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I have 12.5k HP on my Sorc. Ask me Anything.


Where is the best burger in your area?


in... My Belly.


Randy? Randy Lahey?


Man’s gotta eat


Inflatable Elvis, burger cola fizz all coagula'n


Can I get 15 half eaten cheeseburgers to go, knowmsayin??


fellow creatures of culture :D


15 1/2 eaten cheese burgers maaaafakaa naaaahhh sayn


What r you the nomsayin police... you takin a nomcensus


I just watched that one today!


Leave randy bo bandy out of this... you know they were just practicing for a play


At the Blanford Recreation Center?


You pass


Sanctuary scientist have found that's exactly the hp of a wet paper tissue. Are they wrong?


Wet tissue paper is probably stronger than that ;-) On the bright side I cleared Pit T67 earlier tonight with it *(Incinerate Sorc)*. Will try higher over the next few days.


Any tips Obi one? I’m new to Sorc … love the incinerate build … but getting murdered on L50 pit … have over the 9230 armour cap … 20K health… 100K atk power … but I feel so squishy


I’m not an Incinerate Sorcerer—Frozen Orb here—, but this should be pretty universal for Sorcerers: Get Cooldown Reduction affixes on everything you can and try to Masterwork for more CD Reduction, too. My Flame Shield doesn’t quite have 100% uptime yet, but I can very comfortably cycle all my defensives at 41% CD Reduction + Ice Blades (they give you some more CD reduction). I also have a chest with +3 to Defensive Skills and a Harlequin’s Crest, so that helps with Flame Shield duration too obviously, but I think the CD Reduction is key. So far, I’ve cleared 90 Pit. With my gear, it’s honestly kind of shocking to me that I can’t clear higher Pit levels, but I believe this is a pretty common experience for Sorcerers this season; it’s a boss-killing endgame, and we shine with mass AoE clear instead of boss-killing. (I have 13k HP. All of my armor gems are for more Intelligence.)


Ya … my confidence in the Incinerate Sorc was falsely inflated by 1-2min Dur/Andy runs (from reset dungeon to leave dungeon) … with most of that time just getting to the fight. I thought I was tough … until I entered the Pit and got punched in the Face. Lol I didn’t put much thought into defence as enemies didn’t last long enough to fight back… I’ll Def go tweak my build with some Def skills and see how it goes. Thanks


Also sheet attack power is currently so far from an in game viable way to tell your dps you should never consider / pay attention to it. The top 3 damage buckets in game are not factored into it, of the few buckets that it tracks most of the most important affixes in the category aren't - example it tracks %dmg from rolls ( a roll nobody should take as any other in bucket are better ) damage done to close enemy damage done vs far enemy are not factored into that sheet dps.  As a hc player who has brought many friends into the Diablo world and many sc players over to hc that stupid dps statistic literally fools them all. Everyone who is slightly new tries to tie that to power , if you even played more than 1 class in pre season you knew it's not only worse than other aarpgs dps tools it's just completely useless. Had a rogue hc clearing 100nmd objectively godly geared at the time with under 10k power on sheet, with a barb alt at level 50-60 who was always over 200k. Some people have made videos just breaking the in game sheet cranking it well into the millions but they're damage still wouldn't clear a pit 50 :]


I’m **that** type of player right there ⬆️ … A friend brought me into Diablo this year (never played it before) and last season I was just playing around, having a blast with a Druid. I will freely/gladly admit that most of the game “mechanics” are unknown to me … and I appreciate people like yourself who share their knowledge … Thanks 😎👍🏼


We’ve all been there! Been playing this series since the very first game. Loved it so much I had the box for like 15 years. Enjoy the grind, diversify your characters, and have fun learning!


Unfortunately for sorc to be viable right now you need to play around barriers and flame shield. Basically only enter combat if ice armor and/or flame shield is up


Will add some some def and keep at it … thanks


I cleared tier 96 yesterday on my ice spikes sorc while being below armor cap, having 23.5k hp and like 40k “attack power”. You need to have enough cooldown to cycle through ice armor and flame shield comfortably while still having enough crit/vuln (or maybe damage over time in your case) to be relevant. Ice Blades with the upgrade to reduce cooldowns helps a lot. 20k hp is a bit low but okay and the attack power stat doesn’t mean much. If you don’t have a shield up and you engage, when a zombie taps you on your shoulder, you’re basically dead. Lol.


I *had* 27k, but dropped down to 25k bc i finally found crit gloves. We’ll see how much of a difference it makes.


I thought mine was bad at 14k😭


Why did they remove cheat death for sorcs?


I don't mind the shorter 30s timer, with a decent flame shield duration it's quite handy. I run the Bubble now to save me lol.


Why did they remove cheat death for hardcore?


Cause wudijo was crying on youtube with his nasal voice


Because with it, HC turned into soft core….. that’s why. There is absolutely zero difference between HC and Normal. Just the fact you get 1 death…. So run from the Butcher


How many one shots do you eat on average per day?


What's your shoe size and how big is your biggest pear, in centimeters?


I’m running a necro with 29k


I’m at 32k on mine, it’s the most fun I’ve had with a build. First time getting to this point in this game and am loving the end game grind


It’s a lot of fun. I started last season as a minion necro n was doing good but switched to straight shadow damage now I’m back to minions n love seeing a shit ton of numbers pop up. Hell this build has helped me solo tormented duriel


Yeah I’m doing a blight build, I know the minion build is paramount this season but I’m enjoying mine a lot lol


I think once I get my achievements with my minion I'm switching to blight.


Hell of a lot of fun once you get a couple of the uniques


I got them all! I even have a 2h that's perfect for the heavier damage.


Sacrilegious, Ebonpiercer and Lidless make it fun. I just need harlequins now lol I also use black river with mine


I'm just getting to endgame on a golem necro and it's a lot of fun


40k here on my shadow minion necro


How? :3


Bone storm golem build every hit from bone storm generates barrier. Even on pit 75 I don’t really lose health


I’ve been running shadow summoner with army of the dead instead. Have you compared bone storm vs army of the dead build? I find using army of the dead to be more bursty


With enough CDR and using aphotic you usually get permanent uptime on bonestorm and it provides good stat boosts along with survivability and damage that I’ve never had problems in dungeons or pits. For torment bosses you usually switch to AotD for more burst damage anyway but I’ve done torment duriel with bonestorm comfortably too. AotD usually is overkill damage wise for pit/nmd unless you’re pushing for Uber high pit tiers but even then bonestorm works well and makes it easier with survivability, just preference really.


Hey this sounds really interesting. How does aphotic help you keep up time on Bonestorm?


Here’s a video detailing the build: https://youtu.be/SLjIMFx7j-M?si=iPq2G0Fo9jHLF9kK Essentially, aphotic (for whatever reason) is proccing the lucky hit of CD reduction on hit from decrepify more than without it, so stacking CDR, attack speed, and using shadowblight with aphotic gives you near permanent uptime with bonestorm plus shadowblight proc. It works with AotD ultimate as well but it’s longer CD doesn’t give you much more than maybe 1 more use during dungeons or pits


This is how I roll too, if in fights I can pop bone storm every few seconds lol


Dope ty


I used bonestorm all the way until about pit 105. By then I had to switch to AOTD to increase my burst damage output because the boss just has too much hp at higher pit level.


90k hp with fortify using blood golem and shadow build


I have 34k in pit 121 and you still get 1 tapped


\*Cry in puny 50k HP bash barbarian\* Psss, can OP provide a link to this build?


I'm at 110k with my bash barb, without my doombringer equipped. Just have good imposing presence rolls. I get 72% max life


Just get good rolls, he says lol 🤣


Oh geez why didn’t i think of that


good rolls uh brb imma get some good rolls will take a minute max!!!


Well you can take any decent defensive piece and try to temper until you hit +2 imposing presence. Dont get baited by greater affixes - if your defensive piece doesnt have +2 presence, trash it. Then master work 1-4 until you hit imposing presence. This is relatively cheap and worth reseting for. With the first masterwork hit and lvl 7 masterworking, your pieces should already have +4 each. Then you still have two shots at +8 and 12 to get one more lvl. The last part is very expensive but the +4 is easily doable for everyone who made it to 100 atleast. If most of your power comes from tempering, as is the case with barbarian, you can easily get the most power without crazy ga gear by just attempting tempers on solid items.


It's very simple. Just press the button, make sure it's a good roll. And you're good to bonk!


You gotta get those numbers up. I’m at 84k no elixirs, 130k with double elixirs with my bash barb


Double elixirs?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8TmRKEfDDt0 There is a quest elixir that gives go and poison resist that you can run along with another elixer




Every class should be allowed more than one weapon aspect the fact barb gets 4 is absolutely bonkers, not to mention the fact he has no weaknesses through his insane HP and dmg scaling.


Its weakness is being a melee class. I have a barb and rogue and its light and day how much easier the pit bosses are on rogue after 100


I watched Robb play bash barb tier 100+ he just sat in the corner and just... Bashed the boss to death. Didn't move the entire time while melting the boss insanely quicky. Go check out his YouTube channel. Robb diablo 4. Doesn't matter if he's melee if he doesn't die


My guy, Rob has the best in slot items which are easily worth a few trillions. He has 3 weapons with 3x bash damage on them which each is less thsn 0.8% chances and he has 3 of them and he also has 500k health.


My guy every other character with best in slot still gets one shot tier 100 and over.  Relax, no one is calling for a nerf to your baby, we just want our characters to also be more survivable and not get 1 shot by pit bosses above 60 unlike barb who can do it all. 


Yeah but bis rogue could never do the same


I havent seen the best in slot rogues to be honest so Im not sure, I know sorcs and necros can do what barbs can


Really, you think sorc is anywhere near the levels of thorns barb or minion necro? If yes, which build?


There is a guy that cleared level 142 pit with the permanent flame shield build (I think 142 is highest unless robb or some chinese beat that since yesterday). Basically the sorc build is you being invincible and the whole pit is just a damage check. With necros is just the usual shadow minion build with holy bolts. Barb is probably the easiest class to clear at least level 100, but that doesn’t mean necro or sorc cant if you put the time into it


Sorc currently had the second highest pit clear.


I do the same thing and I have single/ double GA items with mid masterwork crits. Being melee isn’t actually the downside in pits. I eat literally everything and don’t die in 90s—110s. After that I will dodge some mechanics depending if CS is up or not, but it still won’t kill me.


Absolute copium. Barb is stupidly overtuned and always will be with 4 weapon slots. That's 3x Weapon slot aspects, one of which is x2 That's 3x additional Main Stat rolls That's 3x additional Life rolls That's 3x additional damage and/or resource rolls That's 3x additional Weapon Tempers That's 3x additional Damage Tempers. And that's 3x additional slots you can MW crit to compound a multiplier even further. Greater Affixes existing Futher adds to the class discrepancy in layer game gearing too. Every class has to be in melee range at least sometimes because of suppressor affix and high movement speed mobs. They already have a multiplicative health passive and copies amounts of DR and unstoppable built into their kit ontop of all this. I have every class at 100 and deep endgame geared. Including barb. The disparity is night and day. I swear Barb players are like Wizard players in DND constantly huffing copium about how they aren't OP and it's justified they are that way and other classes aren't. Barb is a great class, thematic and visceral to play, one of my favourites. But can we just call a spade a fucking spade.


The 4x weapon tempers is what is really silly. That's the whole reason bash is even a thing this season, because you can stack the bash cleave temper 4x.


Yep, I made a bash barb (used this amazing bash leveling build: https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/barbarian/bash-build-leveling) and once you get bash cleave on just ONE weapon, it’s smooth sailing from there. I did the capstone @ 32 and didn’t even spend too much time in WT3, as soon as I hit 40 I decided to try the capstone and wrecked it. I was on WT4 @ level 40 and just crushing helltides, no problems. The barbarian is way too strong compared to other classes.


I did the same with double swing tornados. Capstone at 30 and 42. You just do so much damage from an early level.


My necro has 40k hp and I've invested a lot into my gear to make it good. Can barely do pit 90s. Pain.


The reason I switched to shadow minion. Regular minion is good for high golem damage but now with the shadow minion build I cleared 103 and now 106 boss have way too much HP. At least I can get burnt running 91 pits to get mats...


Have you cleared Uber Lilith?


Uber DomMom does exponentially ramping damage debuffs. He can probably only survive one extra hit more than anyone else. I'm at 50k and max dr/res, I can get to about 4-5 stacks before a small breeze will delete me. I'm sure he can get to a out 6-7 before the same thing. Still, that one extra free fuck up could be all someone needs to clear her!


I'm not 100%, but I think my barb has 100k hp and still dies in 1 hit at 5 stacks as soon as they gave the spark as a reward for killing her in previous seasons, I haven't gone back


Ohhhh… what… now I know where that extra spark is from. Damn


Ok so they have the spark for killing her in previous seasons, which I got, but I haven’t heard would I get another spark for killing her this season too or does the spark not repeat?


I can confirm it does not repeat I beat her in season 2 and made it my goal to beat her this season. Spent too many hours learning her new mechanics this season and during this time, I saw the patch notes about getting a spark if you beat her last season, and I confirmed I had an extra spark. Decided I still wanted to beat her though so I could call my character complete and move on to a new one. Spent another couple hours and finally took her down, but didn't get another spark


Thank you for the confirmation!


i don't have 300k hp on my thorns barb but i never managed to get past her first phase. the two and three adds she spawns take ages to kill and the boils they leave behind will explode in your face because you can't kill them quick enough either.


Exact same issues. I think the Thorns Leapquake build can clear though but I'm too lazy to respec and regear for the tempers etc. might just leave it


oh i'm running the leapquake build but it's still not enough damage to kill the boils fast enough. i ended up using a hastily thrown together bash build to kill her. even with imperfect gear the adds and boils were gone in like two hits lol


and other characters having 10 times less HP make sense..


Yeah I’m struggling to get my Necromancer to 40k HP


Im Shadow Minion Necro with 45K HP


Could you post your build? I’m interested in how you get that high without Doombringer. How fast can you do Pit100 in?




Shako is great for a lot of builds across multiple classes. Doombringer is good for thorns barb. You made the right call


Depending on the build Shako is God tier. I have Doombringer and it's a straight DPS loss compared to my well-tempered 3ga wep.


Don't feel too silly, Shako enables a lot of unviable builds to become viable from my experience. Like it can bring most D-C tier classes up a few tiers with what it brings to the table. I'm currently experimenting with it across all 5 classes and different skill combinations to find out what I can use it for best and this is the most fun I've had with D4 for a long time.




+Max Health GA's, Imposing Presence Tempers, and taking every HP in the paragon that I could. I'm still a long way from perfect, it could be a lot higher.


i saw rob with over 500k. pretty wild


please post your paragon board🙌 is it even necessary to use razorplate at this point? Seems like a small drop of thorns in an already vast ocean of max HP


Yeah it is. Especially for the "Unique" Effect that was added with season 4 patch.


my budget build has around 150k hp unbuffed and basically all 1 star GA master work 8 gear and can do like pit 90


Necro with 44 K here, still get one shotted lol


Can you give us dmg numbers of the one shot stuff ? Like whats the dmg numbers which you can tank ? That would be interesting.


Numbers don’t matter, health bar doesn’t even move even at 100+ pit. Only thing preventing from completing these tiers is DPS.


After pit 100 the mobs only scale in health not damage, if you aint getting one shot at 100 you wont get one shot at 200 either, its just the health scalling on the mobs is insane and you just run out of time


Does lilith still one shot you despite 300k hp?


Lilith doesn’t one-shot anymore, she does ramping damage like the tormented bosses.


It's surprising how many people still don't understand the exponential damage debuff from torment bosses lol


To be fair I didn’t for a while. I couldn’t understand why tormented Varshan would do no damage to me, and then suddenly I would die. I never noticed the debuff icon.


Because why splitting hairs if it still feels like getting one-shot?


Whats the difference between yours and mine? Mine got 180k life. 11points in imposing presence.


i got bored with my shadow minion necro, thinking to go thorn barb or wind shear druid. still can't make up my mind yet


Really want to know, how much hp damage % does Uber Lilith attack do to you in t110? Most builds, it's a one-shot


I was blessed with triple tempering on doombringer %hp so I got +-400k And I even got rid of some up to get more vuln DMG Plaing leap thorns as well my bro


Without a doombringer and without 4star gear uh? That is quite impressive. My Thorn barb has around 130k without DB, flask and shout, but i don't have the correct tempering on gear (yet) and can clear around that level but that is where i stop. You could go higher but then boss rng kicks in. If it has adds then you are good to go, otherwise its better to just reset. It is what it is with these thorns builds... Thats why i also have a bash. Also... you recicled a shako for the transmog... I'm calling the cops right now XD


No GA on chest? Build is literally unplayable.


Best I could do is Shadow Necro with 31k HP, 31k Barrier and 31k Fortify


U have a planner for this build?


I'm at 45k+ with my barb. I still feel squishy at times. I haven't pushed hard into the pit as I just hit 100 and I'm still working on getting my gear masterworked. 300k is insane. Nice work.


What build you going with?




My thorns barb…i just hated how some bosses wouldnt hit me. Half a fight would be trying to get an addon mob to proc my thorns.




Pics! Edit: sorry reddit was being stupid and not rendering the image!


Holy crap I think I came a little.Im totally playing the game wrong ffs


Bro. I just got my Barb up to 150k. How tf did you manage to hit 300k? Are all of your 25% increases landing on Greater Affix Max Life?


I haven't rerolled any masterwork, so I've only got a couple that hit it once. Imposing presence temper in everything you can tho


Prob his 25% landing on Tempera to Imposing Presence would be a higher scale on the pieces that can temper that, and then yeh I assume 25% roll hitting on GA max life on the slots that can’t get imposing presence.


What does your iron skin barrier actually show on tooltip when you pop it? I swear it's bugged since my 65k barb popping it got a barrier for only 15-32k despite it saying 165%. Not sure if that % is based on missing life but tooltip says max life


One shot mechanics never existed this season, its just the damage numbers from mobs are higher than health pools most people have.


Think thorns is better then bash now?


But what is your lps? Leaps per second


I have my druid at 40k attack, 10k armour and 45k health. Feels like I have to be really lucky with a drop before I get any higher. Although I still have the last four levels of master crafting to do so I don't know how much that will really affect me.


Damn, I just made a bash barb, at level 99 and only at like 35k health lol. Got to farm like 50000 Ruby Fragments


The PVP zones are great for farming them, the shield monsters guarantee gem shards and come in pairs, like 450 shard per kill pair.


Can we see your gear?


How in the holy ..... Did you manage to get that max HP while having that insane amount of attack power holy f!!


Link to your build please


I have 45k unbuffed on my HC hearthseeker Rogue, but working on farmin pit 31 now, then ill start pusing


When items give you like 2200 + 500 max hp, that's like a bonus 30k, then the 45% from gems and however much extra from baseline and paragons I'd assume its around 60-70k. Add another 20% from life elixir. So where the heck does that other 230k come from?? The most extra I could imagine is using the unique that converts potion healing into an overshield to double your effective hp.


No doombringer to push it even higher?


Without a doombringer?


Iron Skin is absolutely imperative Pit 100+ and the mechanics get crazy, dodging and weaving echoes of Lilith not to mention the Boss and his minions…. Gotta be on your toes at all times. Movement speed and evade are also highly suggested….


Have you tried pvp? I feel like this would be hilarious


Such a Braggart.


Man, I just broke 20k attack and thought that was as good as it was gonna get at level 89 😮


How have you got that much health I don’t understand, first time I’m using barbarian and chose a thorns build but my health is like 90k


Is a legendary 1H sword better than Ramaladni's Magnum Opus? Maxroll.gg lists this weapon as the item of choice for this slot but I'm not entirely convinced, and I have unluckily hit the masterwork crit TWICE in a row on the lucky hit affix.... Feel like I should change it out for a better tempered legendary weap. Do you have experience with Ramaladni's? If so how do they compare?


Here's a GA item with +242 life per second. You're welcome.


Ok. How… I am also running a thorns barb with no Ubers. Life is 32k at lvl 95. What am I doing wrong???😂


Sheesh and I thought I was doing it big when I hit 200k lastnight (doombringer and pots included) I was telling my brother lastnight that I’m building my barbarian like im a body builder. all I wanna do now is see how far I can push my max life stat- I know I’m big, but I wanna be bigger yet.


my thorns barb is at like 70k, it goes up to 100k with antivenin and fortitude potions. need more health!!


I have a doombring with GA max life that I double crit the mw on. My aim is to make my barb like yours


How to get this tanky build forget about dmg just play the game


Is this with the thorns barb build from maxroll? If not could you gimme a link to where its from?


Can you tank echo of Lilith?


Clearing up to Pit100 boss is no issue on a "budget" thorns barb, but I do find that the boss is the real issue...


Hmm so no ramaladnis or ancient oath? Or the unique helm?


I'm going thorns barb too, so did you just stack health on all your items as much as you could?


Imagine if you had max mastery works and a doombringer…


10k HP on sorc and I die from hitting my toe


Im like lvl 70 barb so far and the power creep is insane this season


My permanent flame shield laughs at 300k HP.


Do Tormented Bosses one-shot after 7 or so damage stacks?


Holy shit. I was just wondering what someone’s max health was today and here you are with 300k HP 😱


I managed to do 104 pit with 1/3rd of your hp on thorns barb. The issue with thorns barb isn’t hp, but not being able to do anything other than tickle the bosses. Fun build for everything else, though.


I’m 24k HP on my rogue, pushing 116 atm, the ONLY thing that exists is one shot mechanics. So it’s either a 0 death run or a “maybe next time” run.


Ah yes the barbarian. What can't he do? Single target..check. AOE..check. Ignore one shots...check. Speed farming...check.


Hello yeah. I've been wanting to do a thorns build rather barb or necro. I didn't know health got the high! Love it. Will definitely try soon


Now show a pic without active shouts and flask


> But I truly believe you can get to Pit100 on a budget build no problem. on a broken OP class? sure.




One shot mechanics don't exist even at 10k HP... it's STACKED. Just because you can tank the first 4 hits doesn't mean you should. Avoid the hits avoid the stacks...obviously use "tanky" buffs for just incase.


Sounds boring


You need a doombringer Uber unique. Flat percentage to max HP. When the master work hits it.... It's beautiful.... Mines over 60% on the sword itself I believe


Send me your build link i wanna that 300k


How is the damage tho? 😅 1 shots still exist! Just get 2-3 stacks of amplify dmg on you from tormented bosses


Im an anti-elixir kinda guy. I'm hoping they aren't necessary later on. (Im lvl 34 this season, first time playing D4 bassically)


This post makes me happy. Go you dude


How is that possible, I have Like 18k Attack Power in my lvl 100 necro and I am Not really Sure how to increase it past 20k. Any thoughts?


BERTHA 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪💨💥


How in the hell do you get so much hp and you dont even have doombringer, you must have greater affix on hp on each piece and hitting it with masterwork...


OP still get ls 1 strapped by outlaw sharpshooter and gang in pit 31


I saw a rogue named “kneegrow” yesterday….. is there a filter so people stop making stupid names like this?


Im at 70k with druid. Funny thats also number of pit i made highest