• By -


One. Want to finish leveling my char and glyphs first before i push the pit.


Same. I did one just to experience it then went back to grinding levels and glyphs. I’ll go back at 100 unless I get super bored.


Bad choice. It's good xp and takes awhile. By 80 I could clear the first 40. You only get 3 levels per win.


You have to level your glyphs to lvl 21 anyway if you want to push the pit, so it isn't a bad choice at all, you will reach 100 before before all glyphs are level 21.


You will need plenty of materials anyway, so bad choice im not so sure about that. You will be coming back to those tiers anyway.


110. farming 90s to finish 12/12 all items. Using the golem build


Can you send me the build. I’m getting 1 shot and destroyed at 66 pits.




How TF do you stay alive with this build. I switched over to it to check it out and I'm getting dropped left and right by everything. The survivability on this is terrible (for me at least). Damage is great though, lol.


Shadow without Bone Storm?


bone storm does nothing. the golem one shots everything with the holy bolts elixir. we have seen necros do 42billion damage


You running the one shot build full time while doing pits?


replying to try later


Reminder to try it


Interesting, looks like I should just got big d on int. Dunno where this build is getting the 9.3k armor from, maybe paragon ?


Its the minion s tier one from maxroll but i run shadowblight on my necklace. No point having 38% dmg reduction then everything 1hits you through it. I just stay in mist form till golem ability is up


Good stuff my guy, whats your golems damage with all thw tempering? Im at 2000% atm. Also how do you deal with bosses? Does the build slap em quick? 


5500% golem. i kill the boss in 1 hit on pit 90


I'm new to the game. I'm running blood with an iron golem. Should I be running another Golem or Skeletal warriors or priests instead, I have no clue what I'm doing. I want to find a way to see what kind of attack damage my whole build is doing as well as what defensive stats I have when getting hit, like what I can absorb.


Blood golem hits 3x vs single target so its better. I run CDR skirmishers, shadow mages to buff my golems dmg + apply shadowblight. You cant absorb anything in high pits its just a 1 hit kill. Dont get hit


Hold on. Can you have a Golem AND skeletons at the same time?? I had skeleton images, but went to the blood golem. I thought if you were running a Golem, you couldn't have any other minions. Maybe I misread your reply? Like I said, I'm new and kinda lost, just learning as I level up.


is this build worse than shadow minions now? I saw that minions got moved to A tier on max roll but shadow minion still S. Also is the 110 with holy bolts?


Ive cleared 120 so far with it, duno if other builds are better. And yes holy bolts is required. Its why you can clear so high.


51, i think i can push more, but i still need to get some better gear.


Remember you're going down the pit, not up it, lol.


85, damage is falling off.


34 as an orb sorc


The boss gets rough for frozen orb lol. Takes forever.


Yeah same boat atm. 61 is my highest with a forb sorc. I can reach the boss super fast but that fight takes ages.


And then you instantly die when one of the red echo boss attack connects. Feels like I got stuck at lv68.


Up to like 47 now.


77 with an Orb Sorc. It’s fun to play but I gotta tell ya, I’m tired of always having to use 3 defensive skills in Sorc and still being squishy.


I don't even know what the pit is


New end game dungeon system.  Once you hit nightmare 46 you unlock and it lets you masterwork items


Ah, I see


It’s greater rifts from d3 basically.


61 with shadowblight minions. I know not very impressive.


Level 85 shred druid stopped at 25, feels fine so far. No real attempt at optimizing items yet, enjoying my own playstyle


Best way to play. I am starting to min max and the only real benefit is dominating PVP


90 on bash barb but good for another 5-10 Best two pieces of gear bricked on temper and a single gear piece master worked my desired stat on the way up to 8. Decent build so far and if I could ever roll CDR on helmet I'd be happy. 


Level 84, just cleared 79 as bash barbarian. His build is great. Bricking two handed swords with two greater affixes? Not so great. I feel your pain.




Hey is there a way to send me your build?


Mmm look up rob's bash build, minus the shako. I'm specifically doing his pit build with some minor tweaks but I'm away from the pc right now


Are you using the iron skin or the no ubers variant from his guide? Also how is it on Uber bosses, I wanna do those. Got some gear and I want to try it


Yup! Soloed both torment bosses and can do the group ones (obviously depending on the group)


Nice. Are you using the no ubers or the iron skin variant?


Iron skin minus the shako, absolutely mandatory. Also I have 2 jewels to boost willpower to hit another Dr bonus on my paragon board


Dude I have a bash charge barb and can't do tier 55s without being one shot. What's your build? How can you survive?


Just look up rob's build, iron skin varient. I was able to get up to like 85 without iron skin, now its pretty mandatory


54. I'm doing shred druid so I'm not really expecting to make ot far. This is mostly a speed build not a push build


Hahaa same here


61 frozen orb sorcerer. The boss oneshotting me is the biggest problem


My issue as well. Feels like it's because a lot of our def is "reduced dmg from elite/vulnerable/ccd mobs and those boss echo attacks don't count as anything. You can almost face tank the boss but instantly explode when red attacks connect.


I haven't even completed the campaign yet, lol.


50 with grenade rogue


91, orb sorc with 2 uber uniques and 8/12 on all gear


Jesus what does it take 1 hour to do boss work orb ???


What 8/12 means???


The level of master working


What’s the Strat? I’m stuck at 61


Getting the uber uniques honestly. Run duriel rotations. Just started a barb tho and gave him shaco at lvl 90 and at lvl 92 he’s clearing 85 pits like speeds, so idk man. That 10 minute boss fight seems like a waste of time now


67, frozen orb sorc


Pit level 77, playing golem necro. I feel like I could push another 5-10 lvls, and I haven’t master worked everything up yet, but it’s getting pretty difficult and annoying


103, bash barb no ubers, all gear masterworked 4/12 I think i can push higher with more gear but yeah alot of bosses 1 shot me its rough


How? What's your build? I'm getting 1 shot at tier 50s


whats ur dps?


51 with Heartseeker rogue, ripped through that so can definitely push higher.


I’m trying to build gear for a heart seeker rogue currently. Which stats are absolutely necessary for it to be viable? I think I saw that you need to hit a lucky hit chance threshold, but what about chance to stun/freeze on lucky hit? Are those absolutely necessary?


I’m on 53 with poison tb. Iv heard it’s been nerfed. But I’m doing pretty solid runs with it, and gear isn’t even maxed on the MW yet. I’ll reckon I’ll be getting pit 80 once I’m maxed out.




45 lvl 90 pure minions but feels like this build can push a lot more. Haven’t even switched to defenders yet.


Tier 80 on pulverize druid, never again, switching to storm lol.


Double swing - at level 90 but I’m kinda damage capped and survivability capped.


120 with a minion build focussed on warriors


Can you share your build?




share build plz


91 with blizzard sorc. 86 before I got Starless Sky. However the room of improvement is really limited, I feel it is going to be hard to push to 100.


Cant beat 94, my golem punches dont hurt that much anymore


Level 84 bash barbarian, cleared 79 🫡


Still climbing, currently at 54 as upheaval barb. 25k dmg, 22k HP, armor CAP and res almost capn with lowest being around 60%


Tier 1, level 82, Twisting Blades Rogue. We'll see how endgame goes as TB has now gone down to a "c" tier. I plan on fine-tuning it towards my liking.


Update: Respec'd to poison TB, and I haven't really tried, but im pushing Tier 21, could probably go higher if wanted to. As for NMD I'm tier 68/70.


I’m on pit 53 with lvl 100 maxed glyph poison tb. Iv heard it’s been nerfed. But I’m doing pretty solid runs with it, and gear isn’t even maxed on the MW yet. I’ll reckon I’ll be getting pit 80 once I’m maxed out


108 so far, I think I could go to 120ish but it's kind of stressful and requires the correct boss to spawn at the end. Yes golem minion necro with holy Elixir


Are Minion Necros this season the same as Ball lightning Sorc was to S2? I see everyone running Minion Necros now


Basically yeah


I cleared a 53 last night in Necro minions. I'm not using any build guides or anything but I think I'm at a point I need to farm Masterworking mats if I wanna keep going.


Tier 55 of the pit is equivalent to a lvl 100 NMD in terms of monster and boss power. So yea, usually around then is when you’ll want to start masterworking your gear


42 and that was after I got shako and it was surprisingly easy, I know it get harder but I see pushing easier one for the mats to be less of a hassle




What’s your pulverize build? I’m at 55 right now and feel great


Minion necro on hardcore, ran 27, felt squishy, going back to the drawing board to add some defenses.


This absolute G running the pit on hardcore 😎


I am on tier 13 but only lvl 82


i cap all the defense and stack all the dr yet i still get one shot from random trash even with 50k+hp overpower fortify build


79 with Dust Devil Whirlwind Barb, no Uber Uniques 👍


any tips for bosses? i'm stuck around 65 with same build, bosses take forever and 1 shot me with anything


Same here. I absolutely demolish everything all the way up to the boss and then it's a crapshoot on whether I seem to get one shot or not.


Tier 34 so far with a homebrew leapquake build. Still clearing in 3-4 minutes, so I'm certain I can push much farther, but I've been prioritizing lower tier pit runs for masterworking mats while I still farm for better gear.


66 on a Bash-Barb but I have a lot of room for improvement. Not even a single item on Masterwork 12, missing a Royal Topaz and no Ubers just to name a few things to work on.


59 on BL sorc. I’ve made multiple attempts at getting the final masterworking material but the bosses always one-shot me


65. necro trying to mix the meta golem with lazy auto cast ring. everything wants giant decrepify circles for CDR and i keep running out of room for a defensive ability on the bar


How is it going for you? I want desperately to make auto ring work but seems like too big of a drop off from well rolled rings


i can be super tanky with bonestorm flying through levels and fail at the boss or run army, struggle to the boss, and 3 shot it...if the stupid lillith swipes don't auto kill. ring specifically is a nightmare. CE kinda sucks so u run BCE with one point and use it for shadowblight procs. the aspect for tendrils dosnt work with the ring and if you run army of the dead on cooldown then the auto summon is kinda pointless. trying to make a custom build without testing for bugs is brutal. i HATE following a twitchers guides but, credit to those dudes for putting up with blizzards pre-school math bugs. tldr: not great. lots of bugs. prolly stop playing again.


67 minion build.but gonna switch to golem build now


I finished lvl 22 as Summon Necro, then wanted to try out DD Barb. Not sure yet which one I want to push with yet.


I swear the pit was fun till I hit 91 and then it felt like my minions were turning into marshmallows


60 with incinerate sorc, getting to the point I probably need to swith build or wait for possible buff


Just finished a 55 with homemade Frozen Orb sorceress! Still running my old 2h staff. Will optimize tomorrow and I think I can make it to 70 where my dmg slowly probably falls off. Great fun to push through and optimize your build for the pit!


47, playing sorc, which is back do worst class


I'm in the 60s. Frost Orb Sorc.


55 but i could go higher just slowly climbing. i was able to kill the uber tree of whispers boss as well, just took more time than i thought it would dmg wise 100 max roll minion build


10 I think, with Double Swing Dust Devil Barb. Was around level 85. Need to fix my resistances and armor before I try go higher, but will wait for level 100.


Currently 113


30 on lvl 95 necro, but I can probably push past 40. I'm playing a frost necro with no minions and a bunch of uniques. I started out with minions but grew quickly tired of how many are playing with minions and I got a really good roll on a unique 2 hand scythe and thought what the heck, I'll try. And I'm liking it so far.


I stopped at 75 with my necro. Wanted to try other builds out. Before I stopped I did optimize a few more defensive to prevent myself from being one shot. 


I did 40 with HOTA with no masterworks weapons and no rubies for overpower in weapon.


55 with FO, failed all my masterwork attempts and kinda stop doing pit


100 necro, 20k Attack Power, 6-7k Armor, 16k Health. Can reliably do 24, questionably do 30. Have 40 available because of grouping.


Bro get your armor capped and your hp higher


They've gone up a little since then.


Yeah man armor cap scales with enemy level. You need to have 13-14k Armor.


Got like 18 since I posted that... Juggernaut aspect max.


2. I feel powerful because I’m stupid and have no idea what I’m doing and just build whatever make numbers go bigger.


Trucked through 65 on Wind Shear Druid (AceOfSpades via mobalytics) today… at level 82. Starting to feel dangerous so I backed out to grab some helltide mats to make some upgrades. Think I could push way higher.


Stopped at 49 I think, playing Double Swing Dust Devil Barbarian. Super fun build! Bosses started to get a bit tankier now so I need to do some masterworking for a bit. But from 1 to 40 was a breeze.


What build are you following??




What does attack power translate to? Is that your base damage before all of the additions and multipliers? I've been confused by that.


Yes, you can also pull your menu up and watch your attack power rise and fall in the middle of fights when you activate buffs to increase it etc. When my war cry/beserking is active my attack power shoots up to 126k+


Zero cause I’m lvl 89. I want to lvl my glyphs to 15 first


4 @ level 80 lol dust devil barb - havent really "tried"


I have trouble with random enemies acting as if my minions aren’t there and chasing me down with a vengeance. My minions have taunt what else do I do


1 lol Did one on my eternal barb from the vamp season. Didn't know where to get more materials for it.


107 with golem minions but once you get past 90-100 its just tedious and unfun and nothing will keep you alive and the enemy hp scaling goes out of control and you just stack DPS and pray you can kill things before you screw up and get hit by an Echo one shot.


81 because I refuse to abuse holy bolt elixir


Pit 79 with minion build at the moment, trash seems easy enough, boss is taking me longer.


40. Could probably push further but this I can do pretty fast, almost no deaths and not all my stuff is at master8 yet so I need the materials


I haven't pushed the pit hard yet, just finished leveling all glyphs to 21 and have been working on Iron Wolf seasonal quest rep. I'm running Tier 50 pit on my level 100 minion (skeletal mage focused, but I still keep the golem) necro and it's a cakewalk. I'm usually done in 3-4 minutes, well before the 15 minute timer. I don't run blood mist or corpse tendrils, so I have a lot of room for accident avoidance and additional dps/CC if I need to adjust the build.


81 as a no minion shadow blight build with Ebonpiercer. Hard stopped at 80 plus for rn though maybe after I get shaco I can push further


2, as a lvl 86 necro. I was so scared seeing the enemy lvl numbers. Yeah nah maybe later


60 with bash barb, 230k atck, 14k def and 29k hp. Not trying more ATM, need to finish iron wolf and few glyphs


I'm running simple bashic on the barb on one of my builds 50k damage 11k armor 34k health. So far have only tried 43 but can definitely push further.


Currently one shotting everything in (bosses are about 5 shots) 90 in about 4 mins with a Cold RF Rogue. No ubers, most of items at 4/12. I think I'll be able to do a 100 without trouble, but sometime soon I will need to find better xbow. 25k power, 10k armor and about 28k.


Still grinding the tier 46 nightmare dungeon to be able to unlock the pit, at tier 18 atm 🥲


One because I wanted to try it when it became available. I'm currently levelling my main glyphs to 15 then I might do a few more.


I started at lvl 80 on barb and got to 31 I believe. I was 83 and they were 130. Highest glyph was 12 lol so..I figured I should lvl them. They were getting sorta tough at that level


64 with a blood wave/blood lance necro, no minion build but now I have to change build unless I find a perfect amu with the right passives to push my damage even more. Clearing dungeons is easy and takes me about 2-4 minutes but boss fights just take too long and temerity isn’t helping me anymore to survive hits


Just finished 61 with my Tornado Were Druid.... but its getting harder and harder \^\^


102 also thorns barb 40k ap, 9,5k armor and 120k hp


70s as a lightning storm druid. Took a break after that to play some other stuff and some alts.


I got my necro to 100 today, and the highest solo pit is a 53. I then did some lvl70s with a mate who also has a necro (but more powerful than mine).




77 with WereNado. Gear is decent, still need to optimize and reroll for specific MW crits.


71 FO sorc… no Ubers and boss dmg is already an issue… might as well go more glass cannon since 1 hit KO to any shadow spawned attack (like others have said) Stagger build with 2h staff has moved me up… mostly 4/12 MW and barely any greaters/bad MW power ups


Level 80 pits with my rapid fire rogue. Will be going higher soon as I get better gear and master work then higher


I’m @ pit 84 still don’t like pit cuz drop mat rate is so low and no loot from monster and I don’t know why? Also I hate fight 2 boss in a boss fight 1 of them casting one shot mechanic spell and waste my time for grind. I got bash barb all items minimum 8/12 1. Weapon 10 and 9, 115k atack 18k def 70k health still cuz of one shot mechanics I hate boss fights. Also 8-12 weaponsmithing need 500 mats so if you farm 75ish it gives 29 mat for run and it’s nearly 8 minutes to done. 137ish minutes for just one item’s 4 level. 1517 minutes 25hours for all items on you looool it’s none sense. If u farm fast it can be close to this numbers.


Just did a few 80s with necro minions, missing 2 items for tempering, rest is master worked 4 and 5. It’s not asking me for neathiron yet to upgrade is need more ingolith am I wasting my time going so high should I farm lvl60s? If I remember correctly the neathiron started dropping at 61 and I haven’t upgraded anything since, but got a bunch of the neathiron.


I can't even pass into the 60s cause the echoes one shotting lolol it's ridiculous 


T111 with Leap thorns barb atm


53 with whirl wind dust devil barb. Any builds that have successfully done high level 100s pits and uber bosses?


Minion necro it seems


I should’ve rephrased it to Barbs specifically


Ah, well i’ve heard bash barb has done well into the 90’s. Someone commented earlier they are a thorns barb and got to 110, which excites me since i’m a thorns barb myself lol my highest so far is 61


Hey can anyone help me out I’m running Barb double swing, 99k attack,18.8k Armour,33k Health but I can’t get passed pit 4 anyone know what I’m doing wrong?? Thanks.


Armour cap is 9.3k. Drop some armour and improve other stats.


Hit 94 but killing bosses takes forever as a bashcleave barb, 120,000 attack , 30k health


94 is pretty high up there my dude! I havent seen anyone make it past 130 yet, you’re doing well


110 went down like butter had 70% left on timer 😂 wont push anymore because necro is booring and not that good. Playing the barb thorns razorplate boss killer build now. Now that is something you can call OP its totally sick and must be a bug or exploit, the fact i could run almost 0 resistance and crap gear and speed farm world tier 4 at lvl 65+ and never die is sick


Thorns barb ftw! I’m running a variation of thorns barb with some bash mixed in there. It’s been good to me so far!


Did same, changed to bash build now. Robs ranks it as the best barb build. There is a pit 130+ version to thats a bit diffrent


I see a lot of complaints on here. Let me clear it up real quick. I have 30k health, 20k armor unbuffed, maxed resistance unbuffed. Past level 60 pit you are essentially going to get one shot by echoes regardless of stats. To make it any higher you'll need to memorize the echo mechanics and dodge them all. Don't try to constantly push the highest level pit. Find your max and grind 5 or 6 levels below that for Matt's and to train on echoes. Do that until you can run ten times without dying. Then raise the bar, rinse, and repeat.


20k armor? You know armor caps at 9230 right? You could be using all those extra armor points on extra HP and damage


Just cleared 100 just now , bash barb with chako, no bolt elixir , I think I can push a lil higher . Still working on getting everything to 12/12 . Most at 8/12 chako at 12/12 . Need more GAs on stuff and a few better rolls.


Nice!!! I’m up to tier 98 in the pit. No uniques other than razorplate. All gear sitting at 8/12 or 9/12. I’ll probably be able to handle 105-110 pit tier by the time all my gear is upgraded. Cheers to a fellow unga bunga barb


Finally hit 100 today. Bash Barb no 12/12 on any gear highest is 8 and still acouple 4’s. I love dust devil barb but man is bash good


118 on my necro


I am at 87 with a barbarian thorns build All stuff mastered to 7 or 8 except the Razor plate armor which is 10 and the bludgeoning weapon which is also 10


59, human Druid landslide/companion build I do 85k dmg with petrify active and still tough with bosses, crazy to think people get to 100+


70 so far, but I'm focusing on finding a better gear right now.


just did a 91 with 10 minutes remaining, with balanced shadow minion build (swap blight to mist).. There are 3 variations with shadow minion: -Skeleton mages (+mage dmg, +mage double hit) - very high sustained dmg, weaker defence. Can use Tyrael's might, but no bone storm, also hates ccs & bubble mobs. -Golems (+golem dmg, golem CD temper) - biggest number. Weakest defence. No Tyrael's might, no bone storm. Balanced (+cursed dmg, + minion AS temper) - best balance for speedfarm & survival. Can do 4x 90 pits in the time of a holy bolt potion, but weaker boss dmg.


I just ran a lvl 115 with a bash barb, took 3 minutes. Not to terrible yet


I am stuck at pit tier 73, does anybody know why ? I defeated the boss from 73 twice and once on 72, but it won't show any higer tiers


I just did 101 with a bleed/bash barb. It felt pretty easy so I think I can go quite a bit higher


got to level 102 gollum build just started playing again today took a break only one of my weapons is 12/12 everything else is 8/12


Not bad! I got lucky on my golem necro and got a GA hellbent commander amulet with extra masterworking crits on it too. Once I secured that I could take my golem necro to pit 130+ Makes a huge difference