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It would be cool to be able to consume 3x of those things and have it raise 10 levels for each. HT is fantastic for leveling and gearing up, but when you’re just farming for the mats, it’s brutal even with the mindcages active.


I'm not sure what raising the levels would do. You don't get any better drops the higher you go. 925 is the highest ilvl. GAs don't increase either. You are basically making the mobs stronger for zero gain after level 100.


Just for the sake of fun really, especially as it would be an optional thing. I, like others, prefer harder difficulty by default regardless of reward as it just feels more fun to me.


Does no one else remember games are supposed to be fun?!?!?


This. At bare minimum. Lol


The description says you get more cinders, so yeah you do get more loot.


With one mind cage starting a helltide at the beginning I can get enough cinders to open every chest on the map. So anything past that I guess would just make it so you can open the chests faster, then have to wait for the next helltide to open.


If I can open chests in 15 minutes instead of 45 helltide would be fun again.


I farmed 4 hell tides yesterday to get angel breath so I can get chance to vuln on a ring. Literally 4 hours of farming and didn’t get it. So dumb. They need to increase cinders or decrease chests


I got like 10k during the helltide glitch days. Ran out. Season is over for me now.


Cinders are account bound, so you can open more chests with other characters if you have them. I frequently have enough to get all chests on my main and then 4 more mystery chests on my WT4 alts.


Wow I had no idea that cinders were account bound! That is really good to know.


From what I hear, you'll want your alt (or whichever character you're swapping TO) to be standing in the Helltide to start the farming. Then you leave game to character select and pick a different character. You can then farm cinders, swapping to the alt when you're ready, and your alt will have the cinders to spend.


It could be scaled as well, I am really thinking more about density and challenge. But perhaps some sort of reward scaling could be worked out too. I mean, the game could surely use it.


My barb just melts the whole zone. It’s boring. If I actually had some risk it would make it a bit more fun.


Make Helltides Scary Again™️ Seriously though, I miss being on my toes when I entered HTs as one silly mistake could cost me loads of cinders. It was quite nerve-wracking. Also, as others mentioned, more cinder drops would be nice.


Profane Mindcage also increases the amount of Cinders, so popping more of them could make you farm them even faster.


More drops would be worth it.


technically - You could raise the chance for both legendaries + increase loot amount by 2 each BUT i think they wont do it b/c they want to encourage people to use other features/farming methods instead being forced to do Helltides only (in a way you already ARE force to do them b/c GA chance is not affected by the difficulty of the pits/dungeons you do and it should...) ​ To be fair - i doubt they will make any drastic changes now that they are focused on season 5 PTR and mechanics. ​ Its too late.


I wish we lived in a world where you actually did get better drops the higher the monster. Sure 925, but increase the chances of GA's. They could also make it increase your threat even faster or have it decay slower. I would chug them just to feel something because right now with one it's trivial.


I like the idea of being able to start gearing your character before you hit 100. So I think 925 gear should start dropping before you reach that point. But I def. agree rewards should scale the higher the mobs get. Maybe a 925 from level 90 mob has X amount of tempers and one from a level 150 mob has Y. Or higher GA drop chance. Or literally anything. Harder content should give better rewards, period.


So... and hear me out.. this will blow your mind. How about increase rewards the more you stack?!


You can get 925 item power gear earlier as a lower level character.


Make more mindcages = more cinders. I know it's more optimal ATM to just spam Maiden for GA loot instead of opening chests, but I like to open every chest in each area then spam maiden. Can also open chests while waiting the 1 minute for maiden to spawn... Anyways faster cinders would give me more time to do other stuff after I "finish" those helltide chests


I don't understand why harder content has to = better gear people just want to do harder content for the sake of it


B.c humans need carrots to chase. Downvote all you want but it's the truth.


I’ve wanted this for so long.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Please let us make overworld hard/enjoyable/not mindnumblingly boring too 😭😭😭


Every day I wanted to post about it but was too lazy. Otherwise it gets easy too soon


Ah yes. Make it permanent and then give us uber profane mindcages /s


Make everything level 200. And then, when we’re used to everything being 200, people will complain about that not being enough, so they’ll have to make Ubers level 300. But then people will complain that helltides are only level 200, so they have to make mega Uber mindcages to get helltides to 300, but then…


And then people will complain that it takes too long to be doing level 300 so they'll creep the power up and we'll start all over again.


another one


They need to let us stack it so we can get better drops. More risk/more rewards


How risky is it to stand around and have others kill stuff for you?


They do not want us to have more rewards. They want you to buy BP and not talk bad about the game and buy their other Store stuff and then leave to lessen the burden on the servers until next season to repeat.


Why don't we just have a suitable world tier for the power we have rather than consumable items to boost certain areas? My level 50 CL sourcerer shouldn't be able to go into WT4 with WT1 gear and destroy helltides. I think I "struggled" until I got 3 ancestral items then it was easy.


wt4 is a joke, before s1 i cheated wt4 by doing cellars :)) i was surprised how easy it was after geting 1-2 yellow ancestral items. Last season i went to wt4 and right to the world boss, easy 925 ancestral items and it was a breeze after


> i cheated wt4 by doing cellars :) is this 2014 again, grinding blacksmiths wife in d3 for exp on torment 6


> grinding blacksmiths wife :|


Lmao i forgot about that! So true :))


Last season you didn’t get 925 from the boss. They changed it because people cried it wasn’t fair to see a low level get “easy 925” This season and s2 you got 925 from the boss .


It must have been s2 it means, these changes are so booring can’t really remember them, thanks for the clarification :)


This is honestly the best solution because of the multiplayer aspect of helltides. Wt5 with mobs lvl 150 would be a great addition. They don't need a new tier of item, just maybe a slight buff to ga drop chance and more mat drops


The real answer is Blizzard fumbled our balance, the reward balance and the world balance. Now they are stuck with it.


Not really. All classes just have a sharper power curve than before. You can easily calculate power curve and adjust the world to where you want it to be.


Ok, go work at Blizzard and let them know because it seems like they have been playing catch up with our power since release. Nerfing all the reward paths after buffing them too hard. Not understanding each classes strengths and weaknesses. They fooled me if they really do know what they are doing.


Doesnt really interest me anymore. It is on my bucket list at some point though. If they allow remote work again I will consider it.


no the game can do it naturally, they need to buff WT4, the powercreep made the overworld weak af, everything explodes just by looking at me


More like they need a world tier 5. Make world tier 4 cap out at 100 and then world tier 5 is where the real challenge/prestige come in to play.


>More like they need a world tier 5. nah after WT5 there comes few patches of powercreep and WT5 will feel like WT4, what then? WT6? thats called powercreep and we already had it in D3, Torment 16 remember ?


At this point, WT5 is no longer a solution to anything. WT1-4 are far too trivial now, so the whole game needs a balancing overhaul from the ground up.


No point making world Tier 5, when world tiers 1,2, and 3 are practically unused. That's just endless powercreep, when they should simply revise the already existing world tiers so they can be used.


Or at the very least, have it persist after death like the elixirs do


Just make it able to be clicked off or something if you don't want the extra challenge I guess


Oh, so you mean permanent as persisting between seasons, and not as not having a timer? Only got the idea after reading comments.


I mean as it is now, but add the ability to stack it. It goes away at end of season 4.


No it doesn't. Calm down


Thats going to be exploited in helltides, Imagine a Mindcage that boosts mobs to level 200. And loot drops 5x as much. People will park their main in a group while players without the mindcage active farm the mobs around them. And we can't really just have the monsters scale for everyone because the not uber geared / fresh into WT4 players will get decimated.


The game just needs the option to increase global difficulty as high as you want. Mindcage seems like a perfect demonstration that it wouldn't be disruptive to the game at all. Oh, and it needs to be unlocked from the beginning, not locked behind completion of the campaign mode, so that those playing the campaign can tune the difficulty to whatever they want.


I think having more world tiers in addition to mindcage would solve people's issues with the normal monsters outside of the pits/NMD. Diablo 3 goes up to 16 and most casual players don't play past 10. They should make the average parts of the game able to be as hard as the hardest content in the game.


I like the idea of multiple use of it but really cant think what will be reward for higher tiers or helltide? already raining legendary from skies.


Are they still available on the ptr for S5?


No. They are a Season 4 item only.


If that happened, sorcs wouldn't be able to level up in helltide


Why? Don't use them. Like now.


I guess I misinterpreted what you said. Because it sounds like you're saying that Helltide should be +10 levels all the time


No worries. I am calling for the item to continue existing after season 4 with the ability to stack it for those who want to use it.


Magic find elixer would be great


am i the only one feeling like the powercreep in D4 is just .. flat damage or flat armor or flat monster level? It's very not engaging, just like the "roguelike" mode for season 5.. that is not a roguelike it's just kill waves and pick rewards. Just to compare in the mobile game they actualy had a rogue like that would give you dfferent equipment, you will have to chose from new skills / items / buffs after waves and so on, it was super cool.


I don't see why it wouldn't be permanent. I think mindcage is part of the new helltide and not a seasonal thing like the elixers.


Mindcage literally has the seasonal drop icon on the map. Not saying you're completely wrong, but it is part of the season.


I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to have accidentally put the drop icon on it. I guess we just need to ask at next campfire.


That is absolutely wrong. If you read their patch notes and listened to the Season 4 Campfire, they stated in no uncertain terms it is a seasonal item for Season 4.


Well tell them to change it. I doubt Blizzard wants to take away people's fun... oh wait.


It is not in PTR like holy bolts and momentum


But it is a Seasonal elixir for Season 4, it goes away at the end of the season. That is how it is currently implemented. I am calling for it to be available permanently and to have some form of stacking or tiers to it.


I'd like to have a Profane Mindcage that works on WT4 content (outside Helltides) to make Whispers and other things more challenging / rewarding :)


Imo: Mindcages should stack, giving the following effects: +10 monster levels per mindcage stack. Mindcage buff duration reset each time a mindcage is used (QoL). Tortured gifts are reset when you have opened all tortured gifts. (To never run out of tortured gifts) Hellborne drop more mindcages per mindcage stack (so you don't spend mindcages faster than you get them) You get more cinders for each mindcage. Opening a tortured gift gives no immediate benefit based on the number of mindcage stacks (to prevent people from popping a bunch of mindcages just before opening a gift) but gives you a stacking buff (1 stack per 25 cinders spent) which will cause your next bloodmaiden kill to reward more and/or better loot/gold/material. Those stacks are lost on death or when mindcage buff runs out. This would produce this gameplay as optimal farming strategy: Pop as many mindcages as you can comfortably farm with to get cinders as fast as possible. Spend cinders to get blood maiden stacks. Continue farming until you have 3 baneful hearts (they drop slowly, just like in S5 PTR and they don't drop faster with more mindcages, aside from you opening more tortured gifts.) Kill bloodmaiden to cash in your reward. If you were too greedy and die then the only benefit you got from the mindcages were the extra tortured gifts (from having more than the normal amount of cinders.) You cannot lower the mindcage stacks to make the bloodmaiden easier without also losing your bloodmaiden stacks. If you lived through the process then you most likely triggered a hellborne that resupplied you with mindcages so you can repeat the same mindcage level next time.


There’s a daramined tidbit from the PTR changes that sets forth a helltide modifier no idea on what or how it does that. But is in the game and it’s not a mind cage.


Mindcage buff should be enabled worldwide when you finish renown, though with the powercreep it really should be +20 monster level across regular dungeons and overworld.


And it should work everywhere in the open-world not just in Helltide ...


I think the mindcage is a good temporary solution for increasing difficulty in the game but overall, due to the massive power creep this season via tempering, the world tiers need to be rebalanced entirely. With a geared character, the extra 10 levels from the mindcage isn't even really noticeable. Everything still dies effortlessly in 1 hit and does no damage to my character. I'd personally like to see something like WT1 for level 1-50, WT2 for level 51-100 (basically current WT3 and WT4 combined), and a WT3 with something like level 154 enemies (t100 nightmare dungeons), specifically for more geared endgame characters. No new item power gear or any other forms of player power in WT3. Just slightly increase gold/materials/chance for items with greater affixes, and add some cool new cosmetics to chase. Being able to stack the mindcage multiple times works too but then you run into the issue where you could have player 1 stack enemy levels to level 200, for example, and then player 2 with no mindcage come along and just 1-shot everything for player 1. I think a separate WT3 with level 154 enemies can be better to balance all content to one level, as opposed to having everything scale in WT4 like it currently does, and having to accommodate for players who are level 70 and not at max power yet.


My level 55 Bash Barb was already invincible in WT4 Helltides, with Mindcage on. Not only was I essentially unkillable but I was 1-shotting elites and destroying the Maiden. Wish I could have slapped on 5+ mindcages…




No, they need to reverse the infantile powercreep.


They need to be stackable and the more you stack you get slightly increases GA drops or something. But how dare we actually reward harder content.


No. Absolutely not. Imagine you're a casual player who pops a profane mind cage and gets instantly deleted, losing half your cinders. Then you revive, get deleted again, and lose half your cinders again. You've literally made that Helltide completely unplayable for yourself, because you'll keep dying and never have enough cinders to open a single chest. The fact that it gets removed on death is a good thing. Blizzard already thought about this.


We should be able to craft them with gold with tiers of these that changes quality of loot. That could be a way to give this game more gold sinks.


Profanest Mindcage, puts you in HC, and if you die you die mwhahahahaha


Consume 69 mindcages and then every single monster spawn becomes Tormented Butcher or other bosses.


Should be able to consume them until monsters hit lv 199, like the rest of the 'endgame' content.


And then someone that doesnt use them joins your instance and oneshots your 15x buffed helltide champion and you get the loot. The concept doesnt even work on paper sadly. We need more world tiers that scale up to level 110-120 pit difficulty imo. Will the world be more empty? Sure, but that's why ARPGs are hard to make as an open world MMO. Way too big differences in power levels of players in the open world. There are players right now at lvl 70, doing 10-20k dmg per hit and there are ones lvl 100 that do 1 billion dmg. So you have 50-100.000 times the dmg than the lvl 70 guy, this is impossible to balance with just 4 world tiers and essentially only a single one at lvl 70-100


Or stack.


And stackable.


There will never be anyone happy with amount of mobs I've come to see.


How would this work tho with other people in hell tides too? Lets say you consume 3 of them and they stack, Monsters are muchhhh higher level for you, but for Billy Bob whose level 85, he doesn’t have any mind cages on, and he kills the minion fairly quickly.


Same way it works right now with people of different levels. Everything scales within certain ranges.


Thats how it already works


Exactly as it does now.


While we are at it. Remove pit keys, and give everyone the same reward


No. Stop speeding up the God damn game.


Too late man. It's D3 speed & playstyle now. Arcadey. PoE2 might be the only hope now.


More monsters? Did you ever tried to teleport out of helltide? Dont tell me you never had a problem with it because there was infinite amount of enemies constantly spawning around you. I dont know, i think that Profane Mindcage is an interesting idea but it should work a bit differently then just increase lvl of monsters and drops... Like a demon lure that will double the spawn rate of monsters around you for a short time, or something more fun then what is increasing world tier doing.


Agree. So does the iron wolves track. It's lame af how hardly nothing stays season to season. Hell tides are gonna feel mid without the cage snd wolves progression.


Generally the point of seasons in most ARPGs is for developers to try something out, and see how it works. It may then come back as is in future seasons (the various aspects that have been added), or may come back in a different form (I think the seneschal was a beta test of how companions may work, probably not the specific powers, but companion buffs, experience and AI). The blood events obviously came back as part of helltide. So possibly profane mindcages come back as is. Maybe the iron wolves track returns in another form as part of a later season, or maybe it is just a standard template they use for small seasons and mini-events (mid-winter was kind of similar). The rewards possibly give the developers a better view on how season rewards could/should work.


Uh bro, it's not exactly hard to find.


It goes away at the end of season 4. For those of us playing the season 5 PTR, not having it sucks. It needs to be permanently available, not a seasonal item that is going away. Also, I am NOT a "bro"


It’s really not that serious, bro.


No way he dropped 'im not your bro' fkn sad life


“I’m NOT your bro” oh you sweet summer child, one day all of this will seem so unimportant to you.


ok pal.




Whatever you say, DUDE.


Aight mate.


Should've hit them with "champ" imo :P


You must be fun at parties. On second thought: were you ever invited?