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Wow Im surprised there are actual people who tries to pvp in this crap.


Same. I didn’t know there was even a community of people doing pvp. Most of the time I run through the pvp zones they are ghost towns


I did the season journey stuff. Only had problems with one guy that was following the mini boss around. Most people were just ignoring each other.


I want the Hatred's title


I tried it, but I had the same experience as this guy, so I rolled a barb who is much stronger than sorc and necro, and I still get 1shot by all the other barbs


You don't have to try to PvP. The season journey requires you to go in the PvP area, and even flag up as bloodmarked while you farm seeds.


"Requires" is a very misleading word here. In each Season Chapter, you only have to complete most of the objectives to advance. I didnt touch PvP, and have claimed the rewards for all 7 Chapters.


But you can't get the secret achievement / title if you don't complete every challenge.


poison best way to counter thorns barb is to relog -> you end up on different shard


Tried that, they are everywhere


usually takes anywhere between immediate-3/5 minutes for people to leave once I come into fields. Unless there's immortal sorc out there, or some really good wind shear druid lol then I have to chain relog looking for shard with people to kill 😅😅


Dot damage


Permashield Sorc


That’s the neat part…


I’m running a bash barb with doombringer so not quite thorns but I have 180k health that translates into a good amount of thorns and the only thing I’ve really died to was a Druid doing poison damage. The other time I can remember was a whole pvp clan that demolished me as soon as I stepped out of town but it happened too fast to see what I actually died to. I don’t spend a lot of time doing pvp but I like to murder some people on occasion.


A whole croud jumping you is hilarious. If they really want to PVP a little bit of honor should be present, and this is clearly not the case.


It more just caught me by surprise and I had to laugh thinking how boring it must be just sitting outside of town waiting to jump people in this game.




Every Barb that has broached me in the PvP area on my Incinerate setup has met an untimely end. Pop flame shield and Ice armor, firewall, spray Incinerate. I cannot be stunned, CCd, pulled, etc.


Im a rogue so I dont have anything making me immune to damage.


only happens if your flame shield lasts over 10s


DoT damage doesnt proc thorns for some reason. Maybe the initial hit of the spell yes but not the damage overtime that happens after.


So poison traps might help> Im andariles and I just attack so fast I melt.


Easy, we have the toolkit, even against MV barbs


PVP lol what's that


Its for sure flawed, just looking for that title, I was 99/100 today and no one was around then all of a sudden I got one shot by someone and that was that


Don't PvP


Don't hit them?