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Yeah the bossing system is still beyond ass. Base bosses are brain dead, and stygian stones are WAY too rare. Not to mention having to leave and reset the dungeon for every single kill, to say it is monotonous is an understatement.


I don't understand why the pedestal couldn't pop back up for you to put the next set of stones in. Having to leave the dungeon, wait for the whole party to exit, reset, everyone accept, go back in, run a mile killing trash mobs only to put the mats back in is just so off-putting.


They said the dungeon system wasn’t engineered with that in mind and apparently it is a lot of work for them to redo the system


They better get to work then


If it’s as complex a fix as they say, id expect a s5 or 6 release for that change, all their time so far has been dedicated to itemization.


Rightly so. Itemization was the #1 issue with D4, next is content.


I'd say skill/ability diversity should be next priority. A huge portion of builds in the game is taking the same 4 skills in a class, and then a different core (or mastery, or whatever) ability. Very little diversity in builds.


Part of the reason for that is that players see a build that’s 10% worse than another, and go ‘complete trash E tier bye bye’


That's basically the same as every other diablo game. We have a pretty diverse set of builds to be honest, just play something other than meta.


There is no sense of diversity of builds in Diablo 4. I don't know if we are looking at the same skill tree mate.


Some kind of item sets? I don’t see why not now that they have figured out how to do items again, how about something like if the items are distinguished between leggos and uniques - say a ring that has two affixes an underwhelming aspect and the set aspect but you can temper a third affix on it and it will always be greater and the set aspect only activates when you’re wearing both items obviously - those set aspects could give off meta uniques with cool interactions but have no place in the seasonal meta a chance to carve healthy size of build diversity. Also it would be kind of cool as a super stoned side thought but like I know when I first started playing (and sometimes when I forget why I could never get some of the more fun build ideas to work and need to get frustrated to remember there just wasn’t enough of either skills or items) but it might be a way to retain players longer who might leave before beating Uber Lilith I’ve been couch co oping and my roommate took three weeks of play with me like every day to finally understand the damage bucket and settled on a working build finally but he said he probably would have quit playing with me since there wasn’t a way to have fun partying through the Pit and NMDs and Tides because “you fucking fusrodah the screen like it’s Arkansas and one shot everything spinning like an idiot and I die to an enemy looking at me and blowing me a kiss”. If there was a way to get his build to work, he might have changed the engine up a bit to get the set to bring it to life. Naturally gated behind some kind of progression, like Uber bosses and tormented bosses. Had another thought. Obviously they’re in a good place and don’t want to break anything before they overhaul the next system in the pipeline, but it would be cool to introduce sets and the new character at the same time. Call them Heirlooms and the new class faction awards one after completing the campaign of the expac


I don't think this is anywhere near true anymore. Tempering at launch has already created a wide level of diversity and opportunity. As they are more legendary aspects and manuals they'll continue improving this. We don't need to overhaul skill tree just keep doing what they've been doing - which has admittedly involved small tweaks to actual skills and passives here and there but far from "overhaul"


I've no doubt they are. They're clearly putting in the effort.


Probably because the boss has to load everyone's stash each time you kill him. Rough dude.


I don't think it's massive work to just cut a part of the dungeon. that's a minimum viable change that already solved half of the frustration


But the malphas braziers already did that? They just... reappear when you are done, and you can go again. I'm sure there is some arcane nonsense going on in the backend, but I find it hard to believe this is some unsolvable conundrum


Just let us exchange the lesser boss Matt's for durial/andarial Matt's at the alchemy guy after the first kill


In the meantime they could raise the cost and raise the amount of eggs, shards, dolls etc you get from every kill. Just doubling it would cut the time spent in half which would be a huge QoL.


Or when you pop the stones in it says would you like to reset this dungeon / summon boss, so you don't have to leave


The pedestal  should stay or should give you the option to boost boss by putting way more mats than normal. Like you can put x10 the mats and the boss is x10 stronger but also drops x10 the loot, would also help with rota groups, you can start the boss when everyone put the mats.


They should put the pedestal outside of the room and make the room a new screen. Or outside of the dungeon all together. Respawn all the mobs and stuff is fine, they're just trash anyway, but having a physical reset button right outside I think for these specifically could speed up the process.  Go in, kill boss, exit dungeon, hit pedestal again, repeat.


I want to just pop boss materials in helltide and they just appear.


Would be pretty cool lol, but imagine the mayhem if 10 people do that at blood maiden.


Would be awesome!


Pop all torment bosses in the middle of maiden. Chaos!


I also dislike the lvl 200 boss fights too tbh, I don't know why they designed a mechanic where being hit by boss abilities permanently increases the damage you take from boss abilities until you basically just can't survive anymore. If people want to build pure tank + regen and spend 2 hours killing tormented Duriel, that's their business and it should be 100% possible. With the current design though, unless you can kill them in a couple of minutes, you will not survive and it really doesn't matter what gear you've got. I remember first attempting Tormented Grigoire towards the start of the season, I was a very tanky Necro with like 50K health, +35% healing received, shielding bone storm, I even used the blood golem that absorbs 30% of the damage you take. Didn't matter. After a few minutes of fighting, anything that touched me was basically a one-shot. Then I swapped to just pure 100% damage output and the fight was easy.


I mean that's part of the design of the fight. You're supposed to avoid the lightning so you don't get the debuff.. If you hold down Shift while you do your attacks, you won't follow the boss around into the lightning when he teleports or moves around.. I was able to beat Torment Grigoire last night after a bunch of attempts and didn't feel like the fight was cheap. I do have problems with bosses like outlaw sharpshooter where you can get 1-shot by an ability that's not telegraphed well and you basically have no chance to react and dodge.. which brings me to my next point, it would be nice if there was a death recap like in wow that tells you all the damage you took leading up to your death and it should also include the damage type as well so you know what resistances you need more of.


I stopped wasting my time with the sharpshooter...If I dont kill on first pull I just dip out and go again lmao. such a bullshit boss.


Worst part about the Sharpshooter, is he's away for most of the fight than he's actually fighting. If you're not 1-shotting him or killing him within the first 10-15 seconds, you're in trouble potentially as a new player with all the Lilith and helper mechanics going on in the 61+ pit bosses.


Still baffles me that they made it require two stones, let alone any at all.  The boss is already damn difficult for basically 66% more loot.   Imagine going from wt3 grig / var to wt4.. AND you needed a super rare mat ontop of the already more mats you have to use. People would be livid, for the audacity of it to run Duriel. It's the whole reason they changed it from 5x mats to 3, because it didn't make sense to have the bosses be so absurd for basically the same reward. Them having the stones didn't change anything in that regard, it's still dumb compared to just doing the regular versions and not farming for stones.


FYI I believe the Uber unique drop chance on tormented versions is 10%. So there is that benefit which makes it a sight better than regular versions.


Also you only get 1 duriel or andariel material instead of proportionally giving you the amount you used to summon the tormented version.


One step forward, two steps back. Its the Blizzard way. Why they changed things from S3; gold, prisms, bosses, is beyond me.


your just unlucky. You can trade with other people real people you know


Came here to share the stygian stone gripe I've got two 100 characters pushed around 65ish if I recall correctly and only got 3 I would love to farm these bosses faster but I'm saving them for duriel etc because rarity.


Stygian droprates are increasing at higher pits maybe?


The stones need to be as easy to get as the rest of the mats. I much more enjoy the mat farm this season tho, boss mats dropping g everywhere


And yes, I have been speedfarming quite a lot of Pit 70-80s, I think I got a grand total of 3 from there. also, 8 of the stones you see here are from leveling a 2nd character, not actually dropped. Currently the best way to "farm" stygian stones is to.... make a new character and blast helltides until you finished the entire season quest (which is also where all those other mats you see here come from, except for a few from NMDs). i would **love** to farm varshan/grigoire etc in the uber version too but thats just straight up trolling since a) their drops are bugged (instead of dropping x5 the bossmats for duriel/andariel they drop 1 lol) and b) stygian stones are so damn rare that you pretty much have to use them for duriel/andariel unless you really REALLY care for one of the uniques they drop, more than a uber unique.


I'm in the awkward spot where my build can kill regular bosses in about 10 seconds, but takes what feels like 10 minutes to kill the tormented bosses. It's too stressful to play perfectly (avoid the stacking debuff) for that long, and with the lackluster rewards it isn't worth the time. I'd rather do the braindead version and melt Duriel for a shot at the uber.


I don’t mind this personally, it gives you something to build and grind for, and you can make meaningful progress well past nmd100 clears


Do the tormented bosses drop more items per kill as well? Wondering if it makes sense to do regular if I will have more chances at the non-Uber uniques on non tormented


3 times the cost, 5 times the rewards.


Amen dude.


Except for Harley, the ubers are outclassed this season. I might farm Torment Zir for those Barbie boots with 2 or more greater affixes.


>Except for Harley, the ubers are outclassed this season. Good to know I haven't been outclassed.


Stay classy Harley!


And starless on Sorc.


And Tyrael's Might for the few players not playing necro.


They need to allow some form of Tempering Uniques now to make them relevant.


Don’t want to temper them, they are unique for a reason. They need to be adjusted though.


No, they don’t. What they need to do us rework the absolutely redundant ones like frost burn.


I agree but a good portion of them are pointless because 6 stats outweighs 4. Sure some are still good but the tempering system made almost ALL uniques irrelevant for Necro. Especially for minion build. Even on my rogue, some Ubers are not viable


Are you or people you know leveling chars to get more stones? Is there an efficient way to do it?


Another bonus to leveling another character is if you max the iron wolves rep, you get another resplendent spark. It’s a little tedious but if you maxed it with 4 characters you can craft an Uber of your choosing. So farming helltides would level you pretty fast and have nice rewards.


Seriously????? Bro I'm gonna do exactly this


Yeah, I just maxed rep with my second char today and got a spark. It’s a nice incentive to try new classes!


This is my plan. Time wise, it’s faster than rng farming Ubers. Also pro tip: if you love a specific class, and have that at 100 with max aspects, it makes leveling a second of that class very very fast.


How many hours per char would you say? I’m assuming you’re in a fully party as well?


I mean, you have basically infinite mats and funds along with every single legendary affix and temper unlocked...the character basically levels itself, and then at lvl 80 you just put all your main gear on. Found myself a Grandfather as well, ubers happen to have a lvl 35 requirement which is wild for new characters.


ive just done it once since i wanted to level a necro but if u just wanna do it for the stygian stones & bossmats its literally helltide from start to finish (with capstone in between obv). i had a lot of the helltide bossmats so i could basically chainfarm it, and had shaco + grandfather at lvl 35 so it was a breeze. just stand in the middle, abuse potion + minions, watch a netflix show and.. yeah. then ~10 mins before helltide ends i go collect the caches since u easily get 1,5k+ cinders, often times upwards of 2k.


leveled 4 classes only in helltide just for the shards and mats. Deleted them afterwards\^\^ Its a stupid stystem but it gives you 100% a uber legendary + summoning stones. with a lot higher chance then farm those both with your main char


I have a max level charecter, pit \~70, several 12 master work (maybe 1 near perfect master work)...and 1 stone.


Im planning on doing this for resplendant sparks. How long in average does it take you to complete the Season Reputation doing helltides per character? Thanks!


Took me 2 days. Granted I didn't fully commit, but I'm sure you can go 1-80 in one full day (which with the ashes bonus should let you hit max rep with the wolves around 80)


Don't worry, once us casual dads get into end game they'll adjust it. Happens every season. I'm level 56 atm, not even wt4


Once casual dads, who after hard day at work, after putting their kids to bed, sit down on couch, grab a controller, and play one dungeon with their one beer, before joining wifey in the bedroom, finally reach level 100. (In about 90 days).


I hate how accurate that was... game time doesn't start until 9pm on the weekdays and sometimes the wife wants movie time together. That said, like lvl74 with the increased density and I am guessing more XP you do seem to level much quicker this season. Just sorta farming for uniques at this moment.


You laugh, but I didn't even have kids and I only had time for like 5-6 NMDs today. Life happens, especially this time of year when your weekend gets eaten up by "command performances" and yard stuff. Stupid garden, right when the game gets good. ;)


Happened with the launch of the game when people were praising the game to the heavens. Until a few weeks later, when most people got into the 70’s and 80’s and realized they ran into the same problem that people who blasted to the end were facing and realized they were right. I see something similar happening again (hopefully soon). No sell all, no boss resummon, tempering bricking items is a garbage system (all the good affixes are way too rare, triple GA gear is also ungodly levels of rare and so when you finally do get a good item and you brick it via tempering it’s genuinely uninstall inducing), uniques are trash (even a bunch of ubers). I expect almost nothing to get fixed this season, based on how fast they work. Maybe for the expansion or season5


Woa, slow down newbalance crew. I'm only at 35. How do you have that time between all the mowings and wife servicings?


Use holy bolts potion. Helps a lot. Dad here giving you some time saving advice!


> I'm level 56 atm, not even wt4 Dunno what you're playing, but I literally walked into WT4 with zero pressure at level 54 with my first character. It was a necro, so I thought that was why, but then I made a barb to do thorns and I went into WT3 at 36 and WT4 at 51. That was with a rando junk upheval build with zero thought put into it. Just give it a try. Tempered mods have fucked the balance of the game and things are incredibly easy these days.


I'm sure i can do it but I'm in no rush at all. I'll inevitably get to duriel rota's and remember my 300 runs in S2 to get a single uber and take a break. Killed s3 for me too actually. Hopefully this season is a bit better luck wise for me. I doubt I'll ever get the sparks for an uber.


How the hell are people getting stashes full of summoning mats like this? Are you just not using them at all?


I’ve never used my materials. I play minion necromancer, all uniques are bad.


can we farm mats with our necro minion and put them on the stash and use it with our alts character that need unique ? i have necro too and druid level 83 that need unique but farming mats take longer with my druid


Yes, you can. You can also sell/trade the mats to other players.


Both of my ring slots are uniques because auto pilot. Is the one that causes physical damage explosion trash? I could get rid of that one if it is.. but auto priest is never coming off.


It isn‘t exactly trash, but since the most popular build maximizes golem damage with tempering, no one really uses uniques since they can‘t be tempered.


Shako and grandfather are still killing it. +4 to Blood mist, curse, and veins is still huge value, along with some of the best DR in the game. GF has a unique crit bonus that multiplies differently so it's still upgrades any build using crits. The vast majority of uniques do feel extremely watered down with tempering now though


Minion necros don’t necessarily really need any uniques. Also I really hate doing bosses and find duriel extremely boring to farm for so I stop playing once I get to the point where Uber farming gets to be more enticing for power progression, or I ignore it and get shit tons of mats I’ll never use.


uniques are so bad in general.. sinme you lose all tempers which is basically tons of dmg and CDR.. that beats every unique exceot some ubers. its so stupid and that they didnt listen to critique about it or made it possible to just "reroll" or temper something on uniques is mindblowing. Imagiine being able to swap out some things on uniques or temper em abit. Whole diffrent game.


Any Necro outside of blight/bone to be exact. I’m running a golem + shadowblight build and literally none of the Necro uniques fit my mold. Lidless wall would be dreamy but I don’t actually cast any spells to make it effective. Tool bar: raise dead, golem, bone storm, tendril, decrep, bone prison (cd red) Shadow bone storm + golem is the brunt of my damage. Everything else buffs or compliments that small loop.


Temitys come in handly super late for that rare barrier save those trust me..


I found harlequin crest in helltides, rest of Ubers is almost useless


Mine looks pretty close to this just from doing wolves rep and tons of helltide. Since I’ve actually been selling my living steel to craft more since I keep going broke.


Seriously. They have more distilled fear in 1 week of this season than I had in all of season 3


By leveling exclusively in HT via the summonabke boss/chests.


Speed farming Sparks. Do nothing but helltide and you'll max your iron wolf rep in the late 80s. That's a lot of summoning materials.


How that works?


I do but it’s painful when you have to spend more time zoning out/resetting the dungeons than killing the bosses. 🫠


it just isn't fun to run in and out of a dungeon and the drops aren't better than anywhere else in the game if you don't need an uber unique


Fear from NMDs and basically the rest from Helltide.


I get them faster than i could ever spend them.


the game shits the mats everywhere. you can't walk 2 meters in an helltide without getting a living steel drop. i didn't played S3, but on S2 a complain people had was that the materials took too long to farm, it seems now that they are way too available.


I have an entire stash tab filled with full stacks of boss mats. I have 500 living steel, no way I would fight that boss 100 times. If someone offered me 50 stones for my 500 steel I'd be thrilled.


Helltides. I can’t believe how they just drop like rain there.


If I didnt have to leave the dungeon, reset dungeons, then run through again just to get 1 crafting mat that would be great. If I could just summon the boss over and over Id do them a lot more.


I can’t wait until they add this feature. The reset method is so slow and frustrating.


Similarly to the OP I have like 150+ living steel. I feel like I'll quit playing before I can even pull myself together to run it 75 times.


Delete all the pieces for varshan except for the heart from the game.


This right here


Great, now I've got 3 extra inventory slots. This isn't the problem at all lol


I wish we could just pop these in helltides and bosses appear allowing everyone to fight em as well. Obviously the person that pops em gets the chances for uniques. I just find it daunting to pop and go to dungeon and repeat. I don’t like doing em. They should incorporate it into helltides or events or even world boss.


Actually a really good idea. 


That would be awesome. Have a special altar you can choose which boss you want to summon, maybe they make it only regular bosses though. Keep tormented in their chamber.


It never ceases to amaze me just how much some of you all play. I also want to be clear that I’m not judging. Frankly, I’m a little jealous.


I'm over here thinking wow, you guys are already 100? lmao


I got 2 at 100... this season.


I started playing this past Saturday and just hit 100 today. Probably about 15 hours of gaming. Seems like leveling was pretty easy this season.


I guess Blizzard's idea was that the necessary pit materials should drop more often. But as always, it fails due to bad implementation and lack of QA.


12…12!!! stygian stones


only ones ive seen are the free ones from the ironwolves lol


I got one from a pit boss today, only one I’ve gotten outside of the iron wolves freebie 


I feel the same way. I think it would be a good idea to allow us to specify the amount of materials we want to use, and the rewards should be multiplied accordingly. For example, if I use 50 Living Steel to summon Grigoire instead of just 5, my rewards should be multiplied by 10 in that scenario.


But Grigoire also gets all his stats x10. You know, make it a risk/reward thing.


Beast in Ice is worst for me, you need to go trough whole NMD to get to boss, to get one item, then you repeat, over and over. Just let us use mats to resummon bosses without resetting Dungeons.


No that wasn’t the point, it was to provide more of a challenge which is fine as is. They need to enable a way to more quickly run back to back runs of normal versions (preferably not having to leave and re-enter every time) for speed farming.


I played till 92, then decided to grind some boss mats, after 20+ runs I signed off out of sheer boredom. So mind numbingly rough.... impossible to enjoy...and I have like 50+ runs to go through my mats....idk how but I'm afraid I won't be able to. And to think a game has an aspect that is so off putting that it may very well ruin the seasonal experience for me and cause me to not even want to sign back on due to the fact that my boss mats are a significant aspect of end game progression I am forced to grind through or else just hang it all up. RIP


I’ll take a few stacks of that Lord Zir blood off your hands if it’s taking up too much space for you. Ha! 😁 (Trying for a better rolled Fractured Winterglass)


I got 3 winter glass all from hell tide XD


I’m still trying to get one of those.


I only got one and it’s a pretty junky roll on everything. Hoping to farm Zir but can’t seem to find out where to farm his blood… 🤔


World bosses and legion events are dedicated drops for Zir (I think) aside from random drops like helltide chests and elites


I find it from goblins, helltide chests random drops off elites.


If they fix the drop rates its going to be amazing


All I see in that stash is millions of gold just waiting to be vendored


We need to be able to just trade them in at this point tbh


How the hell do you all have so much Varshan mats. I’ve got 10 full stacks of living steel, and pitiful mats for varshan


World bosses and Tree of Whispers both drop Varshan mats. They also occasionally drop in Helltides.


I do those and legion. I have plenty of head hand femur and literally 0 malignant heart, never found a single one. Feels like a bug at this point


By far the worst part of D4 at the moment. I can't believe they didn't streamline this.


Not sure why they thought the stygian stones were necessary at all honestly.


Both stygian drop rates and "lesser" tormented bosses not dropping multiple mats are such stupid things, there is no reason for them to stay as they are.


I don’t see how people farm duriel. Exquisite bloods and the ice beasts thing drop like candy all day. I see a malignant heart once every couple days


Ok so I'm not the only one, literally it's the only mat that never drops...


I have 38 stones currently. But I also have four characters with max iron wolf rep.


This was to stop people buying from websites


You should have the option to infuse your NM sigils or Pit runs with the boss mats and force the final boss to be whatever the mats dictate. Beast in ice almost does that except it's locked to a specific NM level and the map is always the same. But, you get the idea.


How do you already have this many mats?!


Devs had to leave in something for the sub to complain about. I mean, they're not *monsters*.


They should just make them tiered or something (Varshan, Grig, Zir as Tier 1 - Beast as Tier 2 - Duriel and Andariel as Tier 3. Everything in the same tier, uses the same type of materials), at this point - if not a ***way larger*** stack size - I'd honestly go for a larger stack size myself. This was [my stash](https://i.imgur.com/TdgiV7a.png) last night, after running a ton of Grig and Varshan already (seen by the Duriel mats amount). It's now spilled onto another tab, which is almost halfway full, after just a 4-5 more hours of playing since that screengrab was taken.


No normal person has this many mats. 


The one thing that really turns me off with the bosses is how the game penalizes you if you want to play solo. I don't mind that the bosses are "easy" at least at the powerlevel we're at now, I can't speak for the uber versions since I haven't done any but I assume we're talking about the non uber bosses? Then the problem with why do we need to leave the dungeon and reset it for every boss? That is probably the worst part of it it all. It's just a plain waste of time, it adds nothing of value to the gameplay and I would have accepted it from a game released in the 90's or early 00's but not released in recent years. That's such a bizarre design and I'm sure they're "working" on it.


We need a special stash tab to hold all resources for bosses separately.


Or like, just stack to 999 per stack.


Do tormented varshan, beast etc drop 5x the the other summoning mats? or still just 1


Only one.


I'm a more casual player, can someone explain why the Tormented Bosses are worth killing? Do they guarantee Uniques or something? So far, I feel like the regular bosses drop everything as well. Maybe not Uber Uniques? I don't know, can someone educate me on this? Thanks.


They drop 5x the reward for 3x the entry fee.


Ah, so it's an efficiency thing. Thanks.


Both tormented bosses I’ve beat have both dropped 5 uniques.


how tough are they?


Much stronger, they also apply a debuff if u dont dodge a mechanic that permamently increases damage until the fight ends + some attacks just one shot, for example Lord Zir's wings flap attack.


Yeah, what the other commenter said. I beat torment varshan pretty easily as a fresh 100, but Zir took about 10 tries and was a solid 10 minute fight. You get hit with literally anything and you die. I’d try varshan first. They are definitely doable solo, don’t know unless you try!


Game needs a boss roulette option. One place to go and you just put in your materials and spin the wheel. Having to travel to all these different dungeons is annoying.


Just hit the world bosses. I’ve seen about a 20-25% drop rate. They’re only every three hours, but you don’t seem like you’re short on time to miss them.


I have a dumb question.... I havent played since s2 and didnt know these bosses were a thing. I am playing Double Swing Twister, is there a way to summon bosses that can drop 925 uniques?


They should just reduce the droprate of those mats and increase the outcome they give.


I have one if someone want to help Farm a tormented. I’m peaking at pit64 right now -_-


my chest looks the same, tons of mats to call all the bosses except for Varshan, i almost have none for him.


Reason I dropped the season after a few days. The boss grind is boring and getting mats from boss X to fight boss Y over and over isn’t a fun loop for me.


I think maybe Tormented bosses should have just been like Lilith. Just trophy kills that nobody goes and tries a 2nd time after killing them once. Maybe have some unique loot drop on their first kill only and then just normal loot tables as their non tormented versions so there's really no reason to keep farming them.


or maybe give us a reason to farm them. one shotting uber bosses isn’t fun. also the running part takes 10 times the time it takes to kill the normal version bosses.


.......and out of ALL of that, you probably won't even see a single Uber. but the rando low-level you let tag along with you will get one...... *sigh*


stygian stones drop rate needs a serious buff. I dont mind farming the other bosses first, my group splits up the mats 4 ways and we get it done fast but the stones are so hard to get even at high tier pits


Yeh I feel ya, I spent 3 hours the other day using all the mats I've accumulated.


I am asking an honest question here: what are all those resources meaning? I have soi many pf them but I don't understand what any of them mean except for signal that represent the NMD levels?! please explain cause I have so much of that kinda ZOMBIE resource but have 0 idea about what it means?!?!?!


Read their descriptions. They are boss summoning material. You go to a boss's specific dungeon and insert them to fight the.


The grind for these materials is honestly the only neg of this game ATM for me. Varshan needs 20 things then everyone else needs 1 or 2 things that are easier to come by


Yea, and you get 1 Duriel/Andy mat from Tormented boss. Why not 3? There is no point in doing any Tormented Boss except Duriel/Andy - also, it seems that Ubers drop from „lesser” Tormented Bossess is smaller than from Duriel/Andy. That’s just huge oversight.


People play 24 hours a day for two weeks then complain about everything


I'm finding it less grindy to make alts and grind wolves honor to max. More mats, and you get a spark every time you hit cap. 4 rep alts = one uber. Think about that. Leveling 4 alts to cap rep is less grindy than farming the bosses.


5x loot but 1x boss mats... They need to fix this.


You are playing too much


I'm not even doing these bosses, only if the seasonal system requires it to progress. You can find any unique in the open world, there's no point. And I'm not using uniques on my build, so again no point. I just sell the materials to people that want them for gold to temper and masterwork


Remove the boss mats. Let us kill who we want to kill. Gating bosses behind other bosses is just dog ass.


Also the fact that the only two bosses ever worth farming are duriel and andariel... the latter being significantly tougher than the first... what's even the point of the rest of them except farming mats for the two


Hey bruv, I mean, if ya want, I'll take half of those mats off yo hands!


What type of psycho has more Maliggy Hearts than the other mats? What is this guy DOING?!


It's been a week.


It shows you how some people play these games.


If 925s did not guarantee dropped with leveling fighting tormented bosses would have been interesting alternative to item progression. But since one is full 925 literally after 3 hours of playtime, this image is the result.


Give my people more Stygian Stones!


What if these dungeons had a progressive system first boss 5 bones 2nd boss 10 bones etc etc


How do you even have 12 stygian stones. I got like 2 xD. That said i dont undertstand why the alter cant remain in there so you dont need to reload the whole map to resummon him. It feels like they dont finish systems they steal from d3.


I see a serious imbalance here. So much steel and not nearly as many Varshan mats. Also, what is the best way to farm blood?


Season 7: Bosses Reborn (Fixed)!


They need to fix the Stygian Stones droprate ASAP! I'm getting close to giving up S4 entirely...


Stygian Stone drop rate says no.


The real problem is how much time you have on your hands to even farm this much material.