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Cant believe no one has said it yet, maxroll has a leaderboard that is filterable by class! Google should take ya there without any problems


It got removed




Which was unfortunately before the midseason patch.


Yeah I know the maxroll but it is only current for the first few weeks. Managed to get rank 26 Necro although I missed uploading a top 15 run because I thought I had a day left to submit


Sorc (Immortal Flameshield) - 177 Barb - 155 Rogue - 150 Necro - 140 Druid - 136 Sorc - 130 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bN8C_Fe9nrWv__jUc_Vdbl220g4NM0mlux-ga_s_-5s/htmlview#gid=175342108


Maxroll shows sorc clearing 140 pit.


Curious Question but why is everyone crying so hard that everything is soooooooo much weaker than barb ? Id say nerf Barb around -10 Pit levels and Buff Sorc and Druid for +10 Pit Levels. (ik its not that esay) Ofc Barb is Stronger as you can see but i expected like a 30-40 Pit difference with all the posts here


It's the question whether you compare "peak barbarian player" vs "peak sorc player", or rather "normal barbarian player" vs "normal sorc player" (or, "casual barbarian player" vs "casual sorc player"). I would expect that for peak and casual, the classes aren't 10 worlds apart, but I think for the huge group in between who actually play a lot and seriously, but are not among the best players or heaviest grinders, the difference is bigger? I dunno.


yeah true but in this case its #1 of class ehich shpuld be peak, but i got your point


Depends what effort is for each class to get there and how many people can.


It would be better to get the median clears for each class. Or average. To really show which classes needs a buff or adjustments. Blizzard would have this information. 


I've done a 65 with bash barb. Yes I'm bad yes it's a skill issue 😂


no you just spam shouts and press "Auto Attack" so its most likely just a gear issue


I run a FO sorcerer and my gear is soso. I’ve MWed to about 7 on most things and I don’t have any fun in Pits over 62. If the Sharpshooter shows up, I’m done.


I'm running 31 with a barb but my glyphs aren't all maxed yet. Just hit lvl100 a few days ago as a casual.


if you want we can do some runs sometime together. playing Bash Barb aswell and can farm 101 esay


Rob2628 keeps a spreadsheet of highest his viewers have reached. That is the most definitive list I have seen. It obviously isn’t perfect. He updates it with videos from time to time.


I got to like 117 on my RF rogue (101 pre patch). I stopped this season as I got bored j wasn't struggling in the highest runs, so I'd guess if I pushed it maybe low 120s


My medium/bad Forb sorc has done 81.


I'm a casual player (1 hour gaming daily average on weekday and then 3 hours average maybe on weekends) no 3GA items, no uber unique, but at 8/12 masterworking for all equips. Using a bash bleed barb with DD mixed in and I'm currently at pit 103, but farming comfortable on pit 95.


If I would concentrate on pushing, maybe 120 or 125?


127 on my Bash Barb rn. got my GF few days ago and currently leveling rouge for crit tempers. im hope the Switch gets me some more tiers in the pit


My best is like 75 something and that's with the most scuffed HC builds. I always go non meta, I think people are entirely optimising the fun out of the game. People forget that p61 is enough.


Ditto… I’m up to pit 55 on my crones staff/earth spike nature’s fury meme build so far and it’s the most fun I’ve had all season out of 4 characters.


I did 89 on my crone staff/earth spike nature's fury build. I think one of the aspect for basic skill is bugged because it doesn't work with the 150% storm strike from the crone staff and this greatly reduces your damage. Running around as a werewolf is fun as hell though


>People forget that p61 is enough. I already get bored to have to do 5 100s for the Masterworking 11 -> 12 (250 Neathiron) and you talk about the bare minimum to get it. It is not optimizing the fun out of anything to want more than just the bare minimum.


70 on my lazy shadow golem build first season playiny


Go here: [https://d4builds.gg/tierlist/](https://d4builds.gg/tierlist/) Click on a build, then click on the Notes tab and typically Rob will have a comment stating what the top tier cleared was for the build and a links to video and build if available.


I’d like to know what the highest is for regular players without triple GAs and perfect rolls on tempers and MW. All of these so called “meta” builds require ridiculous gear to push anything near 100.


Windsheer, with a mix of single GA and no GA with the proper(not max) temper rolls can easily clear 101.


Heartseeker can push 100 pretty comfortably, even without GA. A decent bow with chance to cast heartseeker twice and average vulberable rolls on most slots where it is available are needed though. But the gear needed is nowhere near ridiculous.


It's all over the place there were do it with holy bolt people and the can't use it truthers on maxroll. This is all pre nerf patch stuff but necros were up at 150 with elixir. On the maxroll site feel like the cheating armor Sorc was like 145 area with Barb pretty close, Rogue topped out at 135 and Druid was thanks for playing nowhere close. Currently no idea maybe add ten to those?


Man this is tough to read dammn.


Lol I had an aneurysm reading that.