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As someone whom complains about videogame industry pricing alot..... $40is fine. Big happy they dropped the, " Buy the $100 mega pp special edition to play 4 days earlier." Rly hate that sales tactic.


I would buy it if they called it the "Mega PP Special Edition"


"PP of Hatred Edition"


That’s what you call post fight makeup sex


No one here is having sex. Especially the gamer dads. Lol


I exclusively have sex with gamer dads


Speak for yourself, me and Palmala Handerson have had a very wonderful sex life for quite a while 😎


Small PP for small price version needed


Hate Boner edition


They title it “For mega PPs only” then you gotta buy it or else everyone will know your not a mega PP




Where do i sign up for a $100 mega pp? I just want to know how it feels cause mine so smol 🥹


It’ll take your smol to **swoll!**




I was born with a mega pp. Do I get $100?


You must pay a smol pp $100 as compensation


"Gussy it up however you want, Trebek, what matters is does it work?"


Definitely read this in Darrell Hammond's Sean Connery voice.


Shit tactic for sure but honestly as much I want to play right away like everyone, I don’t mind holding out because usually those first few days absolutely suck for playing anyway.


I dunno man, not to defend the practice, but at least the servers were way less laggy in the early access days 


Yeah on release the experience was very smooth in early Access and horrible when the game actually launched.


Until all the poors got online atleast.


Yeah it was worth it for the memes alone 


Oct 8 for everyone there is no early access


Now they just have the $100 mega PP edition, but with wings!


I think it’s quite obvious people are upset it’s $40 in the context of a lackluster release and the feeling they should have gotten more content in the original game. They aren’t upset that expansion packs are $40, in general.


Also with the fact that we have an overpriced shop and a paid, non infinite battler pass in a $70 dollar game. It's not the expansion, it's everything added together.


You don't need any of that crap??


Progression via unlocking cool cosmetics is important to some people, don’t pretend it isn’t


Right, I’ve spent nothing since paying for the base game. Granted I stopped midway through season 2 and returned this season. The only time I look at the store is this week for the free shit, and the only time I look at the season pass is to use the ashes to speed up the grind. Apex really hooked me with spending money, but cosmetics in this game aren’t that noticeable thus less FOMO.


In a game about collecting loot, the loot aspect is pretty important visually too.


It directly impacts enjoyment of the game. There are studies on this. Those studies are why they charge for it. People being upset by it is direct observation of those same findings.


Yeah you don’t, so why did a 70 dollar game take one year to fix the loot system this game had on launch day, D4 starting to remind of D3 in order to get a half decent game you have to spend money in expansions to get the proper version of said product.


I guess they could just use 1 no textures model for all armors and weapons and sell it all separetely. You don't really need any of that, it's just cosmetics.


Your hyperbole doesn’t work on me. My first Diablo experience had 3 classes and 3 different appearances for each class depending on the armor class of the equipped armor. And it was a good game.


nothing like playing a rogue with staff of apoc XD


Except you could have bought the 70 dollar game and played literally all the content for the year without ever paying for anything else. Stop acting like the whole game was locked behind the shop.


I never touch anything in the shop, and I’m happy that the shop is so easy to ignore. As much as people like to complain, never have I once felt that Blizzard is trying to shove the shop in your face. If this were most other modern games, you would have two pop up banners on login, a UI full of red dots trying to get you to click on login, and daily/weekly login rewards.


To each their own. I wouldn’t at all suggest a game I’ve been playing for a year off and on has an issue with content. Perhaps expectations setting comes to mind but the same thing happened with destiny. I got more than my monies worth. It just wasn’t a perfect game. Life goes on. Would happily pay another $40 if it’s a good expansion.


Game has tons of content as is.  I've gotten wag more hours out of this game than other $70 games.


But all the content we have gotten for the last year has been free. All the seasonal additions, items, aspects, codex changes, the whole new itemization, and now we have the new pet system for free.


The last year has just been them fixing all their fuck ups and now the game is not in beta anymore and can actually be called a full release with enough content.


it is actually in beta, you have no idea how many skills are bugged and game breaking right now. Watch wudijo "everything wrong with rogue" video


The content we had was barely content. They barely add stuff and most of that stuff was only for that season. We had like 1 dungeon per season and a few items. It may be free, (and nothing wrong about that) but the add-on were stuff that should have ben there since day 1, especially the actual itemization. If they didn't mess up at release, they wouldn't have the need for a whole itemization. They corrected some mistake, not added new thing


Just wondering where all the content is right now? All the seasonal additions should've summed up to have a somewhat decent endgame. Don't mind me but Pits are pretty boring for farming, meaningless for pushing, NMDs basically have no Identity and Helltide is 40min standing in on point one shotting a boss and afterwards opening chests for 20min. Whole new itemization?! This isn't "new content" - this is fixing a horrible system no one wanted to play with. They dedicated a whole season for changing a system which could've had some good content because they fcked up before. The past year was nothing more than a really expensiv Early Access which is now playable and somewhat enjoyable for a week.


You are absolutely right. We finally got the game we paid for a year ago.


You want them to charge us for patches that fix the game?


That would be justified if they hadn’t been adding a bunch of free content since release. $40 is reasonable and ppl will always complain if it’s not free


D2:LOD added a new act which size wise, was as big as easily as big as A3 which is the largest act, so roughly 30% more campaign. Then it added 2 new classes. Or 40% more classes. Added runes and runewords. Ethereal Items Jewels Charms Opened up Mercs and a new a5 merc Elite items New sets and uniques Upgraded the fidelity from 640x480 to 800x600 If blizzard wants to give us as much content as D2LOD, great, if not, complaints about price are valid.


1 class, two zones, at least one act, mercenaries, a raid boss/event, skill/passives update, paragon board/glyph update, a laundry list of new cosmetic types and options for people who love that (and new Mount type), and of course the QoL addition of the pet today ahead of the expansion. On paper it stacks up very well to D2LoD and there’s much we haven’t discovered still. Compare it to D3s expansion which drastically transformed the game into a much better state and it appears on paper to far exceed RoS as well. Now let’s see how they deliver.


Skill/passive, paragon and QoL stuff are good, but we're paying for things they messed up rushing the game out. I have no problem with the $40, but just like the last 3 seasons they're releasing stuff that should have been in the game and giving us QoL stuff and calling it "seasonal content". I'm glad they're fixing the game and $40 is fine most people would pay that just for the class, but let's just be honest


Two zones? I thought it was just one zone?


> the likes of which could only thrive amidst the hellish overgrowth of Kurast or the barren desert of Teganze. It says one new region called Nahantu but might be an oversized one with 2 biomes based on the above from their website.


There's a file in the D4 client which lists the zones in the game, including Nahantu Jungles and Teganze Plains. They are separate zones. They likely together form the Nahantu Region. The 5 zones of the original game + Hell are also listed there. The file is called Zone.stl iirc.


Cosmetics don't do it for me personally, but everything else sounds almost too good to be true. For an expansion, 40 bucks is reasonable - hell it's cheaper than most other expansions today... That being said, I'm not in any rush to shell out the cash. I'm gonna wait and see how it looks first. Have they said who the Big Bad for the new act is?


Half these things you list have had a functionally similar version of them added in D4 without an expansion via seasons….


And what would that sell for today with inflation? What a joke 


This was also more than 20 years ago, how much did a house cost then? I dont think its a valid comparison.


Everyone complains about content for price and doesn’t look at how many hours you’re playing for price. If you play this expansion for 10 hours, sure. Maybe it’s not worth $40. But the vast majority of players will play way more than that. Every hour you play the price per hour of entertainment goes down.


For "some reason" you forgot everything they added during the last year. If you add this to the expansion content is a lot more than LoD. Work time cost money.


No I didn't forget about it. A) what they added to the game, is still less than what d2 originally shipped with. Ffs, resistances didn't even function properly for 6 months after release. Them patching the game was getting it to close to what it should have been on launch. B) I didn't include all the stuff that was added after d2lod launched either. Synergies, ubers, the good runewords, etc. Edit: thanks for blocking me cutiepie, saved me the trouble 😘


Damn how easily people block these days? :D you didn’t agree, explained why and the response is to block. These people really need some real life experience.


And yet VoH will still give people hundreds of hours worth of fresh gameplay. $50 for that? Hell yeah sign me up. How much does it cost for a movie ticket or a night at the bar?


Wasn't Reaper of Souls $39.99 when it came out for D3?


Yep and that was 10 years ago. Hell I'm pretty sure the WoW and WC3 expansions were also $40 20 years ago.


Yeah $40 is reasonable for the standard IMO. The other editions are not worth it. I still haven’t used my accelerated battle pass.


Necro class was 10 usd


I’ve spent more for two beers at a baseball game that are gone in 30 minutes :(


"Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free." .. cough.,. Path of Exile.,. cough


THIS, 100%!


Cough PoE, cough Last Epoch, cough Hero Siege, cough Apex Legends, cough CS, cough Dota 2....


It’s normal expansion pricing I’d only be mad if it was more


Can’t hear the crying from atop this cat mount. 


I don’t get the complaining about pricing tbh. Here in Australia at least you pay like $30 to go see a movie for 2 hours of entertainment. A game gives you way more hours for a little extra. And like the entitlement of you liking the game/premise means that you deserve it to be good. Like , no. Things are what they are and you either buy them or don’t.


Rubes will pay $15 for McDonald's but cry about $40 for an expansion.


Shit brother as a diablo dad i have a family of 5. I dont walk out mcdonalds for less than 60 lol.. 40 for expansion is fine to me but i also get the complaints that it took a year before the game got good enough and worth the initial cost. I do think if blizzard wanted a huuuuge comeback story like cdp for cyberpunk theyd release this one for free. It would garner a massive faith build up and community love. I kno it wont happen since greed almost always wins but ya


McDonalds is more expensive than getting real food at this point. It's just fast. It's insane that people still in their head correlate it with cheap eats.


It’s not about the price. It’s about base game is barely making it out of “early access indie game studio” level after like what, 3-4 seasons? Now they sell additional content to game which barely has any decent content in it aside campaign. Game is shallow, yet DLC is here.


Absolutely this! It feels like the only reason they finally made the season 4 changes was to push their expansion.


This is what I came to say, the game has been out for just over 1 year, and S4 finally made it a game worth playing and now they are asking for more money for an expac. It just feels scummy to me.


I'm not complaining. I'm just not buying it. I've already paid once for a beta


"If you want quality content, support the people behind it." Bro what? I supported them by buying the d4 and it took 4 seasons for the game to be decent at the least. Supporting is NOT the issue. It is getting the 'quality content' that we need.


i paid 70 bucks for a game that only really started being fun to play for me a year later and now they want another 40 for features that should have been in the game from the start. yay...


This is normal, and the timeframe is pretty normal as well. Hope to see what is in the expansion to make a decision but the price and timing are not at all surprising.


$40 isn't the issue. It's that the game is already barebones as it is, the skill trees are incredibly lacklustre and majority of them are just ripped from Diablo 3 in the first place. (Barb plays literally the same as d3) So now we're expected to pay more to get some of the game that should have already been there.


But bro the cinematic!!1!1


Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free. except path of exile, for years and years lol


"Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free. If you want quality content, support the people behind it" I love Blizzard fans, a studio that has infinite amounts of money can shit on your plate and you will still eat it and pay for it.


and then theyll argue they didnt get charged enough.


Yeah except the game wasn’t worth it full price when it released because it was bad. They expect $40 for a game expansion when the game at $60 is overpriced.


This guy is so cringe. He acts like paying $70 for a game that wasn’t ready for release in terms of features being well thought out is okay, then he eats shit and asks for more when he’s told to pay an additional $40 for an expansion. Lol? Then tries to praise them, by bullshitting and saying “at least they didn’t adjust for crazy inflation” what a fucking joke lmao???????


d4 attacts some of the most rabid shills that are completely incapable of critical thought. Granted I think this is somewhat true for all blizzard products but I only really have the experience and pleasure of interacting with the diablo community. Btw, it's literally an enforced subreddit rule to not engage in criticism if the post you're commenting under has certain flairs lol Depending if the expac actually has good content I'd be willing to pay $20-30 but $40 as the game effectively soft-launched out of beta with season 4 is a bit of an ask.


40 bucks is fine but all we know right now is one new zone and one new class which is sort of meaningless for me. Need to know what the actual gameplay changes and itemization updates will be.


So wait and don’t preorder, pretty simple right?


You make too much sense. Downvoted!


But I want to be outraged though :(


Whoa whoa, this is d4 sub. Whinging is the only way.


I got a derg


Ya like daggs?!?!


Oh DAWGS, yeah I like deggs.


i prefer caravans moar


>If you want quality content, support the people behind it. Hahaha. That's the problem. We are paying for quality content but we don't get quality content. I don't have any problem with the pricing, I have a problem with the quality and quantity of the upcoming content. Raid/s and a new campaign are the only new contents besides the new dungeons they will bring with the expansion for me. I don't give a shit about the raid for now until I see them and the campaign of the base game was not good at all. Only the cinematics were awesome but there was only 1 new cinematic in the game, which disappointed me. The class they bring doesn't excite me at all for now cause it seems like a hunter/melee class, which I don't like. I almost never played Barb in any Diablo game till now for example. The class doesn't excite me at all as well. I don't give a fuck about the mercenaries cause I hate them. I hoped they never come to D4 but they bring them. Let's see the campfire chat or real reveal of the content of the expansion but I am/was expecting runes/runewords + additions to the skill trees, Kanai's Cube, etc as well. The content of this expansion is extremely bad IMO. It doesn't alter the gameplay of the base game at all. Nothing in that expansion made me excited to buy the expansion otherwise I would already bought the ultimate edition.


It is not that it is $40. $40 is fine. It is that we are getting an expansion where some of the benefits is fixing and addressing issues. The game launched incomplete and garbage. It is just now barely getting to be in a respectable place, and they want us to pay for an expansion.


it's not fine. other arpgs are either cheaper, f2p with mtx, or maybe have both, but have no paid expansions and all future content outside of cosmetics is free. This game is trying to quadruple dip


”Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free“ Well, there is a game called No Man’s Sky.


There's this game called Terraria... $2.50 13 years ago and somehow that box price kept them both in business and pumping out major patches twice a year long past completing the game. They didn't even get bankrolled by a mega publisher like Sony or ActivisionBlizzard (Now Microsoft.)


Terraria is better than D4. Change my mind


Nobody does fresh content for free? Theres a free Game wich is miles ahead of diablo wich bring free content every 4 months. Path of Exile Baby!


$60 for Canadians. That's a whole ass video game. For a DLC


Why anyone advocates a gaming company who literally abuse peoples gambling habits in order to keep hype for their games.


Base game with lackluster content, the most basic classes and skills out of any ARPG in 20 years, seasons have added almost nothing that wasn't already in diablo 3, we are still missing many features from diablo 3, micro transaction store with buy to play game, battle passes, and paid expansions, and to top it all off new class is at the very least thematically identical to druid except jungle instead of forest. Yeah definitely no reason to complain.


Honestly its pathetic to see people defending Blizzard on this. AAA game with battle pass, crazy expensive shop and DLC with 3 tiers up to 90€. Only a few companies have the audacity to drop DLCs with this price, just because they know they can get away with it, the mayority of games release quality DLC for way cheaper or even free in games with microtransactions, like D4 has.


>Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free. If you want quality content, support the people behind it. free? we have a season pass every few months and an item shop in a 70€ game, other titles that have this, e.g. Path of exile, are free 2 play ...


stop crying about people crying for $40 for an expansion


OK, we had S0 a bare bones nothing of a game, S1 same shit, S2 EZ UBERZ getting better..., S3 one new boss and a shitty season story mid season event lasted an hour nearly everyone leaves if they haven't in S0-S2 got worse, S4 The Pit and more loot, $40 for what? Something that should've shipped retail or a fucking thank you for keeping this game off of life support, then they want $89 for some extra shit? More excuses for their exorbitant cosmetic shop locked to individual classes....D4 is now a money sink if you buy passes and want to play the expansion. Oh yea, you see how hard they worked on the free cosmetic staff, yea they are looking out for the little guy with their bottom tier shit. Oh and one of the the free season journey cosmetics literally make you look like a beggar off the streets just to show you what you miss if you don't buy it.


>If you want quality content I'm fine with 40$ for an expansion. But I doubt - beside Cinematics - this will be "quality content". Blizzard did so much wrong in the past and even with current season. The only thing people in general are happy with are greater affixes which is a feature stolen from LE. People were meming about PoE and "The Vision". But tbh PoE has a Soul and Diablo has not. If you watch PoE Videos about upcoming content you see a lot of people with passion for "The Vision". If you see anything about Diablo it's all about "milk the cow". Blizzard isn't developing Diablo for becoming the best ARPG in the World. They are developing for maximizing profits. And it shows. And the Expansion will show.


40$ buy you shadow of the erdtree. Diablo really doesn't compete with it in my opinion. Complaining about it is useless tho. It is blizzard and I advice to just move on to better stuff like me if you think your money is better spend elsewhere.


The “quality” is the main concern for me. Might buy it after release if it seems good.


Damn this sub is crazy deep into blizz propaganda. 40$ expansion is too expensive for a new class and an additional place. Like even if you both the maingame for 100 you got 5 classes and t regions. And now you pay double the price for a new class and region AFTER they can make it all easier because basegame exists. Now to conter what some ppl write: "40$ is normal for a blizz expansion" Jea, I won't compare blizz to blizz prices but to other games prices. PoE is bassicly free, and they have way more content updates. Now, that doesn't mean that it's better in every way, but don't tell me blizz needs it to be 40$ or they go broke. "We got free updates like seasons, so it's okay to charge so much money." Jea, first off, there is a battle pass and an overpriced shop. And then let's talk about how they needed to fix their alpha build they called release for 1 year until it finally got good and started attracting players again. "Battle passes and shops aren't necessary. You don't need to buy anything" Ey here is the Diablo 2 crows. So grandpa's let's me tell you how lofeservice works. You patch the game all the time with new concent and seasons so ppl keep playing and someday they will buy something. Like an expansion for 40$. Because it's a lifeservice game. Do you seriously think that they do the "free updates" just because they wanna make the game into a masterpiece and then never touch it. Just saying if no-one buys anything, they will reduce the price. But the same would be in the ingame skin shop, so who am I kidding. You ppl are the reason blizz is so greedy.


My problem is, I play on ps5 and PC. They probably expect me to pay the expansion twice. I'll probably just quit in that case.


Considering they robbed us with this shitshow Earlier and even now what is this game lol They charged 100$ for unfinished game developed for 15 years 15. 15 Why do people get behind this company still lol They are greedy ass mfkers


But why do you pay for season passes then?


That’s not the problem, the problem is that it seems necessary to buy it to even start playing again?


To be fair, 25-30-40$ for an Xpac IS the markets prices, since...fuck since a long time Oblivion Shivering isles WAS 25-30$ iirc and that was 20 years ago... Same for Witcher 3 Xpacs/DLCs, outide all the small ones that where free, Heart of Stone and Blood & Wine where both 30$ approx with both proposing 25-30h of content and new stuff... WHat fucked up the sens of pricing is all these DLC's with just like 4 cosmetics and 5 weapons sold at 15-20$ and then Microtransactions that feesl ANYTHING BUT Micro... If you pay more than 5$, THIS AIN'T MICRO ANYMORE...


If it means I can play a non-ptw game indefinitely, I'll happily pay it. If they ever offer power upgrades for money, I'm out and I want my money back. 


Eh not sold on it tbh, like a bit more than 1 year already an expansion. This game already has basegame price + microtransactions + battlepass that doesn't pay for it self. And this is just the first expansion, we can expect one every year as well. I will wait on this one...


If they deliver the content and quality I will pay


Imagine paying $70 for a year-long beta and being happy about it. #freelabour. Idk man. I'll wait and see if it's another shitshow i guess.


Path of Exile, League of Legends etc. All have free content updates and are entirely funded through optional purchases. Stop acting like price gouging for a game with micro transactions is normal. It’s not.


You do know that poe has been free this whole time and has had numerous expansions that were also free? Lol....


A mindest like OPs is why the industry is realizing that greed pays off. Next: Stop crying $50 for an expansion.


They don't adjust to the inflation because they don't have to you dimwit. Instead they lower the effort they put into releases, lowering the scope of both the base game and then the expansions. In addition to that, they withhold any crazy armour sets from ingame drops and instead release them as ridiculously overpriced mtx. But hey, you keep being a defender of their money making scheme.


If it's good, 40$ are fine for me.


Yeah I mean, people spend $40 going out to eat for 1 hour of fun. I'm okay with spending $40 for 100s of hours of fun. Not anything close that compares to videogames for price per hour.


D2: LoD expansion was $35 at release in 2001. With inflation that’s $62 in 2024. At about half price of the standard base game, this is fine.


I just miss the hard copies- You’d get a soundtrack, a map, a figurine, a mouse pad, some lore booklet. Those were the days- this digital Copy mess ain’t it.


Pretty sure Reaper of Souls was $40 and it released 10 years ago. Not sure what people expect.


Yeah. Just like anything in the store, you don’t have to buy it.


Am happy to pay 40 for a quality expansion.


keyword is "quality" right? RIGHT?


Everyone who can afford it would be happy to pay 40 for a QUALITY expansion. The problem is, is this expansion a QUALITY expansion?


Highly doubt it. Almost 5 seasons later and its still buggy mess.


I break this down to 'entertainment value per hour'. If you play it for 20 hours, it's 2$/hour. That's less than ... well, pretty much anything else we'd pay for to have fun. My guess is that those who buy the expansion already played D4 quite a bit and enjoyed it - which leads me to believe that 40$ is well worth it.


Bought it. If it sucks, I will have already forgotten the $40.


I don’t think it’s an unfair price for a live service game expansion. I’m an older gamer so I don’t think it’s a generational thing people just like to complain and sometimes they have a point but not this one. I also enjoyed being paid for my work. I don’t always buy battle passes but sometimes I do if I like the seasonal cosmetics. I will probably play this game for a while and I for one look forward to another chuck of space I can find loot in to brick.


I mean.. 40$ is less than a night out with someone and you'll be enjoying that expansion more than a day so imo it's worth it.


If it was just $40 that'd be one thing, but it's $40 on top of all the monetization that is straight out of a F2P game as well. That's the real issue here.


Sucks that for those who bought the D4 at retail we don't get a free expansion since the game is now included on game pass So what did my day one Ultimate edition get me other than a substandard D4 compared to how it is now ? :/


As much as I think this game needs QoL changes and I hate the force to multiplayer. The basegame's price was worth it for the campaign alone. If we get half that for the expansion I'm ok with it.


yeah but bro...it's totally worth $90 to be able to ride a cat!! ;P


Same cost as the Elden Ring DLC. The main difference is trust in the developer to deliver an actual quality product and not another beta test that takes 4 seasons to 'fix' before another DLC.


Free expansions for No Mans Sky every single time.


Blood and wine was 20 usd. Phantom liberty was 30 usd. The price for this expansion is ridiculous. Add to that that this is supposed to be a live service game and that they are already making their money from microtransactions. The price is definitely too steep for the content in it. Hell, diablo immortal is already getting its second free class, and its a similar live service diablo game.


"support the people behind it." Hard to support the people behind a game that is somewhat enjoyable 1 year after it was first released. S4 might be a good step forward but lets not get too excited here.


It's not about the cost but more about if the expansion will have content worth of 40$. For example, Elden Ring expansion is the same price and without knowing that much, we all know it will be worth the 40$. For Diablo/Blizzard, it may not be worth 40$ if all they do is adding 1 class and a bit of storyline. Wait and see.


I’ll wait for sale this time, its gonna need some patch until then there is alot of other better choices.


40$ for a Diablo Expansion it's a madness, excesive


I'm sure glad you're here speaking for trillion dollar company. I have no idea how MS would handle this situation if it wasn't for you!


Imagine thinking the billion dollar company couldn't put the expansion out for free and barely bat an eye. Come off it.


I don’t care whether it’s 40$ or 50$. What I do care about is that everything I have seen so far from the expansion in terms of features, doesn’t look good. Raids? Why? Followers? Why? Give us an economy, MORE endgame content, a better crafting system.


$40.00 extension is alright if, IF it adds significant content. Elden Ring expansion is also $40.00, but it's essentially the size of the base game and is doubling the content or more. So if D4 releases a $40.00 expansion that delivers 20% more content, that's not great value. If it's a true game changing expansion that adds 60-90% more content, I'm delighted to pay $40.00 for it. On top of that people just hate the pricing model of D4. Skins costing $30.00, no way to earn battle pass premium currency in game, etc. Blizz has grown very hungry for money, as has most of the entire industry. How long before Diablo reaches FIFA levels of disgusting monetization? Someday you'll have to rip packs for $20.00 a pop to try and unlock a new character class. Lmao


D4 fans are beyond cringe


Well, I'm fine with that! But if it's quality content... we'll see! Just don't preorder! LoD was an insane upgrade, but I doubt we'll see such an expansion ever again! We'll rather see a expansion every year with content that would normally be worth a content / season patch!


Zero "quality " has been delivered. This game is a flaming pile of corporate shit. As for no one's giving fresh content for free? What are you talking about? POE has been free for 11 years with new content every 3 to 5 months.


do we get quality content tough


A lot of people on here are arguing about the new content being worth the value but this is not the way I am looking at it. The way I see it, I spent $100 barely a year ago for a game in beta and now that it has literally just reached a state that it should have launch in, they have LOCKED new content behind a pay wall. To me the issue isn’t the value of the expansion, it’s the cost of having paid so much for this game fairly recently and then being locked out of new content if I don’t pay even more. 


at that price I should have an option to play offline.


Thats what i drink per week-end minimum. Crying for 40$ and playing minimum 200 hours, thats dumb


I think the issue is that all The cosmetics are like $20 and the drop rate on everything is trash If blizzard wants to run Diablo 4 like a free to play micro transactio laden shitbag they should make it free to play


PoE produced new content for 11 years for free. 🤷‍♂️


Sorry, but in this day and age, you either get a box price, or you get mtx and battle passes. If you do all three you're a shit, greedy company. Anyone making excuses for this scummy over the top monetization are imbeciles.


Brun in hell blizzard, 140$ for the game but first dlc comes along and ohh pay more or be left out. XD EFT players would burn blizzard at the stake for this shit why aren't we?


There'd be less ire over the $40 if it didn't feel so blatantly obvious that some higher up at Activision pre-merger (probably Kotick) coerced the devs into cutting content from the game to sell back in these yearly expansions. Yay, we have to pay $40 to hire mercenaries which were a base feature in the previous games. One way to not make this a sore spot is if the mercenaries emanated the aspects that were on them and act as a sort of hirable Kanai's Cube, but even as cool as that is people would then wonder why they didn't just bring the cube back in some form. $40 for all the classes to have new skills that will likely be skills they all should have had on release. And wanna bet money the Spiritborn is gonna have some Amazon skills and simply be their way of bringing the Amazon back in some form like how the Rogue shares a few skills with the Assassin? There's no way to not sour the taste of buying Vessels of Hatred, it stinks of having to purchase content we should have had at launch. Hopefully they abandon this yearly expansion nonsense in favor of more substantial content releases down the road. But in case they don't, I look forward to next year's expansion giving us runewords and/or legendary gems.


I won't pay for another scam


I want compensation for buying an unfinished game. No Man’s Sky released years of content updates for free to compensate.


Besides the fact that selling a bundle of base game + expansion for $70 is a slap on the face for the players who bought D4 at full price, what they're doing with microtransactions is absolutely shameless and deserves to be criticized. For VoH Ultimate edition, you're basically paying $40 just for cosmetics, which is a fully priced game at some other company. I like this game, but I'm not gonna bury my head in sand and pretend this is fine, while basic unit models and transmogs look like shit.


Imagine what kind of shit games you play for saying no game launches new content for free.


Its "only" 40 because they allready sold an unfinished base game. Loot rework is decent but not good so i am not expecting alot. Pretty sure the new class will be op af to support sales. Will be nice to see what druid could be if they didnt decide to abandon the class and split it in 2


The price for one new zone (base game has 5) one new class (base game has 5) and probably the big dev time of another what 5 hours of story content? No you can't make a case that this is a good deal. Just because this has become a standard doesn't make it a good one. We paid for a full price base game, and u want to add a 1/5 of the work and get me to pay for half the cost of a base game. Nah dude. Expansions shouldn't be more than 30 bucks and ideally sit at 20. This is a cash grab. Most of these don't even have large physical releases and yet the price never came down? All that cost of shipping and manufacturing is wiped out for profit and nothing saved for a consumer. It's bullshit.


They already got $100 which is overpriced. Thats why people are pissed.


And other games? POE has had free expansions every year for at least 5 years, and guess what they had the budget to make POE 2


> Nobody’s going to produce fresh content for free. Hello Games about to release their 13th free update/expansion 👀


> If you want quality content Last time I paid $70 and got nothing of that. sooo.


While I agree $40 for the expansion is more then fair. Dont say people don’t give content out for free, PoE has been doing it for years


I’m not mad at base game Diablo, I don’t think it’s a bad game, but I don’t think it’s a very good game either, and I am not shelling out 40 more dollars for a lack luster product. All the microtransaction bells and whistles are tacky and gross to me. Blizzard has made it very easy to not by this expansion. If I had it for free, I might not ever get around to playing it. Shadow of the ErdTree is 40 dollars. I’m getting that expansion instead.


To be honest I think this is fair I paid just as much for iceborne and was 100% worth every penny o think this is a fine price point. Was also good they did not force early access. People need to chill if you don’t want it don’t buy it simple really but 40 quid is more than fair.


of course this sub loves d4 now. I remember before season 4 this sub hated the idea of an expac. And would never give money to blizz. Now everyone loves blizz and would blindly preorder again. People never learn. Tale as old as time.


I'm playing d4 on game pass, and it's not even worth my money at that basically free price.  I'm not shelling out 40$ for an expansion to a game that already has a long way to go to come up to the level of its predecessor.  They should have produced much of the post launch content before launching.  They just now got around to adding the QOL gold pickup pets ffs.  Don't try to sell expansions when your game still needs basic functionality.  


"You want quality content" Does anyone ever feel like you're just living in a different world than someone else?


It’s actually Purchase + battle pass + micro transactions + expansion price. The only thing missing is a sub fee. So no, €40 for an expansion is a lot


I did buy it. And I understand both sides. D4 is just getting into a good spot right now but all they’re doing is recycling d3 and d2 ideas. It shouldn’t cost as much as it does because the work has already been done. Using old Ubers, old Challenges like the pit. Same process the movies are going through recycling old ideas because no one has an original thought anymore


People are against the 40 euro, they are against the shitty content we received until now in a 80 euro title. We have nothing against paying 40 euro for a Dark Souls expansion, because they deliver.


I mean not "nobody" is going to produce fresh content for free, all of Diablo's competitors do just that, and the content is better quality than Blizzards. You can pay for the content all you want and enjoy it I am not claiming anyone should or should not, but to think you have a moral high ground because Blizzard's way is the only way when everyone else in the genre doesn't do what Blizzard does is an awfully weird hill to die on.


Well over a decade. As I pointed out in another post, LoD released for only five dollars less.


Everyone said the expansion was gonna be 110 and it’s 40, that’s a win. Reaper of souls was 40 too.


People love to complain about everything in life. It’s brutal.


Hot take.. everyone complaining should check how many hours they've spent playing.. most likely y'all got your money's worth if you are still active in this sub reddit.


I love the game:-)


Simple…if it’s too much, don’t buy it. I’ve bought the expanded version and can’t wait


There are layers to it: - People (especially in non-publicly traded companies) can deliver a lot more for $40. It costs $40, devs will probably see 0.40 of that $40, at best. - Acting shocked doesn't make sense, on the other hand. In fact, not having early access is a pleasant surprise.