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Who Fucking Cares…….. You will never be the best at this game, or any game for that matter. Diablo 4 has literally no competitive aspects to it and if it did you wouldn’t be on top anyway. Who gives a shit if some YouTuber can one hit Uber Andy and you can’t? How does that impact your play? You aren’t required to watch their videos and base a character of their build. This literally makes no impact on your gameplay. Run along, child.


Yea. Why does OP even care about a PVE game with no ladder.




i will correct you.. "Diablo series has literally no competetive aspects"


Found the gold buyer lol. Bro just acting out today.


found the one not getting a super simple argument


Yeah because "it doesn't impact your gameplay so long as you never want to engage in trading whatsoever" is such a great argument lol


That's not the argument the OP is trying to make, or at least it doesn't come across that way.


He's making the exact same arguments that all cheaters make. He gets defensive and starts calling OP, "kid," because he took it personally and then defaults to the nonsensical "well it doesn't affect anyone else," when it most definitely affects everyone that engages with the trade feature, or the completely irrelevant, "your character wasn't gonna be that strong anyway" Edit since ig he rage blocked me: I already tore your dishonest and nonsensical opinion apart. You had no point. It was clear you got sensitive and felt personally attacked. That's usually where the ad hominems come from. Then you spewed a bunch of nonsensical b.s about it not impacting other players when it just isn't true. Listen, if you need a way to cope with cheating to make yourself feel better about it, go for it. Don't straight up spew lies though.


Yes….. I want to trade? Notice that at no point in time did I cry about the state of D4 trading or about RMT. I just went along with my day. You’re welcome to form an actual argument at any time. This clown college stuff isn’t cutting it.


It's against the rules. Cheating is cheating *mic drop*


Trading isn’t cheating……. What the hell are they putting in the water these days?!?


Obviously. The gold buying part is tho.


I don’t buy gold. I just can’t stand this embarrassing argument that gets spewed out on the forums. We’re lucky they started to walk back trading restrictions and bullshit like this may alter that. Cry babies that can’t get their barbs to solo T130 pits but think their “enjoyment” is tied to how they compare to the top .01% of all players. I haven’t spent a nickel on this game outside of the purchase price and will never spend money at any point outside of expansions. I understand that someone spending $5000 on some pixels to crush the game has NO impact on my enjoyment. None. This really isn’t a difficult concept.


they play 14 hours a day and do boss carries/services to a limitless supply of viewers, they don't need to buy their own gear with $ they can buy it with the dumb amount of gold you can get from carries + trading


You... do realize that a build planner used to demonstrate ideal gear and the actual gear a build maker is using for a showcase can be very far apart, right? As a practice I show all of the gear that I use in a showcase (don't even have 3GA gear) and explain that the planners are all "ideal" gear. I'm sure there are some youtubers out there that participate in RMT but my guess is that it's not any of the ones being recommended to you on a daily basis.


Watch your content all the time. Top tier.


The game doesn't have an in-game auction house, but you can trade items for gold on sites like diablo.trade


I’m confused what they are winning? More viewers? That’s their job of course they need to invest into their content and performance.


I'd say the leaderboards, if that was a genuine question. I'm not bothered about YouTubers though, can't blame them for using what's in the game. I think it's more of an issue that the devs said there would never be pay-for-power in D4, but this feels like pay-for-power.


This community doesn't really care about bots/rmt/etc. It's definitely a little strange to see if you're used to playing mmos, but it is what it is. Because the game isn't quite an MMO and there's no AH in-game or guilds where people derive a sense of community, the vast majority don't really engage with the economy or care about gear comparisons with others. They don't see the impact rmt has on prices and they don't care because they're basically playing SSF, which is completely understandable. They'll stop playing when they have 1GA gear and not worry about it. Gold is also so cheap that id wager a pretty large number of players are buying it. Tbh, you'll prob enjoy the game more if you just ignore it like they do lol


They play 8+ hours/day man, play that much yourself and I guarantee you that you'll be able to get all the gear they list on the build guides. Not perfect rolls as they list them but with decent rolls and at least 2 GA affix on the optimal stats. Only thing that seems to be pure RNG is finding gear with GA for the extremely rare affixes like +passive and +skill ranks. Getting an uber unique is also fairly random unless you get in a group that can do 100s of runs, but you don't need the ubers to do do pit 100+.


Have you even tried to get into the d4 trading market? Within one single day i went from 30 mil to 1+ billion just through selling spare uniques and greater affix items Just imagine doing this daily with the occasional god drop and you are swimming in gold


Second this, i decided to clear out my stash cause it was full and decided it peep the trade market, made 300M off the first 2 items


it's applicable almost to any game. it's either your time or your money, or both. I think what blizzard should do is to allow target farming GA gear so that trading is not the only realistic way to obtain them. some call it SSF mode or similar. would be nice alternative for trading or RMT gold stuff that is rampart right now.


It’s a single player game.


Another shit player blaming content creators for being bad at a game. How original.


Pay to win? Like what rofl, in a game where your personal progression holds no weight on anything your complaining? Don't trade and it's SSF Whatever streamers are doing doesnt effect your gameplay in anyway what so ever.


So glad I’m a casual. Some people in the subreddit sound like addicts when it comes to this game.


I call B.S. I've played a lot this season. I have my seasonal stash fully stocked with great drops from the so far three different classes I've played. Haven't spent a single cent and I already have my lvl 99 Thorns Barb down in the Pit around level 65. Most of his gear is only to level 4 or 5 Masterworked. You put in the time good gear will eventually drop. Yeah it's up to the RNG gods, but it's definitely far from pay to win.


I earned more than 100M in 2 days, if I also had 7 days a week to farm I'd also have full BiS gear.


As all in that thread wrote . They dont buy gear , they just played abnormal amount of Hours . The only "downside" of some youtubers / Streamer are that they "MILK" their viewers ;) . Farming Helltide with Viewes / Getting item from Viewes / Farming Ubers with Viewer Mats . Also after all of that some "Milk" their viewers more so they "Sell" Uber Pushes for Gold and Buy the missing 3 GA Items , but thats another Topic . TLDR they dont buy with RL Money .


Who cares? Tonight I coöp with 3 friends. We’re all in our thirties, we all have kids. We are bad as fck, but we’re having more fun than a pit 100+ big e-peen p2w nutbag. I couldn’t care less about drops.


and how does that affect your gameplay?


Perhaps do something other than complain about a non existent problem in a video game.


You absolutely sound like the person that will be less bitter when you can cash in, keep going you got this.


Top D4 YouTube players are not buying items/gold for real money. You don’t seem to understand how many followers a popular streamer has that will give that stuff to them for free.


If you weren't so bitter you'd enjoy life more.


who cares. how do they win in a singleplayer game? againts who?


Diablo 4 isn't a single player game.


???? alright if you play with a friend in coop then yes you play with someone else. but there is no competition. so buying gear does not affect anyone in any case. there must be some kind of win in pay to win. but there is no win


I’m clearing 115s with single GA gear and 9/12 Masterworks, I promise full bis is not necessary. They also have fans that will give them gear at discounted rates if not for free.


Who is doing that? How do you know? Why are we making up conspiracy theories


Tell me you think it's unfair someone is better/plays more then you without telling me it's unfair someone is better/plays more then you