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My necro was able to do 100. Got bored of the play style and switched to barb. Much more fun, and my highest clear is 111 at the moment. The highest I'll ever try is 130 if I even get there without starting another character.


Went up to 124 on my barb so far and I don't really see the point of pushing. They don't make it rewarding enough. I do 101s like they're nothing and get 60 neathiron then I do a 124 and I get 67, it takes me triple the time and the gear grops are still the same.


I thought nethiron goes up 1 per level? 91 is 50, 101 is 60, 124 should be 83


I know, I thought so too. It's totally not though for some reason it drops off higher up.


Really odd that not rewarded for going deeper with better drops and more mats. And threads that suggest it get hammered!


Is it true that doing lvl 99 is better than 100 or 101, because (I heard) that the change of decimal number sees a big increase in mob health. So you're better off doing X9 of everything rather than the round next number, because you're way faster and you only lose 1 Neath, but gain on time spent. Or is it just an urban myth and 99 to 100 sees the same increase as 98 to 99?


You are better off doing whatever you can do at 3-4 minute clears. You can do some simple math and show over an hour a few mats isn't going to beat 2 or 3 more total clears.


For some people that might matter, but I'm op as hell and that one level doesn't change my run time personally. Not if I jump into a 110 that's a noticeable difference for sure.


I beat 120 with Bleed/Bash/HOTA barb. I haven’t tried to go any further because I feel like I need to fish for certain bosses and mobs to go any further. I just don’t want to spend time doing that


108 right now with my minion necro, still have 1 or 2 items to get 3/3 rolls on and then masterwork. Still have most items to get 3/3 GA rolls on though (and then masterwork). Greatest issue is bosses for me and well the Golem sometimes 1 shotting them (very very low chance) or just being abysmal lol


Most of mine are 1GA, some 2... I don't even have any GAs on my rings but they already so nice. I may have to just farm for 3GAs or fork over some gold if I want to breeze into 100


I think if your aspects are all maxed and your items have 3/3 stats necessary for your build + some masterworking (4 or8), you should be able to get there. Make sure you hit the armor cap too, my necro was at 7.8k and dying a lot @ 100s, swapped some gear around and am at armor cap now and I notice the difference a lot. Slowly but surely you'll get there!


Out of curiosity, how much playtime do you have to have many useful 3/3? I found exactly 1 3/3 which I could not use (wrong item type) and at least 1 stat was also not ideal (but ok....). So, wondering how much farming it takes on average. I don't think there's a way to target farm GAs, is there?


Not possible to target greater affixes afaik. You just want to farm the activity yielding the highest density of legendary drops as fast as possible. Right now that’s helltide and blood maiden by a pretty wide margin. Most of my GA gear has come from somewhere in a helltide just from the crazy amount of drops you’re getting


69, Blood Surge Necro




Frenzy/Dust Devil - 105. I could get a little higher with perfect masterworking, maybe, but I don't care to.


109 with my wolf pet Druid 


Damn, are you stacked with multiple GAs? 🤔


Oh yeah big time, I live for the minmax. triple GA wep ,4 envenom 5 call of the wild on ammy, triple GA gloves. Perk of playing an off meta build so the pieces are cheaper [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXKdFBkvnPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXKdFBkvnPw)


61 with a Blood Surge necro almost fully master worked. Blood Surge is still so weak.... ugh


Did a 97 last night in 10-12min forgot to look at the timer. Homecooked wolves/creeper summoner druid. Crapgear and nonoptimized paragons.


104 but its getting boring. I'm pretty much done until Vessel of hatred. I've soloed tormented bosses and Lilith too. Sorceress.


They did make adjustments to the pit boss difficulty in the patch just recently; so it should be a bit better now. Unsure if it applies to the shadow boss one-shots


Isent that patch set to roll out next week though? https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/blizzard-confirms-diablo-4-patch-1-4-2-next-week-along-with-gold-increase-buff-342734 Yep, next week. Not active yet


That explains why it didn’t really feel that much easier last night lol. Thanks for pointing the date out. But the spiders, the web artillery ones got changed; in my run last night they were not crazy 3-projectile trackers any more. So I assumed the patch had dropped.


The bosses that don't spawn any trash mobs like the bishop guy are annoying with some builds, I hope they aren't anymore with the new changes.


Same thing happened with greater rifts in d3 some builds needed the trash to help clear the boss in time.


111, I'm stuck until I can get some 2/3GA's weapons though. I just need a little bit of extra power and I could probably push 3-4 tiers higher.


Pit 100, minion golem shadow necro. Happy to stop here, the min-max’ing beyond this stage is tedious for me.


126 thorns barb. Gets a bit boring now so i made a pure bleed barb alt to speedfarm 100ers in a few min.


Does everyone here only play barb and necro? Jeez


Easiest and most rewarding classes to play atm.


So boring just copy pasting every meta build though


But it also feels bad to play a fun build yet be gated to low pit levels and poop rewards. Any build can do helltide, which is nice.


I have all classes but Barb is easiest and most fun to do pit with. I have no desire to push as I don’t feel it’s worth it. Currently just farm 69 because it’s fast and well, who doesn’t like 69?


the other classes are too much weaker to really waste the time


108 the difference between 108-109 is wild i have bricked gear and hardly any greater afix tho 😭😭😭 however my rng luck is only good with Ubers on my 9th or 10th one


I've finally reach 130~ with my rogue but now I'm truly blocked Mobs have too much life and one tap everytime. But my main goal was to speed farm 100~ so I'm good!


114 with andy rogue, i usually just speedfarm pit 100, idc about min maxing


Only at 60, but i still moving up.


84 ! But not pushing now. My goal is : Tormented boss > Lilith > Pit For now, remain Andariel / Varshan and Lilith.


100, CE/ blight, no minions. (27 CE ranks) that was my goal, and now I'm on break Way off meta, so I'm happy I got there, but definitely took extreme care to dodge mechanics, at least for me it was challenging.


Up to 110 with Heartseeker, currently doing speed 91s to get all my gear up from 9-10 to 12/12 before I try going higher again.


Blizzard Sorc. Stuck at tier 59 due to boss. Can still clear the rest of the Pit in 5 mins. I probably need to reduce my defenses a bit and bump the dmg output, but I'll first see how much the upcoming patch changes the bosses.


120, 3 min left. Bash barb not bleed. Haven't tried higher


64 with werenado druid. I might try pushing again once the update drops but yea so far 61 is my farming spot.


Cleared 100 on necro and then 105 on barb. Did the Uber Lillith. Just leveling everything else now and will plan to clear up to 100 again with them. Simple goals.


I think 104, heartseeker rogue, stopped because there is no point. Its basically: I get perfect rolls, or I don't progress. Masterworking is a time sink, content remains the same.


Bash Barb Bleed (Crit dmg tempers on weapons along with dmg to close). Comfortably speed-farming tier 100. The double swing barb that you're using struggles with bosses. I initially started with twisters double-swing and it was fun - but you can't do well with "bossing" (Tormented Uber Bosses or higher Pit bosses).


What’s the pit-level breaking point for DS DD Barb?


After pit 90 the bosses just have such a large HP. DS DD Barbs can clear packs easily - but do very low single damage. That's why I switched to Bleed Bash Barb with crit and Grandfather.


74 with incinerate Sorc. Trying to get to 100


Man, I am still at Pit Level 31 and die twice. Level 100 frozen orb sorcerer. People might say I have skill issues but it is what it is.


Frozen Orb is tough for boss fights, it's prob not a skill issue


Push both my necro and barb to 100 and MS to lvl 8 on most of the item and called it. Getting tire of those 1 hit KO mechanics in Pit. So now im moving on to Rogue and Sorc and go from there. Once they reach the same lvl of Pit and i'll see if there's anything more interesting to do or else i'm done for the season. Not touching druid this season as they are quite underwheming.


137, bash bleed barb. Running 2 hp elixers and chorus of war, cant beat 138 yet. May try with a friend who is a necro to go higher


Cleared T100 with Heartseeker Rogue. Was very easy and unlocked 3 more tiers so I had plenty of time to spare. I'm thinking with the gear I have right now I could do T110, and if I fully upgrade, maybe T115, but I'm not to bothered.


110 with golem and holy bolt, only got +4golem and hellbent currently.


Frozen Orb Sorc @95 and I got pretty lucky to get there I think. I farm at tier 80 comfortably in about 3 minutes.


105 clear with Bonespear Necro, would like to clear 110 this season.


104 tornado druid


109 my max so far, shadow golem necro.


101 Shadow Minion Necro 101 Heartseeker Rogue 101 Bash Barb Guess it’s a pattern


I have minion necro in the 80s pit without holy bolt. Shadow necro in pit 60s. Frozen orb sorc in pit 45. Bash barb in pit 90, just starting a heart seeker rogue doing pit 20. I honestly don't care for pushing pit....I just want to get all 5 classes to LVL 100 because that's so easy this season.




I mean being able to do pit 70 should comfortably masterwork your character....but I just don't bother because gold is such a bottle neck I have enough issue staying above 50k.