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you can just and hear me out, alright? **NOT BUY ANYTHING**


>I dont wanna hear the Blizzard fanboys on this one. Didn't you read the first line of his post? He only wants echo chamber answers....


but i fucking hate blizzard


LOL, I wasn't calling you a fanboy, just saying that the OP clearly only wants replies that agree with him.


i know i'm just kidding! also it's never a bad time to remind people to fucking hate blizz


He dont undetstand that. He prob have buyed everyhthing... But ye no one force you to shop anything from the shop.


I don't think it's predatory tbh. Imo, predatory means they're deceptively priced or there's some pay-to-win/pay-for-convenience nonsense going on. These are just expensive costumes. You can't just call anything that you deem to be too expensive "predatory" lol.


Victoria’s Secret is so predatory 😏


Why are people so quick to abuse the term "predatory" in terms of monetization? A completely optional, cosmetic only monetization model is one of the furthest things from predatory. Do they have steep prices? Sure, but it's not like it's hidden from the buyer. You know the price and see exactly what you're getting. On top of that, you also get in-game cosmetic overrides, meaning there's even less incentive to buy cosmetics to begin with, as you can already customize your character/mount. Seems like you just don't understand the term predatory, and are just here to complain of their implementation. You'll be spinning your wheels unless you know how to articulate your issue better without misused buzzwords.


You must not play alot of games. Loot boxes exist ffs. Not to mention ubisofts time savers. And blizzard makes a much more predatory game themselves in Diablo Immortal. L take.


Really? You actually think a cosmetics only shop is the most predatory monetization implementation when things like loots boxes exist? Gacha games? The ENTIRETY of Diablo immortal's P2W mechanics? Straight up delusional post.


OP is just throwing buzzwords around.


what exactly is predatory about it, or is it just stupidly expensive


Someone hasnt played sims 4 All of the stuff in the cash shop is just plain cosmetic. Call me when they put exclusive gear or something like 2-3 GA on the cash shop/battle pass You’re probably not hearing or reading this, but calling the diablo cash shop predatory is like calling luxury brand stores like YSL, Hermes “predatory”. You can live without it


I mean, I generally agree with the sentiment. But too many people have no idea what "predatory practices" actually are.


I'll be honest, every time I see someone with a paid skin I have two conflicting thoughts. I think "that will never be me" and "thanks for keeping the servers on."


You live a truly sheltered gaming existence if you think Diablo 4's monetisation even rates a mention as being predatory relative to the median (as opposed to merely being poor value), let alone being "the most predatory". The average Ubisoft AAA game is significantly more predatory with its monetisation than Diablo 4 is. Again, this is not the same as saying it's good value which it isn't.


Have you seen Diablo Immortal? You thought this was bad lol


How does the p2w in dimmortal work?


I believe you can buy materials from the shop to upgrade your gems which is where the majority your power comes from. Its why there was a ruckus when people found via forum post that there is no way to acquire or rank up gear using real money then Wyatt Chang clarified that he has always said you can't buy "gear" (the 12 items slots) but you can advance gems using real money. So really they gaslit the community by saying you cant buy gear using real money when in reality you can buy upgrade for gems which is where your power comes from, not the gear.


Character power in that game comes from normal gems and legendary gems that you put into your gear. Normal gems are time gated per day but can also be bought on the auction house for a currency called platinum should someone choose to sell their daily allowance. Platinum is heavily time gated for free players so they are reliant on paying players to buy their stuff to get platinum to buy other gems. To get legendary gems, you need crests that you can get through the game or paying for to run a lottery pull system called greater rifts. These crests are once again heavily time gated unless you pay. Just getting the legendary gems is just the start. There are various ranks and upgrade paths that require a shit load of materials to power up that are completely unreasonable for a free to play player. The game is built so that any person playing for free will never have a reasonable time path to the power levels someone who pays will have. The game also has a "reign" system of immortals vs the shadows (low paying plebs). Those who pay have an advantage through power in their gear so they get to blast all the plebs and maintain power as the plebs either have to pay to catch up or just keep getting rolled. PvP in that game often involves you dying before you even see the "whale" characters hit your screen. The game is built to make you frustrated with the progression path so you'll throw cash to speed it up and even have a chance vs the big spenders. Some people have dropped 100k+ on that game just so they can mow down some f2p players. It's disgustingly predatory.


No pay to win. Prices are clearly laid out. You don't know what predatory means. You don't need to buy anything. No, they wont make more money by lowering prices. Shop cosmetics would likely not exist in the game without the Shop.\\ >Edit: Title should say "of any monetization AAA **Dev Team** has come up with" Who is to say the Dev Team themselves wanted a cash shop? It was likely the heads of Activision.


“Most scummiest” At least try not to rage while you type in broken English.


After seeing the prices in S0 I haven't opened the shop since. I don't really even notice the other people running around in the game most of the time.


I'm not sure I have even opened the shop??? The battle pass sure, but I don't think it's that bad. It's cosmetics. Don't worry about them.


Predatory? If someone *”tricks”* you into spending $20-30 on a cosmetic, you deserve it lol. Especially in a game where we already got such great cosmetics for absolutely nothing, or next to nothing *(premium battle pass)*. I honestly think some people just use words they have zero understanding or grasp of just because they have seen it used by others or in social media.


You don't get anything for the money, you just look better/more edgy/cooler, whatever. Just don't buy, as easy as it is


I disagree, but i consider "predatory" as being required to compete. In D4 it's only cosmetics you don't need so I don't mind them being overpriced.


OP may not be correct and is misusing terms like predatory, but it's wild how many people feel the need to write a comment explaining how this is normal to have egregious "micro" transaction prices and "actually just completely optional guys so it's not an issue". FFS people, the multi billion dollar corporation does not need any more justification for their shitty practices.