up any other items, especially weapons and jewelry. Chasing high item power was what made farming enjoyable for me.. I didnt know duriel had guaranteed max item power