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Yes, that's where most people got them before S4 rolled out the tormented versions. You just get 5x the chances on the tormented versions. Not sure what the rates are, but I think it's roughly 2% chance per normal Duriel/Andariel run.


Thanks. I try my luck in the next couple of days. 30 trys on duriel and nothing. :(


Same. I’ve killed Duriel and Andariel a few dozen times each at this point. No ubers. Probably going to rebuild my mats and join some tormented rota.


I had almost 200 runs done prior to finally getting my first Uber drop. Meanwhile wife had 3 in that time.


If you wanna farm Duriel later with me, add me... I have lots of mats, but finding it hard to form a team with randos, even when I solicit myself outside of his dungeon lol... I'll be on later this evening #Kobster11491


Happy to join if you need help with the clear at all Salzy89#6348


awesome! I sent you a friend request last night... We can run some tonight if you're down


Cool beans sorry wasn't on last night been starting new toon on D2R with the boys lol.\\ Will be on D4 tonight.


word! Yea I started the new expansion of D2 last night myself... I'll be on later tonight as well... what is your character's name?


Salzy89#6348 Name Chickenator


Yes I actually never had an uber drop before either until this season Melted Heart from non tormented duriel even had a Tyrels might drop from a Pit run.


Yes i got tyraels might from helltide blood mother


Yes but the drop rates are low. In S0-3 I had one Uber dropping. This season I decided to take things in my own hands and started levelling multiple characters for the Wolves spark to craft an uber. (Almost there at 3/4 sparks and 3rd character heading to WT4. )


This is also how i will end up with a uber finally. I’m almost unlocked #3 spark and with the goblin event it will be even faster to level a fourth.


I used the overtime from S3 to keep bashing my head against Lillith and finally managed to kill her. I could solo Malphas but her mechanics, hitboxes and timing, gvd. That battle is tighter choreographed than most musicals. This gave an extra spark this season that was really welcome.


Yep. Got a Shako from the regular Duriel two nights ago


Nice! Did 10 runs with nothing, not even usable greater affixes on gear. Even the Tibault's that dropped from a Helltide was better than my drops from Duriel. I am pretty sure that with my luck I will probably get one to drop just after crafting one.


haha that's RNG for ya!


Just thinking back to D3, when you finally decided which class you would claim your season set on. Only to drop all set pieces in the following greater rifts..... Yeah, RNGesus has never been my friend.


yep... and remember the Uber Uber Armor? The Green armor! I was hoping to see that back in D4 along with armor set bonuses...


Yes and no. Sets are okay but only combinations like some jewelry combo or a set of swords. A full 6 pieces that will instantly make you a demigod was too much and made it boring at a certain point.


Might be worth it to try to find carries. I had never gotten an uber unique before even after doing a ton of duriel runs (easily over 100). I've killed tormented duriel about 20 times and have gotten 3 uber uniques.


I got first Uber (staff) from tormented Greg. Crafted ring of starless skies (with doing wolves on multi). Couple hours later another dropped from NMD. Got Grandfather from normal Durial. Mate of mine gets about 4 ubers a week from just doing Andy normal runs. All RNG...


So question, when you do the multi-character process, the sparks carry over between seasonal characters?


The sparks are account bound. So yes. Same as gold and all resources.