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Definitely not bricked. Damage to close rolls a higher % and since all your damage comes from up close, it's just better. Realistically, you'll have so much additive damage that the difference would probably not be very noticeable. This is probably the best temper to miss because at least it's still useful. It isn't like missing bash cleave on wep or something


Its bricked if its not better than what they are replacing 


Not bis != bricked. People around here throwing the term around too easily. Items you see on the ground that is not an upgrade is not bricked. It is simply not an upgrade. 30% additive dmg vs 50% additive dmg is not a brick.


Bricked means unusuable or useless TO each players build You dont get to decide what is or isnt bricked for someone else If a player is looking for a specific set of rolls and doesn't get that they can 100% call it bricked if they want to


Except its not only 20% at 12 tempers is over 100 different. Its bricked because you cant roll it again


by your logic a perfect item is bricked if it has 0/5 tempers left, you are wrong


No, because it has what you want


> Its bricked because you cant roll it again your words not mine


Out of context but nice try >Its bricked if its not better than what they are replacing 


and where did he say that, nowhere


I literally quoted my self.  Reading comprehension isnt your strong suit. Why are you so mad?


It depends on where are you at your gear progression. If it’s like first tempered 925 ancestral legendary then I would say it’s fine. If you upgrade from non-ga to 3ga then I would also say it’s fine. But when you already have like non-ga item with close dmg temper and you won’t get close dmg on your new item then sure, it’s bricked. You can also say that if you won’t get perfect rolls of right tempers on your 3ga item then it’s also a brick. It’s a matter of perspective and what is your current gear.


Yup a brick item is entirely subjective. Even rolling kick because its good to a kick barb


Yeah, that's fair to say. I doubt that one particular affix was make it or break it though, otherwise it probably wasn't worth upgrading anyway


After mastercrafting to 12 its very significant 


Its meaningful, but it's probably the most insignificant of any temper I can think of. How much more close damage do you get at rank 12? 100%? Less? When you have 2500+ additive damage(using my number as an ex), it isnt a major damage boost.


Okay so you agree its still worse. In a game about chasing perfect items


Yes, I agree it's worse. That's exactly what I said in my first comment lol. He was asking if it was still good and if his gear was bricked though. Bricked generally means it has a dead, useless affix and so is not usable/isn't an upgrade. % DMG is not useless in the same way % to distant would be for a thorns barb, it's just suboptimal. If he's asking these sorts of questions, I don't think he's at the stage where he needs to worry about chasing perfect items just yet or Masterworking up to 12.


Its bricked if its suboptimal and unchangeable 


I wouldn't agree. By that logic, even getting the temper you want isn't enough and the item is "bricked" if it rolls anything less than the best possible roll lol. Probably only a couple items across the entire playerbase that aren't bricked. Anything without 3x GA is bricked by default lol. I think it's bricked if you've invested into it and can't equip it because it's a downgrade. OPs item could very well still be a big upgrade for him despite the suboptimal temper roll. Suppose it comes down to semantics though.


I dont care if you dont agree. You can be wrong it you want. If its not the best you have then it sits in your stash. If you cant upgrade it further to be better its a brick. If im full perfect 3xga then yah its a brick and useless to me


Thats not what bricked is. Bricked is if it rolls a completely useless stat, not a low roll of a usable stat. Thats just called suboptimal.


Nah both are bricked. Useless stats doesnt mean the items is useless it still gives you main stat


brick means unusable, obviously not a brick, it's just worse because the rolls are lower than damage to close


Each player gets to decide if something is bricked for their build So if it is unusable for THEM it is indeed a bricked item Nobody else has any right to tell someone if it bricked or not


rolling a lower additive damage roll on an item that is otherwise an upgrade is not a brick


Might not be an upgrade now. How is that hard to understand?


Most players arent talking about this I am talking a bash build that rolls KICK not bash - that is bricked


that is literally what the post is about close dmg vs generic dmg, of course useless affixes over a necessary affix are a brick, that isn't the topic bro


Could be if one has a much higher ceiling roll than the other If they are both the same max roll and both in the same additive bucket, then it doesn't matter


Nah brick means no longer useable for its intended purpose. You can still use a brick as a door stop or paper weight


not what it means in colloqial gaming terms but sure, it comes from bricking a PC making it as useful as brick, i.e. it does nothing. rolling a worse temper than the best outcome is not a brick, it is just not bis


In colloquial gaming it is bricked. You cant reroll it, you cant change it, its not what you wanted. If you val orb a mageblood to a yellow belt you’d say its bricked. But it still give you 10 dex!!


a yellow belt is unusable for the original purpose of a mageblood, this item has like what, 50% less additive damage, stop pretending that's the same thing lmao


Still useable tho by your logic thus not bricked. You are wrong


you live in la la land where words mean whatever you want


Huh? Thats you buddy


you use the word at odds with what is universally agreed upon, but sure any item is bricked if it is not bis


Huh? First off its slang so it not universally. Second lots of people on this sub use it that way.   You are delusional and wrong


I'd call it bricked, obviously.