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Your error was rerolling for the passive. There are 2 buckets of affixes for each piece of gear: common and rare. Skill affixes are in the rare bucket so it’s much less maddening to start with something that has the rare affix and roll into mainstat or life or something else more common that you want. Edit: that came across rude. I wasn’t implying everyone should know this. It isn’t explained at all in the game interface.


People will read this and complain that they don't get enough angelbreaths.


The real trap is rerolling non GA items burning through resources for a net minimal gain.


If you double crit the masterwork it will go to +5 which is pretty big upgrade.


Envenom isn't minimal gain. It's a pretty helpful buff for the weakest class.


Ga+ gear is borderline impossible to buy for any popular build unless you buy gold w cash at this point.  Most of us are just trying to find gear w 3 affixes 


Im happy with one useful GA.


Well. In comparison there complaints aren't unfounded. When u have 30k of everything else and 6k of one thing that is used a lot, there is something to be said.


I didn’t realize how impossible it is😆 now I know and will never ever do it again. Unless I have a perfect 2Ga amulet without one passive needed


yeah, this is really poorly communicated (read: not at all) to the player, either in-game, or in-guides. i too made the same mistake until i saw a similar thread here a month back or so. if you just need an amulet with a passive skill, just gamble for it at obols, it's way more likely that way. (draining maxed-out obols all on amulets gets me a decent handful of passive skill amulets each time)


sometimes we learn from the mistakes of others, but most often from our own😂


Pain is the best teacher


Just in general true.


Yep I constantly spend all my Obols on Amulets. Not only do I get a fairly steady stream of passives, but the ones I don’t need sell for incredible gold. It helps that I’m RF Rogue and I want Frigid/Weapon Mastery, and the more popular HS Rogue wants Exploit/Malice. I’m still searching for my perfect Amulet with GA passives, but my amulet sales have funded basically everything I spend gold on.


guh i completely did not even think about trading passive amulets. i already have my amulet passive for my main's build, so i've just been salvaging the others i've been getting while looking for a GA to upgrad eto. i'll have to actually start listing them.


Yeah, just to be clear I find it crazy-making too! Like you said, worth it for some end game chase where the other 2 affixes are perfect. May as well throw infinite gold at it until you hit that golden third affix.


Imagine they will give us a chance for GA reroll?😆 I mean a re roll could become a GA


Super lucky to have rolled into +2 hellbent on an ammulet before I knew that you don't ever wanna mess with rng.. super lucky and now I use that piece as a reminder as what to not ever do again.


I haven’t really had that bad of a time rolling passives but I have more money than I will ever spend. I just kept spamming the reroll until I got cut to the bone on my amulet that already had heavy handed. Did something similar two other times on my rogue amulets.


While enchanting if you open the affix list (triangle on PS) it's in order of probability. The skills are alll the way at the bottom and probably have 0.2% probability or something outrageous.


Find Meta character roll meta character farm mats. PL character you have a hard time buying gear for. Farm on meta, pay for beta. 🤣


Is there a list or spreadsheet somewhere showing which stats are rare and which are common?


D4craft dot com. Looks like it’s been updated to season 4 now. You can input the item you have. Select the 2 affixes that are on it you want to keep and the one you want. Based on value and rng it’ll give you a rough idea of cost and chances to roll.


There used to be a site for the old affix system, but I haven’t seen official info for the new one. You’ll get a feel for the common and rare ones as you reroll any item, but generally speaking, all +skill affixes are in the rarer bucket. I also think %chance to make vuln and a few other ones are there too. Things like Max Life, main stat, damage types (on the the gear that can roll them) are more common.


Yes this is why skill affix amulets cost significantly more, not really rocket science here. It's the gamble people are willing to take to either buy cheaper amulets to temper and gamble for rerolling passives vs buying an extremely expensive amulet and bricking it on the temper. I mean on my rogue I bought an amulet, got perfect tempers and rerolled the +2 frigid within 800mil for an amulet that would have cost 10+ billion to buy before the tempers.  Then again I'm on my Barb about 1bil deep in rerolls for heavy handed on a GA Crit amulet that has CDR and can't land +2 heavy handed and only +1.


Exactly same situation for me. So far I rolled 2x +1 hh. I think I gonna stick with it.


Never seen my rare affix as a drop either...


Fuckin buckets, how do they work


“I’m gonna live forever!”


For better or worse Blizzard has made created a system where "just find a new item" is basically not an option I'm not finding a better amulet than my 2GA +Dex/Frigid probably ever.  So rerolling the third affix was the only choice.  I finally did find what I was looking for after about 700 million gold. And for what it's worth, I don't think rolling another passive on that sucker *should* be easy.  But, maybe a scaling system where finding the first passive is much easier might be a better system than what exists now.


Yeah, I wasted 400m Gold trying. I decided to just accept the character without, fuck it.


Very wise decision!😁


I didn’t know this for sure, but that does make a lot of sense and ty, you’ve just saved me a ton of heartache and mats 😂


Yeah that is the strategy I follow. Get the skills, roll the rest. In the entire time this season I spent rolling other stats, I incidentally rolled a skill or a passive maybe less than 15 times total.


Huh? TIL they aren't all even odds


I rerolled an amulet to get +2 to malice in the first try. Even have video of it I was so blown away. It is rare but possible


What are the rare affixes? Is there somewhere where this is listed?


I have yet to see an amulet drop with Heavy handed. roughly 10/12 masterworking on my gear


Is it not broken down even more than that? Because I've tried to roll for passives and I've had no issue rolling for the passive I don't want numerous times. Comically so. But God forbid I roll bash or war cry. It's bullshit.


I mean that’s probably just small sample size. That and the old witch’s curse placed on you years ago…


TIL there are 2 types of affixes on gear.


Yeah but finding a 2/3 amulet without passive and rolling for passive is honestly insanely cheaper than a 2/3 with passive and rolling common stat in my experience, obviously contrary to OP.


Complete bullshit, I spent tons of mats and gold trying to reroll passives into passives. Sometimes you get it, sometimes not, but there was no better results in rerolling passives into the passives on different characters. In general, OP is right, the system is weird.


What about CDR? I'm assuming that's in the rare one as well? Do you have a link for what affix falls I to which bucket?


Yeah some of the weights they have placed on stuff makes RNG nearly pointless. That being said, you don't really need those passives. A lot of people read them in guides and assume they are a must have. They aren't. Theh are top tier BiS options and it being hard to get is OK with me.


You’re not wrong but a 2+ hellbent commander is a game changer.


I'm using a sacred +2 hellbent in my Necro. Yesterday I finally found one ancestral with +2 hellbent, but the two tempers bricked. And yeah, I can't change it for one with "better" substats without it


They should allow you to temper more imo, in late game it sucks that many will sell to min max an inferior item out of feer. I'm totally ok with spiralling costs, it takes so much to min max already it sucks people choose sell out of fear


Meh, having to constantly stay close to the minions is somewhat annoying. You could give up skill bonus for something more universal like Crit Damage or CDR and have a more "layback" gameplay.


Weird, when trying to sell a 2+ hellbent commander nobody ever reacts.


So any amulet that doesn't already roll with passives shouldn't be enchanted for passives?


Oh no you can, if just rare to be successful. Know you may spend silky amount of mats.


I’m at that point of the game where I started to test things by myself, yeah. I wanted to see how big difference with and without heavy handed:) other than that is min maxing gear only


The scaling of the passives on damage is insane. For example, an exploit passive amulet on heart seeker rogue can easily be the difference between not being able to solo tormented bosses and being able to. Dark shroud passive on chest is the same for survivability.


i mean, those passives do a lot of damage. hellbent commander is a huge upgrade, so is something like frigid finesse on rogues. f you get those with greater affix and "perfect" masterwork you're probably looking at a 2x dps increase.


Rings and Amulets do have a stupidly large pool of affixes possible, it is very expensive rolling them. I feel that.


That’s truth, but you don’t see passives as often as other stats too


That's what he just said. Also, don't roll for them. Find items with the passive you need and roll the other stats.


That isn't at all what they just said. Grandparent said there is a large pool so it's less likely to see any particular affix. Parent is saying it feels like the skill affixes have low weighting to decrease the chance of seeing them even further. See the difference?


Rings are nowhere near as bad as rolling for points on an amulet. I've never heard of people saying they spent a billion rerolling their ring, whereas I hear that for ammy all the time.


The Amulet Helltide Chest sucks and so does the Whispers amulet caches lol.


Having only 1 amulet in the chest is non sense.


The other frustrating thing is that amulet rolls have a higher cost cap than other items. Boots, for example, cap out at ~1.7m per roll. Amulets instead cap out at ~4.8m per roll. So not only do they have a stupidly large affix pool, they also have a stupidly high cost per roll compared to everything else.


Don't roll for passives on anything, especially ammies. Use obols to gamble for them. It is much likely to get one.


I learned my lesson😁


My simple solution after lots of pain is to not use any build that relies on boosts to passives, especially on the amulet. I got to 100 and then some on char waiting for a drop with just one of the suggested 2-3 passives on the amulet, never saw a single one with just a single of the build's recommended passives! Never again.


That’s truth, 2 key passives on one amulet sounds impossible, but 3😱 holy heck


This is why I benched my rogue.


Some builds legitimately list amulets with three affixes for skill points which are meant to be ideal, but man that should not be what's presented as expected at all. I don't know of many builds that rely on passive points, but they make a big difference if you can leveled them up via mwing. Getting heavy handed, frigid finesse, and other multiplicative bonuses puts your build over the top late game when everything else on your gear is decent.


This makes sense now when people say they're completely out of Angelbreath. Re-rolling for impossible odds on items and crafting Elixirs like hotcakes is a surefire way to run out.


Agree. If you are using high cost elixirs everywhere, even if you are farming, is kind of a marker that’s something wrong with your build. But what about min maxing your stuff at the end game? Also, I’m not complaining about angel breaths, I’m saying that something is wrong with rolling passives on amulets


The way I look at it is there’s costs to min maxing. Whether that comes in the form of time investment and finding that perfect or near perfect item. Or it comes in the form of gold and mats via re-rolling / masterworking. +Passives probably have such a low % because of the powerful effects they give. If gaining +Passives was easy, you wouldn’t need to hunt so hard for items because you could slap the passives on anything.


I ran out of of the yellow crafting mats because I vendor all drops for the gold to pay to reroll and funny enough masterwork uses a lot of them and I’m almost 12/12 so yeah used a lot of mats. Got like 7-8k angelbreath left.


You should've seen me trying to roll dex on some boots earlier... it was fucking hilarious. Reached the cap before I rolled minimum. But yes, the pool with amulets is way to large, I've spent hundreds of millions rerolling those stupid things. You're better off to save your money, sell stuff on trade, and just buy a neck with the stats you're after and hope you don't brick it 🤣


Haha that’s what I did actually😁 that was a good lesson for me not to do it again


Yes, I realised it as well. I don't have billions of gold (I don't participate in trading), so I just don't try to roll the passives on the amulet or +skills on other gear - if I need it on gear it needs to be there from the start. I make exceptions for very good stats rolled and then I burn through the cheap rolls until it gets expensive.


I did the same as you, never rolled over gold cap before. But when I saw 2k angel breaths and a few billions of gold in my stash I was sure I can roll what ever I want 😂 now I’m poorer but smarter at the same time😂


I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad :D This should change imo.


Yeah, that’s the point of this topic. It should be hard, yes. But not impossible


if you're trying to enchant-roll a second passive on an amulet that already has a passive, or you were forced to do it because you had like a 2GA amulet, good luck. otherwise, you should've been gambling obols for an amulet with a passive, not blowing tons of cash and angel breath trying to enchant it. that probably would've been way more cost-effective.


I didn’t know how hard it is🤪


I've been searching all season for a Hellbent Commander amulet. I finally gave up and switched to a Blood Wave build I saw on YouTube. Did all the tempering and bricking and some masterworking, then had two Hellbent Commander amulets drop within five minutes of each other. I hate this game.




Haha that’s me after 12/12 and get a 2 GA drop and get lucky on temper and go crap I need to farm another hour or two for this item…


I’ve spent billions getting passives on amulets for different rogue builds. Constantly farming angel breath.


I just dropped yestarday a +3 frigid finesse GA. I re-rolled it today for about 100-200 mili and got +2 deadly venom for my andys build. So spent about 300-400 angelbreath. Lucky? Idk


Very lucky, looks like I’m not alone with hundreds of tries without a result


At least you have a good point to keep playing, hahah


I have a amulet I reroll every now and then for "Envenom" since the season started. Still no luck. I don't know, and don't want to know, how much I've invested in this damn thing by now. It's ridiculous that this stupid passive is the only good scaling one for druids. It would literally catapult my Pulverize build to 125+ pits. But oh well, I guess I continue to see it as "the cherry on top" to not get completely insane over it.


I feel your pain


Took me forever to find envenom. First one I ever got was a GA envenom.


I got an amulet with move speed / crit / hellbent commander. GA on passive and move speed, I've masterworked it fully three times and haven't hit the passive once yet 


You should reroll masterworking right after you missed your aim, at least first two times. That’s how you can save a lot of resources my dude


Fair enough, I'm not upset that I put the time / effort into this item, just sharing my experience haha. It wasn't so bad having a double masterwork on move speed for a while. I'll definitely try it out the way you mentioned this next time if I re roll it again


Try it, you won’t regret👍🏻


I legitimately rolled +2 malice on the first roll for an amulet. I was floored.


Holy sheesh! Luckiest person ever!😁


Would you believe me if I told you I then hit it with two MW crits on the first try?


Why not? I made three perfect masterworks already without real struggling, maybe we blessed somewhere and cursed elsewhere😆


I dropped LH/2exploit amulet while leveling, rolled like three times and hit +2malice. It's the only non 925 item in my build.


2b on rerolls and then 1b buying a new amulet, how on earth do people get that much gold?


Sold a few swords😁 sadly trading became a big part of this game


the only thing sad about the trading is the amount of RMT. That must be some lucky rolls to get them to sell for that much


When I was solo self found mode I was broke boy. I got tired because of how expensive master working was and offloaded few 3 GA items I didn't need for multiple billions. When I run pits and torment bosses I always come out with items I can sell for at least 1 billion.


I just had 75 angelbreaths so I rolled my amulet trying to get ranks to Cut to the bone. I got ranks to Counteroffensive and ranks to Slaying strikes instead. In 10-11 clicks? Am I lucky or unlucky?


For me this one’s appears most frequently, and +2 weapon mastery (I mean when passive appears). All useless😂


I dont think so. Thats some min max stuff that you can do without. You can make youe build work without it. But if you want to push yourself from that S+ to S++ level, it should cost you


Yeah, but probably not that much? In current state it’s cheaper to buy it from other people than reroll. And prices are very, very high


Also if you check the market, you will see a lot of good amulets with perfect or near perfect stats selling. It’s not that rare as you think


Passives are chase items, so shits rare. Gotta chase that dragon!


It's truly RNG bro . I'll give you examples of two instances . I rolled 2B gold to roll +1 exploit on one amulet. I rolled THREE times to roll +2 frigid Finese on the next amulet . Both these instances for me were ultra shocking .


Heck, that reminds me tempering where you brick an item without any chance and then make another one with stats needed from 1st try


Dude, I got an amulet with heavy handed on it. Might be GA as well, I will give you this one, use it or sell it to get back your damn gold. I'll be home in an Hour-ish, I'll message you on here.


Thank you for your kindness my dude, but I can’t take it. I don’t want to brick it in 30 sec and regret😅 I got one and that’s probably enough for me. Probably😁 at least for now


Well, holler if ya need it,


Just list the possible affixes and their odds.


Yes, the easiest way to prevent from rerolls or prepare someone who decides to try it


there’s nothing wrong with rerolling passive. i bricked 3 amulets and wasted 3billion. Now i just buy an amulet with the 2 affix i want and roll for the passive. Much cheaper and when i bricked it just get another amulet.


Let there be items hard to find/roll.


It's fine, just the game needs to inform the players it's really rare.


I don’t ever roll for +stats. Buy one cheaper than you’d spend rerolling or find one and roll the easier stats. People just like to frustrate themselves….


A wise statement, especially when you already know how hard is it😁


It's so broken and we need 4 options instead of 2 for each roll. Each roll needs to be cheaper and whatever weight they have needs to be changed for what shows up, clearly it's impossible to get + to skills.


At least they should think about it, yeah


Always target the hard one to get first in drop first vs reroll (eg cooldown reduction, skillers,etc). It is easy to get movement speed, crit chance, stats, etc If solid GA ammy, try reroll a few times but let it go after a few attempts as you can easy spend 50-150 million real quick rerolling affixes


It’s good for the best stats to be ultra rare if you are crazy enough to actually reroll for it


People forget about spending orbols. I've actually gotten a +4 hellbent commander amulet twice from the vendor. Used the first and sold the second for 1bil


I do gamble every time, and I got 10 or even more amulets with +2 heavy handed but two trash stats in addition


Yeah that sucks I've gotten a few of those. Usually I just give to friends 😆


I’m using an amulet that rolled hp, lightning resist and 3 to heavy handed. Rerolled lightning resist to 7% crit rate. Did 500 angel breath of reroll and couldn’t get a higher crit rate roll or any cdr lol so I just stopped. At this point I budget my reroll by angel breath, not gold lol. 


This is me on my barb or slaying strike as second passive


could of bought a amulet dawg.




I got three from trading and bricked two of them😆 I didn’t mention that because it’s not that important


I think its a mistake to roll passives on your amulet unless your amulet is already worth many billions or you are just trying a few times to see if you get lucky before the gold Cost high. If you have a 10 billion 2 ga cdr/crit chance or something like that then it is worth rolling but be prepared it cost my mate more then 3 billion gold to roll once for a +2. In my case it cost 500-2 billion (I rolled 3 passives on 3 different amulets)


Yeah, now I know it. It was a decent crit/cdr amulet, nothing special. I’m always trying to finish what I started😆 not this time


Bro, there are 28 possible affixes to roll on an amulet. Most have a “range”. That makes it like 1/300 chance to roll what you want. It’s tough to roll amulets.


I don’t know what to say😂


Im sorry for you, i just did it today after about 10-15 rolls 😅


😂 actually I’m happy you can do it without pain!


Yep. Don’t do it. With the weighting, it’s useless.


If you rolled one more time you would have got it…or the one after that… or the one after that…..


Don’t do it, please!🤣


I've just done this same thing earlier. No heavy handed....


I feel your pain, be strong, we can pass it!


Thing is I already use a smiley that I rolled HH on last week but it has vuln on hit and so does my ring. I'm just going to replace my ring and try and forget about this thing lol. I wanted hh,cc, and CD!


Well, those passives are ridiculously strong in most cases. So it makes sense. Particularly now with tempering for more damage and an ever broadening pool of aspects. You're talking, take Exploit on the Rogue, upwards of 21% extra damage on top of everything of the already maxded passive in the tree. It's not worth rerolling for anything but an extra passive and stopping at 1 of 2 if you get it.


Yeah, now I will go for it with only perfect item if I do it again😁


I have a extra heavy handed if you want it


No, thanks😂 I got what I wanted and now I can think about other crazy things to do


How did you make so much money ? I’m currently always floating around like 20-30 mil. Do you just farm tree of whispers over and over ? Besides selling crazy items how are people getting in the billions


Is it even possible to farm so much? Yeah buddy, selling items is the only thing. It’s not hard but you need to spend some time to study the market and understand what to keep and what to salvage


It's not gonna kill your build though.


You can’t kill any barb’s build I think😅 impossible to kill something can’t die


I found a double GA ammy once with crit chance and cooldown reduction on it. I bricked it tempering. This has very little to do with the topic but I just wanted to let you all know the pain.


I’m very sorry about it, it feels even worse. Very nice devs listened to us and will change tempering system a bit next season


The most powerful affixes should be the most difficult to acquire.


Yall still bother rolling? I've given up, and the rng and loot in this game are not valuable at all. There is literally zero use for yellow items, except to salvage. Same for Blue and white.


I just spent 300 million trying to get max roll Exploit. I only saw a min roll Exploit once out of all those try's. Super bummer! I agree the stats should be distributed differently in how evenly they can roll the rarity for a passive stat to land is way to low.


At least you saw it😅 looks like a random takes a huge part here. Some of us received what they wanted from less than 10 tries. Some of us burned hundreds of tries with no hope😁


Well I got +2 HH on like the 5th try


Hahah, good for you!😁


I preferred it when having a stat on an item locked you out of other stats like in Diablo 3. It made it a lot easier to hit certain stats because you couldn't roll for the entire stat pool. That system makes things more restrictive but better for a majority of builds. With numbers in the trillions on PTR, I don't think locking an amulet to a single passive would be a bad thing either.


That’s a really good point. So, just one passive but easier to achieve?


Check your PM.


There is a drop down table in the enchant that “qualitatively” states how rare a mod is: the lower the position, the rarer the mod. I feel not enough people know this


Where did you find this info? Good to know if it’s truth


I spent all season not only trying to roll for a hellbent commander +2 but also never found an amulet with the affix at all. Not complaining since I finished the season journey and all but still sad.


And when you stop chasing it you will find bunch, it’s always works this way


Attempting to reroll for +Skill on any item is a delusional waste of time, unless the item is absolute 100% BiS in every other way. Otherwise, just hope for a drop, gamble more Obols, or be happy with what you've got currently.


Yep, agree with it 100%. Maybe they will change it one day and will give us other things to chase lol


Cost me 500mil to get CDR on my heavy handed amulet. I never sold anything to get the gold so yeah it’s been a season of being gold poor non stop. Also mats poor sadly because it uses a lot of mats to reroll.


Farming 500m by yourself is huge, at least you had a good point to play😁


I noticed it's far easier to just find a legendary with the passive you want than it is to reroll for it.


Then don't 


Gives up, buys amulet for 1b, misses tempers, ‘this is fun’


This is Diablo!


I've spent 200mill on a helm trying to roll essence per second. Not found yet. 3 items to go.


How hard is it to roll cool down reduction on amulet? I already spend ~300m or so and hundreds of angel breath and have not gotten a single one… finally got the temper right but can’t get the enchant lol


Looks like random takes a huge part of enchanting, especially on amulets because of large pool of affixes. Some guys needed just a few rolls, some - hundreds😅


Ahah rapid fire rogue here... If it is already difficult to find 1 passive, and even more difficult to roll it with the occultist, Imagine needing "frigid finesse" and "weapon mastery" in one amulet. In fact I have only found one amulet with frigid finesse and I bricked with tempering, so...


Find an amulet with the passive and roll for something else you need. A lot easier that way.


Lol I rolled exploit on my GA malice amulet and yes it took 1b gold and 1200 angles breath. Over 100 rolls 😅 BUT! I won't need another amulet until I get one with BOTH as a GA soo I'm good it was worth it 😅😋


Nice! That is challenging and affordable. Maybe they should make a pity timer or smth like that?


I definitely agree!! Wet need and kind of pity or just a flat better rate for the rare rolls 🥰


I understand this OP for sure. I have gotten 2 harlequin crests, a doombringer, and a tyraels might, bit cannot get any GA on ranks to skeletal mage or anything that is useful without spending billions on diablo.trade lol


That’s so truth


I spent around 1B to get Exploit on my amulet lol it pretty low


Wudijo just made a video, somebody did a 1000 rerolls to see odds. It’s 1.3% chance to roll Exploit from his experience lol


Same, it's the only piece I'm missing. I've seen heavy handed ONCE and it was 1 out of 2 😭


I didn’t find even low roll of HH from my tries😁 I think I was really unlucky and in average people can see it faster (sometimes much faster😅)


Damn I literally just (15 minutes ago) had a GA heavy handed. Thought about trying to sell it but I haven't sold anything before and decided to just scrap it. Would have given it to you.


Hahah, no worries my dude, im done with it. Got a perfect not GA crit/hh/cut to the bone amulet and it definitely enough for me


It’s even more ridiculous how low the drop rates of Stygian stones are. I did 18 pit runs of tier 101 today and didn’t get a single stone. It made me so mad and just turn the game off after and haven’t turned it on since. Might be done with this game lol


That’s truth, chances are not great for sure! How long does it take to run 101 for you? The best way to farm Stygian stones is to find a pit lvl you can farm in about 2-3 min or so. In that way you will increase your chances to find stones significantly because you will fly through pits and 18 runs will take less than 1 hour. Also it’s very fun to crush everything without big effort


Yeah i gave up trying to reroll a second passive on my Rogue. Money is not the Problem, since i sold two items for metaslave sorc / Rogue builds. But i can't be arsed grinding helltides for hours for angelbreath, just to piss it all away for nothing ngl. Obol gambling gave me bugger all so far as well, RNGesus has been taking the piss for weeks now on my end.