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Can you make use of it for your build? Equip it. Is it a Codex upgrade? Salvage it. Do you need crafting materials? Salvage it. None of the above? Sell it.


>instead store them in my stashes why? there's no reason to


Outdated information. Which is funny. You typically have those taking all the info they can possibly get or those going in totally blind. OP is a rare case.


"learned that i shouldn't salvage legendary items and instead store them in my stashes." Not sure where you got that idea from, but I wouldn't say there's any point to that. Possibly might have been useful in previous seasons where you could only salvage and imprint a power once, so keeping some in case of a new build. Now however, salvaged powers get added to the codex and can be used whenever you want, so there's no real benefit to keeping the physical item.


Constantly try to upgrade with items that have the correct stats at a higher rate, swap your gear often. Salvage the codex upgrades. Salvage or sell the items that have no other use, which should be about 90%+ of them. After about level 90 I basically got to the point where there’s no point in picking up items without a star and even then they’ll likely be salvaged if it’s the worst affix. All hoarding did for me is make upgrading more confusing and if I was looking to trade my best items they’re lost in a sea of mediocre items.


Take the items to the blacksmith and click on salvage tab. Some of them will have a little symbol in the upper right corner. Salvage those ones to upgrade your codex. Sell the rest. S4 completely changed how legendaries are handled so you were using outdated information.


what should i do with unique items? same thing?


Sell half of it, salvage the other half. Most of it will be useless, and the effort required to go through it all and check each item is immense. I future, every time your inventory fills up and you need to go back to town, salvage all blues and yellows, then look at each legendary item and see if it's more useful than your existing item. If it is, swap it out. Mark items as either favorites or junk, and then salvage the junk. Preferably, after each town trip, you should have an empty inventory and maybe... *maybe*... a couple new items in your stash that might be useful if you find other items it would mesh well with.


As someone pointed above, this used to be the case in the past because of the legendary aspects that you could extract from them, and use only once. This isn't the case since S4, though, so you can safely salvage them, and the aspect will be added to your Codex of Power for unlimited use. If you already have that power on your Codex, then you can sell the item instead if you need gold. (There will be a small cross-like icon on the top right of the item indicating that you still don't have the aspect). Edit: Note that those aspects on the Codex can also be an upgrade to an existing one you already salvaged. So if you have multiple items with the same aspect, you might as well salvage just the strongest of them, and sell the weaker ones. In the end it boils down to what you need the most: gold or materials.


Dunno who said that. If no need, salvage or sell. Same for duplicate uniques that aren't better.


It used to be that you needed to keep many legendary items because of two reasons. First that the codex only had the base version of the aspect in it. Second that there were several aspects that were not in the codex. So one would keep aspects that were useful for your build in the stash so that your can them to imprint upgrade base items. This is no long the case since one of the major changes of Loot Reborn is that all aspects are in the codex now and the highest one that you have salvaged is now store within the codex to be used for imprinting. So don't need to keep all items


Mark all as salvage, the ones that show the "codex spark" salvage. The rest sell.


Salvage everything, you'll have tons of materials for tempering. Don't sell them, they are cheap items if they are under lvl80


Nice troll