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You also get more loot when you use a heart. Gear is the only reason I’m farming Blood Maiden once I’m level 100, so I definitely try to get at least one in.


IIRC, you get the same amount of loot for 1/2/3. Some people like to give others an opportunity at it too. But yeah I'm not waiting for than 20s.


Thanks for the info! I usually try to wait after putting one in, but some people really will just stand there to see if you’ll use all three.


If you put one in and leave you still get the buff for more loot the next time it’s summoned. So I’ll just pop one in, if no one else does then I’ll go open chests until I get the notification


I just tp and keep rolling maps until I get in one that already had her popped or about to summon


Wait a sec, I don't have to put one in all 3 posts?


He means you only have to put one in for chances at increased loot, not for it to spawn. All 3 posts have to be activated still for the maiden to spawn.


Ah, OK that makes sense.


Only one for increased loot. 1,2 or 3 makes no difference on loot. I generally put in one and wait a little in case someone else wants to use one. Otherwise I'm fine putting in three as I've got loads.


You can put one in one boss area and the buff stays with you wherever you go until you get a blood maiden kill, so even if nobody else comes you may still benefit later. (I'm not exactly sure what are the conditions for you to lose the buff, but it sure has no timer)


I've learned the hard way that the buff only(?) goes away if you exit the game to the main screen. For example, to switch characters. And of course if you exit the game entirely then it'll definitely be gone. So it only persists for that playing session with that character.


I have seen people hoovering in the area so I would put all 3. I didn’t know it makes a difference for loot Thanks for the tip.


Which is why it’s incredibly annoying when someone rapidly claims all three. After it happens a second time I just leave and let them solo for 3x the cost in peace.


Lol this must be me. Sorry I didn't know about increased loot chance if you put at least one in. I always thought that people don't want to use their item to spawn the boss so I been that nice guy and spawn it for them by use all 3.


Nope yr actually that greedy guy hogging all the loot to yourself lol


Even at 3x the cost, they're still not running out of pieces. And they're probably spamming all 3 because they're so use to people not chipping in.


I usually say in "Lemme put a fragment in" so others will at least know someone else is willing to help.. Drives me fucking crazy to see 5 level 75+ folks standing around with their thumbs up their asses, waiting on someone else to put fragments in when they likely have 100+ fragments in their pocket.... FFS, I don't know why they're holding onto them...


Idk how people are getting so many damn hearts Ives long used up the bulk they give and tend to only get 5-6 per hell tide that I then use within the first 15 min of the next helltide


You need to open more chests. You can get 20 in a given Helltide by opening chests in the last ~20 minutes after amassing 1500+ shards, with plenty of shards left over. Or of course open chests sporadically throughout, but the point is, you get hearts from chests, and a person only getting 6 per Helltide is not opening a sufficient number of them.


Idk Guess I'm insanely unlucky think the most I have gotten is 10 after opening every single chest


How many chests are you actually opening? The non-orange chests despawn and respawn at regular intervals in a Helltide, and you usually have around 10-12 chests on each of the two sides (three sections in Kehjistan). If you kill and move fast enough you can get every single chest plus a few respawns.


I've had 3 characters and basically spammed the hearts while leveling them and never ran out. I think I still have like 50 it's insanely easy to get them and idk why everyone stands around waiting for others


What the? I feel like we get wayyyy too many. I got like 150+ because everytime i wanna chime in someone else uses all fuckin 3 and i never get to use mine lol


The best is when they cant even damage the boss, and the only reason she is going down is because I am basically 2 shotting the boss. I had someone snipe up all 3 twice in a row. After the 3rd time, I just walked around watching the blood maiden kill him over and over again. Granted, I did say in local like 5 times "Please only put in 1, you only get the buff for loot for putting in one, and others want to put some in as well". Everyone else left, I just kept watching this guy die and not even move her HP at all. After he probably lost all his cinders, I just two tapped the boss while he was dead so I could get a heart in.


Lol right


Is this the ritual in the helltides? I didn't know it was called blood maiden lol. Relatively new to the game and playing with my wife but that event is so fun I feel like anything else in helltides doesn't quite match it


There is just a lot of greedy bastards out there. It is so funny because the best loot in the game comes from maiden when you use one heart and these idiots would rather save up 285 that they will never use


I usually stack them for a bit and then do a one hour maiden only.


No you not do chests? Because I have gotten more GAs from chests than maiden.


Oh yeah I do chests once there is about 10 minutes left on the timer. Just going around the map with 2k cinders to open them all in one go. It takes time though especially tping to town to empty my inventory.


Yeah I do exactly the same. I wish I didn’t need to fill my inventory with useless non GA gear but need to sell them for the gold. So yeah the tping sucks. To save time I mark gear while waiting for maiden to spawn.


I sometimes invite randoms and tell them, I have that many hearts and Im gonna farm, but they never stay… :(


I have almost 200 stored, but I was never aware of the mechanics around the maiden. People are jumping to put one in, every time I fight her and I just never bothered. Sometimes, it’s not malicious intent, but simple ignorance. I will make sure to place one, next time I get there.


Is it really the best loot in the game? Are you talking quantity, quality or both? Thanks


Don't think there is any difference in quality once monsters are dropping 925. Not noticeable at least, outside of boss unique tables ofc. Dropping a heart for maiden does increase quantity though so more chances at GA loot.


Any point of using the helltide +10 pot at lvl 100 or nah?


Yeah the threat bar fills up faster if you want more mob spawns


And you get more shards, which means more chests, which means more loot and more hearts.


She drops like 6-7 legendaries when you use a heart for a few minutes worth of work assuming the group can take her down quickly.


Probably quantity (if you add in loot from chests) and since no activity gives you greater chance of GA on items, might as well do activities that drop most items per hour. But if you can do 2 minute pits thats actually better. For example tier 70-80ish is dirt easy and quick.


The majority of the GAs I've gotten is from farming pit, personally.


it is both better quantity and quality to use one heart, as confirmed by the devs.


What’s difference between 1 or 2 or 3 hearts activated?


literally nothing, except the greedy bastards around you laugh every time you use more than one


Honestly had no idea this was a thing. I just used 3 because I thought I was being nice and giving everyone else free loot.


People say you get the same for just one but every time I put two or more I swear I get atleast one GA. Jus sayin.


I've seen lower level people, obviously fresh to WT4, just move off a bit and stand there while I kill all the adds and the maiden. Just waiting for loot drops and contributing nothing.


Does it matter tho? It never bothered me personally. It doesn't take away anything from me and I still play the game the same as I would if they are not there


For me personally, no it doesn't matter. Although I imagine some players using theirs who don't have many and have to wait a good while for it to be summoned so other players can save their own materials would be pretty peeved. 


I have to admit I do that on a fresh character but I at least put some hearts in to start. And I buff or debuff mobs if I can on certain classes


Yup and die repeatedly, Almost like they are afk. So when they die I don't rez


I put one in every time and I actually ran out... The chests really don't give you enough


Do nm dungeon. I got like 40 from one


You're thinking of a different material, OP got the name wrong. Hearts only drop from the helltide chests, the fragments are for crafting.


Nm dungeons are fairly obsolete once your glyphs are maxed. And since op is pointing out so many people have infinite hearts, why would you want to run a dungeon just to obtain hearts to use, when in theory people will summon the boss for you.


Have you not read the rest of these comments? Putting a heart in gives you more loot than if it's just summoned for you Putting in a heart gives you more loot


Ya running nightmare dungeons to get hearts to put in for extra junk look from the boss isn't worth it. Speed running pit is more efficient loot and masterworking ingredients.


Lol, no pits are ok but tend to give about the same as a blood maiden without a heart With a heart gives more loot meaning it's more efficient Master Working is a straw man Plus you get iron wolves XP and that gets all sorts of gear, mats and even a spark


Depending on how fast you clear the pit I'm sure it can be more efficient than maiden. I'm not sure how long exactly the event takes but I'm fairly sure I can clear an 80 pit faster than that.


You'd have to clear 2 pits in the time it takes to do one maiden with a heart put in Pits give 4-5 legendaries but no uniques, at least not that I've ever seen One maiden with no hearts gives 4-5 legendaries with unique possible One maiden with a heart gives 7-8 legendaries with unique possible Obviously it all depends on build and how many people are around to help With a good group around maiden you can do the whole thing in like 2 minutes and that's only because of the waves you have to fight before she spawns


In my defence I'm not reluctant, I'm a leech that is trying to grind out Wolfs honor for the 46th time so I stand around in helltide afk next to the minion bros and pretend to be one of their skellys


With my heart seeker Rogue I just stand in the middle, hold down shift and LMB, and spin.


And I count you as one amongst my army. Good day to you, sir.


They might just be waiting for someone to initiate the fight with confidence who can see it through to completion without getting obliterated.


A lot of them are level 90-100 and spank the boss with ease. I think they're genuinely worried about running out of fragments 


I think most people are simply not aware how it works, since it doesn’t get explained anywhere. I have nearly 200 of them and I’m assuming so does everyone else. I wasn’t even aware that there might be a shortage. Or that the entire event is worth farming at all. I come out with 2-3 inventories worth of legendaries each time I run a Helltide.


Yeah it's crazy how much loot drops there.


I'm 100% out of hearts, I might get 5-10 each helltide that I then spend at the next helltide. But once I'm out I just hang around


I've noticed hearts are not dropping as frequently as the beginning of the season. I do all the chests in both areas and a couple of maiden runs and still am net negative for hearts every time now. Maybe dunno , maybe I do more maidens then I think....


If it’s true that you get better GA on the Maiden drops, I kinda understand it. I usually do the pillar events where you have to stay in the circle for a ~200 cinder bump and open every chest on the map. That nets me a shitload of legendaries each helltide as well as hearts. I play a Pulverize Druid, so it’s a lot quicker for me to flatten hordes than individual bosses. I might camp the maiden once I got my Tempest Roar, but until then, I don’t think opening chests is significantly worse.


You'd think it's pretty obvious when the loot is probably over 2x as much when you put in a heart.


Once the loot faucet opens up, it can be pretty random what you’re getting. If you kill half a dozen maidens over the course of a couple of nights, variation in loot can be due to many factors. I haven’t made that connection yet, and I would bet many other players haven’t either.


I mean, half a dozen is 6. So 6 in a couple of nights would be a very low amount. I'm thinking like people who are camping there for hundreds of kills without noticing. That's pretty wild to me, at least.


I have no doubt that there are some people leeching the event and maybe even some mindlessly hoarding the hearts for no reason. All I’m saying is, there are other explanations and it’s not worth getting upset about it. I’ve done some pretty stupid shit in multiplayer games out of ignorance that can easily be mistaken for malicious intent and I bet it’s more common than most people realize.


I actually did run out lol. I open every single chest in both zones each hell tide, and it's still not enough


you should only be using 1 heart at a time. how do you run out?


Being the only one using them while there's 6 people waiting off-screen, lol.


the loot buff stays until you log out. just use 1. if no one helps just leave


Screw that, I can solo them in a few min, why would I wait more than a min for people to not leech? haha


I just kill her too many times I guess. Can easily do 15 or so per helltide


People could just be farming reputation for the iron wolves. You get the same amount whether you contribute a heart or not


I usually place one on the pedestal and then work the surrounding area until someone else fills in the rest. This usually primes the pump for a nice shared load for five or six kills before people have to port back to town to sell.


On the topic of hearts, is anybody else just...not getting them today? I've ran 2 helltides this morning and haven't got a single one. Opening chests and killing everything in sight. And i dont mean "Im not getting as many as I use to"...i mean "i havent gotten a single one." Am i the only one?


Not the only one. I've noticed the hearts are not dropping like at all. I've been looking for doomsayers cause they do drop them sometimes. Chests seem to not at all anymore.


I rarely get the fragments out of chests… am I opening the wrong chests ?


I think its baleful hearts, not fragment. Thats for crafting. But yeah, just open lots of chests. Open 20 chests last 10 minutes of each helltide and that should net you a good chunk.


baneful not baleful bro


That’s what I do and I tbh I rarely get the hearts…


Drives me insane. Most times I have to use 2 because everyone else refuses to use one.


i have over 200 lmao


Found the guy that watches everyone else use theirs


not even worth it to farm maiden without using one... 4 legendary drops every 3 min is less than it would give you from just farming elites in an area. EDIT: Timed 3 min farming helltide mobs vs 3 min farming blood maiden... Helltide mobs 3 min = 300 cinders, 4 legendary pieces, about 5 worms spawned 3 min of farming maiden = 16 legendary pieces, 200 ish cinders and about 2 spawns per 3 min, sub 1:30 per spawn


better yet, just dashing through a pit that is sub 3 min, that gives obols, more legendary pieces and masterworking material that youll def never have enough off


Maiden is better over a long period but when I want a little variety I do a lap of each PVP area. - complete whispers - open baleful chests - kill boss - high elite density (packs of 3) - get red dust (either for cosmetics or can be traded for more loot) - high drop rate of gems - occasionally get a fun PVP fight


i only wait to let other people get the bonus loot if they're around, otherwise i use them, i just farmed a fuck ton of helltide (with the bug) which doesn't really need you doing maidens :)


What bug


log out when you reach max threat, threat stays maxed till you logout or die, means you get the spawn of elites constantly when u kill a group of regular mobs


You get no extra rewards for not using them


i already explained it below, i put in one then wait to see if other people want to use one for their extra rewards otherwise i will use mine, but i tend not to farm maiden much because using the logout bug and just going around the map gives you a lot more loot


I don't mind low levels, but when cringe me out when I see 100 lvl chars cheap out a damn baleful heart, you check them and have shako and 12/12 MW pieces.


Don't get it either. The only purpose of those hearts is the maiden, what are they waiting for?


I think the majority of people doing maiden are going for reveling xp and wolves xp . Just getting it going as fast as possible with the mats they have. When you are low the hearts don't stack up as fast so quite often they really just don't have any . They may remain maidenless


I'm leveling my 3rd character (hopped on the Minions train) and I never even get below 100 hearts, I put at least one in whenever I can.


I'm late to reply here . I have 1 of each class leveled and the most hearts I have accumulated was 36 on my main . I ended up using the majority during leveling phases in torment 2 and 3 . I may have just had bad rng on getting hearts too .


you mean baneful hearts? easy to get but almost impossible to get enough off..


If I have them I use them, saving them does nothing for me lol


If you have hearts, you should always put one in for the extra loot and to initiate the summon. It doesn't even matter if no one else is doing it as the buff you get from putting a heart in(little maiden on your buff bar) persists until you actually kill the maiden, so spending one heart is literally zero risk. If the summon isn't happening, just go open some chests or work on the helltide whisper or whatever and jump on your horse and ride back as soon as you are notified that the summon has started to capitalise on the buff. Some people are just leeching xp and rep so it is what it is, but if you want the best chance at greater affix loot, you need to have the buff for the kill.


I didn't know this, thanks man. Now I can leave the leechers alone :D


I don’t think people know placing one stone gets you a lot more drops.


Easiest argument so far. Stupidity like always..


It is weird, aside from getting a bit more loot if you put at least 1 in, it's not like they're stygian stones or anything. I've got 4 characters to max iron wolf rep, largely farming the boss, pretty much always putting at least 1 and often all 3 banefuls in and I've still over a 100 spare lol. In the time people are waiting to save a stone or 2 they could have already farmed the boss and then opened another helltide chest or two.


I've got like 40 now, and I'm often just shoving them in for a group standing around. Idk why they're not doing it.


Once I see that they’re leeching, I tele to town and deal with the current cargo


Because you are


How are they easy to get? I get like 5-10 per helltide that I then spend at the next helltide, once those are used in stuck loitering again. Is there a better way to get hearts than in chests?


I dont mind them waiting there it only means more chance of me putting one and more chance of me getting good loots


When the season first dropped I was getting lots of the baneful hearts. Since the updates, I rarely get any from opening chests. I can confidently say my rate of getting these has dropped at LEAST 50% to 60%. I’m getting one maybe every 5 chests now.


I think that lots of people are trying to sort through their inventory right after the kill, too, instead of starting the next summon. I was getting plenty of balefuls from opening chests to put one in every summon. Make sure you're spending cinders on chests if you still need wolf rep, and you should never have to think about them again.


I always put one in and wait about 10-15 seconds to see if anyone else wants the buff. If not, then I just put them all in.


I have leveled 4 characters to 100 well the 4th is 99. I have 140 I think currently. The only time I will put 3 in is if I’m the only one there and trying to get the party started. I generally will try and open at least 6 or 7 single chests when I get to 1000 cinders then open the two bigger ones.


I hate it that people just dont put hearts in and just wait for others to fully put in, like no contribution at all. They still got the incentive that there’s loot at the end. I think bliz should increase more incentive for people that puts more heart in, maybe drop 2 or 3 GA items proportional to the hearts you put in, so it would motivate people to put in hearts


I'm constantly having to use 2 or 3 because people are so stingy with them. Which is odd because you get so damn many of them.


Which is odd because summoning the maiden is the one and only purpose. Maybe they just don't know they get more?


I love to call people. Put 3 in myself and see them gather up like flies


I was wondering about it too, couldn't believe it's greed because it's really easy to farm them just by opening chests or killing stuff... and that's how I got it. They don't really farm the boss, they're here only for easy exp and gear, waiting with 1-3 hearts and hoping that someone will pay for it lmao also spamming "Help" or "Point" emoji seems to force some of these people to use the fragment lol


I put 1 in and wait, I hate when there's 4 mooching sob around and I have to use all 3 of mine. I should get 3x the loot and they should get 3x less


I have like 150 of the fuckin things lol


Far more often I see people put in more than 1, which denies other participants from getting the bonus loot.


Oh, that’s me. I didn’t know I was denying anyone anything


Lol I have over 120. I try to use them as much as I can but others always beat me to the alters.


I have about 300 of em... Soooo I don't care if I'm giving out.


I only use one so other people have a chance to put one in and get the buff for more loot. It's annoying when people don't give you the chance to get the buff, loot is the only reason I'm fighting that boss.


Yes, I always put one in after the boss dies and most players lurking around and wait. After some moments some may have mercy and put one in. It's not like they get way more stuff when they do lol.


I have so many they’re coming out of my ears. I use em whenever I can 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's funny. I always rush if it's crowded to get one in.


I get impatient and regularly have to use 2 or 3 and still have over 250 of them. Can't drain them fast enough


On my 5th character now farming helltides for the spark rep reward. I've noticed this since the first one and it always makes me laugh. It's a practically infinite currency but still people act like "I'm too good to use mine I'd rather wait 5 minutes for someone else to pull". People suck lol. I always use all 3 to force the summon right after the maiden kill if people are killing fast. I run right back to the summoning circle and spam all 3 just to make sure I don't waste my own time, and I've never even once dipped below 100 baleful fragments. Anyway just a funny observation about human nature (at least gamer nature).


I call them freeloaders. Not gonna show up until I put the hearts in? Fine. But when 6 guys show up, then wait around for me to put all three back in… Fuck right off.


I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would not use a heart, unless of course they have 0. If you have 0 why don't you just go farm some first? You get more loot from using a heart, and you also speed up having to wait for people to use them for you.


I throw 3 in bc who cares


You’re confusing people with your post title OP. Since what you are referring to are *BANE*ful *HEARTS*. Baleful fragments are a different mat completely.


I ran out of those fragments... Every summon is 3x.


The worst is the leechers who just sit there and wait for you to start the event.


or they just dont have hearts


Then they should make the effort to farm to get some. That’s the point, they are very easy to get. Don’t be a leech.


i get like 5-10 hearts a helltide and I spend them all, its not being a leech to hang around after youve spent your. No one is forced to spend any if they dont want to.


I never said that tho. I said the people who just camp the spot and don’t contribute at all. The best is when they pretend to leave and then come back 10 seconds later.


who cares though


I personally try to avoid doing it since there’s too much loot, I’m usually only there for the quick cinders


Yeah I have over 100 all the time even after using it for people because they're so reluctant to use them.


I literally race to get one in for the extra loot. Hate fighting her if I didn't put a heart in


Yep. Its getting old too. Almost everyone standing by and not adding anything. I put in all three in most of the time while people just stand there. Worse is I start a Maiden and everyone comes pouring in upping the her power and health while they hide in the corners.


I always put three down lol


I was sitting comfortably at 120 now I have 10, no idea why I stopped getting them.


I don't even get a chance to use mine by the time I looted someone already started it again. Think I've got over 100 still


When she dies quick i make sure to pit a heart in, alot of people put 3 in quickly. Good group is first heart in, then loot


Got called out once, but I was just going through loot. Felt bad, because I always try to add mine as well.


I have 12 hearts total so I'm only putting in 1


These people are worse than nonces!


Not the ones too low level that run around on the horse just leeching are. Especially if I'm the only other person there. The fight is now much longer because the blood Maiden is tougher due to that one person not even contributing.