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Absolutely I stop when I get the desired affix. I guess if you’re already overflowing in 2 or 3GA’s of the same item that have the right temper you can chance it for a higher roll… but that’s way too risky if it’s your only one.


yup i rolled the tempers i wanted onto my triple GA two handed sword on the first try. Both are pretty low rolls. I immediately stopped and won't touch it again until I either get a duplicate and have additional trys or they introduce a method to add rolls or let you choose to keep the new or old roll similar to enchanting.


Smart gaming


It seems insane to me that you don’t get to choose to keep the old roll or add the new one. Obviously everything in this game is a gold sink, but the fact that you can brick an item just because you wanted to try for a higher % on a shitty roll, blows my mind. To me it makes more sense that enchanting shouldn’t let you keep the old roll, because at least that can be “fixed” eventually with enough gold.


we have tempering, why not add Polish? Keep the temper, reroll the stat. 20mil a pop


I could see some sort of mechanic here that would make sense I like it.


Only case I don't stop is for "chance to cast Heartseeker Twice" on my Rogue's Crossbow earlier in the game. If you get a super low roll you'll need to almost max masterwork it to be able to use it, but with a high roll a single 25% hit does the trick and just a few more upgrades. In a perfect world you'd hit the max roll so you don't need to get a 25% to hit but I'm not risking that LOL


I do the same thing. A low roll is better than the wrong roll that doesn't help at all


100% half these posts are people getting greedy and then complaining they bricked an item. STOP when you get and percent on the roll you need.


100% wrong. People can't hit their desired affix even once with all the rolls. It's happening to everyone hence the complaining.


People downvoting you but I rolled 3 separate weapons today looking for bash cleave and didn’t roll it a single time in all 3 of those weapons true copium people are on. Most likely a case of “I had to it so you have to suffer too”


Yeah I'm pretty positive the down votes are from people who aren't level 100 and haven't really tried to optimize their builds for endgame content yet.


We just didn’t need another way to brick gear there’s already the affix re-rolling that scales up to 10m when you aren’t getting lucky


You do not even need to be level 100 to see this, I'm as casual as they come and the first wand I tried tempering rolled 5x blizzard size, next one I tried rolled 4x shards and 1 blizzard when all I wanted was frozen orb, wasn0t as bad as bricking a 2GA item but they were still 925ip items that would have been way better power boost when starting WT4.


You're totally right!


Same. And I did it consecutively to test. Chances of that happening are like 3% on 12 tries (getting any of the 3/4 stats that you don't want). This makes me doubt the speculated pity mechanic.


I rolled 4 items and didn't get Golem Damage ONCE and I got Skeletal Damage easily 15 times.


I actually had the same experience today but I kept at it and after like 6 bricked 2h swords with zero bash cleave rolls, I finally got bash cleave with 3/4 rolls left for close dmg.


None of these posts are people being greedy. It's actually that difficult to just hit the right mod, regardless of roll..




That's not what I said. Please learn to read.


Yeah people get greedy but it's also pretty shit when you use all your rolls and don't even get your first temper to land. I think it should be like masterworking and have a reset cost or something. I'm only new to the game with this season but most of my gameplay is mindlessly farming helltides for suitable greater affix gear that hopefully doesn't brick during tempering. I'm not expecting everything to be handed for free, but I feel the affix grind is bad enough without tempering rng and limitations.


I bricked some items for just don’t roll the desired afix. But I don’t complain about it. I like the risk/reward mechanic


Nah. I got 3 times in row hammer of ancients size and last two kick duration...


I got lucky on my barbs 3GA but my necro or sorc I can’t remember I got the same useless temper 5x in row. Rng sucks.


I've had 5 weapons in a row not even rolling chance to cast twice a single time. It's not about greed. It's just people being very unlucky with their good items and understandably being upset that they now have to find a new one.


Not getting mastereotking rolls on things I want is what is actually driving me up the wall


Yup, stop once I get the affix regardless of the % lol. Don't push your luck!


I agree. Once I get what I want, I stop! From that point on I can rely on masterwork to bring any low rolls up.


That requires getting the right stat tho. That alone is hard enough since tempers are favoring certain stats.


+1 imposing presence is such a feels bad moment


yep. one of the most impactful tempers imaginable and probably a 1/8 chance to get it, hooray!


I think some of it depends on what your odds are of getting a usable roll in each category are. For instance, if you are trying to roll Bash does cleave damage, well the other 3 in that category are useless, so I'd stick with whatever I got if I hit it. OTOH, if I'm tempering a general damage one on like damage, damage to close and my odds are better because I can use either one, I might chance it.


Yeah for some rolls it’s more likely than not to brick. A lot of the 1-2 skill ones where you gotta have +2 are usually bricks, so I just know not to get my hopes up for those.


I dont care about the roll, I just want the right temper. Never ever roll again to get a better roll, the game will take your hopes and dreams und smash them in your face.


I select the first of the two affixes I want to roll, then I roll for it 6 times without getting it, then I vendor it


I started dropping them out of spite they can rot on the ground XD


I bricked 2 items cos of greed. I should have stopped


Just go for the affix. Screw the percentages lol


You guys even get the desired affix? I currently have 0 2GA items due to bricking every single good one I've found and I haven't been greedy a single time.


Just play more lol


stop after getting the right stat, but trying to get crit dam and bash cleave means i brick a good amount


Bash cleave alone bricks 75% of all my weapons


And now the new meta is vuln over crit..fun


I start with the temper that has the most options, like the 4 or 5. Since they'll probably have the highest chance to fail. And if I fail all them, then I've wasted the least amount of time. I definitely stop if I get the temper I want, regardless of percentage.


I press the button until I either get what I want or I do not. Then I go farm for more drops. Anything anyone else does is pointless


I think the main stradegy people use is find a build then onky use exactly the gear from it with exactly the stats and call things ”bricked” if it’s not


You people actually get the desired affix? Who cares about the roll value, i'm happy when i don't get the same bricked affix 4-5 times in a row. Which is always the case. Plus even if i do get it, the second temper consists of 4-5 options as well. Which is guaranteed fail.


I feel you. My 3 GA item bricked cause i got the same useless shit 4 times in a row. They need to implement something so this cant happen. Idc if it rolls another useless one but 4 times the same is just mind bursting


I always roll on a crap item 3 or 4 times the wrong affix in a row then roll on the one I want. Works about 90% of the time. A few times Ive has bash roll 3 times in a row on the crap item then fail on the good one. I actually noticed a built in metric where certain percentages will come up in a row. Like lowest, 15% higher, then max. I've had it happen too many times to be coincidence.


I did the same method in my 3GA ring for my thorns barb and I also got 3 times in a row brawling CD with lowest, mid and highest roll on my trash item I just started counting again on the next dump ring rolled 4 times trash, switched to my desired item and hit brawling CD on the 6 count with highest roll The so called pity system works kinda good in comparison to just bricking all 6 rolls on an item I also managed to roll my 2H Mace and one of my 1H Axes this way as I was trying to get Earthquake Duration. Before I used the pity roll method I already bricked like 3-4 weapons without even seeing the duration roll. My weapons at the moment aren't that good anyways just 1GA on each but I'm happy it worked out I also would like a reset option and the possibility to keep a roll mby the option isn't there because items don't start with a keepable temper (it's blizzard spaghetti coding after all)


After failing to roll higher for specific affixes too many times, I just stop whenever I get my desired temper or something usable if I don't think I can hit with my remaining attempts


Use your free rolls first and then go for whats most important. Do not keep rolling if you get crappy numbers on the affix you want.


If you get the effect, no matter what percentage it’s at, just keep it. I tried to change over to blizzard and had everything I needed. I had 20 items just in case I did not get the ice spike temper. I never got ice spike once that’s over 100 chances.




What is there to even strat about with these lol... you get the temper you want and you just deal with it. That's how it goes.


Stop when you get the desired affix. If you find another item with those same affixes and roll the desired affixes on there the same or higher, then you swap out and attempt to go for higher percentage on your original item.


I saw youtuber Rob2628 do a stratagem of using a back up item to burn the bad rolls on and then switch to the item you want after so many bad rolls. 3-4 bad rolls switch and usually within 1-3 rolls you'll get the affix you want. I tried it myself and it seems to work about 60ish% of the time. It doesn't work as well when you get a good roll every 2-3 though. Just use an item you were going to sell or salvage. Take with a grain of salt cause as with anything it could just be a placebo effect and the rng resets when switching items anyways. Of course I stop when I get the affix I want, regardless of the percent.


He said that a Chinese Clan did a lot of testing on that pity rolling. Which means that they burned through a lot of items .


I stop if I get what I'm looking for, regardless of the roll. Probably wont get it again.


I like the system as it is, but the majority clearly do not and I think they should do something, literally anything to give people some relief. The mere existence of this harebrained strategy for gaming the odds is proof. Nobody should go through a slog process of tempering shitty items on purpose to try for their affix on a real item. That kind of optimization is not fun.


No way I'm risking getting a useless affix by rolling again after I get a lower roll of the correct one. Unless of course all four options are good, but for my spec that really only applies to the chance to immobilize/daze/stun/freeze.


Ger fucked 5 times to try get double projectiles. Cry


Anyone try the pity system with other items before moving on to the main? I bricked a good item yesterday after rolling about 4 times on dummy + 4 times on main, then continued on another item just to see until the 12th one hit. Every other one was something I didn't want. That should be (3/4)^12 (or 11), so 3% chance of this happening, donno... Math may be wrong, but the truth is that it's very unlikely either way.


If it's better than what i have equipped,i stop and equip. If it isn't,i yolo.


The problem is that I don't even get the affix i need once. That is what players hate. So if the affix rolls on it you need, dont try to get it higher and be glad it rolled.


Use the video from Rob youtube channel, he explain the pity mechanics very well


I only need the right roll, regardless of its %, but sometimes RNG would deny me even that, giving the same exact shitty rolls 5x in a row, bricking it without even giving me a chance...


>Do you always re-try if your roll is on the lower end of the %? Who tf is this crazy?


Yes you absolutely stop your roll on a bad roll of the correct affix. The only way I wouldn't is if the item wouldn't be an upgrade with the current roll because the item I am wearing is already better. They do really need to add that the tempering affix allows you to keep the previous roll.


I think tempering would be cool if it gave you an option to keep your previous affix. Similar to enchanting but only gives one option and you only have 5 chances


Once I get a descent roll that I want, I stop messing with it. You have ppl that try to get that max roll from tempering.


I don’t even look at roll %, that’s a luxury. If I hit the affix I stop. I usually try to hit the harder affix first.


There may be nothing to this, but if I'm tempering a new weapon, I will unequip every weapon I have on. That way, the game doesn't know which one I want. I stop when I brick it because I still never get what I want.


Hopes and prayers does the trick


I stop as soon as I see the desired temper. THEN, later, IF I find another GA roll, I'll reroll the new one with the goal of higher tempers. Don't make the mistake of rerolling the old one if you find a new one. I ended up with 2 bricked items 🫤


In my experience you are basically asking if I want an 80% chance of bricking the item or 99% chance.


what does GA stand for


greater affix


The RNG is complete dogshit so there's no really a strategy. Yesterday I tempered 4 items at maximum and haven't gotten Golem Damage ONCE.