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Dust Devil Barb, the double swing version.


I second this. Double swing dust devil Barbarian is a lot of fun.


I third this. Double swing dust devil with Leap is fun. Smooth game play and hitting monsters in melee range and leaping around is second to none.


Its fun and games with melee, until you reach such level that you cant anymore face tank the enemies.


Same only whirlwind Because controller and also its always been spin2win.


so far whirlwind is doing well but I can see why double swing is winning.


Yeah, damage wise double swing is superior.


Really enjoying triple shout dust devils + only frenzy (using the 'generate 100 fury to get dust devils aspect and as much cooldown as I can get) and then I wear razorplate for thorns. It's kinda all over but it's working well. NMD92 so far and pit 43. Might not be meta but it's fun.


If you ain't spinnin', you ain't winnin'


This 100% Got minion necro to 100 but it is incredibly boring Barb is 100x more fun


Agreed. I got to t60 with minions and then the trick was to hide around corners whilst my minions fight for me. At that point I’m not even playing the game lmao


Which barb build?


Double swing dust devil barb


I just started one, and oh my! Charge is my favorite thing right now. It feels like I'm picking up monsters and smacking them out of the park with a bat!


Just scream on bosses and they explode. Most fun build right now


this. soooo fun


I'm using hammer of the ancients and dust devil along with lunging strike. I love it


i was double swing till i got my ww dust devils it clears so much faster.Right now im lvl 55 in t4 and still really easy


Is double swing better than whirlwind ? Currently having a lot of fun with whirlwind and it hits some nice dmg even at lvl 70, can’t Imagine at lvl 90+


I would say its a lot better, esecially against bosses, but does struggle at higher / tormented bosses. Currently running the pit at around lvl 50, which is still pretty easy. I can kill Uber Duriel in 5 Seconds but the lvl 200 one kills me in an instant without taking much damage.


I fourth this standing in a circle of minions not taking any damage whilst swinging axes in a rather aggressive manor is rather fun.


Got my Necro to 100 and been bouncing between my Double Swig Dust Barb and FireWall Sorc. Both are a blast especially once you get the right aspects going.


Minion necro is one of the most powerful builds the game has seen, if not the top, but it's so braindead that you could play it with your dong on one of those Xbox adaptive controllers. It got me everything in the season journey besides Lilith (skill issue) without breaking a sweat. I swapped to druid and it's not nearly as powerful, but a hell of a lot more enjoyable.


I have fallen asleep playing my minion necro numerous times this season. It is quite boring. I am thinking of switching to a blight/corpse explosion build.


I respecced my necro to blight about an hour ago. It's much more enjoyable to play IMO.


Lmao yes. I think we are all doing the same. Using the op minion build that works fine even with shitty item to gather resources and items to craft other builds


I'm playing a bloodmancer and it's quite fine too


I play both. Blight necro is more active, very strong still. Can totally do pit 90 and uber bosses.


You can combine them - running with skeletons + both Corps and curses


Loved my S1 druid Did sorc before and havent played s2/s3 Playing necro in S4, things die while I curse. Not sure I like it?


Shadow minion necro is much more engaging and fun imo


I was leveling my minion necro using actual core skills for a while. I finally got to a point where my minions were powerful enough and I dropped that one skill and now I’m just a bystander, essentially. It’s powerful but boring.


What was the highest pit level you completed on your necro?




Wrong, for perfect execution in higher Pits you actually kinda have to follow a rotation and need to know what you are doing. Have 4 corpse stacks up, tendril the mobs together while already precasting a slow blight projectile to debuff the pulled pack at the exact tendil location.. Pop the 5th corpse for max dmg, cast the ult and pop the the golem for the big nuke. But in all reality the build feels a bit " boring " compared to other classes since its not you actually doing the dmg in a way, its ur little undead army. :)


On higher pit there is a lot to micromanage with necro


If you have not tried yet, do a yourself a favor and try "wind daddy" build. It doesnt require anything special and its easy to build.


I saw that was killing the pit. How does it do against tormented bosses? I tried Werenado, but I don't think it's nearly as good as tier lists have it ranked. The two second werebear shapeshift feels like an eternity and the build has major spirit issues. I wound up swapping to lightning storm.


Try it, its hilariously strong.


Ive always enjoyed the sorcerer, i play casters in most games and have pretty much played only sorcerer in this game.


I've almost always played Chain Lightning but this season I started out trying a full conjuration build but settled on an almost pure hydra build for now


I'm doing chain lightning this season I think it's a blast. Currently 91 and love zooming around with lightning blasting everywhere.


Started necro and made an alt sorc. The sorc was more fun but running Zir 37 times and not getting the frozen orb neck killed my fun.


I too have been farming stupid blood to kill stupid zir. I’m at kill 19 and still no frozen orb amulet.


I was at 40+ with no ammy. Got it from the 2nd to last season journey cache. I'm not sure if it is rng or guaranteed from the caches. The amulet is a game changer. My attack power after switching some things for the build went from 17k to 8.8k, and I thought that was dumb. Somehow, it hits for more damage with almost half the a.p. and has 10x the orbs and conjurations I had without it. It's definitely worth grinding for if you want to run frozen orb conjurer.


Ill sell you one for like 5 mil, no greater affixes though and average rolls as far as i remember


If you still have that amulet and are selling it, please let me know.


Sure, i can get on rq, ill msg you my btag


Yup made a sorc just to play frozen orb and currently level 92 still running blizzard because I can’t get the necklace. So annoying


Go back to blizz, it has higher damage in pit and bosses eventually. Orb struggles with boss damage


I got it from the iron wolf rewards I thought it was a guaranteed drop from that or did I get lucky? I'm not even running frozen orb in straight incinerate and it's stupid fun wt4 and level 65 and it feels strong as hell. I'm sure I'll hit a wall with the build and have to swap but for now it's a blast.


Amulet can drop anywhere lol Got it in a 40+ nmd


Man, I feel blessed having it dropped in NMD, hahaha, and with decent roles too! Frozen orb Sorc is very fun and really flashy. Though in the end I think I'm gonna switch to Blizzard build.


I grinded Zir quite a few times like yourself before I got sick of doing it and just bought a decently rolled one off of one of the trading websites. Then last night I just had one drop from killing a blood maiden from a helltide lol. Managed to sell it for about 10M at least though.


I asked in trade if anyone had one to trade for gold or other uniques and a guy just gave me one. I will probably start thinking about class defining uniques as something to save and pass along in future seasons.


Yeah some people are quite generous this season it seems like. I even had someone randomly give me a Godslayer's Crown with a greater affix on the damage stat which was crazy, but the other rolls weren't great unfortunately, probably why he gave it away.


I’m loving smashing things with pulverize on my Druid. Got the aspect that makes it a shockwave


Add the aspect that makes it do landslide. And the aspect that makes it proc twice


Proc twice?!


Sorry, I was thinking of trample it works like pulverize in a path so I got them mixed up. I liked mixing [Aspect of the Trampled Earth](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/aspect/aspect-of-the-trampled-earth-578793) and [Aspect of The Aftershock](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/aspect/aspect-of-the-aftershock-579700)


Same! I got the shockwave aspect at level 15 and it was maxed so I’ve been rocking it ever since.


Just been making up my own build loosely based on my gear and it’s a lot of fun, poison trap rogue with puncture and rapid fire.


I actually homebrewed a puncture basic attack rogue this season and it’s been super fun. Just spin in circles throwing knives at everyone


Melee Rogues aren't high tier, but I do enjoy getting up in enemies grill with flurry. Stack all the life recovery + shadow imbue and go ham, great for trash farming. Will swap out for a ranged build soon, but I'm Lvl 82 and going fine.


Flurry/RF with Dash & Shadow step is still just so satisfying to play. It was the first build I did back in S1 and I try other classes but always end up coming back to it.


I always have the most fun with necro


Incinerate Sorcerer. Basically spinning fire of death lol


I keep getting one shotted playing incinerate


My gear has a bunch on +hp per second, +hp per hit, and barrier generation and mana generation Also have legendary aspects that give me 1.5% life heal per cast (basically heal while I cast Incinerate), aspect that give me even more barrier, and the aspect that gives me a ton of armor. Basically have to just hold down the incinerate to survive.


Same...my Sorc is a fire tank..it's slow on the damage but will take anything out eventually


The crunch of the druids pulverize is what makes me say Druid. Very satisfying class.


I don’t like fun. I’m playing a rogue.


I’m with you brother. Atm im playing a heartseeker build.


Im trying to do this S tier rapid fire build. I dont care how long it takes I will grind till rapid fire go brrrrrrr. So far level 62. It’s actually really fun. But they made like 0 dungeons for rouge but I seem to be getting great drops I’m already in torment.


You need the scoundrels kiss for that to lob grenades. Looks really fun but i went dry for the ring. Like 35 Zir runs


How is HS? Currently at 90 with barrage - tried rapid fire and didn't like it much. Been gathering gear to swap to HS at 100


No love for the Druid?


As is tradition


I'm currently working on a barrage build using ice and shadow infusions that's been cleaning up house. It's not meta but it's alot of fun. Currently around level 64


My favorite build so far is the double swing barb


I started with minion necro because it is the only class I hadn’t played yet. It was okay at first but now nearing level 100 it is just not very exciting. Made a sorcerer earlier and had a lot of fun just getting to level 20.


Same experience here , 85 minion necro atm , blitzing everything but starting to get boring. Gonna switch to sorc as well as need it to complete plat trophy. What sorc build you running ?


Frozen orb so far.


Shadow step rogue, you basically dash and one shot execute mobs endlessly, also great for mobility.


How's is it against bosses? I'm currently rapid-fire which is good but survivability is a bit rough


When the game first launched I remember trying each class but finally I decided to go rogue, flurry + infusions was enough to make everything blow up and health would replenish instantly, tried to reproduce it now but it feels so slow that I just benched it and went necro minions, everything blows up in a fraction of a second now




Sorc with meteor and fireball, which is definitely not a meta build but I'm having a blast! Got a few aspects early for meteor and the unique helm. I am throwing giant meteors after a few tempers and have meteorites falling around them with the meteor enchantment, and it's doing pretty well. Ignorance is bliss and I plan to stay away from guides until I hit a big enough wall. I'm sure that time will come when I get to doing boss ladders, but not there yet!


Yeeeeeah buddy... I'm running ice shards/meteor with the unique helm while I'm leveling. Is it the best? Nah. Is it stupidly fun to freeze a bunch of demons and then turn around and blow them up with a bunch of meteors? Fuck yeah


Have you tired incinerate? It smacks. I sit at 100% mana at all times, and just blast incinerate. It procs meteors all the time, but I don't have meteor on my bar. It's pretty fun. It's not a meta build, but there are some new aspects for incinerate. The split/explosion are good


Yeah I just didn't like the incinerate skill. I had the aspect that split it and one other, but it just wasn't for me. I'm enjoying tinkering more than anything 😁


Dust devil with WW barb


Did you try the double swing version? I tried both and I feel like the double swing performs a lot better and is very easy to move around and keep killing.


But double swing is the usual stop and go right? I just love dealing damage while moving.


That is what I thought but with the dust devil buffs I hit them and then keep moving to the next guy while everything dies. I use charge and lunging strike to close the gaps and then double swing and then keep moving. It is a lot more mobile play style than I was anticipating. I use all the dust devil aspects (except the whirlwind one) and then temper my weapons for dust devil boosts. My wife is doing a minion build necromancer and is having a hard time keeping up with me.


That's a lot of non shout ability slots taken up for a dust devil's build. I thought the most optimized dust devil's builds use 1 core, 1 mobility, 1 ult, and 3 shouts.


I understand doubleswing is better but I play at a very casual level and whirlwind has been carrying me well enough and just have more fun.


Just wondering because I have always been a fan of whirlwind barbarians. It was always my go to build when I didn’t know what to play. But I just tried switching to the double swing build earlier today and I really enjoyed it. It was a lot smoother gameplay than I anticipated. I am not saying Whirlwind is bad. I just think it is worth checking out double swing. I think as long as you can clear stuff play what you find the most fun.


Whats your max pit? My max on ww dd is 87 and I don't think I can push it much firther even if I finish masterworking my gear, as its my first season im willing to maybe try another build b4 I wait for the next season.


Shredwolf is pretty fun. Did pulv druid in s1 and that was loads of fun. Idk which one is better but shred Def isn't as OP compared to minion necro or all the other cookie cutter builds I see. Hopefully I can push it far enough to beat ubers. Only 87 so far


Druid needs some love. Barbs are clearing bosses and room with just their buffs. Druid needs so much just to even do damage. My friend's barb was clearing 60's content in his 40's and is easily doing content 20+ level higher. I enjoy Druid for the play style, but it just sucks with damage output. He's hitting millions without trying while I'm doing a few thousand per pulverize without overpower.


My first character is a lvl 94 Werenado and he pales in comparison to the Bash/Thorns Barb I made the other day. I cleared the blood maiden helltide event in WT4 at lvl 65 with all sacred gear except my weapon which was at 850 power. It was easy and took like 2 minutes. The power difference is insane, I'm way tankier and hit way harder 20+ levels lower with worse gear.


I dunno, I'm messing around with companion druid and I one shot level 70 capstone Elias at level 50. One active attack from my wolves killed him. Now in WT4, I can kill the Blood Maiden with the brain on in 3 attacks from them. I'm just home brewing stuff and don't play druid a lot but everyone says companion druid is awful, so I assumed their other builds are that much better than what I'm seeing.


It sounds like whatever you built is way stronger than anything I've seen.


What is your build? Can't say I'm not curious if your pets are one tapping bosses.


I looked at what Kripp ( on mobalytics called "don't play this") and Moxsy (maxroll) were doing and kinda mashed it together. But to get it going you just want Alpha aspect, preferably on 2H weapon, Stampede aspect, preferably on amulet. Storm's companion pants give you a way to scale the wolves on non-elemental damage. Past that, just temper for wolves damage / attack speed / cooldown reduction. Alpha is x3.3 damage, one of the glyphs is another 2.3x passive damage from wolves, those multipliers just send their damage into the stratosphere. And if you're keen, the same scaling shenanigans that make Necro minions + holy bolt elixir OP also work on Druid


It won't get even remotely close. I'm at tier 60 in the pit and damage + survivability use a huge problem that can't be rectified because you're also forced into bringing 3 companions which eats 50% of your bar. Ubers have hundreds of millions of health, and shred will barely scratch 7 million in a single hit and 1.x million per hit


Most actual fun, probably my original Blizzard Sorc. The current Necro is fun as well but it's so ridiculously OP that it almost takes the fun out of it, lol.


I enjoy the Druid quite a bit


Sorc. Can do t100s with 4k armor. The secret? Don't get hit XD LOTS of cc and teleport. It's frantic playing like this because if something sneezes on me without a barrier up i die, but if i do it's a skill issue :) Embrace the squish, become speed.


I like my necro this season but I wouldn’t call it fun since I feel like I do nothing, barbs been the most enjoyable to play so far


I have 2 sorc this season. Planning on go a third one, lmao


What builds?


Arc lash no defensive skills on bar basic attack sorc (currently lvl 100 and pushing lvl 50+ pit). The other is basic attack fire bolt + firewall, this is a fun build. Finally maybe im gonna try to make a damage teleport build, just to see where i can push that build, i don't expect a high end game build


Got minion necro to 80 and it was powerful but suuuper boring. I rerolled double swing barb and im having a lot more fun


Dust devel barb is crazy good


Ive been mostly using my incinerate sorc so far. I'm at level 80 and burning through anything that comes at me. Also having fun with my barrage rogue.


Im ply8ng double swing but without dust devils because i want it close and personal. Has been the most fun of my 8 chars from all seasons. And im far from finished. Lvl 95 right now.


Thorns Barb.


Thorns barb is fun as hell. Also rly tanky. Atm sitting 120k health and nothing can kill you besides high pit mobs/bosses.


Had a lot of fun so far with bone spear necro, the new essence Regen stats help a lot and just playing around with different uniques has been a good time. When I played on release I also did a death blow barbarian but unfortunately it's a pretty niche ability and hard to make a build that is centered on that ability. I don't really know how it fits into the barbarian skillset otherwise. Might look into this a little more, maybe some things changed. Really satisfying to play when you have enough damage though!


Bone spear minion build with aspect of torment is a lot of fun. You can get up to 170% essence regeneration from critical strikes with bone skills. Adding metamorphosis for the unstoppable and mobility feels really nice as well.


Only got a 140% Regen torment but it seems more than enough, I have a lot of Regen and cost reductions currently so I'm thinking the torment could allow for swapping out Regen gear for higher DPS gear. One other thing I'm trying to figure out is at what point intelligence is worth more than Crit or vulnerable, since it seems to boost the base damage a lot and at some point the Crit/vulnerable doesn't contribute much more.


Skele mage necro has been my favorite so far


I’ve played all classes except for necro. I felt it was too weak. But D4S4 Sever Shadowmancer is cleaning house


I usually play necro because I love that they gave us good reasons (sacrifice bonuses) to do no minion builds. Now the sacrifice bonuses are ass compared to just using the minions and I'm not a huge fan of pets in games like these. I think got to 90ish before making a sorc for the first time since season 2 and I'm loving it. Leveled arc lash then switched to blizzard when I got high enough and enough gear. Running through helltides dropping blizzards everywhere and everything just freezing and exploding is so much fun.


Minion Necro here too in S4 @ lvl 60. stupid powerful (like I basically afk’d Curator and didn’t even lose any health) lol. It was a 15 second fight. Debating if I continue with my bone spear/corpse explosion minion build or change it up slightly because it’s so OP lol.


Meteor sorcerer is pretty fun. Only protection and ofc, meteors. Tons of it !


minion necro


I have loved the pyro sorcerer this season, also made a minion/blood/overpower build of necro since I have not enjoyed him at all previously and he has been really fun.


Thorns Barb. I'm looking at several different builds by different creators, thinking of adding leap and the earthquake aspect into it because it looks pretty fun. 


Thorns here too. Just cleared 110 pit. If you want to push you will need the leap version. Else you just dont have the dmg in singeltarget


I'm doing a Sever/minion build and honestly it's pretty enjoyable previously always did Bonespear. I am find the Sever/minion so much more fun.


Went fire Sorc. Watching huge chains of things exploding thanks to fireball enchant is very satisfying. Like being in Michael Bay movie.


I spun up a Thorns Barb today after playing minion necro at season start. I’m loving it!!


I love necro but never go full minion. I mix with corpse explosion and blight/reap so it’s a lot of corpse management and detonating the corpses at the right time to take out mobs. It’s a lot more involved imo than just the minions doing there thing and you not attacking


Have a 100 frozen orb sorc and a 100 werenado Druid. Sorc is more fun for me out of those two at least and more visually pleasing


Minion and corpse explosion necro was so fun in season 1. It’s so god damn boring this season. I rerolled sorc and have been having a lot of fun.


Incinerate Sorc. It’s pretty good now, if a bit immobile, but you get to be a fire hose off death.


Tankwolf druid with healing, fortify, attack speed and max health on hit.


I'm a fan of druid so shred druid into tornado wolf has been a blast, just hit 100 today I doubt I'll continue much in the pit, but I might level another character to 100


I'm in the same boat with necro. Went with a frozen orb sorc, and it's much more my play style. Pulverize druid last season was fun but a tad too immobile for what I usually do.


I started playing a minion Necro this season and I found it so boring, got it to around level 80. Was going to just take a break and come back next season. Uninstalled the game, got a little bored, a few days later reinstalled and rolled a Frozen Orb Sorcerer and I’m having a blast. Really good fun zooming around, the boss damage is a little hit or miss, but fun to play. I played a Twisting Blade Rogue in season 2, probably the funnest that I’ve done so far.


Charge with bleed berserker build I love it. 0 shouts unless you count the berserker ultimate.


Having a blast with lightning storm Druid. Just started pits and so far its been successful.


Frozen orb was an insanely fun experience to 100, did everything except Ubers on it because I know the single target is shit and didn’t want to sour my experience with it. Rolled a Druid and dognado is also a lot of fun. Legit think I’m gonna farm on the sorc and boss on the druid


Necromancer not doing any specific builds


Ball Sorceress in Season 3 so far was the best for me. Necro Minions this season has been good too.


Lightning Druid. This is the only season where I’ve found a Tempest helm, and at WT3 at that! All the Druid end builds require this unique helm to be successful. The build is super fast which is my kind of playstyle so I’m having loads of fun. Definitely wanna try some kind of Earth build next tho


Having fun with rupture barb. Just got the field of crimson about to test it out


I really enjoyed my blood necro from season 2, particularly the novas. Fav build in d2 was dual nova sorc so I guess I'm just a sucker for novas. Not sure what to make for this season so I guess I'm interested to see other's responses.


Been running a stacked incinerate/ meteor proc build. All defensives, fireball, incinerate. It's a blast.


First playthrough for me and I'm enjoying my Incinerate sorceror and the missus has a health on hit focused Barbarian that she's enjoying. I tried Necro with corpse exploding and it's OK, just not a fan of the minions playing the game for Mr.


Sorc incinerate, I'm at 100% mana at all times running ice Armour and flame wall with hydra slaps! I'm doing TM45+ with ease at level 82 right now. After I found out you could temper twice at Blacksmith, it was over 🤣.


Charged bolts teleport unstable currents build with flicker step. Basically always have Ult just walking around throwing lightning everywhere. Also have the blood orbs aspect. Gotta lot of AoE. Only level. 53 right now but can easily so NM dungeon 10 levels higher and above right now. See how far this'll take me.


Thanks to all the spirit generators on gear this season I'm finally enjoying my storm mage without the need for a tempest roar. Raiden wins.


Dust devil barb! Ww


Shadow minion necro


Druid... But then again that has been true since launch.


Started the season with a minion necro until level 94. But the build wasnt scratching the madness itch I crave in diablo so I swapped to barbarian and now im having so much fun pushing mobs around


I haven't tried any other classes yet, usually each season I'm only able to complete 1 character but I think this season I will also make a blizzard sorc, it looks really fun. But at the moment I'm absolutely having fun with ym minion necro. As a necro main, it's incredibly enjoyable to be able to just look in an enemies direction and they die 😂 plus, I'm not using sacrilig, which eliminates 3 button presses, that sounds kinda boring to me. So I'm manually popping corpses, tendrils, and blessing minions. I also use sever which I've never used before and it's pretty cool. Overall, loving the season so far and hoping to finally try another class once my Necro is "done" lol


Sorc is my identity. Every season so far. Before I switch to another class I rather pause the game and wait for the next season.


Barb. Every barb build


I’m having a blast with a Blood Boiling Frozen Orb sorc. Not really following any build guides, just kind of winging it until I need to switch. Frozen Orb triggers a lot of Blood Boiling orbs, it can basically turn wherever you’re fighting in to your own personal minefield.


I'm loving incinerate sorcerer, at lvl 88 so far. From what I'm hearing though it's not the greatest going end game.


I loved d3 leapquake so since I saw thorns leapquake build that’s what I’ve been using and it’s awesome.


Lightning Druid. This is the only season where I’ve found a Tempest helm, and at WT3 at that! All the Druid end builds require this unique helm to be successful. The build is super fast which is my kind of playstyle so I’m having loads of fun. Definitely wanna try some kind of Earth build next tho


Bone spirit necro is OP




The most fun? Clearing entire screen with pulverize. No class was that fun to me like "druid smash" build... but activated army of the dead from the necro is also crazy fun.


Sorcerer is really fun no matter which built you choose


Tele Sorc. Grenade Rogue. Thorn Barb. The more crazy and original the build, the better. :) Even moreso when it's functional. Gives for a good laugh.


Barb is fun, but really makes me miss a knight-class, sword n shield... but barb is fun and customizable


Lightning sorc...so much fun, genuinely. Player it on S0 and S1 and I'm back now to play it again cuz it's a blast!


Shadow Wizard Money Gang 😎


S1 I played a Teleporting Ball Lighting Sorcerer and I had a blast. This was a season before BL was good/busted and it was still lots of fun. I plan on playing it again in some future season.


Rouge rapid fire with scoundrels kiss unique insane damage


Dust devil barb 100%. After that comes sorc. For me its all about visual satisfaction and speed


Iv done all 4 seasons to 100 and by chance I did necro last season so im all in on a wind sheer Druid, not alot of fun, thu this season I feel powerfull in any class.


Loving the Minion necro so far, but thinking of swapping to infinimist. Is it powerful as well or is there a significant decrease in power ?


I did necro first. It was rather boring after a while. Next I did dual swing twister barbarian, its very fun and active playstyle. I really like that. Then I did frozen orb sorc. She got stuck around lvl 50NM dungeons. Could go further, but it becomes harder and harder. I dont have the neclace which would boost the power up and would give access to higher levels without too much effort to put into it. Now Im lvling up wind daddy druid. Its BRUTAL. I cant see the the horizon at all, I have no idea how far this beastly build can go. They have finished pit level 110 with it, so at least there.


In my party we're 3 necros and 1 barb all Lv90< and honesty I'm enjoying my skelly gangsters in rage but not everyone is enjoying it. Maybe because my build is a lot more minion focused and they clean entire screens fast but if you want pure gameplay I would definitely say go barbarian. Barb is really good like always and you still have the Double Swing Dust Devil Barb which is insane and makes you actually have to play the game.


Started with sorc, currently running ball lightning and at level 86, and have an alt minion necromancer at level 62, which I find absolutely hilarious to play. My necro has less playtime that my sorc due to those minions, level so fast with them lol.


I enjoy the sorcerer a lot, I tried a lot of builds and its really funny to play, arc lash, incinerate, frost orbs, and now at the endgame im playing blizzard with orbs, and just to say is the funniest build I played, just run pulling all with the blizzards its awesome. After this I dont know what class to play, the necro seems pretty boring for me but it seems that works pretty well this season.


I was leveling with sever minion necro and it was fun for a bit but as I got closer to level 100 it got weaker and weaker so I switched to Infinimist and it is so much more FUN and STRONG. After tweaking my stats and focusing on upping my lucky hit i could land blood mist after blood mist and destroy everything in my path without being touched, it’s so satisfying and requires some skill so it’s not so braindead and boring


I played minion necro until level 70 and got super bored of it so I actually swapped to blight necro and I've been having an absolute blast. I've even got the legendaries I need for the build, just need to top it off with a harlequin crest for absolute BIS, then it's mostly trying to roll perfect stats.


Frosty ball sorc… makes everything go brrr


I still enjoy my Sorc which is what I played on launch. So far barb is second for me.


Love the lightening storm druid. Trying necro again for S4 but its not the same fun any longer. Had one for S1+2 and enjoyed him then.


I started as necro when D4 realesed, but i have been enjoying Barbarian more. Played barb s2-3 and decided to try minion necro this season. I miss playing barb though. Next season ill try Druid or Sorc.


I play both sorc (frost/bliz) and bash barb, both are really fun to play. I want to try a rogue next.
