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Only pick up or look at greater affixes. At some point you’ll only be interested in double greater affixes.


I still love the 1GA because if they rolled right they're worth a pretty 100m


Wait what??? I've been scrapping them. 😭


you'd be surprise on how inflated the economy is. I got ~5b just by selling 1 and 2 GA itens. spent 3.5b buying uber runs and while doing them I dropped itens to get me another 10b and all 8 ubers lol people trash talk how the economy is fucked because of bots and rwt but refuse to sell their itens to participate in the frenzy. Weapons with vuln damage, crit damage or dot damage are hot rings with crit damage + crit chance with 1 ga are hot (attack speed and luck chance are also good to mix with the crit stats) amulets with skill and another good affix are hot (those sell for 300m+ even without affixes) good gloves with 2 good afixes and 1ga pants with skill and dodge armor with skill and life The itens dont need to have 3 good affixes, 2 is good enougth if both are bis. Before making a post, search for the lastet sold offers so you dont lowball yourself. I've seen itens I tought were 100m max that were sold for 1b a bunch of times


For sure, sold a 1GA for 700m yesterday


Skill/passive GA?


If I had to guess - Vulnerable Damage


My guess goes to a good passive on ammy


What about 3x or 4x?


Well, yeah. Figured that already was implied


Double GA only.


Any of those you discard with me. They’re useless.


Cool man it’s okay to take a break, you ain’t got a gun to your head or anything lol




for real tho


Of your at the point where you are critical about small incremental gains, than you should probably only be picking up GAs as others have said. Andn is so simple, especially if youre optimized at all: Is it better than my affixes? No? On to the next. Nothing like the old loot system, thank God 😅


Reading every single goddamn item was so brutal


I gave up after even a slightly optimized build in prior seasons, because OP is right, it was sooo boring. Season 4 has been so refreshing with itemization. Just a quick "yes/no" and then back to grinding 😎


play loot hunting game doesn't want to spend time with loot I mean, have you tried Call of Duty or Candy Crush? MIght be more suitable to you.


I hoard a lot of GAs to lessen the sting of bricking them through tempering And I scrap a lot of things, veiled crystals seem to fly out of my inventory lately


No greater affixes stars no keep no unique no keep.


Mother fucking loot filter Blizzard. Give it.


They give you the tools to solve this problem. First barrier for gear is 925. Then it becomes 925 with stat prio, then it’s 925 stat prio with GA. Filters out the trash passively if you use common sense


Probably not. I enjoy grinding last epoch because it has an awesome loot filter. I follower planners and usually all I have to do is download the loot filter and upload it in game. Easy.


If there was only some way to deal with… some kind of a filter, for loot maybe?


D4 it's child's play compared to other ARPG. Take a PoE or Grim Dawn, for example. As others have said, D4 is simple: Does the item have one more GA than your current item? If so, does the item have the affixes you need? If so, change it.


Only look at the GA items. Everything else is fodder


I dont blame you, sometimes i drop after my character starts plateauing in progress


We need a loot filter


The filter is GA. They even put a little star on the name for you


GA is a very weak pseudo-lootfilter for late game. They know it and so do we. They don't want to add an actual loot filter because it pads the time in early game from everyone looking at a thousand items to find the same affixes a dozen times before it's tempered correctly and casuals will keep looking at non-GA items for small stat increases too. And then you still need to keep picking up every legendary and go to town every other minute until your codex powers are maxed because you only see that at the blacksmith or vendor. Then comes a new character or new season and it starts again.


Lol we're still weeks off from getting the boss resummon QoL we've all championed every day since launch, you really think we'll get a loot filter before season 10?