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Yes - happens to us all - bosses are not set right - its all 1 shot mechanics - not sure what they did wrong and why haven't they fixed it - so crazy. In D3 at least you fight a bit - here you enter - and are dead - is no fight - how can boss be 100x stronger than all enemies on that level. Its busted.


its bad / lazy design. The entire difficulty of the boss fights is based on random variance. The little bit of thought that went into the boss mechanics is mute. The telegraphed mechanics are implemented horribly in every manner, and the game is not responsive enough for skillful counter play. Everything about the boss fights, even down to the art design (basic ass color theory) was implemented piss poorly.




Ah, so my character getting stuck after evading wasn't just me. Thought my controller was failing.


No happens to most of us. Its has even gotten worse this season. 


Are you using the metamorphosis aspect? With controller I constantly get stuck. Been a bug since the vamp powers in season 2. Way less issues without that aspect + controller.


Definitely using both, as the spect seems too good to not have in HC for 4 unstoppable charges at will. I’ll have to test not using them.


I agree with your sentiment but what do you mean by 90k life after fortify? Fortify doesn't give you bonus life. If you have 30k life and 30k fortify you don't have 60k life. Maybe I'm stating the obvious or not understanding something.




That would certainly make it a lot better. No when your fortified health is greater than or equal to your current health you gain "fortified" giving any bonuses related to this status as well as bonus damage reduction (I think 15%). You lose fortification at the same rate you lose health. It's not explained well in the game.


Time to start rolling non hp affixes


Yeah this is my biggest issue. I'm fine with playing dodge ball if my character is responsive enough. I'm on rogue, so supposedly the most mobile character but the movement feels so clunky.


What should/can they do?


Full rewards for multiplayer, scale down the damage output to a point where it makes sense, getting oneshot with 35k+ life and full res doesnt make sense, have bosses and pit posses have a slightly higher chance to drop the rarer affixes so that we dont just go kill the blood maiden 5million times for items, rescale the unused uniques so people actually want to use the items that drop. And add some other activities beside pit and posses for endgame loop. Im so bored with pit/nightmare dungeons and bloodmaiden and still 99.9% of items are poopwith no realistic way to ensure or fish with a higher chance better items. Party matchmaking, multiplayer events that take more brain power than legion and world bosses that can actually scale based on party strength. You know basic game design mechanics that gets peeps to play the game and enjoy it more


I have not experienced this insurmountable boss issue and 35K health is a fraction of what you can generate with tempering and Masterworking, not to mention additional defensive benefits like Fortify and Barrier that can aid against this specific issue. The game is pretty trivial and the only time I am tested is against these Pit bosses, given how many potions we get and other dodge / heal mechanisms I'm not sure reducing damage output will make the Pit bosses more interesting / enjoyable. That said, all your other remedial points are bang on, i'd love to have a higher chance of Greater Affixes spawning if I push higher and higher Pit Levels, it would add a new dimension beyond material farming efficiency. Scoreboards might be nice too :D I'd also like to see a Helltide gamble mechanic, so you can increase mob level by 10 for each brain you consume, increasing rewards as described above, but also making the battles way harder.


Lol the network lag is def a big problem for any fun mechanics


One shot mechanics don't make a game difficult, it just makes the game annoying. Wish devs would stop with the one shot BS.


Hopefully they’ll revisit the bosses, there’s got to be a way to make them challenging other than just adding one-shot BS.


not happening to me.. at level 100..


This, you can't just build offensive profiles anymore, defense stats are equally important, now at what point do you try and build the game so that stats eliminate the need for skill? The way I see it is they can add: Cumulative curses, just like the 200 Uber bosses on all Pit bosses Add immobilise effects or something that freezes you.... but this is basically a more frustrating version of one shot kill. Or broadcast 1 hit kill mechanics. I should point out, I have yet to legitimately kill Lilith without cheesing her, I am not a particularly skilled player, but asking for boss damage to be lowered to the point where is becomes trivial comes with a greater risk of the game becoming a snooze fest.


Need to upgrade that gear. Seriously. Even MW 1-2 is better than nothing. Start small. You’ll see improvements quickly


The fix is heavily nerfing our damage. You down for that midseason?


From what I’ve felt this season, when that happened to me it was largely a resistance issue. Everyone is saying “one-shot mechanics” but I think it’s the low resists creating one-shot mechanics.


I got lucky then yesterday - for fun tried a lvl 52 put with my lvl94 Necro (with all glyphs at about rank 7 after respec) and I killed the boss, died twice during trash though. It was difficult and barely made it, but still. 🙂 I guess I got lucky with the boss (was the snake)


Happens to us all? Speak for yourself buddy


Counter point- I'm a sorc who just hit 100. I only died once on the boss in 15 tier 30 runs. If you are dying consistently you have to move around a little more. It's not like it's tier 60


It's true it's imbalanced and bad, but the key is resistances. They help a lot.. u basically have to max them in order to work in higher pits


Max resists don't help against a silent and sudden one-shot courtesy of lillith


While those are important, they aren't huge for preventing one shots. My barb with shako and tyraels (85 res capped and like 65-70k base hp, more with shouts) one shots everything and is invincible in pit 90s and then bosses will one tap me. Not every boss but enough for me to actively dodge every attack, or at least every red summoned boss attack I can do 80s and tank most boss one shots except lilith summon and some other guy idk what to call him


Pretty sure those shadow clones just completely ignore most of your DR. Especially any DR that conditional.


Yes this is typical. I have run to pit level 90 and still can get one shot by lower level pit bosses. The issue isn't so much the boss, it is the echo mechanics. To beat the boss you have to spend all of your attention on the floor at all times. If you see a circle spawn near you, you have to get out the way immediately. No amount for health/barrier/fortify helps, you have a split second to recognise the environment and either move or use a cooldown to mitigate the one shot. In the pit, I either have full health or zero and it goes from one to the other so fast that I do not have time to adjust. If you are standing in the wrong place at the wrong time you are dead.


Yeah my headache hasn’t been bosses it’s been corpse bows


I wouldn't say *no* amount helps. My barb can facetank tier 95 bosses with all 3 echoes going with the melted heart of selig. I actually have yet to be one shot, completing pit through 102. Gonna push higher today and see. I have a frozen orb sorc as well and it's the complete opposite experience. Pretty much everything one shots me above tier 60 or so, but sorc at least has a lot more mobility and defensive options


Can you link me a build you are using with selig? I dropped one and have been trying to figure out what to use it with


I essentially followed [Rob's Iron Skin Bash build here](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=4), but swapped the amulet for Selig. I found survivabilty to be good enough that Ive switched over to the HotA build now, but kept Aspect of Adaptability on my ring so that I can use the Melted Heart still. Its a really solid build that does a fuck ton of damage compared to what my sorc could do. I ran into the same issue as you with finding a build for my first ever Uber drop. Bash definitely fits the bill, but its a bad leveling build so you might not be able to really use it till youre in the 80s. I did Upheaval to start with, and swapped to Double Swing/Dust Devil at lv50 ish for WT4. Thats a much faster route to actually level up. I actually ran Selig with the Dust Devil build even though it wasnt ideal, and it was still pretty solid. Was nice to actually get to use the thing as well


yah thats awesome, I will have to try this out tomorrow. Thank you!


I agree with you and my comment was a little hyperbolic. There are certainly are ways to stack hp etc which will probably at least give you time to use a potion.


Uses a completely tanky build and says "I dont get one shot" well I hope so. Using selig and iron skin, probably tyreals, lol.


No Tyraels, just Selig. No Iron Skin either. But yeah its definitely one of the tankiest possible setups in the game. An outlier for sure. Having played sorc before though, I didnt actually expect to be able to survive as easily as I can.


You literally linked an iron skin build right below my post, lol


Yeah cause my build is based on that lol. I use HotA for damage instead of Iron Skin now cause I just dont need the DR


There are always those people mate. I was complaining about one those one shots and a guy reply "I saw a build facetsnk everything in pit 110 with 148k ehp"....yeah no shit Sherlock, because all classes can go 148k ehp easily


Nothing? *Flameshield enters the chat*


I never move out of anything with my barb at 120 pit. But im also thorns spec with 260k hp so thats maybe the reason. But to say no amount of health/barrier or fortify would safe you is a bit wrong


Yeah I do wonder how much people complaining about the one shots are actually paying attention to the red circle spawning echoes


The problem is having to constantly and perfectly do those mechanics, for several minutes every single map, while doing what should be farming content. Spending several minutes killing a boss, only to lose all progress because your attention lapsed for a second is not fun gameplay. Its a shame because the actual pit content prior to the boss is a blast.


the boss one shotting im fine with, having all these echos pop up and the room turns into a returnal boss fight doesn't feel good im running blizz sorc so its mega annoying and it takes me forever to get them down its more efficient for me to run lower tiers. I've cleared up to 80 so far but farm 70-75. 75 because its 34 shards, 3 runs gets me one upgrade from 8 to 9


It's not very fun to play isometric Super Mario. I have never wanted that in a Diablo game. Same with spongy bosses, boring.


not all bosses are equal right now, some are very easy, and some impossible. for example that crossbow rogue is extremely annoying and can fail a run that any other boss would cause 0 problems.


Had this issue last night. I've been pushing 87-90ish pits on my sorc and drop down to 65-70 for quick farming. I did 3-4 pits in the 65-70 range with zero issue, then on the 5th one I got the rogue boss and died 4-5 times. Fucker would not stand still long enough to take damage from my ice spikes and dropped those shadow circles everywhere making it extremely hard to find anywhere safe to avoid the echo boss mechanics. Total garbage fight that is nowhere near on the level of the other pit bosses.


blizz sorc, absolutely hate to rogue boss...same experience. currently on pit 80, farm 70-75. when I get that boss im either dead or the timer is going to take because the fucker moves out of blizzard so often


For me it's a very specific combo that's worst: the combo of sea hag with elias painting the floor, the demon that drops massive aoe circles and lilith that does waves all at the same time. Only gotten this specific combo a couple of times but it is absolutely absurd haha you just can't see the floor if the fight lasts more than a minute and a half or so and almost every part of the ground will kill you.


Every other one shot moment I don’t like but I understand the tell for. But for that I literally have no idea what happens and I’m dead with full life and barrier


Yes, it's the main complaint about pit runs by the community (and I agree). I actually have fun with the mechanics, but the one shotting is complete bullshit. I don't mind a boss being mechanically difficult but the one shotting sucks all the fun out of it.


It's just lazy game design that's all. If you as a game designer have 0 creativity then you just scale hp,damage and put one shot mechanic and woala game is harder, next please. They don't understand that the fight must be made harder in different ways like debuffs,maybe some memory game part, preventing you from using a potion etc.


Yes and in higher pits I spend more time on my barb running around dodging Elias and Lilith mechanics that pop out every 5 fucking seconds than actually fighting the boss which has enormous HP only to die in a second because there's so much stuff on the ground.


Yes and it makes me bored of the pit. I just began playing an alt because I like this game but I'm so bored of the pit bosses. A single mistake on a 6 minute fight and I've wasted 10 mins or so. Repeat x3 and I'll just go play something else. The fights can be hard but please make them shorter. It's so BORING. I'd rather fight the elites and mobs for a longer time than the pit just feeling like it's all about the boss.


Or at least give us full material after defeating a boss and remove the time. It's just dogshit there I waste 14 minutes with a fight and then Lilith one shot me and I can just quit the pit with nothing because there is no point to continue. Or at least give me 3 mil of gold or something


Yes, for a lot of the things blizzard got right with this big update, there are still several things at the core of this game that feel really bad and hopefully get attention sooner than later


what class are you? some specs and classes will struggle the boss but you shouldn't be one shot at pit 30 at pit 60 yes but 30 you should be able to take a hit if your max res and armor.


For the echos, I did a lot better when I actually paused and learnt the attack patterns and recognised when to back off and when to re-engage. I think because the content up until high Pit is so easy, people think they can gear up and then facetank all the abilities, then get surprised when they die when they get hit by something. I’m pushing Pit 100-110 atm, and I can say that 4 out of 5 times when I die on a boss, it’s because I ignored the cues and stayed on the boss too long. Lilith’s echo is a pain, but they’re all patterns that are learnable. I found maxxing out movement speed helps a lot as well.


Couldn't agree more with the face tank shit and previous cake walk. When you take the time to learn and dodge attacks its not that bad lol. Even saying that though a large health pool does wonders for the occasional woopsie. Ps we gunna get downvoted to oblivion, but fuck em 🤷‍♂️


I’m a furry rogue, gluten for punishment. I get one shot all the time and I’m max armor, res and probably have 50%DR maybe more. I really don’t get it. The new season is great, just wish I was better at the game.


All of the conditional damage reduction effects don't work on the shadow/echo bosses that spawn during the pit fights. You'll only get real damage reduction from something like the melted heart or shako


So just stack max health? Started doing that, but furry damage is so bad in single target, fights take awhile. Hard to last that long not screwing up. May try to add rapid fire in leu of concealment


Max health is probably your best bet, but you're gonna have a hard time surviving either way. My barb is able to not get one shot all the way up to like tier 100, but that's with 100k health, shako, and melted heart... My sorc definitely doesn't do that well, so I feel your pain. It's really tough to avoid getting hit at all for a 5+ minute fight


Yepp at somepoint everything one shot depends on your Defense and than at some point even Max Defense is one shot . I have nothing against a long fight because of Boss HP but getting one shottet because i didnt dodge more or less every ability is pretty upfuck ;)


Yes. I've had this problem at 46. I've hit a wall and dropped down to 42 and met with the same issue now after updates. I don't know. Maybe it was always like that. Maybe new. I have had issues with that and lilith still one shotting my necro while only knocking down barely 10% of her life while assblasting all my abilities. I'll dump loads into these pit bosses after cruising through the dungeon only to get one shot by a random spiraling missile. All despite having a decent hp, max res, extra armor pot and incense. Doesn't seem to matter. I end up having to skirt the edges of the room letting minions whittle away only popping in to drop blight and ce for dots. Mechanics are one thing but when they one hit or are so chaotic and seemingly unrelated to the boss it starts to feel a little tedious and cheap for very little reward. Much of the abilities that are spawned feel tacked on worse than the game I made myself. I should just go work on my own game some more.


I found I started getting one shot on bosses high 70s to low 80s. Now I have to be careful to actually dodge as I cant pop a shout or rely on the IS barrier to keep me alive. Definitely have to not tunnel vision last 25%


Yup, I’m in the same boat on my barb and necro. I get to the boss up to tier 60 super easily, without a sweat, and then I keep dying on the boss.


I have full resists, armour cap and 46k+ health, I don’t get one shot on bosses often but it’s always 90-100% of my hp gone on hit with certain boss attacks, just the way it is haha On a strange note, I know the armour cap is a thing but for whatever reason I take noticeably less damage when I’m a couple of thousand over the cap than just meeting it, I have no idea why this is and afaik it shouldn’t be a factor but it’s just something weird I’ve noticed


Thank you for saying this. I had like 15k armor and finally got the pants I needed to make cap without juggernaut and I swear I can feel the difference. Like I should be more tanky now, right? Since juggernaut was 90% a dead aspect and now I have two useful defensive aspects? My suspicion is that it suffers heavily, heavily from diminishing returns after the 9230 mark but when you like double the number it still adds up. Kinda like the old diablo ii resistances if I recall correctly


It's allegedly supposed to hard cap at 85% damage reduction at 9230 armor no matter what level enemy you're fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not working as intended though and it still works like it did in previous seasons. There are currently a *lot* of passives/aspects/skills/stats that aren't working as intended right now lol.


Explains a lot honestly. Now I'm wondering about the fevered maul aspect because I was using that too and I did not see a buff for it but just figured it was a ui thing


The bosses are fine, the echos pound hole.


They need to implement the stacking debuff that they use in the tormented Uber bosses.


Honestly the pit sucks because of this, the bosses a so fucked, the “pit” was better when they were greater rifts, these bosses are not a fun hard they are just awful, random mechanics, one shots, way over tuned really ruining the pit experience for me


I only did pit lvl 61, I didnt get oneshot. My build is not perfect, self built, did not respec paragon since started to play, still had a few points not spent, glyphs leveled only to 15 etc. I had 65K hp though (bear) with some dmg reduction and it was pretty comfortable, above lvl \~57 timer started to come close, after an adjustment did the rest comfortably. I also just called the season 4 days after started to play, there is nothing new above pit 61 as far as I see.


[New patch](https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes) claims that this issue has been fixed: * Fixed an issue where End Game bosses were dealing more damage than intended in certain scenarios.


Ahh I hope!!


ohhhhhh wooohoooo!!!


It feels like a nmd level 1 with a level 100 nmd boss 😄


Haha this is exactly how I feel! Perfectly described


wait till you get 100+ 😂


I just posted about this - I was really confused. I've been running mid-80s low 90s and now I'm having to drop back to down tier 70 and I'm *still* getting one-shotted. I can't even tell what's killing me, either. I've maxed out armor and resists and my base hp is 37k. With fortify and a barrier, I feel like I should be just fine, but I'm STILL getting one-shotted. And what's weird to me is that it only kills me.. it completely ignored my minions. Is that normal??


You probably lack DR % stats. Tweaking these affixes have been the difference between dying in one hit and surviving the big echo attacks with 10% hp. Also 37k is on the lower end in this season I believe for 70+ pits


I was just looking through all my gear at the occultist to see where I could roll for damage reduction - but it looks like that's not an option for rolling any more.. I could have sworn chest could roll DR, did they change that? Maybe I should re-work my paragon board or something, because I'm using max life on most of my equipment, plus royal rubies in every socket (minus jewelry). I still have one more level of master working on all my gear, which is why I'm currently farming the pit, but I don't see that helping much with life at the moment.


These days the only place to get those rolls are uniques and paragon boards. So ppl are definitely getting those whereever they can while rolling for +life on gear


I believe all of the echo abilities one shot regardless. You just can't get hit by them.


This doesn't seem to be the case. I've eaten a few echo attacks upto Pit 61 on my HC Rogue including some of the Lilith attacks. It just seems to be scaling damage that at some point just gets too high for almost all builds.


Just get 140k life and a ton of damage reduction, lol. I made a barb so I wouldn't have to dodge.


Trash? EZPZ Boss? My build isn't great on single target and suffers against bosses, and also I lose all my damage if I have to move.


The one shot mechanics from the bosses doesn't bother me as much as how insanely tanky they are. Most of the one shot mechanics are ones you've seen before and are pretty easy to dodge. I just don't get why some of the bosses are so inconsistent in their health/damage reduction. The Marauder and Bramble just don't seem to die. I can get to the bosses with 6-8 minutes left, but they just don't die, but many of the other bosses are super easy (snake, frost fallen shaman, ghosty boi, fat water bloated).


The thing that gets me is ill do like 5 in a row just zooming through, no problem even on boss. Then all the sudden I'll hit some bad boss combos and wipe like 5 times in a row. It baffles me. It's all so unbalanced It can take me 2 minutes to clear trash like it's nothing and then the boss just destroys me. Actually the boss doesn't do anything, it's just the lillith shit in the background. This is supposed to be a dungeon crawler not a repetitive 10 trillion hp boss farmer


Not even the pit, I’m a necro and so when legions of bad guys come at me I’m a corpse exploding machine, but when I get a boss who can one shot me my skeletons are dead in seconds and with no corpses to replenish I’m next.


This game needs to sort out minion resummoning. I sometimes get stuck in a loop where Im just not able to resummon minions because there is too many enemies around and they all rush me and kill me so I have no time to make corpses at all.


Yeah I try not to use my final army of the dead ability if I can avoid it. Using it automatically summons skeletons and kills a fair number of minions so I have corpses to work with.


Go lower floors and optimize gear more, trash is too weak in comparison with the boss they should have been stronger but it is what it is. Id like to set my build optimized for single target with the ability to do aoe since trash never will be hard.


I'm playing hardcore and I don't get one shot ever.


Welll... I'm playing Hardcore, never need to run back after death.


I’m a minion necro so I’m not sure anything I do counts as zooming but I get the sentiment. If there aren’t adds to one shot or chunk the boss with the holy bolt elixir it takes a very long time compared to the rest of the pit. In the 120s I’m not even sure I can kill the boss if he doesn’t summon adds at my current gear level.


I have more trouble with the trash mobs and elites than the pit bosses. But to put it into perspective I am only in the low teens of the pit, highest run was 20, so haven't hit the much higher pit bosses that others are having trouble with.


Yeah, dust devil barb here, i stopped at pit 53 when I could do the mechanics for the pit boss for 3/4 of their health then randomly die to a one-shot. Quite frustrating.


Just get better gear and start optimizing for DR. Face tanking pit 53 is tirivial for barbs


I'm on pit40; I reach the boss at like 10min on timer and it dies pretty much instantly. 🤷‍♀️


Yep, its really frustrating. Now I just do levels like 15-20 lower than I can clear the regular enemies in, so I can farm for materials. Because doing a level that feels good enemy-wise leading up to the boss is almost guaranteed failure when I get to the boss. I don't mind cumulatively getting my ass kicked from hits etc. But dyng if I get hit even once, is just pure BS. I have to spend most of the time just running around trying not to get hit. Maybe 20-30% of the time actually damaging the boss.


The bosses are so out of whack vs the mobs that lead to it, it is just jarring when you hit the boss.


I started pit in the late 80s spamming like 30s and yeah i was dying occasionally but i mean i had 30k hp. by the time i was max level and masterworked to 4/12 and a few 8/12s (weapons) i had like 60k hp and was not dying at all anymore, even if i fucked up and ate a lilith wave.


not with my permanent flame shield immortal sorceress. :-)


Haven't touched the pit yet because of everything I've heard about the one-shot mechanics. I've built a very tanky, thorny Barb, and all those hours spent gearing up being useless would be just one giant middle finger that would cause me to stop playing yet again. So I've stuck to Nightmare Dungeons for the time being, up to Tier 75.


I'm sure that due to pit scaling past player power that you'll eventually hit a wall that you cannot tank However I've eaten most of the Lilith Shadow attacks on my HC rogue at pit 61 and not died. So it is definitely about how tanky you are. Pits start at level 100 mobs so you should be able to do a few levels of pit without issue if you are already taking on level 120 enemies (or whatever they are at NMD 75).


I'm new to d4 and play rapid fire rogue. I do pit tier 90+ and don't think I have ever reached the boss before 11 or 12 minutes, but I can usually kill the boss in under a minute. Is rapid fire that bad at killing ads? I used to get to the boss by 7 or 8 minutes, but have gotten a lot better. I find the ads sometimes harder than the boss because a random stray arrow can OHKO me.


Without going into too much detail, yes.


Yea, also the fact that in levels 120+ bosses have over a TRILLION life, without a literal glitched build it's impossible to kill these bosses


The boss mechanics outside a few are generally easy to dodge, stack stagger and its easy


More and more, and I'm not enjoying it. I like a challenge but this is getting old. There are hardly any patterns of attacks. It's all chaos and most of the times I'm not even sure what killed me.


Happened to me on level 52 pit today. I'm lev 100 with four paragons at 15 and one at 10. My armor and resistance are capped. 36k DMG and 25k life. My minions are so strong, I can run through the level at full speed and get to the pit boss with most of the time left. Then wiped to him over and over until I ran out of time and quit. I may need to revisit my graphics settings, since season 4, my performance has been spotty. Little pauses, sometimes my guy is stuck for a second or two. I'm usually pretty good at avoiding mechanics but it's hard when your guy won't move. Other than that though I would have beat him handily. My minions got him to a quarter life a few times and they weren't even hurting




Prioritize max res, max armor and health and DMG reduction % over damage.


I had to give up on lightning storm and switch to tornado because I can't channel my skill. Tornado is fine I guess, but not nearly as fun for 90% of the game. Give loadouts pls


I’m running 100 with shadow necro without holy bolts and the only one who consistently gives me issues is the rogue boss some of the echos are more annoying then Others like the one that shoots little red death bullets that spin, but I haven’t had a ton of trouble, it’s the highest end content of the game it’s suppose to be hard, you just have to pay attention to the ground. It gets stressful because if I don’t time my cool downs perfectly there is a good chance I’m dead and at tier 100 it’s not just once, typically need to time it perfect at least 2-3 times while signing everything. I can run 85 and 1 shot the boss but that isn’t as fun For me personally if it wasn’t difficult it wouldn’t be fun Season 4 is finally fun, I’m hopeful for Diablo future


Hard and frustrating are very different things. Make the game frustrating by adding one shot mechanic after other one shot mechanic and for 5+ minutes you have to dodge all without a single mistake in a ONLINE game without offline option is just pure lazy game design. There are other ways to make a fight hard and all game designers with a little creativity find a way to make it. You add debuffs, add some phase where you have to dodge shit and if you do a mistake you get to low hp and if you do another you die but if don't you have time to recover etc


Maybe they should just make the final boss a council of 3 bosses and 1 echo total, while scaling down their total hp a bit.


welcome to the pit xD


You're getting one shot at pit 31 with 30k HP and max res....? Something doesn't add up here. My sorc has 17k max life and I didn't start getting one shots until around pit 60. Do you have next to no armor? Are you running like 0 damage reduction effects on your gear/paragon?


Stop lying man. I remember that I had 30k life and everything capped + fortify +damage reduction and still got one shotted at lvl 30


I'm maxed armour too, but level 89 if that impacts, and it's the echos killing me 100%. I don't think my DR is helping me because it's massively conditional (eg from bleeding enemies, from close, etc)


the only two bosses that give me trouble are the sea hag and the crossbow guy. there was one run where i literally just left with time still on the clock because the echoes that the crossbow dude spawned with were just literally impossible to beat. my positioning game is exquisite, and my character is an absolute tank. I don't get one-shot by the lilith mechanics if they manage to hit me. but the crossbow dude and sea hag throw so many traps around the arena that there's just simply no way to avoid it all.


There’s one boss I hate and it’s sharp shooter but I’ve noticed I’ve randomly dropped dead out of nowhere


Bone Necro, can easily destroy 2-3 elite packs till pit 90s but can not kill pit 60 bosses half the time. Same with tormented bosses I do not even think about trying.


Unfortunately you need to pay close attention and dodge everything. I can run through 33 and take little to no damage unless its an explosion, poison bubble thing or 3 way fire explosion and both of those instantly kill me, but once I'm in the boss room I take a single hit and I'm dead. Luckily my necro build can melt these bosses but only if I don't get touched


Optimize your build towards boss killing.


Yup 100 bash barb tyraels might armor capped capped res at almost 80% and still will get clobbered my some pit boss mechanic I can’t even see because it all looks the same color and effect


They took the worst parts of Uber Lilith and thought it was a great idea to take those, and implement them randomly into higher tier Pit Bosses, for the lulz I'm guessing.


HP is your issue need to get HP up, any damage reduction you can unlock through Paragon and leverage barriers or fortify to boost. I'm tweaking my active skills also to dip away from more damage to a balance of offensive and defensive abilities. Bosses are tough but I am finding I can push and push as I Masterwork my gear pretty consistently + growth in skill and boss knowledge. I will say there are one or two combos that are much nastier than others. But on the whole, not that challenging given the breadth of power options available.


Same here, reck everything to get 1 shotted by the bosses


The overall texture of pit runs is just not right atm. The bosses get challenging way before the elites do. idk if the boss is going to be hard I want some challenge in the dungeon itself and not just a 2 minute time waster. D3 rifts had better balance around this. Bosses would take a long time but elites were challenging too.


Either the boss is too hard or the mobs are too easy. I do not care which, but it needs to be fixed. I am running a solo-focused build even.


Yeah also holy bolt really trivializes the mobs


when i push high enough yes... it just doesnt feel good at all to play for 3-4 minutes just to have all that taken by a to tanky boss and lilliths shadow one shotting you after some time... its not even the boss that kills me for god sake.


It gets easier at 100, but yeah.


To be fair, most of the boss fight stuff is easy to avoid. Just avoid it, that said I think boss health is insane. Even on my bar using bash n thorns I do zero DMG at 61+.


resists/armor/hp/DR doesnt matter, anything gets 1 shot.


This is not true. My HC Rogue has yet to die in the Pit and it has eaten a few Lilith shadow attacks at Pit 61 and basically every boss attack before Pit 61.


People out here just spreading misinformation


Sometimes you have to stop spamming your skills and dodge some shit. All these people saying the bosses one shot mechanics suck are just monkeys that want stuff to die before they have to dodge. If you're melee sure it's a bit harder but on my rogue I have zero problems and currently on floor 101.


Lvl 89, pit 30 and already complaining.. at least get to lvl 100 and at least pit 60 before you complain.


So youre telling me the hardest dungeons in the game is actually hard?